Monday, 13 August 2012

Does Your Organisation Deliver Training? - Important Funding Opportunity

Is your organisation currently contracted to deliver training courses for Powys County Council, or do you have an interest in finding out how you could do so in the future? If so, you need to be aware of the tender process for Powys Training Services that will be starting in late August.

This tender opportunity is important as:
·  The total value of training work going out to tender is £500,000+ per year (although it will be broken down into a number of smaller 'lots')
·  Organisations who do not successfully apply through the tender process will not be able to be contracted to deliver this training for the next 4 years
·  There are many different types of training that PCC will be putting out to contract - an indication of what can be found in the current Powys Integrated Training Brochure at: Lots of the courses cover types of training that local voluntary sector organisations already deliver, or could expand their services to deliver.
PCC ran a Suppliers Briefing Session in July about the tender opportunity, but many local voluntary sector organisations may have missed this opportunity to find out the arrangements. 

PAVO is therefore holding a further briefing session 10am-1pm on Wednesday 22 August at the Cartrefi Cymru meeting Room, Llandrindod Wells.

The session will include:
·  Presentation from PCC about the tender opportunity and the processes involved
·  Guidance on how organisations can work together to submit joint tender applications
·  Opportunity for organisations to network with each other and begin discussions about possible joint applications
PAVO is also inviting all those who attended the July suppliers briefing to attend this event. Many of these were national charities, social enterprises and commercial companies; a number of whom are keen to meet with local Powys voluntary sector training organisations as they are interested in developing joint tender applications with local training providers.

If you wish to attend this important event please book your place with PAVO at or 0845 0093328.

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