From April 2012, the maximum grant limit for Your Heritage applications is increasing form £50,000 to £100,000.
The maximum grant limit for Young Roots applications is also increasing from £25,000 to £50,000. Young Roots projects can last up to two years (up from 18 months) and the age range widened to include young people from 11 - 25 years old (previously started at 13 years old).
Also from April 2012, HLF will make decisions on Your Heritage and Young Roots applications at bi-monthly meetings. A full list on submission deadlines and decision meetings can be found on the following web page: inyourarea/Wales/Pages/ SmallGrantsSubmissiondeadlines anddecisiondates.aspx
As always, if you have an idea for a heritage project HLF encourages seeking pre-application advice using the on-line portal.