Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Heritage Lottery Fund workshop - Collecting Cultures

REMINDER: Please get in touch to book your place by Friday 24thJanuary.

When:             10.30am – 1pm on Tuesday, 28th January
Where:            Glamorgan Archives, Cardiff

The Heritage Lottery Fund has opened the second Collecting Cultures initiative with a £5million budget.
Collecting Cultures is an initiative which supports museums, libraries and archives to develop their collections through strategic acquisition projects. Grantees plan and deliver programmes of targeted purchase and engage a wider range of people with their collections.  Collections management and development is core to museums, libraries and archives so through this initiative we want to support the strategic acquisition of collections.

The initiative is intended to:

  • support the development of collections and their use through strategic acquisition programmes, related research and public programmes;
  • enhance the professional knowledge and skills of staff working in museums, libraries and archives
  • use strategic collecting programmes to support the funded museums, libraries and archives to increase resilience as an organisation

You can apply for a grant from £50,000 to £500,000. Collecting Cultures is a one-off initiative, with one chance to apply before the deadline of 2 May 2014.

This event will outline the scope and aims of the programme, running through the outcomes we believe that Collecting Cultures projects will achieve. We will explain the application process and present case studies of successful Collecting Cultures projects.

To book your place please contact Sally Roberts by email or phone 02920 343413 by Friday 24th January.


NODYN ATGOFFA: Cysylltwch â ni i archebu eich lle erbyn Dydd Gwener 24ain Ionawr.

Gweithdŷ Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri - Casglu Diwylliannau

Pryd:               10.30am – 1pm ar Ddydd Mawrth, 28 Ionawr
Ble:                 Archifau Morgannwg, Caerdydd

Mae Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri wedi agor ei ail fenter Casglu Diwylliannau gyda chyllideb o £5 miliwn.

Mae Casglu Diwylliannau yn fenter sy'n cefnogi amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau i ddatblygu eu casgliadau trwy brosiectau caffael strategol. Bydd Grantïon yn cynllunio a chyflawni rhaglenni o brynu wedi ei dargedu ac ymgysylltu ag ystod ehangach o bobl gyda'u casgliadau. Mae rheoli a datblygu casgliadau yn greiddiol i amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau, felly drwy'r fenter hon rydym am gefnogi caffael strategol o gasgliadau.

Bwriedir i'r fenter:
§  gefnogi datblygiad casgliadau a'u defnydd drwy raglenni caffael strategol, ymchwil perthnasol a rhaglenni cyhoeddus
§  gwella gwybodaeth a sgiliau proffesiynol staff sy'n gweithio mewn amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau
§  defnyddio rhaglenni casglu strategol i gefnogi amgueddfeydd a ariennir, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau i gynyddu gwytnwch fel sefydliad
Gallwch wneud cais am grant o £50,000 i £500,000. Mae un cyfle i wneud cais am Casglu Diwylliannau: y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 12 hanner dydd ar 2 Mai 2014.
Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn amlinellu cwmpas ac amcanion y rhaglen, sy'n rhedeg drwy'r canlyniadau yr ydym yn credu y bydd prosiectau Casglu Diwylliannau yn cyflawni.Byddwn yn esbonio’r broses ymgeisio ac yn cyflwyno astudiaethau achos o brosiectauCasglu Diwylliannau llwyddiannus.
Cysylltwch â Sally Roberts drwy e-bost neu ffoniwch 02920 343413 i archebu eich lle erbyn Dydd Gwener 24ain Ionawr.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Community Facilities Programme – a grant scheme for community led capital improvement projects

The Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty and the Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty launched the Community Facilities Programme on 9 January 2014. The scheme will open for business on Monday 3 February 2014 and application forms will be available from this date.

The Community Facilities Programme is a capital grant fund which aims to develop and improve community facilities which in turn provide services that communities need in order to tackle poverty and its effects.
The Programme will be open to projects throughout Wales. Applications will need to demonstrate that the facility to be improved is:
              Needed and used by the community and offering services not duplicated in the surrounding area;
              Providing services which prevent or mitigate poverty and its effects;
              Reintroducing or preventing the loss of community services;
              Supported by and developed along with the local community;
              Strategic and can demonstrate this by evidencing it has the support of the local authority, local County Voluntary Council, Local Health Board or similar partner; and

              Sustainable over the medium to long term.

The Programme is community based, and will be open to community and voluntary sector organisations, including social enterprises. The focus of the programme will be on increasing opportunity and tackling poverty. The Welsh Government recognises that in order to do this we need to improve the health and wellbeing; opportunities for lifelong learning; and economic prospects of the individual members of our most vulnerable communities.
We want to see applications that are community led and developed in partnership with community, public and private sector partners. The co-location of organisations providing services such as credit union access, local health services, post office services, youth services, sports facilities, library services, etc. is encouraged.

The funding criteria
Capital grants will typically be available to a maximum of £500,000. For exceptional projects that can also demonstrate difficulties in attracting funding from other sources, this maximum could be exceeded.
Grants will be available for capital works to provide or improve community facilities which are preventing or tackling poverty by offering one or more of the following services:
              Providing, safeguarding or re-introducing a valuable community service such as access to a credit union, post office, library, last shop/retail outlet in the area;
              Hosting skills based or other accredited training to improve the job prospects of individual beneficiaries;
              Hosting local health services, exercise or healthy living activities;
              Providing community IT access, broadband access and/or IT training to aid digital inclusion;
              Hosting a foodbank, food co-operative, access to advice services or other activity which prevents or seeks to mitigate the effects of poverty;
              Hosting activities delivered through a Welsh Government tackling poverty programme such as Communities First or Families First;
              Encouraging the co-location of local groups and service providers to improve the overall sustainability of the facility;
              Making the most of available funding by avoiding the duplication of services and working with other local partners in the community, public and private sectors to improve the life chances of local people.

Applications will be invited from community led projects fitting the published criteria. The Community Facilities Programme will be a rolling grant programme which means that applications can be submitted at any time; there will be no formal funding rounds.
Applications must be able to demonstrate that the facility is sustainable and so must be accompanied by a business plan and supported by annual accounts where available.
The application process will be in two stages. Stage one will be a short application which will be used to assess eligibility and fit to the scheme criteria, i.e. the tackling poverty agenda. Applicants will get a response to stage one in 20 working days. Stage two will require the submission of a business plan. The two stage process will help to ensure that projects that are not a good fit for the funding criteria do not waste resources developing an application which has little chance of succeeding.
Potential applicants will be expected to work with their local authorities and CVCs as well as the local community in order to develop their applications.

Further information
You can get information and register for an application pack by contacting the
Community Grants team as follows:
            South East Wales:               Mike O’Shea on 0300 062 8612
North and Mid Wales:         Nesta Doughty on 0300 062 5627
West Wales:                          Helen Brown on 0300 062 8265
If above are unavailable:    Lisa Clarridge on 0300 062 8307


Comic Relief Local Communities
Communities, Culture, Educating & Young People, Health | Clwyd, Dyfed, Gwent, Gwynedd, Mid Glamorgan, Powys, South Glamorgan, West Glamorgan
Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available.

The programme aims to empower local people, enabling them to create lasting change in their communities. Projects  should be run  by people directly affected by the issues they are dealing with and priority will be given to small, locally based groups or organisations in areas of disadvantage that have a clear understanding of the needs of their community.

Comic Relief supports work where there is clear evidence of beneficial impact on people and communities who are excluded or disadvantaged through low income, rural or social isolation, age, disabilities, race, sexuality or gender.

Grants will be awarded to innovative projects that: 
•           increase local services,
•           build skills of local people, 
•           increase community cohesion 
•           respond to local economic needs

The next round will open on 20th January 2014 and the closing date for the next round is:

February 14th 2014 at 5pm.

An online application form will be available from January 20th 2014. 

(Source: Community Foundation in Wales)

GWIRVOL 2014-15

GwirVol has launched the first and only round of its volunteering grants programme for young people aged 14 to 25 years in Wales for the year 2014-15.

Not-for-profit organisations working with young people in Wales have until 28 February 2014 to submit an application to the GwirVol Youth Volunteering Grants programme. The second round which is generally held in September/November will not be held. Groups that are running a current project which closes before or during June 2014 and March 2015 are eligible to apply to this round for projects starting after the current project is due to close.


Thursday, 9 January 2014


The Community Facilities Programme is a new £10 million capital fund to support community projects that contribute to the Welsh Government’s ambition to reduce poverty across Wales.
The Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty and the Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty launched the Community Facilities Programme on 9 January 2014. 

The new Community Facilities Programme aims to offer £10 million between now and the end of 2015. Community and voluntary groups, as well as social enterprises will be able to bid for capital grants of up to £500,000 to improve community facilities which provide services for people most in need in their local areas. Those applying for a grant will have to prove that their project will prevent and help to alleviate the effects of poverty.

Schemes that will reintroduce or prevent the loss of community services will also be eligible to apply.

The scheme will open for business on Monday 3 February 2014. Further details are available from here.  
For more information in the meantime please contact the Community Grants team as follows: 

South East Wales:Mike O'Shea on 0300 062 8612
North and Mid Wales:Nesta Doughty on 0300 062 5627
West Wales:Helen Brown on 0300 062 8265

If above are unavailable: Lisa Clarridge on 0300 062 8307

(Source: WCVA)

EAGA Partnership Charitable Trust

The aim of the trust is the relief of fuel poverty and the preservation and protection of health by the promotion of the efficient use of energy, through the provision of grant funding to appropriate organisations and researchers.
The trust currently funds work within the grant programme Understanding and Combating Fuel Poverty. It provides financial support for work that contributes to combating fuel poverty and ensuring energy services are fair and accessible for all groups in society. Work for which funding is sought should consist of one or more of the following elements: 

·         Rigorous academic or policy-related research;
·         robustly evaluated action projects that can offer new models for use on a wider scale;
·         wider promotion of good practice (for example through toolkits and workshops).

Although the trust cannot support physical energy efficiency measures, it does support evaluation and promotion of targeted energy efficiency strategies. The trust is keen to support work that promotes a better understanding of the links between fuel poverty and other financial and social exclusion agendas at the national, devolved and local levels.

The trust currently has the following grant priority areas: 
·         fuel poverty and disability;
·         fuel poverty and young children;
·         the links between fuel poverty and migrant communities;
·         real and perceived barriers to the take-up of assistance;
·         fuel poverty and the climate change agenda; and
·         fuel poverty definition and target.
Further details are available from

(Source: WCVA)

Sainsbury's Welsh Community Fund Programme

Grants of up to £500 will be awarded annually to charities and local community groups for a range of projects and activities which fit our core values of food, family, kids and health and also arts/culture, environment and social welfare. In this round we have £53,792.33 to award. Organisations can be any size as long as they support the community in Wales.

Applications are online only and should take no more than 15 minutes. 

Go to to find out more about our guidelines and criteria.  

The deadline for applications in this round is 28 February 2014.

(Source: WCVA)


PAVO has recently recruited a volunteer to assist us with a survey looking at stakeholder feedback on funding support and funding providers in Powys.  
This is an important and exciting opportunity to find out what is going on in Powys.  
It will help us to identify gaps in funding, liaise with funders more closely on your behalf and identify areas for development. 
In order for us to get a really good picture, we hope that you will see the benefit of being involved, and will support us by providing information.  

People's Postcode Trust

Funding is available in the following areas: poverty prevention; advancement of health; community development; public sports; human rights; and environmental protection.
Registered charities, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations (SCIOs), constituted voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, community interest companies (CICs), not-for-profit organisations and sports clubs are eligible to apply. Grants range from £500 to £20,000 for organisations in Scotland and England and up to £5,000 for those in Wales. 
All projects should provide assistance in one or more of the Trust's following fields of operation:
  • Prevention of poverty; reduction of distress and suffering.
  • Advancement of health.
  • Advancement of citizenship or community development.
  • Advancement of public participation in sport.
  • Advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation.
  • Advancement of environmental protection or improvement.
Funding is available for projects of up to 12 months in length (6 months in Wales) that positively impact their local community. Projects that are creative, far-reaching and will leave a long-term impact once completed stand the best chance of being successful.
The Fund is open to applications from Scotland, Wales and North of England with a deadline of 21 February 2014.
(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)

Monday, 6 January 2014

PAVO Winter Warmer Events

We’d love to have the opportunity catch up with you in the New Year at our forthcoming ‘Winter Warmer’ events.

  • Tuesday 14th January–Plas Dolerw, Milford Road, Newtown  4.00pm -7.00pm
  • Wednesday 15th January - Brecon (venue tbc)  4.00pm-7.00pm
  • Thursday 16th January – PAVO Offices, Unit 30, Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells 4.00pm 7.00pm
The ‘Winter Warmers’ will be a chance for you to have a glass of mulled wine (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and a slice of cakes, as well as to:
  • Come along with your queries about funding, governance and all the other practical issues involved with running a voluntary or community group
  • Get your volunteer vacancies advertised through Powys Volunteer Centre
  • Find out more about and give your views on the new version of the One Powys Plan
  • Find out more about and give your views on Powys County Council’s consultation about their budget cuts for 2014-17.
  • Find out about all the different training and support services that PAVO can provide for your group
 At the Newtown event there will also be the opportunity for you to find out more about the new pilot of ‘Neighbourhood Management’ in the Newtown area and the ways in which your organisation can influence and become involved in this new approach to planning and delivering public services.
You can call in at any time during the event and stay for just  5 minutes or the full 3 hours, however there will be short presentations being run at 4.45pm and 6.00pm at each event. It would be greatly appreciated if you were able to confirm your attendance in advance by contacting PAVO on 01597 822191 or