Thursday, 4 August 2011

Focus on Children in Need

Thinking of applying to Children in Need?
There is an annual budget of £3 million in Wales, and applications in excess of £15 million are received each year. In order to give yourselves the best chance to you can, give them a ring first to check you can apply - it may seem simple, but it could save you a lot of time in the long run.

The fund focuses on supporting grass roots work with children. Any application has to cover the following three areas well:
  1. DISADVANTAGE - this is crucial, and it has to be evidenced well. Rurality can't be used on its own as a disadvantage, but is acceptable when it applies with another form of disadvantage.
  2. CONSULTATION - make sure you have consulted with the children who will be involved / affected by the project, and make sure they are involved in the planning. Consultation can range from a questionnaire to a MP3 recording, doesn't matter how it's done, as long as it happens!
  3. OUTCOMES - showing the distance children will travel as a result of the project is really important, including 'soft' outcomes. These will be different as no two children are the same.
N.B Child protection procedures are extremely important at all levels of an organisation

The fund has a two stage application process:
  • The first stage checks eligibility, criteria and information.
  • If your project gets through the first stage, it then goes onto a second stage telephone interview. This is a chance to be really passionate about your project, and sell it. A written report then goes forward to committee for a decision.
For more information about Children in Need go to:


Don't forget PAVO's Development Officer's are available to support groups through any application process.

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