Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas is coming.........

Christmas is traditionally a time of caring and sharing.  Have you been to any novel fundraising events?  How does your group raise money this time of year?

Share your ideas, we'd love to hear from you.

Powys Family and Behaviour Support Service - Notice of Tender

Powys County Council wishes to engage with a suitably qualified and competent provider to deliver a Family and Behaviour support service across the County of Powys. It is anticipated that the service will begin 1st April 2013.

Go to:

Friday, 7 December 2012

Tender Opportunity - Builth Wells Integrated Health and Social Care Centre

PCC Powys County Council and PtHB Powys teaching Health Board are holding a
Provider Forum to inform the market of their Commissioning Intentions with regards to the
new Brynhyfryd Integrated Health and Social Care Centre in Builth Wells.
The new Brynhyfryd extension (currently at an advanced stage of construction) is designed to deliver an integrated, outcome focussed, reabling short term model of care.
The purpose of the Forum is to inform potential providers of the service model and scope of the intended service. Attendees will be given the opportunity to view plans of the site, and to ask questions regarding the requirements of the service which will tendered early in 2013.
The forum will be held at 14.00pm until 17.00pm on Thursday 13th December 2012 at the Media Resource Centre, Oxford Rad, Llandrindod Wells.
More information can b found on the sell2wales website at: 


The Charity Commission will start considering online applications for registration as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) from next Monday. The independent regulator has confirmed that applications for the new structure will be accepted from 12 noon on Monday 10 December 2012.
The CIO is a new legal form designed specifically for charities. The structure provides charities with some of the benefits of being a company, without all of the associated burdens. CIOs will be incorporated charities able to enter into contracts in their own right, whose trustees will have limited or no liability. CIOs will therefore only need to register with the Commission, not with Companies House.
No CIOs will be able to join the Register of Charities until 3rd January 2013, as the relevant Regulations do not come into force until 28 days after they are made. However, the Commission has confirmed that it will begin accepting and considering certain types of online CIO applications in advance of that date.
A timetable, setting out which types of applications will be given priority, is published on the Commission's website. This staggered approach, which was agreed by ministers, is designed to help the regulator manage demand for the new structure, despite its limited resources.
Applications for brand new charities with incomes of over £5,000 will be able to apply for registration from 10 December 2012. The subsequent stages are set out below:
  • From late March 2013 - window opens for existing unincorporated charities (to set up a CIO and transfer assets into it) with incomes of over £250,000
  • From May 2013 - window opens for existing unincorporated charities with incomes between £100,000 and £250,000
  • From July 2013 - window opens for existing unincorporated charities with incomes between £25,000 and £100,000
  • From October 2013 - window opens for existing unincorporated charities with incomes between £5,000 and £25,000
  • From January 2014 - window opens for existing unincorporated charities with incomes less than £5,000 and for brand new charities with anticipated annual incomes of less than £5,000
The Commission has stressed that the timetable is indicative and may be updated according to demand. People considering registering a CIO are advised to check the Commission's website for any updates.
The regulator is also reminding those considering setting up a new charity that the CIO structure will not be suitable for all. The Commission says CIOs will be most beneficial for small to medium sized charities which employ staff or enter into contracts. While running a CIO should be simpler than establishing a charitable company, it will not be as straightforward as running an unincorporated association or trust.
The Commission is urging those thinking about applying to register a CIO to consider carefully information available on the Commission's website before starting their online application.

(Source: Charity Commission)

WCVA Loan Fund

Unity Trust Bank in partnership with WCVA (Wales Council for Voluntary Action) has launched a loan fund for charitable organisations in Wales to support building infrastructure projects.
The WCVA Loan Fund aims to make it easier for charitable organisations in Wales to work together on building infrastructure projects to cut costs and share resources. It is hoped that the fund will stimulate the creation of syndicates of charitable organisations working together in communal business centres.
There is a total of £30 million in the loan fund which will be released over five years at £6 million annually. Loans will range from £250,000 to £5 million.
Rates are negotiable on a case-by-case basis, but typically will be Base Rate plus 2.25% with a minimum rate of 4%. Fixed rates are available for up to five years.
Applicants are advised that a 1.5% arrangement fee will be payable on acceptance of any loan offer.
Loan offers will generally be made up to the value of 75% of the property, but greater loan-to-values (LTVs) will be considered where there is sufficient security.
Repayment periods of up to 30 years are available.
Charities and voluntary organisations may apply as long as they are WCVA members.
(Source: Grant Finder)

Friday, 30 November 2012

Awards for All Lottery Success for Powys Groups

5 groups from across Powys have been awarded £17654 between them through the Big Lottery Awards for All scheme.  Congratulations to them all.

Gareth Williams, Awards for All Programme Manager for BIG in Wales, said: “Awards for All is having a positive impact throughout Wales. Money is helping to establish groups, societies and clubs, promoting learning, increasing volunteering opportunities and helping to build stronger communities.”
Available in English and Welsh, application forms are available to download from or by phone on 0845 4 10 20 30.
Have you been ever applied to Awards for All?  Were you successful?  We'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


(Source:  WCVA)


Can Do Ideas into Reality is once again open. Up to £2000 per group is available for projects supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.  Groups will also be expected to find match funding of 33%.  Funding must be spent by 1st March 2013 – please bear this in mind when thinking about applying to the fund
Groups applying will go through a health check with a Development Officer, after which application documents will be given.
The deadline for applications to the scheme is: FRIDAY 11TH JANUARY 2013. 
Don’t delay, call today on 0845 0093288 or e-mail:
Examples of projects supported so far include: play equipment, café equipment, flooring, garden projects, and projects to help comply with Disability Discrimination Act legislation 

Fundraising Events

This is an interesting article about organisation an event for fundraising.

Have you got experience of organising a fundraising event such as a promise auction or a gala dinner??
Have you got any tips you'd like to share?  We'd love to hear from you.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Small charities lead the way when it comes to online donations

Interesting article about online donations - does your organisation use this method?

(Source: Guardian Voluntary Sector Network)

Healthy Hearts Grants

HRUK and SUBWAY® Healthy Heart Grants of up to £10,000 are available for new, original and innovative projects that actively promote Heart Health and help to prevent, or reduce, the risk of heart disease in specific groups or communities. 

Closing date for application in Wales is 30th November 2012.

For more details go to:

(source j4b community)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Heritage Lottery News

As part of a new strategic framework, Heritage Lottery Fund has recently launched revised guidance and applications materials for key programmes:  Heritage Grants, Parks for People and Skills for the Future.

Please follow the links below to the new programme information:-

Please note that they welcome the opportunity to provide advice on project proposals prior to a full application.  Project enquiry forms can be submitted through the relevant programme page, via the website. 

Further information on changes to all other programmes will be made available over the next few months and a series of briefing sessions inWales will be held in the Spring. 

 (Source: Heritage Lottery Fund)


If you have a project or short term piece of work which you would like completed if only you had the time or the available skilled resource, the Explore Internship Programme may be able to help you.

The WCVA Explore Internship Programme works with organisations to offer short term structured placements to volunteers with specialist knowledge or skills such as  Marketing, Media, Design,  IT, Sales, Business planning. Interns can be of all ages and come from all walks of life, the only criteria being they have the requested knowledge or skills. They may be seeking a career change and would like to test their skills in an alternative environment or just want to gain some valuable work experience.  At the moment the majority of our Interns are graduates and under graduates.
The feedback from Internships so far has been positive, highlighting the benefits as ‘Innovative ideas, new insights, hard working, reliable, competent  and enthusiastic interns’  The legacy of the intern is not only  the project they  deliver, but also the skills and knowledge they pass onto your permanent staff and other volunteers.

The possibilities are endless, driven by whatever is sitting on your ‘wish list’ and the creativity of your organisation. 

The placements are generally 1-3 days per week for 2-3 months, intended to run alongside job seeking or studies and provide something relevant which will complement existing knowledge and skills on the CV. The only direct cost to your organisation is the cost of travel expenses
If you would like to know more please contact Catherine Stephens-Ward, Internship Programme Co-ordinator. 02920 436594

(Source: WCVA)

Powys Environmental Partnership - Small Grant Scheme

The Small Grant Scheme is available for any innovative scheme within Powys that will benefit the environment and communities of Powys and contribute to the environmental priorities of the One Powys Plan.  The grant will not fund advertising and dire f marketing costs or work that should have been part of regular maintenance.

The maximum size of grants is £750.  All grants must be matched pound for  pound either through the group's own funds or by unpaid volunteer time and the project, must be completed by 31st March 2013.

Contact: Heather Delonnette at  or phone 01597 826165.

(Source: Funds 4 U!)

Wales4Africa Health Links Grant Scheme

The Welsh Government has launched a new round of the Wales4Africa Health Links Grant Scheme. The scheme supports projects that make links with healthcare systems and medical education and training in sub-Saharan Africa.
The scheme forms part of Wales's contribution, as stated in the One Wales document, to contribute to delivery of the UN Millennium Development Goals to halve global poverty by 2015.
As well as benefitting African countries, this grant scheme also benefits Wales through supporting the professional development of NHS and other healthcare sector workers in Wales, giving them unique and challenging opportunities to develop their skills and experience.  
Applications for funding should be between £2,000 and £15,000, but all funding applications will be considered. Projects must be primarily non-capital (ie not building work or equipment).
The work is spread across some of the poorest countries in the world; including Ethiopia, Mali, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Liberia, Chad and Gambia, and currently-funded projects include areas of paediatric, antenatal, emergency, obstetric, neonatal and anaesthetic medicine.
Any organisation in the healthcare field in Wales, public or voluntary, can apply to access the grants if they have a project that they feel can contribute to the Millennium Development Goals and provide benefits to Wales, such as the skill development of Welsh health professionals.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 23 January 2013.
(Source: Grant finder) 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Powys Youth Service Youth Bank Grant

How Much?
• £250 per club
What for?
• Educational Activities
What do we have to do?
• Register with the Youth Registration Scheme (Contact to
• Young people have to put in the application
• Attend a “dragons den” interview to explain your project
 Deadline - MONDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2012

For more info contactPAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or

Powys Small Health Grants Scheme 2012/13

Third Round – Deadline: 31 October 2012
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to voluntary and community groups to support and empower individuals in Powys to live more independent lives through gaining skills, knowledge and confidence and by building relationships with others.

What can the grant be used for?
This grant is available to support:
·         people whose independence is compromised by chronic illness, disability or by a recent stay in hospital. The grant should be used to provide
·         bespoke, personalised support with exploring and participating in activities and groups which the participant enjoys or values.
How much can we apply for? What costs are eligible?
Groups may apply for a maximum of £1,000. Both capital and revenue costs are eligible. Grants may be used to set up a new project or develop existing projects but applicants must be able to clearly demonstrate that the type or scale of activity to be funded under the Small Health Grants Scheme is new. The Small Health Grants Scheme cannot be used to support core activities.
How do we apply? What is the timeframe for applications?
Groups wishing to apply will have to go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer and submit their completed application form by 31 October 2012. Your Development Officer will support you through the application process.
Applications without a funding health check will not be considered.
To organise your funding health check and access support with your application, contact the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or

Carers Trust Grants Available

£2,500 Small Grants Available!

After a successful first round, Carers Trust are delighted to announce the launch of the second round of their small grants programme, Young Carers Can... Grants of up to £2,500 will be awarded to provide fun, social and structured activities that will tackle social exclusion and improve the self-esteem of young carers. Applications are sought from Third Sector/not for profit organisations that wish to provide support activities for young carers across the UK.

Please find further information and application details at:

Santander Foundation - New Fund

Santander Foundation
The Santander Foundation has launched a new £1.23 million fund.
Grants of up to £5,000 are available to help with specific costs, such as the cost of salaries, equipment or materials, for projects that directly benefit disadvantaged people within the UK.
The scheme is open to small local UK registered charities. National charities can also apply for local projects.
Nomination forms may be submitted at any time.

Don't Delay - Call Today for Can Do


Can Do Ideas into Reality is once again open. Up to £2000 per group is available for projects supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.  Groups will also be expected to find match funding of 33%.  Funding must be spent by 1st March 2013
Groups applying will go through a health check with a Development Officer, after which application documents will be given.

The FINAL deadline for the scheme is: FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2012. 

Don’t delay, call today on 0845 0093288 or e-mail:

Examples of projects supported so far include: play equipment, café equipment, flooring, garden projects, and projects to help comply with Disability Discrimination Act legislation 

Monday, 8 October 2012


Can Do Ideas into Reality is once again open. Up to £2000 per group is available for projects supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.  For example, a grant could be used for sports equipment to encourage healthy lifestyles, or display boards for a community building.  Groups will also be expected to find match funding of 33%.  Funding must be spent by 1st March 2013
Groups applying will go through a health check with a Development Officer, after which application documents will be given.
The FINAL deadline for the scheme is: FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2012. 
Don’t delay, call today on 0845 0093288 or e-mail:

Interested in applying to the Can Do Scheme?  
Come along and have a Can Do appointment on:
Monday 15th October, PAVO Offices, Newtown or Llandrindod Wells

To book contact PAVO:  0845 0093288

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Children in Need is making changes to the way it delivers grants in WalesThe last deadline for this year is the 15th October 2012, and this will be your last opportunity to access funding in this way.
Small grants of up to £10,000 are still available for up to three years, whilst the main grants scheme will still fund projects of over £10,000 for three years.  
Or phone:  029 2032 2383

The Prince's Countryside Fund

The Prince's Countryside Fund was established to help rural areas in the United Kingdom to become more sustainable. The focus areas for the Fund are:
  • Projects to improve the sustainability of British farming in areas of deprivation.
  • Projects to improve the sustainability of rural communities.
  • Projects to reconnect people with the countryside.
The total amount of funding available in each round is approximately £250,000. The maximum level of funding for individual projects will be £50,000. The Fund can pay for a portion or the entirety of the costs of a project and applications for capital, project and resource funding will be considered.
Applications will be accepted from organisations that can demonstrate the support of the community which will benefit from the project and show evidence of consulting the community.
The next deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 19 October 2012.

How offering personalised giving can increase donations for your charity

An interesting article about harnessing local support and donations for a project:

Calling All Sports Groups!

Sport Wales Grant Schemes
Below are three links which will direct you to the Sport Wales website; The links show the types of funding streams we currently have – including our new Calls for Action scheme - and how to apply.  Go to:

Regulations for the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme

Draft regulations under the Small Charitable Donations Bill setting out the
general administrative framework for the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme,
due to be introduced from 6th April 2013, have been published for
consultation. Comments to HM Revenue and Customs by 5th December, (Draft guidance is due

later in 2012.)


Can Do Ideas into Reality is once again open. Up to £2000 per group is available for projects supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.  For example, a grant could be used for sports equipment to encourage healthy lifestyles, or display boards for a community building.  Groups will also be expected to find match funding of 33%.  Funding must be spent by 1st March 2013
Groups applying will go through a health check with a Development Officer, after which application documents will be given.
The FINAL deadline for the scheme is: FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2012. 
Don’t delay, call today on 0845 0093288 or e-mail:

Interested in applying to the Can Do Scheme?  Come along and have a Can Do appointment on:

Appointments must be booked in advance.  We look forward to seeing you.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Powys Small Health Grant Scheme - deadline approaching!!

The second round of applications for the Powys Small Health Grant Scheme 2012-13 closes on Friday 21st September.
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to voluntary and community groups to support and empower individuals in Powys whose independence is compromised by chronic illness, disability or by a recent stay in hospital. Projects should work WITH these individuals, not simply provide services to or for them.
Groups wishing to apply will have to go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer and submit their completed application form by Friday 21 September 2012.

Your Development Officer will support you through the application process.
 Applications without a funding health check will not be considered.  
Please allow time to complete the funding health check.  To organise your funding health check and access support with your application, contact the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or  More information is available at

Friday, 14 September 2012

Third Sector Awards Cymru

The Third Sector Awards Cymru, supported by Class Telecommunications, celebrate the inspiring work of voluntary organisations from all over Wales.
This year the number of categories has risen from four to six – the Class award for best communications; the Green award; the Health, social care and wellbeing award; the Most Admired Organisation and, new for 2012, the award for good governance and the award for innovative fundraising. Winners will receive their awards at a gala dinner in Cardiff in January 2013.
Jonathan Levy, Class Telecommunications’ Chief Operating Officer, said: ‘Every year the Welsh third sector continues to impress with its hard work and determination to make a difference to lives across the country. These awards are a way to give something back to the groups that make an often unheralded, but very real, positive impact on our communities.’You can find the nomination form here.
Forms should be returned to The deadline for nominations is 16 November 2012.

(Source: WCVA)

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

BBC One Show looking for community projects

The show is looking for community projects across the UK that need a helping hand. It wants to use its influence to galvanise volunteer efforts in different schemes for a new weekly feature on the programme in the coming months.
For example - Perhaps you have a community hall that needs a lick of paint and a good tidy up but haven't been able to organise a volunteer day to sort it out - Let The One Show see what it can do. Has your local fireworks display/concert been forced to cancel? Maybe The One Show can help. Is your community bus service at risk unless more volunteers are found? Let the One Show spearhead the search to keep it going.
Or maybe you have a dedicated community stalwart who deserves a big thank you? Let the One Show organise a suitable celebration.
Planning is currently at an early stage but please get in touch as soon as possible if you think you have suitable project or idea.  Email  and mark your emails ‘One Show Community Action’.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


PAVO wants to ensure that it is meeting the needs of our members in relation to the funding services we provide. Your views matter to us. Please spare us a few minutes to provide us with the following information. The survey is confidential. The survey can be found at:
Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Can Do Deadline approaching

Up to £2000 per group will be available for supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.
Groups wishing to apply will go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer.
Groups will be expected to find match funding of 33%

·        Go to:  
·        Call the:         PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288
·        E-mail: 

Second Deadline is: FRIDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER 2012

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


The planned Children in Need Surgery due to take place this week, has been cancelled.  Please contact PAVO if you have any support around funding.

Friday, 24 August 2012

GwirVol Youth Led Grant Scheme - Apply Now!

There is still money available.   Grants in the region of £250 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 to help their communities. Previous successful applications secured funds to:
  • create a community garden
  • hold a fund-raising event to raise money for a village hall
  • open up a footpath for local people and making it accessible for  people with mobility disabilities
  • run a peer-led first aid course
  • train young volunteers.
The applications have to be written by young people.  A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications.

The deadline for applications is Friday 28th September 2012.
All projects will need to be completed before 31st March 2013.                                             

If you require a word version of the grant application pack please contact the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or email: 


Big Lottery Fund is urging other rural communities with populations of less than 3,000 across Wales to make the most of the funding scheme before it closes on 12 September. Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 are available for enterprising projects from community-run shops and pubs to energy or transport schemes, and craft or food projects. For more information visit:
John Rose, Wales’ Director of the Big Lottery Fund, said: “This is a unique opportunity for funding for community-run social enterprises so I would urge more rural communities in Wales to apply.”
(Source: BIG lottery) 

Monday, 20 August 2012

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


There is just one round left, until Children in Need makes changes to the way it delivers grants in Wales.
Small grants of up to £10,000 are still available for up to three years, whilst the main grants scheme will still fund projects of over £10,000 for three years.  The last deadline for this year is the 15th October 2012, and this will be your last opportunity to access funding in this way.

Details of the changes will be posted here, but don't miss out.  

Are you considering applying to Children in Need?  Come along to our special funding surgery to meet with Andrea Powell the National Officer for Wales.  Andrea will be coming to Llandrindod Wells on:
·         Thursday 6th September 2012
·         PAVO Offices, Llandrindod Wells
Appointments must be booked in advance.  

For more information, and to book a place please contact Claire Sterry on 01597 822191 or –email

Show Racism the Red Card

Show Racism the Red Card encourages innovative grassroots projects around the country to raise awareness of the Fortnight of Action and to highlight issues of racism, diversity and inclusion by running their own initiatives through our Fortnight of Action Community Grant Initiative:

This year, Show Racism the Red Card is awarding small grants of up to £150 for the development of community-based projects in Wales. 

Grants are available to non-statutory organisations including community groups, schools, youth clubs, football clubs, charities and other grassroots bodies that are working to engage with young people, ethnic minorities, excluded groups, football fans, and refugees and asylum seekers. 

Applications should demonstrate the below criteria.

1) Anti-racist educational value.
2) Sport orientated.
3) Partnership work with other local agencies.
4) Projects must take place within the Fortnight of Action (12-25th October).
5) Act as a catalyst for further anti-racist activity throughout the year.
6) Encourage community participation.

To apply for a grant please complete the accompanying application form. The maximum amount that groups can apply for is £150. 

The closing date for all applications is 5pm on Friday 28th September 2012, and under no circumstances will applications be accepted after this date. Successful applications will be informed by 5pm on Wednesday 3rd October 2012.

For more information on available educational resources click HERE 

Download the Grant application form HERE

For more information about the Fortnight of Action click HERE

Jason Webber
Campaign Worker

Show Racism the Red Card
Dangos y Cerdyn Coch I Hiliaeth

Tel:       (Ffôn) 02920 351616
Mob:     (Symudol) 07971423761