Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Recycle on the Go in Wales - Second Grant Assessments Imminent

WRAP Cymru’s package of support to help venues and event organisers introduce recycling facilities for their visitors is about to have its third grants assessment panel. The Recycle on the Go project offers grants of up to £50,000 towards the cost of recycling equipment, plus consultancy support to help businesses choose the right solutions for them.
A wide range of private, public and third sector organisations will be able to apply for funding, including sports and leisure venues, transport hubs, shopping centres and colleges. In addition, WRAP Cymru has published new technical and communications guidance plus communications templates; these are available to download
The next deadline for applications is midday on 1 February 2013 with the panel meeting 20 February 2013.
The programme will continue on a rolling basis and there will be further assessment panel meetings over the coming months.  However, funding will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so applicants are encouraged to submit their applications at their earliest convenience.

(Source: Grantfinder)

Community Radio Fund

The Welsh Government's Community Radio Fund offers funding to recognise the contribution made by community radio stations.
Grants of £5,000 and above are available to help run community radio stations which have been granted a five-year broadcast licence by Ofcom (the Office of Communications in the UK). There is no upper limit of grant.
Grants are awarded to help meet core running costs including the following:
  • Management.
  • Administration.
  • Financial management and reporting.
  • Fundraising to support the station (grants and commercial funding).
  • Community outreach.
  • Volunteer organisation and support.
Stations must be run on a not-for-profit basis and have a social purpose, working to involve their target community in running the service.
The deadline for applications is 19 February 2013.

(Source:  Grant finder)

Youth Led Grants – Funding still available……..

Funding is still available for youth led grants projects to be spent by the end of March 2013.
Grants in the region of £250 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 to help their communities. Previous successful applications secured funds to:                                                                                                                           
  • create a community garden, hold a fund-raising event to raise money for a village hall
  • open up a footpath for local people and making it accessible for  people with mobility disabilities
  • run a peer-led first aid course
  • train young volunteers.
The applications have to be written by young people.  A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications.  If you require a word version of the grant application pack please contact the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or email:

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

WCVA’s Volunteering in Wales Fund now open

Volunteering in Wales has been given a boost with confirmation that a leading grant scheme has been extended to 2014.

WCVA’s Volunteering in Wales Fund has received continued support from the Welsh Government meaning that organisations will be able to apply for funding to support projects for the next year.

Funding of up to £25,000 is available for third sector organisations across Wales to support and develop new volunteers through covering the cost of the volunteer expenses and training; and through the recruitment of specialist staff to help recruit and support new volunteers.

Currently, the Fund is supporting over 70 organisations throughout Wales and project applications that involve volunteers from under-represented groups are being particularly encouraged.

Organisations can apply for support towards the cost of new volunteer recruitment  and examples include the salary of a volunteer coordinator / development worker, volunteer expenses , training and certain running costs . 

Mark Bendon, Senior Grant Assessor for the Fund, said: ‘Charities across Wales rely on volunteers who need training and support so that they can offer maximum support to their communities and service users.

‘The Fund is helping to ensure that there is professional support for these volunteers and in the last year alone, the scheme has helped recruit over 5,329 new volunteers who have contributed more than 380,000 hours to the benefit of Welsh communities.

‘This work would otherwise cost over £4.25m in economic terms.’

The deadline to apply for funding is Friday 22 March 2013 at 5.00pm.

For further details and an application pack, contact the WCVA Helpdesk on 0800 2888 329, email or visit the WCVA website.

(Source WCVA)

Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants

Please find information provided regarding Funding, specifically a Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants, which is a unique source of grants for legal work that can make a significant difference to vulnerable young migrants in England & Wales.
For more information, application packs and deadlines, visit:

Kind regards,
Zsanett Shashaty
Refugee Children Advice and Information Worker/Gweithiwr Cynghori a Gwybodaeth i Blant Ffoaduriaid
Tel/ Ffôn: 029 2090 9542
Fax/Ffacs: 029 2090 9510

Monday, 14 January 2013

Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales - We Fund Core Costs

In 2013, Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales has £20m to give to charities that help disadvantaged people to play a fuller role in the community.

In Wales, the Foundation funds a wide range of charitable causes, including debt advice services, support for disability groups, carers support, and advocacy services. In 2012, we awarded £1,250,000 to 80 charities in Wales. Unlike many other grant makers, 70% of our funding goes towards core costs such as salaries, overheads, rent and project costs.

If your charity is registered with the Charity Commission, is helping disadvantaged people and you have 12 months of reserves or less, then the Foundation wants to hear from you. Visit the website, have a look at the funding guidelines and complete the eligibility questionnaire. It only takes ten minutes and it will tell you instantly if your charity would be eligible for funding.

“We were recently awarded a grant for the salary of an Employment Officer to help our beneficiaries find job opportunities, write CVs and hone their interview skills. This position is key to the future of the charity’s employment programme and would not be possible without the willingness of Lloyds TSB Foundation to fund this core cost. Their understanding of our needs and flexibility towards our grant has been so refreshing.”

Mike Spence, the Fundraising Officer at the North Wales Deaf Association

(Source:  Lloyds TSB)

Edge Fund launched

Edge Fund has officially launched!

A short review with lots of photos and videos are now on our website:  
Edge Fund is a grant-making body with a difference. We are a community of donors, activists and community campaigners who work together as equals to decide how our funds should be given out. We support efforts to achieve social, economic and environmental justice by addressing the huge gaps in wealth and power in society.

Invitation to tender for marketing consultancy

INVITATION to TENDER for a Marketing Consultancy required to deliver elements of the Powys Arts Marketing Plan Project being delivered by Powys County Council's Arts Service with support from the Community Regeneration Development Fund and the Arts Council of Wales.
The deadline for applications is Monday 28th January 2013.

For information please contact: 
Lucy Bevan
Uwch Swyddog y Celfyddydau
Senior Arts Officer
Powys County Council
Gwasanaeth Celfyddydau Powys Arts Service
Y Ganolfan Ddrama / The Drama Centre
Ffordd Tremont / Tremont Road
Llandrindod Wells

t. 01597 824444

Friday, 11 January 2013

Diary Marker - World War One Commemorative Engagement Event Diary Marker

The next few years will see a public focus on the commemoration of World War One. This was a period of history that had an impact on every town, village, and community across Wales with the loss of so many young men. Organisations throughout the nation are already considering how they can tell the stories of such a turbulent time.

CyMAL in conjunction with the Heritage Lottery Fund will be holding two events in the new year to start a discussion with organisations in Wales on how to develop ideas, partnerships, and events to mark this important historical period.

Please add a diary marker for a WW1 commemoration engagement event on 22 January 2013 in Cardiff and 28 January in Llandudno Junction.  

Open the link below to see what support the heritage lottery fund can provide. 

(Source: WCVA)

Competing for contracts?

Is your organisation considering bidding for contracts - here's some useful advice from the Guardian Social Enterprise Network:

What does 2013 hold for the sector

I cam across this interesting article from the Guardian Voluntary Sector Network from three senior figures about how they see this year for their charities.  It goes to show that the issues we face are the same, whether we are a grass roots organisation or a large national charity.

Have a read of it - what do you think 2013 will bring for the sector?

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Arts Council Large Grants deadline pending

The Arts Council of Wales offers Arts Grants for Organisations to provide targeted support for arts organisations based and primarily working in Wales. The aim of the scheme is to enable organisations to fulfil their artistic potential and offer creative experiences of the highest possible quality. Groups can apply for grants of between £5,001 and £30,000 to support larger scale arts projects, or make a contribution to a very large project with several other funding partners.
Grants are offered under the following Funding Priorities:
§  Audience development.
§  Participation.
§  Business enterprise and organisational development.
§  Programme support for venues and galleries.
§  Creating or commissioning for production or touring.
§  Research and development.
§  Festivals.
§  Training, mentoring and continuing professional development (CPD).
§  Increasing opportunities for young creators.
§  Theatre production development.
§  Music industry development.
§  Voluntary and community sector development.
Eligible organisations must:
§  Be based in Wales, another part of the UK or another European Union country.
§  Be a charitable or not-for-profit organisation with a written constitution that includes provision of artistic activity.
§  Be able to provide evidence of their track record of delivering arts activity for audiences or participants.
§  Have an Equal Opportunities Policy reviewed by the organisation's board or management committee within the last three years, and provide evidence that equality and diversity is reflected in both artistic programming and day to day planning and operations.
§  Not be in default on any financial agreement with the Arts Council of Wales.

(Source j4bcommunity)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Gift Aid gift for charities

Welsh charities are celebrating an early Christmas gift in the form of new rules allowing them to make more money from donations.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is lifting the administrative burden for organisations claiming Gift Aid on the proceeds of donors’ goods sold by charity shops.
Gift Aid is a tax relief on donations of money by individuals, with the donor having to pay at least the same amount of income tax or capital gains tax as the charity reclaims from HMRC on the donation.
In 2006, the third sector devised a way for Gift Aid to be applied to the proceeds of goods sold by charities on behalf of their supporters. Instead of giving the goods to the shops for the shop to sell, the shop sells the goods on behalf of the supporter, offering them the choice of taking the money - less a sales commission - or giving it to the charity under Gift Aid.
Currently, charities are required to write to a donor before they can claim Gift Aid on the proceeds from each sale, so that the donor can confirm that they are UK taxpayers
The new rules allow donors to make a one-off Gift Aid declaration that covers donations of up to £100 - or £1,000 of future sale proceeds - in a tax year without the shop needing to seek the supporter’s permission to claim the tax relief. The charity will need to write to the donor only when sale proceeds exceed the amount.
Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA), the umbrella organisation for Wales’s 30,000 voluntary groups, has welcomed the announcement.
This is excellent news for charities who claim Gift Aid on goods donated to their charity shops,’ said WCVA Giving Officer Eileen Kinsman.
It will mean a considerable reduction in administration and bureaucracy and the associated costs. As many charities in Wales raise significant income from their charity shops, it will mean more money going directly to the beneficiaries.’
The new procedures apply from April 2013. HMRC will publish detailed guidance on them in the New Year.


Planning and Writing Successful Bids

The above training course will be taking place later this month.:

This advanced course is intended for experienced bid writers wanting to further develop their knowledge and skills to produce compelling funding bids. 
It is NOT suitable for those with little or no previous experience of grant funding.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Understand the current funding climate in Wales and its impact on funders
  • Review their current approach of developing a bid
  • Apply new tools and techniques to give their bids a winning ‘edge’
Understand and meet the expectations of funders

For more information, or to book a place contact PAVO on 01597 822191

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all!

Have you made any New Year Funding Resolutions?

We'd love to hear from you.