Thursday, 30 September 2010


The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust has opened its next round of grant giving, targeting local community groups, villages and towns in Wales.

Any constituted community group can apply for funding of up to £2,500 to support programmes that improve the lives of people living and working in Wales.

Project activities must fall into at least one of the categories of:

  • Sport,

  • the Arts,

  • the Environment

  • the Community

Applicants are asked to bid for the funding via an application form and process. The deadline for this round is Wednesday 22nd December, with decisions made in March 2011. For further information please contact the Trust Office on 029 2049 4963 or access the application details via the web link below.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


PAVO's Development Team will be on the road again later this month, visiting:
  • Brecon on Tuesday 19th October 2010 from 10.30am
  • Llanidloes on Thursday 14th October 2010 from 10.30am.

We can offer support and guidance around issues affecting your group for example trustee and governance, policies and safeguarding issues. We can also undertake a funding health check for your group.

Our accredited funding advisors can provide tailored support for your group’s needs including funding searches, and an application checking service, all free of charge to you!

Appointments must be booked beforehand for all surgeries, so please ring the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 0093288, to book your place now!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010



Grant Money available for capital projectsbetween £500 to £5000.

Deadline for applications the dead line has been extended to the end of this week Friday 1st Oct

The work should benefit young people (11- 25 year olds) in the community.

The grant can be used for:

· Building works such as improvements / alterations

· Substantial equipment (over £500)

Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate how they encourage active participation of young people, widen their skills range and give enhanced competence.

All funded projects will be required to:

· Have a governing document

· Have a bank account

· Demonstrate the ability to manage a grant

· Demonstrate how the project is sustainable.

Assistance is also available from PAVO Development Officers, for general guidance and support:

Andrew Davies– Tel: 01686 626220

Please return your completed proposal form to:

Yvonne Hardcastle



South Crescent

Llandrindod Wells




Please mark the envelope - ‘Capital Youth Grant Scheme’

Please visit for an application forms

Monday, 27 September 2010

Gwirvol Youth Led Grant Scheme - Money Available

There is still a small amount of money left in the Gwirvol Youth Led Grant Scheme.

Grants of up to £300 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 16-25 to help their communities. Previous successful applications secured funds to:

  • create a community garden,
  • hold a fund-raising event to raise money for a village hall,
  • open up a footpath for local people and making it accessible for people with mobility disabilities,
  • run a peer-led first aid course,
  • train young volunteers.

The applications have to be written by young people
. A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications. The deadline for completed applications is 29th October 2010 and the grant has to be used by the end of March 2011.

For a copy of the application pack please contact the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or email

Thursday, 23 September 2010


The deadline for applications for the next round of the Youth Bank Fund has been moved to 8th October to allow organisations time to consult with Young People to get the bids done. The fund is the replacement to the £250 that groups previously got from the youth registration scheme.

The Youth Bank provides a greater opportunity for Youth Service Providers to deliver effective non-formal and informal learning through better access to facilities and resources. Voluntary groups can therefore use this money to help with insurance or rent for their buildings. Where equipment is linked to curriculum development this will help to improve the engagement of young people and in turn help to increase membership and attendance by young people.

Each club/project will be eligible to apply once a year and can be awarded money to spend either on Capital equipment or Revenue resources. In each round there are three areas (mid, north and south) and in each area there is one grant of up to £500 and eight grants of up to £250. Applications must:

  • Have evidence of curriculum development linked to the Youth Work Curriculum Statement for Wales: Educative/empowering /expressive/participative and Powys and Learning Areas
  • Be completed by the young people and presented to the youth bank committee
  • Have a minimum of 8 young people involved with the project
  • Be registered with PAVO or PCC Youth Services to be eligible for funding to fulfil Health and Safety criteria

If you have queries about the scheme or would like support from PAVO to complete an application please contact Andrew Davies 01686 626220 or andrew.davies(at)

Completed applications should be sent to: Rebecca Jayne (Area Youth Worker), St Johns Offices, Fiveways, Llandrindod wells, Powys LD1 5LG or 0777567889 or rebecca.jayne(at)

Westenders Amateur Dramatic Society

The Westenders Amateur Dramatic Society were successful in their bid to the Community Renewal Scheme (now closed), for a grant to renovate the hall to its former glory. Last Friday saw the re-opening of the hall, and it was clear to see how much the hall meant to those involved, as tears of happiness were shed.

Watch the video to see how they found the application process.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Take advantage of the Broadband Support Scheme

The Broadband Support Scheme is open to
- Individual Households
- Communities
- Small & Medium Sized Enterprises
- Third Sector Organisations

You have to be in a 'not spot'.

Applicants can apply for funding for the installation and associated equipment costs to set up a broadband solution to a maximum of £1000 subject to meeting the eligibility criteria. Funding is not available for any monthly service charges.

For further information contact Karen Morgan on 02920368043 or visit

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

How to tender

Trainer: WCVA staff § Duration 2 days § Format Training course

Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 October Cardiff

Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 November Aberystwyth

Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 February 2011 Rhyl

Aims: To provide participants with an insight into the world of tendering and the tools and techniques to develop successful tenders

Who is this course for? The course is intended for third sector staff and/or trustees with a responsibility for strategic direction and financial management. It is suitable for those new to tendering, or for those wishing to gain a further insight and skill into preparing winning tenders

Fees Free ** A - £150 B - £200 C - £300

** 3-SET training courses are free to attend for staff and volunteers of third sector organisations that can demonstrate they are involved in the development and/or delivery of European funded projects in Wales

Price bands A – WCVA members B - voluntary and community organisations C - Others

(All prices are excluding VAT)

Contact for more information

Effective delivery of European projects within the third sector

Effective delivery of European projects within the third sector

17 November 2010

Cefn Lea, Dolfor, Newtown, Powys

SY16 4AJ

WCVA’s Third Sector Spatial European Team (3-SET) will be hosting an event to bring together third sector deliverers of European funded activity from across Wales to enhance collaboration and provide practical expert led workshops. Please see attached diary marker for further details.

There are 75 spaces available for this event and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.To register an interest in attending the event, please send your contact details to Further details will be sent in advance of the event.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Llandyssil Old School Hall

Llandyssil Old School Hall has recently finished being renovated, following the successful search for funding. Watch the video to find out more.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


This week (13th - 19th September 2010) is Remember a Charity week.
Remember A Charity was set up in 2000 to encourage more people to consider leaving a gift to charities in their will, after looking after family and friends.

Without income from legacies many charities in the UK would struggle to survive. And with only 7% of the UK population leaving a gift in their will, there is huge potential to increase this form of income.

For more information go to: http: //

GWIRVOL - Opportunities and Grants Programme now open

GwirVol is a uniquely Welsh, diverse partnership between the private, public and voluntary sectors, designed to promote, support and drive forward youth volunteering initiatives.

As well as providing advisory assistance and signposting services, the partnership will deliver grants, through local grant panels of young people, to encourage youth volunteering projects in their local area.

The scheme provides 'Opportunities' project funding of up to £10,000 for activities that will deliver a wide range of new and innovative volunteering experiences for those aged 16-25. It also offers 'Promotion' project funding of up to £5,000 to encourage volunteering, through promotional events, websites, exhibitions, or visits.

Organisations from the voluntary, public and private sectors located in Wales may apply for advisory and financial support through the scheme.

The second bidding round for 2010, for both the 'Opportunities' and 'Promotion' grants, has opened to applications with a deadline of 24 November 2010.


GwirVol is a Welsh partnership designed to promote, support and drive forward youth volunteering.

The 2010/11 round of GwirVol's International Youth Volunteering Grant Scheme is now open to applications. The scheme aims to support opportunities for young people aged between 16 and 25 in disadvantaged and minority communities in Wales to volunteer internationally.

Grants of up to £30,000 are available to fund a structured programme of activities. The GwirVol Partnership will support up to 80% of the total project costs.

Funded activities might include the following:

  • Volunteer recruitment, eg promotional events, taster sessions and publicity.
  • Volunteer development and preparation, eg training, team-building, mentoring and awareness raising.
  • Volunteer participation - eg travel and subsistence, support to host communities and equipment.
  • Sharing learning outcomes, eg presentation events, digital reports, website information and evaluation.

The scheme is open to non-profit distributing third sector organisations in Wales.

The closing date for applications is 24 November 2010.


Comic Relief's Older People's Programme aims to support older people in the UK to bring positive change to their communities, enabling them to contribute their time, energy and skills to those individuals who need it most.

Expressions of Interest are invited from community groups and organisations that are targeting their work at older people aged 65 and over.

Comic Relief is looking to fund projects where older people are:

  • acting as mentors to vulnerable young people;
  • giving support to their peers who may be isolated;
  • acting as advocates around the needs and rights of those with caring duties; and
  • running social enterprises.

Comic Relief particularly welcomes applications which address the needs of those in the community who experience the greatest levels of isolation and exclusion.

Grants of between £15,000 and £40,000 are available for up to three years and applicants must be able to demonstrate the active engagement of older people in the development and delivery of the work.

The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 17 December 2010.



The Small Grants Scheme is one of the ways that the PEP encourages environmental projects within Powys. Any project must contribute to the key environmental priorities of the Community Strategy.

The maximum grant available is £750, which can contribute to 50% of the project costs. The remaining 50% must be match funded by the group.

The final round this year opens on September 1st, and applications must be received by 8th October 2010.

For more information or application forms please contact James Williams, Powys County Council on 01597 826130 or e-mail