Friday, 24 August 2012

GwirVol Youth Led Grant Scheme - Apply Now!

There is still money available.   Grants in the region of £250 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 to help their communities. Previous successful applications secured funds to:
  • create a community garden
  • hold a fund-raising event to raise money for a village hall
  • open up a footpath for local people and making it accessible for  people with mobility disabilities
  • run a peer-led first aid course
  • train young volunteers.
The applications have to be written by young people.  A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications.

The deadline for applications is Friday 28th September 2012.
All projects will need to be completed before 31st March 2013.                                             

If you require a word version of the grant application pack please contact the PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288 or email: 


Big Lottery Fund is urging other rural communities with populations of less than 3,000 across Wales to make the most of the funding scheme before it closes on 12 September. Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 are available for enterprising projects from community-run shops and pubs to energy or transport schemes, and craft or food projects. For more information visit:
John Rose, Wales’ Director of the Big Lottery Fund, said: “This is a unique opportunity for funding for community-run social enterprises so I would urge more rural communities in Wales to apply.”
(Source: BIG lottery) 

Monday, 20 August 2012

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


There is just one round left, until Children in Need makes changes to the way it delivers grants in Wales.
Small grants of up to £10,000 are still available for up to three years, whilst the main grants scheme will still fund projects of over £10,000 for three years.  The last deadline for this year is the 15th October 2012, and this will be your last opportunity to access funding in this way.

Details of the changes will be posted here, but don't miss out.  

Are you considering applying to Children in Need?  Come along to our special funding surgery to meet with Andrea Powell the National Officer for Wales.  Andrea will be coming to Llandrindod Wells on:
·         Thursday 6th September 2012
·         PAVO Offices, Llandrindod Wells
Appointments must be booked in advance.  

For more information, and to book a place please contact Claire Sterry on 01597 822191 or –email

Show Racism the Red Card

Show Racism the Red Card encourages innovative grassroots projects around the country to raise awareness of the Fortnight of Action and to highlight issues of racism, diversity and inclusion by running their own initiatives through our Fortnight of Action Community Grant Initiative:

This year, Show Racism the Red Card is awarding small grants of up to £150 for the development of community-based projects in Wales. 

Grants are available to non-statutory organisations including community groups, schools, youth clubs, football clubs, charities and other grassroots bodies that are working to engage with young people, ethnic minorities, excluded groups, football fans, and refugees and asylum seekers. 

Applications should demonstrate the below criteria.

1) Anti-racist educational value.
2) Sport orientated.
3) Partnership work with other local agencies.
4) Projects must take place within the Fortnight of Action (12-25th October).
5) Act as a catalyst for further anti-racist activity throughout the year.
6) Encourage community participation.

To apply for a grant please complete the accompanying application form. The maximum amount that groups can apply for is £150. 

The closing date for all applications is 5pm on Friday 28th September 2012, and under no circumstances will applications be accepted after this date. Successful applications will be informed by 5pm on Wednesday 3rd October 2012.

For more information on available educational resources click HERE 

Download the Grant application form HERE

For more information about the Fortnight of Action click HERE

Jason Webber
Campaign Worker

Show Racism the Red Card
Dangos y Cerdyn Coch I Hiliaeth

Tel:       (Ffôn) 02920 351616
Mob:     (Symudol) 07971423761

Monday, 13 August 2012

Does Your Organisation Deliver Training? - Important Funding Opportunity

Is your organisation currently contracted to deliver training courses for Powys County Council, or do you have an interest in finding out how you could do so in the future? If so, you need to be aware of the tender process for Powys Training Services that will be starting in late August.

This tender opportunity is important as:
·  The total value of training work going out to tender is £500,000+ per year (although it will be broken down into a number of smaller 'lots')
·  Organisations who do not successfully apply through the tender process will not be able to be contracted to deliver this training for the next 4 years
·  There are many different types of training that PCC will be putting out to contract - an indication of what can be found in the current Powys Integrated Training Brochure at: Lots of the courses cover types of training that local voluntary sector organisations already deliver, or could expand their services to deliver.
PCC ran a Suppliers Briefing Session in July about the tender opportunity, but many local voluntary sector organisations may have missed this opportunity to find out the arrangements. 

PAVO is therefore holding a further briefing session 10am-1pm on Wednesday 22 August at the Cartrefi Cymru meeting Room, Llandrindod Wells.

The session will include:
·  Presentation from PCC about the tender opportunity and the processes involved
·  Guidance on how organisations can work together to submit joint tender applications
·  Opportunity for organisations to network with each other and begin discussions about possible joint applications
PAVO is also inviting all those who attended the July suppliers briefing to attend this event. Many of these were national charities, social enterprises and commercial companies; a number of whom are keen to meet with local Powys voluntary sector training organisations as they are interested in developing joint tender applications with local training providers.

If you wish to attend this important event please book your place with PAVO at or 0845 0093328.

New BBC series seeks to help small charities raise funding – your chance to take part

Silver River Productions are producing a new documentary series for BBC Television which will help small UK-based charities raise funding. We are looking for charities that are local, volunteer-run organisations. They need to have an income of £10,000 or less per year and are struggling to raise funds.

If your charity fits these criteria and you would be happy to appear within the series, please contact for an application form. Due to editorial time constraints, the deadline for applications is the 22 August 2012. We can only consider the first 1,000 applications.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Crowdfunding Challenge 2012

Are you looking to raise money in a new way?
Perhaps you have a database of supporters in need of some attention?
Or maybe you’d like to make the most of the support of your community.

Then go to:

This is a unique opportunity to raise funds - let us know if you go for it!

(Source: NCVO)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

People's Postcode Trust - Deadline Approaching

The People’s Postcode Trust offers up to £5,000 for Welsh charities to run a three month project. Registered charities can apply for up to £5,000 and non-registered charities can apply for up to £2,000. Funding will be awarded to projects with one or more of the following aims: prevention of poverty; promotion, improvement and advancement of health; advancement of citizenship or community development; advancement of public participation in sport; advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation; advancement of environmental protection or improvement. Please go to download application forms and guidance notes. The next deadline is 24 August 2012.