Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Innovation grant - Adult Learners week!

 The Innovation grant for 2019 is available to organisations working in Wales who wish to deliver outreach activities or events during Adult Learners’ Week and throughout the month of June.
Our Adult Learners’ Week campaign provides an umbrella to promote and celebrate formal and informal lifelong learning and we’d like to work with any partners and stakeholders across Wales working with adults, communities and families.
It’s your chance to promote what you do, test new ways of working, launch new activity, reach new audiences, have fun and bang the drum for adult & family learning.
We are looking for activities which are creative, innovative and can reach new audiences, particularly those adults who have not engaged in learning for some time and have the potential to gain media interest.
Adults learn in all sorts of settings for many varied reasons. Here are some examples of organisations and venues which have previously engaged with our campaigns:
Workplaces, Museums & Galleries, Libraries, Schools, Community groups, Theatre and arts groups, Sports Clubs, Cinemas, Hospitals and Health centres, Leisure centres, Pubs & Cafés, Local newspapers and radio, Housing associations, Trade unions & employer’s organisations, Prisons and Probation Services, Residential homes, Job Centres, Supermarkets and shops, transport hubs including buses and trains.
Activity could be used to:
  • Promote participation in learning
  • Increase access to information, advice and guidance
  • Facilitate have-a-go or bite-size taster sessions

Closing date for Applications: Friday 15th March 2019

Before you start your application, please read through our Guidance document.
The Innovation Fund Application form for 2019 can be found here.
If you have any questions about your applications, please email
More about Adult Learners’ Week (18-24 June 2018)
Adult Learners’ Week is an annual campaign which celebrates and promotes adult learning opportunities. Promoted by the United Nations, Adult Learners’ Week has developed in over 40 countries around the globe. In Wales we use this campaign to reach out to individuals and communities who have low skills and few qualifications. Adult Learners’ Week gives individuals the chance to take a step towards developing their skills; whether they want to get a better job or build confidence to access a course. The campaign provides an umbrella to promote formal and informal opportunities and to celebrate lifelong learning.
If you have any queries about your application form, then please contact

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Provident Social Impact Fund

Grants of between £1000 and £5000 are available.
This programme is currently OPEN to applications.

Projects should meet at least one of the following priorities:

  • Improving people’s personal finance capabilities (debt and financial advice/education)
  • Improving physical and/or mental health
  • Providing support which enhances, creates and sustains positive family relationships
  • Addressing issues of low educational attainment and improving learning outcomes
  • Providing people with opportunities to reduce inequality, exclusion and disadvantage, including projects which increase access to employment.

There is one annual deadline:
28th February 
How to apply:

Friday, 1 February 2019


THE PEOPLE’S POSTCODE TRUST – Grants up to £20,000  available for projects in England, Scotland and Wales that focus on the prevention of poverty and promotion of human rights by challenging discrimination and promoting employability and skills development.
Application deadlines:
o Round 1:  Stage 1 applications 6-20 February 2019. Stage 2 applications 27 March-10 April 2019.
o Round 2:  Stage 1 applications 31 July-14 August 2019.  Stage 2 applications 11-25 September 2019.
The People’s Postcode Trust provides funding for new projects, or significant expansions of existing projects, in England, Scotland and Wales. The projects can be up to 12 months in length. Please note that this is an extremely competitive grant programme.
In 2019, the Trust will consider projects which focus on:
o Promoting human rights;
o Combating discrimination; and/or
o Poverty prevention.
Grassroots organisations, local charities and non-profit community businesses may apply for a grant of between £500 to £20,000 are available, as follows:
1. Applicants that are not formally registered as a charity in England, Wales or Scotland can apply for between £500 and £2,000 in funding (for example, Companies limited by guarantee with a non-profit purpose, constituted voluntary organisation with no charity number,  a constituted voluntary organisation with no charity number, Community Interest Company with no charity number,  a constituted sports group with no charity number or organisations with tax exempt status but no registered charity number);
2. Applicants that are registered as charities in England, Wales or Scotland and can provide a charity number can apply for between £500 and £20,000 in funding.
Generally, the larger and longer the project the higher the amount it would be considered acceptable to request. The amount requested should be directly related to the strength of the long term outcomes of the project.
The Trust will consider applications from branches of national charities if the branch has its own charity registration number. However, this does not extend to local Wildlife Trusts.
All applicants must be able to provide proof they are a constituted organisation and have an organisation bank account.
All registered charities, with an income above £25,000, are expected to have a financial reserves strategy in place.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Organisations currently in receipt of funding from players of the People’s Postcode Lottery, including previous grant recipients who have not submitted a project evaluation form;
o Existing projects (unless significant expansion);
o Bodies seeking to distribute grants/funds to others;
o Organisations with restricted or exclusive memberships;
o Applications where Postcode Local Trust funding would be less than 10% of the overall project cost;
o Organisations that have previously breached their funding agreement with Postcode Local Trust;
o Political parties or party political activities;
o Projects that promote religion;
o Schools (except for special schools), Parent Teacher Associations, nurseries, and universities/colleges;
o Lunch clubs, mother and toddler and after-school groups;
o Individuals;
o Feasibility studies;
o Foreign travel;
o General marketing appeals or sponsorship;
o Medical research, advice and equipment;
o End of life or palliative care;
o Short-term projects such as events, conferences, day trips, seminars, galas or festivals;
o Training or educational workshops that do not result in a tangible outcome for participants;
o Building renovations/general refurbishment;
o Installations of toilets, showers, lifts or changing rooms;
o Organisations that appear to have excessive unrestricted or free reserves and no policy to reflect the rationale behind this; or
o Projects or activities that the state has a legal obligation to provide.
The programme has two funding rounds and an online two-stage application process (Expression of Interest followed by Full Application).
The application form will appear online during the stage 1 dates.
The 2019 dates for application are as follows:
1. Round 1 
o Stage 1: Wednesday 6 -  Wednesday 20 February;
o  Stage 2: Wednesday 27 March – Wednesday 10 April.
2. Round 2
Stage 1: Wednesday 31 July – Wednesday 14 August;
o Stage 2: Wednesday 11 – Wednesday 25 September.
Further information about the People’s Postcode Trust and how to apply is available on the Trust’s website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Management Team 
People's Postcode Lottery 
76 George Street 
EH2 3BU 
0131 555 7287 