Friday, 26 August 2011

PAVO - on the road again

PAVO’s Development Team will be hitting the road again during the Autumn.

Staff will be available to support you around any of the following:

  • · Can Do ‘Ideas into Reality’ Fund
  • · Undertaking a health check of your organisation
  • · Running your organisation, including trustee and governance, group structures
  • · Finding funding
  • · Making funding applications
  • · Thinking about sustainable funding
  • · Thinking about social enterprise

To start the ball rolling we will be in:

· PAVO Offices, Llandrindod Wells – 10-4 pm, on 9th September 2011

· Rhayader Leisure Centre - 28th September 2011 as part of the Action on Hearing Loss Information event



Thursday, 25 August 2011


The Village SOS Competition aims to support voluntary organisations to start community businesses to reinvigorate village communities.

The scheme will help groups with business ideas to support enterprises and activities which tackle specific problems faced by villages and their residents.

Grants of £10,000 to £30,000 are available.

All applicants must:

  • Have an idea for a community enterprise.
  • Be based in a rural area with a population of less than 3,000.
  • Be registered on the Village SOS website.
  • Consult their local communities before putting forward a proposal.

For more information go to:

The deadline for applications is 6 October 2011.

If you require any support through the application process, get intouch - we are here to help!

It would be great to see Powys Villages getting results.

Monday, 22 August 2011


The scheme is specifically looking to reach young people with current mental health problems such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, hearing voices, self harm, eating disorders or suicidal feelings.

They aim to support work with young people aged 11-25 with current mental health problem through:

· Services for young people

· Training

Your work will need to deliver one or more of the following outcomes:

· Increased access to appropriate services for young people with mental health problems, resulting in improved mental health

· A greater understanding and specialist skill base amongst people who work with young people with mental health needs.

They do not support work seeking to improve young people’s general wellbeing, as they target funds towards those with recognised mental health problems with a need for specialist support.

· You can apply for some or all of your project costs, but we encourage you to get some of your funding from other sources if you can. We will not generally fund the full costs of applications made by charities with an annual income of over £10m. Our grants usually vary between £25,000 and £40,000 per year for a maximum of three years and rarely exceed this upper limit.

For more information about the scheme and deadlines go to:

Monday, 15 August 2011

Village SOS programme highlights Talgarth Mill

Did you see the Village SOS programme last week? The programme highlighted the major works undertaken to restore Talgarth Mill to its former glory, with a new cafe and bakery, offering breads made using the flour produced at the Mill. Since the programme Talgarth Mill has been inundated with visitors, and the newly opened cafe, has had people queuing out the door! Their Facebook page had 500 members within 4 hours.

For more information go to:

Best wishes to Talgarth Mill. PAVO is proud to have been able to support you in your endeavours and wishes you every success for the future.

If you missed the programme, it is still available on the BBCi Player.

The search for Britain's Digital Heroes 2011 begins

It's the UK's only scheme which recognises Inspirational people who use technology to benefit their community.

The Talk Talk Digital Heroes Awards, with Citizens Online and in association with The Mirror - and supported by Race Online 2012 - is an awards and funding scheme with a difference.

12 Projects from around the country - as voted for by the public - will be awarded a £5,000 grant, with one overal winner getting £10,000.

Last year our TalkTalk Awards saw an incredible response with over 140,000 public votes for 12 truly inspirational winners. And this year we're aiming to make the awards bigger than ever.

Nominate your Digital Hero now at:

Source: Talk Talk

People’s Postcode Trust – New Funding Round open

If you are a small organisation, community group or charity looking for support, look no further!

People’s Postcode Trust are delighted to announced that our new funding round for over £2,000 in Scotland, England and Wales, and under £2,000 in England and Wales is now open.

The People’s Postcode Trust provides grants from £500 to £10,000 (or up to £5,000 in Wales) for three month projects that aim to make a difference to local communities. The deadline is 5pm on Friday 26th August, so please ensure you have submitted all relevant forms by this time, as we cannot accept late submissions. Good luck to all applicants!

To see if you are eligible and for details on how to apply, please go to

Powys Environmental Partnership - Small Grants Scheme Open

The aim of the scheme is to encourage and support community-led environmental projects in Powys. The closing date for applications is the end of September, the grants will be awarded by mid-October and the project must be completed by the 31st of March next year.

For more information contact Heather Delonette via e-mail at or by phone on 01597 82 6165

NatWest Community Force Awards

NatWest have launched a new initiative to help local charities, organisations and groups raise publicity of their work and attract volunteers. The programme also provides the opportunity to receive funding through their Community Force awards. 158 individual Community Force areas have been set up and will each be offering three local projects the chance to win an award of £6,000 each.

Organisations and charities can apply for a between 25 July and 4 September 2011. An on-line public vote will decide the three organisations that will receive the awards, ensuring the projects which are recognised are those that local people feel will benefit their community most.

Go to: for more information, or phone 0800 2100 246.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Focus on Children in Need

Thinking of applying to Children in Need?
There is an annual budget of £3 million in Wales, and applications in excess of £15 million are received each year. In order to give yourselves the best chance to you can, give them a ring first to check you can apply - it may seem simple, but it could save you a lot of time in the long run.

The fund focuses on supporting grass roots work with children. Any application has to cover the following three areas well:
  1. DISADVANTAGE - this is crucial, and it has to be evidenced well. Rurality can't be used on its own as a disadvantage, but is acceptable when it applies with another form of disadvantage.
  2. CONSULTATION - make sure you have consulted with the children who will be involved / affected by the project, and make sure they are involved in the planning. Consultation can range from a questionnaire to a MP3 recording, doesn't matter how it's done, as long as it happens!
  3. OUTCOMES - showing the distance children will travel as a result of the project is really important, including 'soft' outcomes. These will be different as no two children are the same.
N.B Child protection procedures are extremely important at all levels of an organisation

The fund has a two stage application process:
  • The first stage checks eligibility, criteria and information.
  • If your project gets through the first stage, it then goes onto a second stage telephone interview. This is a chance to be really passionate about your project, and sell it. A written report then goes forward to committee for a decision.
For more information about Children in Need go to:


Don't forget PAVO's Development Officer's are available to support groups through any application process.


Provided by Voluntary Arts Network, the development agency for arts participation, the Epic Awards are designed to draw attention to work taking place within the voluntary and amateur arts sector. The awards aim to provide these groups with the opportunity to raise their profile and to win a package of prizes including training, equipment and publicity.

Following the success of the first Epic Awards in 2010, which ran across England only, the sponsor has decided to extend the 2011 scheme to groups across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

The awards will be made under the following four categories:

  • Engagement
  • Partnerships
  • Innovation
  • Creativity

Successful groups receive an electronic Epic Award winner pack including logo and branding that can be used on all communication, if desired. The winner of each of the four categories will receive £250 worth of gift vouchers and runners-up will receive £100 worth of gift vouchers. These can be redeemed at GreatArt. Each winning group will also receive annual membership of Arts Development UK, worth £165.

Voluntary or amateur art and craft groups/organisations in the United Kingdom and Ireland are eligible to apply ie:

  • those arts and crafts that people undertake for self-improvement, social networking and leisure, but not primarily for payment;
  • groups that are self-organised;
  • not-for-profit groups.

The deadline for receipt of entries is 11 November 2011 (5pm).

(Source: Grant Finder)

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


This year, Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales celebrates its 25th anniversary, and has £25m to give to charities that help disadvantaged people to play a fuller role in the community.

In Wales, the Foundation have already funded a wide range of charitable causes, including debt advice services, support for the deaf and hearing impaired, citizen advice bureaus and drug addiction support services. So far this year we have awarded £676,400 to charities in Wales, but we still have money available. Unlike many other grant makers, 70% of our funding goes towards core costs such as salaries, overheads, rent and project costs.

If your charity is registered with the charity commission, is helping disadvantaged people and you have 12 months of reserves or less, then the Foundation wants to hear from you. Visit the website, have a look at the funding guidelines and complete the eligibility questionnaire. It only takes ten minutes and it will tell you instantly if your charity would be eligible for funding.

“We were recently awarded a grant for the salary of an Employment Officer to help our beneficiaries find job opportunities, write CVs and hone their interview skills. This position is key to the future of the charity’s employment programme and would not be possible without the willingness of Lloyds TSB Foundation to fund this core cost. Their understanding of our needs and flexibility towards our grant has been so refreshing.”

Mike Spence, the Fundraising Officer at the North Wales Deaf Association

(Source: Lloyds TSB Foundation)


The Big Lottery Community Voice programme is a wonderful opportunity for groups to influence the way services are provided. It will be of interest to groups of individuals or established group interested in influencing decisions in your community and working together with local agencies to develop solutions and improve services.

The £12 million Community Voice Programme will fund and develop projects which will strengthen the influence of local communities on public services.

As your local County Voluntary Council, PAVO has been invited to submit a portfolio for consideration under the Community Voice programme. The portfolio for our county will be called One Powys - Many Voices. This links with Powys' new multi-agency draft plan for delivering public services, which is called "One Powys". We are now looking for up to 10 different projects, which can demonstrate how they help to deliver the outcomes of this plan.

If you would like further information you can:

All Expressions of Interest need to be submitted to PAVO no later than 22ndAugust 2011.


The Rushlight Awards recognise and reward leading public, private and voluntary sector organisations that have produced environmentally beneficial innovative and technological developments.

The scheme is open to organisations throughout the UK and Ireland that have developed a specific technology, process or initiative that has, or will have, a significant beneficial impact on the environment.

Organisations of all types and sizes are eligible to enter the awards, including public sector organisations, voluntary and community sector organisations, research institutions and private companies. Innovations or technologies entered into the awards must have taken place between 1 January 2008 and 31 July 2011.

There are 22 categories for application, which are spread over five groups:

  • Natural Energy.
  • Clean Energy.
  • Energy Environmental.
  • Resources Innovation.
  • Environmental Management.

The 2011 Rushlight Awards have a prize fund worth £500,000 consisting of services donated by the programme's sponsors. Prizes are given for each category winner and for the overall winner for each category group. Each overall category group winner will also be forwarded for the main Rushlight Award.

The deadline for entries to the 2011 Rushlight Awards is 31 October.

(Source: Grant finder)


The Baring Foundation's Arts Project Programme has reopened for 2012.

The programme seeks to fund arts organisations in the United Kingdom that are currently working with older people that can demonstrate the impact their work is making on the quality of life and artistic practice of individuals or communities, and that need help with their core costs to help them to sustain or develop this work.

The programme aims to support arts organisations which are developing the wider community’s understanding and enjoyment of the contributions that older people make to society and the cultural life of the United Kingdom, as well as striving for a wider understanding of the diverse creative and cultural needs of older people.

Grants of up to £30,000 are available to voluntary arts organisations in the UK.

The deadline for applications is 30 September 2011.

Go to:

(Source: Grant Finder)

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Children in Need Surgery a great success

Last Thursday saw Andrea Powell, Children in Need National Officer for Wales, come to Llandrindod Wells, to meet with groups enquiring about the Children in Need Fund. All appointments were snapped up quickly. The day flew by with a wide variety of projects on the table.

Andrea is keen to come back to Powys again, so watch this space for more details.

Thanks to Andrea for coming and those groups that attended for making it such a success.



Stanley Bligh Memorial Fund - BRECKNOCKSHIRE

This fund aims to provide assistance to individuals or groups pursuing studies or activities in technical and vocational subjects in the arts or sciences (with a particular emphasis on forestry and agriculture).


Grants are available to fund 50% of costs up to a maximum of £500 for individuals and £1500 for groups.

Brecon Girls Grammar School Fund - BRECKNOCKSHIRE

This fund supports general education purposes for residents of the former County of Brecknockshire.


Grants are available to fund 50% of costs up to a maximum of £500 for individuals and £1500 for community and voluntary groups/organisations.

The Montgomeryshire District Trust Fund - MONTGOMERYSHIRE

This fund aims to provide facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation for the benefit of the inhabitants of Montgomeryshire with the object of improving the conditions of life for those inhabitants.


Grants of between £100-£1000 are available to fund a maximum of 50% of the costs of a project.

For more information about the Powys Community Endowment Fund go to:

To obtain an application form please phone 02920 536590 or email:

The closing date for applications is 26th August 2011.