Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Powys Youth Service Youth Bank Grant

How Much?
• £250 per club
What for?
• Educational Activities
What do we have to do?
• Register with the Youth Registration Scheme (Contact to
• Young people have to put in the application
• Attend a “dragons den” interview to explain your project
 Deadline - MONDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2012

For more info contactPAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or

Powys Small Health Grants Scheme 2012/13

Third Round – Deadline: 31 October 2012
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to voluntary and community groups to support and empower individuals in Powys to live more independent lives through gaining skills, knowledge and confidence and by building relationships with others.

What can the grant be used for?
This grant is available to support:
·         people whose independence is compromised by chronic illness, disability or by a recent stay in hospital. The grant should be used to provide
·         bespoke, personalised support with exploring and participating in activities and groups which the participant enjoys or values.
How much can we apply for? What costs are eligible?
Groups may apply for a maximum of £1,000. Both capital and revenue costs are eligible. Grants may be used to set up a new project or develop existing projects but applicants must be able to clearly demonstrate that the type or scale of activity to be funded under the Small Health Grants Scheme is new. The Small Health Grants Scheme cannot be used to support core activities.
How do we apply? What is the timeframe for applications?
Groups wishing to apply will have to go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer and submit their completed application form by 31 October 2012. Your Development Officer will support you through the application process.
Applications without a funding health check will not be considered.
To organise your funding health check and access support with your application, contact the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or

Carers Trust Grants Available

£2,500 Small Grants Available!

After a successful first round, Carers Trust are delighted to announce the launch of the second round of their small grants programme, Young Carers Can... Grants of up to £2,500 will be awarded to provide fun, social and structured activities that will tackle social exclusion and improve the self-esteem of young carers. Applications are sought from Third Sector/not for profit organisations that wish to provide support activities for young carers across the UK.

Please find further information and application details at:

Santander Foundation - New Fund

Santander Foundation
The Santander Foundation has launched a new £1.23 million fund.
Grants of up to £5,000 are available to help with specific costs, such as the cost of salaries, equipment or materials, for projects that directly benefit disadvantaged people within the UK.
The scheme is open to small local UK registered charities. National charities can also apply for local projects.
Nomination forms may be submitted at any time.

Don't Delay - Call Today for Can Do


Can Do Ideas into Reality is once again open. Up to £2000 per group is available for projects supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.  Groups will also be expected to find match funding of 33%.  Funding must be spent by 1st March 2013
Groups applying will go through a health check with a Development Officer, after which application documents will be given.

The FINAL deadline for the scheme is: FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2012. 

Don’t delay, call today on 0845 0093288 or e-mail:

Examples of projects supported so far include: play equipment, cafĂ© equipment, flooring, garden projects, and projects to help comply with Disability Discrimination Act legislation 

Monday, 8 October 2012


Can Do Ideas into Reality is once again open. Up to £2000 per group is available for projects supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.  For example, a grant could be used for sports equipment to encourage healthy lifestyles, or display boards for a community building.  Groups will also be expected to find match funding of 33%.  Funding must be spent by 1st March 2013
Groups applying will go through a health check with a Development Officer, after which application documents will be given.
The FINAL deadline for the scheme is: FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2012. 
Don’t delay, call today on 0845 0093288 or e-mail:

Interested in applying to the Can Do Scheme?  
Come along and have a Can Do appointment on:
Monday 15th October, PAVO Offices, Newtown or Llandrindod Wells

To book contact PAVO:  0845 0093288