Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Powys Small Health Grant - only one week left to apply!

Grants of up to £1,000 are available to community groups seeking to support Powys residents who have chronic illness, disability or had a recent stay in hospital to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to live more independent lives.

To find out more go to http://www.pavo.org.uk/funding/pavo-grant-schemes/powys-small-health-grants-scheme-201213.html or contact the PAVO Helpdesk o0845 009 3288 or info@pavo.org.uk

Groups wishing to apply will have to go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer and submit their completed application form by Wednesday 4th July 2012.  Please leave sufficient time to organise and complete your funding health check before the deadline as applications without a funding health check will not be considered!

Thursday, 21 June 2012


Up to £2000 per group will be available for supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.
Groups wishing to apply will go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer.
Groups will be expected to find match funding of 33%

·        Go to:            www.pavo.org.uk
·        Call the:         PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288
·        E-mail:           info@pavo.org.uk

First Deadline is: FRIDAY 29TH JUNE 2012

MARS Refuel Fund

The MARS Refuel™ Drink Fund was set up to encourage people to play their favourite sport for longer. The MARS Refuel™ Drink Fund has one gold (£1000), four silver (£500) and eight bronze (£250) awards to donate to the most deserving applicants every month for the next six months.

Get in quick!

(source: Mars)

Wednesday, 13 June 2012


The Powys Business Awards are designed to showcase the extent of business talent and the quality of companies and individuals that we have here in the county. Powys is home to so many exciting and diverse businesses, a number are well known, some with market leading credentials, but the majority are unsung heroes that given the opportunity have the skills and ability to rival anyone in their sector. Perhaps you or your business are one of these that just requires the spotlight of exposure to ignite your potential.

The Powys Business Awards are open to any business that have offices and/or manufacturing facilities here in the county and employ locally resident staff.
Size of business is not an issue either in terms of employee numbers or turnover. Indeed the majority of companies in the area have less than five staff whilst other have hundreds. You can be a sole trader or part of a large group.
Ideally entrants should have a track record of trading for a minimum of 12 months.

There are 13 categories including the Social Enterprise/Charity Award.

Entries close Friday 6th July 2012 and the Awards Dinner will be held Friday 28th Sept 2012 at Theatr Hafren, Newtown.

For more information go to:  http://www.powysbusinessawards.co.uk/

(Source:  Powys Business Awards 2012)

Monday, 11 June 2012

Guardian Charity Awards - 2012 Awards Open to Applications

The annual Guardian Charity Awards seek to recognise and encourage small and medium-sized charities that are improving social wellbeing in its broadest sense by delivering clear benefit to people who are disadvantaged by poverty or disability or are marginalised in some other way.
Eligible charities must have been registered in the United Kingdom for more than two years and have an annual income of between £5,000 and £1.5 million.
Winners will each receive an equal share of the overall prize fund, an iPad, one year's free NCVO membership and a tailored package of support from The FSI and Media Trust.
The deadline for applications is 20 July 2012 (midnight).
(Source: Grantfinder)

Money Advice Trust - Innovation Grants Programme - Open to Applications

Grants of between £1,000 and £30,000 are available to charitable organisations in the UK that provide free, independent, effective advice to clients on the strategies available to help them deal with their debts and financial circumstances.
Funding is available for work which will improve the quality and amount of money advice available in the UK, as well as work which creates resources and information which can be shared with other money advice agencies.
Projects must be innovative and look for new approaches to an old issue or the use of an established approach for new issues, needs or audiences.
The priority areas are as follows:
  • Developing new information, resources and ways of delivering advice that can be shared with others, and replicated widely.
  • Projects which combine money advice and financial capability for people who are usually excluded from society.
  • Work which will assist those who are homeless or facing homelessness.
The deadline for applications is 11 July 2012.
(Source: Grantfinder)

Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy - Applications for 2013 Round Open

The Call for Expressions of Interest to the 2013 Ashden Awards has now opened. The aim of the Awards is to promote the widespread use of local, sustainable energy because of the environmental, social and economic benefits which it can provide.
The 2013 Awards are broken down into two areas: International Awards and UK Awards.  The International Awards offer a Gold Award of £40,000 and four Awards of £20,000; and the UK Awards offer a Gold Award of £20,000 and three individual prizes of £10,000.
Businesses, not-for-profit groups, schools and public sector organisations with suitable projects can enter the UK Awards. Businesses, NGOs, social enterprises and government organisations working in developing economies (which do not have developed world standards of living), such as Africa, Latin America and southern and eastern Asia are eligible to apply for International Awards.
The Awards operate a two-stage application process.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest to the International Awards is 23 October 2012 and for the UK Awards; 30 October 2012.
(Source: Grantfinder)

Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust (Wales) - Regional Scheme Open to Applications

Grants of up to £7,500 are available for not-for-profit organisations with a remit to cover a region or local authority-wide area of Wales, ie Powys or North East Wales. 
Funding is available for projects in the following four areas:
  • Sport - The Trust is keen to support volunteer-based projects, particularly from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.  In addition, the Trust recognises the difference that coaching can make to the development of a sport and is keen to fund equipment and coaching costs if the need has been clearly identified.
  • The Arts - The Trust aims to give more people the opportunity to enjoy the diversity of performing and visual arts in Wales.  The Trust particularly favours proposals which expand and improve arts provision in parts of the country less well served than others and will give priority to organisations which strive to work together to share experiences, practices and ideas.
  • The Environment - The Trust encourages applications relating to recycling, developing green spaces, the development and promotion of green practices and the promotion of public transport schemes.  Projects that improve the quality of Wales' environment, protect and create a vibrant countryside, and develop and promote sustainable land use planning will be a priority for support. The Trust aims to fund programmes that protect and enhance Wales' natural heritage and promote its sustainable use and enjoyment in a way which contributes to local economic prosperity and social inclusion.
  • The Community - The Trust will give priority to organisations that are looking to tackle social, personal, economic or cultural barriers within their own communities.  In particular, projects that lead to greater independence and give people more control over their lives will be given priority.  The Trust welcomes applications that give people a voice to express their needs and hopes. The Trust is keen to help disabled people to challenge barriers and to be active and visible in their local communities.
The deadline for applications is 10 September 2012 (12 noon).

(source:  Grantfinder)