Thursday, 28 June 2018


THE COMMUNITY LAND TRUST FUND – Finance up to £350,000 and grants of up to £4,000 to assist the development of community-led affordable housing projects in England and Wales which will help to build sustainable communities (applications may be made at any time)
Community Land Trusts (CLTs) seek to address the difficulty in finding suitable and affordable homes in local communities by creating affordable housing and community resources through the cooperative ownership of land by the local community. 
Land is acquired by community groups (usually below its market rate) through public investment, planning gain or philanthropic or charitable gifts and is held in perpetuity by the local community. The value of the land (plus subsidies and other equity benefits) is permanently locked in, on behalf of the local community and future occupiers, by the CLT.
The following support is available:
1. Start Up Fund:
o    Stage 1 - one day’s support with a specialist CLT Technical Advisor to scope out the project;
Stage 2 - after completion of the Stage 1 scoping day, suitable projects will be eligible for a further two days’ support with a specialist advisor, to build on the plans developed during the first scoping day;
Stage 3 - grants of up to £4,000 to help pay for the costs of formally setting up a CLT and developing the initial ideas into an investment-ready business plan.
2. Social Investment Fund:
o    Pre-development finance - up to £50,000 or circa £2,000 per unit is available. The finance is repayable only if planning is received;
Development finance - up to £350,000. PLEASE NOTE: the finance is repayable with interest.
Applications are invited from CLTs in England and Wales that are at least 50% housing and that are defined as a corporate body which:
1. Is established for the express purpose of furthering the social, economic and environmental interests of a local community by acquiring and managing land and other assets in order:
(a)    To provide a benefit to the local community; and
(b)    To ensure that the assets are not sold or developed except in a manner which the trust's members think benefits the local community.
2. Is established under arrangements which are expressly designed to ensure that:
(a)    Any profits from its activities will be used to benefit the local community (without by being paid directly to members);
(b)    Individuals that live or work in the specified area have the opportunity to become members of the trust (whether or not others can also become members); and
(c)    The members of a Trust control it.
The application deadlines are:
Start Up Fund Stage 1 and Stage 2 - applications may be submitted at any time.
Start Up Fund Stage 3 - the Fund committee meets regularly to consider new applications.
Social Investment Fund - Expressions of Interest are currently being accepted.
Further information, together with an application form for the Start-Up Fund, is available to download from the Trust's website.
Contact details for the scheme are:
Community Land Trust 
National CLT Network 
7-14 Great Dover Street 
SE1 4YR 
Tel: 020 3096 7790 

Monday, 25 June 2018

Safer Dyfed-Powys Diogel

Calling all charities and community groups working with young people! Check out the Safer Dyfed-Powys Diogel charity funding opportunities for youth projects which complement the work of Dyfed-Powys Police. Closing date for applications THIS FRIDAY 29 June!…/safer-dyfed-powys-diogel/ 

Ydych chi'n elusen/grŵp cymunedol sy'n gweithio gyda phobl ifanc? Oes gennych syniad am brosiect sy'n cefnogi gwaith Heddlu Dyfed-Powys? Mae cyllid ar gael i'ch helpu! Dyddiad cau DDYDD GWENER YMA 29 Mehefin! Cliciwch am ragor o wybodaeth…/eich…/dyfed-powys-diogel/ 


Thursday, 14 June 2018


The Hedley Foundation awards grants to small charities working with young people in the following areas:
o Recreation;
o Sport;
o Training;
o Health and welfare; and
o The outdoor education of young people.
The Foundation is particularly keen on supporting:
o Open air and adventure-type activities and the funding of appropriate kit and equipment;.
o Small charities which can demonstrate achievement in persuading and deterring at-risk young people from proceeding further down the pathway to custody.
o Small charities working with disabled and terminally ill young people through by providing specialist equipment and organised respite breaks;
o Small charities working with young carers;
o Organisational development and change.
UK registered charities may apply for a grant of up to £5,000. The average grant is around £3,000.
Grants are for specific projects only and are mostly one-off with a limited number of recurring grants for 2 to 3 years. National and very large charities are not supported.
The Foundation awarded around £840,000 in one-off grants last year. The maximum grant is typically £5,000 and the average grant is £3,000. Larger awards of £10,000 or £15,000 – and occasionally £50,000 – are sometimes made by the Foundation.
During the year ending 31 March 2017, the Trust awarded 310 (2016 - 320) charities totalling £821,980 (2016 - £847,705).
There is no requirement for match funding.
A list of all major awards made during the year can be found on pages 15 and 16 of the Foundations’ annual accounts.
Funding is not available for:
o Individuals;
o Churches, cathedrals and museums;
o Exclusive charities which only help people from specific groupings;
o General funding, salaries, running costs, and transport;
o Building works or refurbishment projects.
Applications may be made at any time and are considered at Trustee meetings every two months.
Further information, together with an application form, can be downloaded from the Foundation's website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Mrs Pauline Barker 
Appeals Manager 
The Hedley Foundation 
1-3 College Hill 

(The Foundation does not advertise a phone number.)

(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 13 June 2018


THE HEART OF EXPERIAN CHARITY FUND - Grants up to £5,000 for small local community groups, charities and schools in the UK so that they can become sustainable or expand their work in their local community (applications may be made at any time)
The Heart of Experian Charity Fund supports local grassroots organisations in the UK with a charitable purpose that have a low profile but benefit the whole community.  
Applicants should  have:
o A gross annual income of £500,000 or less in the most recent full financial year;
o A written constitution and a management committee;
o A bank account in the group's name;
o Accounts available to view on the Charity Commission website (or include a copy when submitting an application);
o Unrestricted reserves that are less than six months’ running costs; and
o A charitable project which requires funding of £5,000 or less and benefits the local community.
Eligible projects must:
o Make the applicant’s organisation or project more sustainable;
o Relate to financial inclusion, financial education, entrepreneurship or developing skills useful in business;
o Have a long-term benefit for the community;
o Have a clear approach or strategy for attracting future funding or otherwise ensuring the continuation of the project;
o Demonstrate that they have a project manager with appropriate experience to be able to successfully deliver the project; and
o Have not received funding from the Heart of Experian Charity Fund in the past 12 months.
Local charities, community groups and schools may apply for a grant of up to £5,000.
Applicants that can demonstrate they have secured match funding are likely to be prioritised for grant support.
Grants are not available for:
o National charities;
o Supporting individuals; or
o Salary costs (unless the applicant has a clear strategy for the position’s future sustainability).
Applications can be submitted at any time and are reviewed by the charity on a quarterly basis.
Further  information, together with an application form, is available on the Heart of Experian Charity Fund’s website.
Contact details for the Charity are:
The Community Involvement Team 
Heart of Experian Charity Fund 
Riverleen House 
Electric Avenue 
NG80 1RH 
Tel: 0115 992 2431 

Monday, 11 June 2018


The True Colours Trust provides one-off core cost or project grants of up to £10,000 with no match funding requirement for local causes in the UK. Grants are intended to help smaller organisations develop and deliver programmes for children with a disability, their siblings and families.
Support is available for children and young people aged 0 to 26 years with a disability and/or with a complex health care need. The Trust is particularly keen to fund:
o Hydrotherapy pools;
o Multi-sensory rooms 
(image below);
o Minibuses;
o Sibling projects;
o Bereavement support;
o Specialised play equipment;
o Access to play and leisure;
o Family support; and/or
o Parent-led peer support.
Registered charities and organisations with charitable status that support disabled children and young people and their families may apply.
During the year ending 5 April 2017 the Trust approved grants totalling £1,313,673, some of which were for more than one year, across all of its programmes.
According to a circular we've recently received, we understand that the Trust may also consider offering grants of up to £10,000 to councils interested in increasing their accessible playground provision for disabled children and their families. Grants are intended for the purchase and installation of accessible equipment which will improve access to public playgrounds for disabled children. Please check with the Trust to verify this.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Organisations with an annual income exceeding £300,000;
o Organisations requesting funding for consecutive years (multi-year funding);
o Local authorities (but please  see note above about making local authority managed playgrounds more accessible);
o Condition specific organisations;       
o Residential play schemes;
o Residential special schools;
o Free schools; or
o Young carers' projects.
Applications may be made at any time and are considered quarterly by the Trust.
An online application form is available on the Trust’s website which can be completed online or downloaded and returned by email or post.
Contact  details for the trust are:
The True Colours Trust 
The Peak 
5 Wilton Road 
Tel: 0207 410 0330 