Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Can Do - get it while you can!!!

Interest in this scheme is high - once the money is gone, it's gone, so take advantage of it as soon as possible.  
Groups undergoing the funding health check have found it to be a useful process, and not at all daunting.  It can also be done over the phone.
So here is the information you need to know:

Up to £2000 will be available for groups supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.

Groups wishing to apply will go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer. This useful tool, enables us to ensure your group is eligible, reducing the volume of paperwork that usually accompanies an application.
Groups will be expected to find match funding of 33%, e.g:
Application to fund for £2000
Match from group £660
Total Project Costs £2660

Projects should fit one of the following criteria:
  • Creating or refurbishing facilities available to the community as a whole or adapting them to ensure equal access to disabled people as required under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Acting to improve the built or natural environment for local people
  • Improving the well-being of the community by encouraging activities and healthy life styles
  • Providing facilities or activities which reduce poverty, inequality, discrimination and social disadvantage
  • Encouraging training that targets vulnerable or excluded people
  • Stimulating community businesses and social enterprise
  • Assisting the promotion of job opportunities and increased incomes
  • Involving people of all ages and abilities in the community and addressing the needs of socially excluded groups
  • Strengthening the cultural and linguistic identity of the community
For more information:
Go to: www.pavo.org.uk
PAVO Help desk: 0845 009 3288
e-mail: info@pavo.org.uk

Thursday, 8 December 2011

New Energy Efficiency Funding Announced (England and Wales)

The Department of Energy and Climate Change has launched a £30 million investment in community green schemes and public sector energy efficiency.
The funding takes the form of a new £10 million Local Energy Assessment Fund (LEAF) launched to help local communities develop energy projects with an additional £20 million in loans for energy efficiency in schools, universities, hospitals, local authorities and other public sector buildings.
The LEAF, managed by a number of community networks and administered by the Energy Saving Trust, will be run as a competition, with the chance for around 200 community organisations to get to grips with energy efficiency and renewable energy generation. Organisations including parish councils, voluntary associations, development trusts and faith groups are all eligible to apply.
Up to £50,000 is available for each successful community to be used to help assess the potential for energy efficiency and local renewable energy generation in their locality.
Funding is allocated in two rounds.

(Source: Grantfinder)
The first round closes at noon on 22 December 2011 with successful applicants notified in the week beginning 9 January 2012. The second round will close to applications at noon on 20 January 2012 with successful communities notified at the end January.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


We have been asked to promote the scheme, as it is currently open to local groups.  the following message has come from the Millennium Stadium Trust:

We are open to receive applications for local projects from charities or not for profit groups. The maximum grant for local applicants is £2,500, the closing date is 19th December  and decisions will be made early March 2012 and groups will be written to in March.  Projects need to start from after March 2012 and they have a year to spend the funding.

Examples include:
Faith gardens in schools, local sports clubs needing funds for equipment or coaching qualifications, trips for elderly and isolated people, community recycling projects, theatre trips for ill children, specially adjusted cinema viewings for disabled children, nets for cricket club and other rurally isolated clubs.  

Please note if you have been awarded a grant then  you cannot re apply until 3 years after the date of your offer letter.

Please follow the link below for the updated application form and guidelines.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Home Fire Safety Checks - Opportunity for Community Groups

One of the main objective’s of Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is reducing domestic fires through carrying out free Home Fire Safety Checks (HFSC) in people’s homes.  

A HFSC takes around 30 minutes to carry out and involves an assessment to identify and provide solutions to fire risks in a person’s home.  Depending on the outcome, a range of free fire safety equipment maybe provided in conjunction with fitting smoke detectors.  We are looking to target individuals who we deem vulnerable for example older people (60+), single adults and single parents, individuals living in deprivation, individuals living with a mental and / or physical impairment, smokers, and individuals who have issues with alcohol / drugs, as they have been identified of being at high risk of being injured or killed as a result of a fire.

For us, the key is working in partnership with organisations such as yourselves in carrying out these safety checks.  Your contribution could really make a difference to the safety of the people you work with.  If you are a voluntary sector organisation that is working closely with the people we deem vulnerable from having house fires please get in touch with me to look at ways of working together for the safety and well being of your clients.

Funding has been made available for voluntary sector organisations where we can currently make a payment of £10 per HFSC carried out.  Full training & support would be provided to enable members to undertake such checks.  If you are interested in further information then please contact me.

Many thanks,

Neil Evans
Rheolwr Gorsaf – rheolwr diogelwch yn y gymuned de Powys
Station Manager – community safety manager south Powys.
Mewnol / Internal: Ext. 1128
 Allanol / External: 01792705028
Symudol / Mobile: 07882634605 Post / Mail n.evans@mawwfire.gov.uk
Wefan / Website: www.mawwfire.gov.uk