REMINDER: Please get in touch to book your place by Friday 24thJanuary.
When: 10.30am – 1pm on Tuesday, 28th January
Where: Glamorgan Archives, Cardiff
The Heritage Lottery Fund has opened the second Collecting Cultures initiative with a £5million budget.
Collecting Cultures is an initiative which supports museums, libraries and archives to develop their collections through strategic acquisition projects. Grantees plan and deliver programmes of targeted purchase and engage a wider range of people with their collections. Collections management and development is core to museums, libraries and archives so through this initiative we want to support the strategic acquisition of collections.
The initiative is intended to:
- support the development of collections and their use through strategic acquisition programmes, related research and public programmes;
- enhance the professional knowledge and skills of staff working in museums, libraries and archives
- use strategic collecting programmes to support the funded museums, libraries and archives to increase resilience as an organisation
You can apply for a grant from £50,000 to £500,000. Collecting Cultures is a one-off initiative, with one chance to apply before the deadline of 2 May 2014.
This event will outline the scope and aims of the programme, running through the outcomes we believe that Collecting Cultures projects will achieve. We will explain the application process and present case studies of successful Collecting Cultures projects.
To book your place please contact Sally Roberts by email or phone 02920 343413 by Friday 24th January.
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NODYN ATGOFFA: Cysylltwch â ni i archebu eich lle erbyn Dydd Gwener 24ain Ionawr.
Gweithdŷ Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri - Casglu Diwylliannau
Pryd: 10.30am – 1pm ar Ddydd Mawrth, 28 Ionawr
Ble: Archifau Morgannwg, Caerdydd
Mae Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri wedi agor ei ail fenter Casglu Diwylliannau gyda chyllideb o £5 miliwn.
Mae Casglu Diwylliannau yn fenter sy'n cefnogi amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau i ddatblygu eu casgliadau trwy brosiectau caffael strategol. Bydd Grantïon yn cynllunio a chyflawni rhaglenni o brynu wedi ei dargedu ac ymgysylltu ag ystod ehangach o bobl gyda'u casgliadau. Mae rheoli a datblygu casgliadau yn greiddiol i amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau, felly drwy'r fenter hon rydym am gefnogi caffael strategol o gasgliadau.
Bwriedir i'r fenter:
§ gefnogi datblygiad casgliadau a'u defnydd drwy raglenni caffael strategol, ymchwil perthnasol a rhaglenni cyhoeddus
§ gwella gwybodaeth a sgiliau proffesiynol staff sy'n gweithio mewn amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau
§ defnyddio rhaglenni casglu strategol i gefnogi amgueddfeydd a ariennir, llyfrgelloedd ac archifau i gynyddu gwytnwch fel sefydliad
Gallwch wneud cais am grant o £50,000 i £500,000. Mae un cyfle i wneud cais am Casglu Diwylliannau: y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 12 hanner dydd ar 2 Mai 2014.
Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn amlinellu cwmpas ac amcanion y rhaglen, sy'n rhedeg drwy'r canlyniadau yr ydym yn credu y bydd prosiectau Casglu Diwylliannau yn cyflawni.Byddwn yn esbonio’r broses ymgeisio ac yn cyflwyno astudiaethau achos o brosiectauCasglu Diwylliannau llwyddiannus.
Cysylltwch â Sally Roberts drwy e-bost neu ffoniwch 02920 343413 i archebu eich lle erbyn Dydd Gwener 24ain Ionawr.