Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Money Advice Trust - Innovation Grants Programme Open to Applications (UK)

Grants are available for innovative projects helping people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money wisely.

Grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to three years are available to charitable organisations in the UK.
Funding is available for projects that demonstrate innovative practice and meet either aim 1 or 2 whilst assisting the Trust in achieving aim 3:
  1. Empower individuals and microbusinesses to tackle their debts and improve financial health.
  2. Support staff in charities across the UK to provide effective debt and/or money advice.
  3. Improve the UK’s money and environment through the dissemination of successful innovative practice from funded projects.
The Trust is looking for project proposals that demonstrate how they will support people who are in severe financial hardship, who are financially excluded and/or who are hard to reach to:
  • Increase their financial literacy.
  • Save money.
  • Reduce their debt.
  • Maximise their income.
  • Access affordable credit and financial services.
The following is a list of themes that the Trust is particularly interested in funding in 2015-2016; however applications on themes outside of this list will still be accepted:
  • Household budgets, particularly how to help people with deficit budgets.
  • Developing delivery channels to match clients’ needs.
  • Assisting clients preparing for or affected by welfare reform.
  • Helping one or more of the two groups identified as under-served in a recent literature review. The groups are 17-24 year olds and people with mental health problems/emotional support need.
The Programme is open to Expressions of Interest with a deadline of 17 August 2014 (midnight).

Friday, 18 July 2014


Do you need some funding support?  Have you got an issue around governance?  Would you like to discuss potential project ideas?  Would your organisation like a health check?
Come along at meet with PAVO Development Officers on the following dates:
Tuesday 19th August 2014                   PAVO Offices, Llandrindod                    11am - 3pm          
Tuesday 19th August                           PAVO Offices, Newtown                          11am – 3pm

Thursday 4th September 2014              Llanfair Caerinion                      11am – 3pm

Can you offer us a venue to hold our outreach sessions?  Contact us on 01597 822191 if you can help!

To make an appointment please contact PAVO on 01597 822191 to book a placeWe will be working our way round Powys, so watch this space for details of further events.  We hope to see as many of you as possible.  Don’t delay, book today!
Thinking of asking potential donors to donate to your charity?  Pick up some useful tips here:


(Source: Guardian Voluntary Sector Network)

Online retail for charities

Do you use Ebay or other platforms for fundraising for your charity?

In this useful article, Chief executive of Ebay's partner charity shares his expertise on what makes online customers shop, click and donate:


(Source: Guardian Voluntary Sector Network)

Thursday, 10 July 2014


Do you need some funding support?  Have you got an issue around governance?  Would you like to discuss potential project ideas?  Would your organisation like a health check?
Come along at meet with PAVO Development Officers on the following dates:
Tuesday 19th August 2014            PAVO Offices, Llandrindod           11am 3pm          

Tuesday 19th August                    PAVO Offices, Newtown                11am – 3pm

Thursday 4th September 2014              Llanfair Caerinion                 11am – 3pm

To make an appointment please contact PAVO on 01597 822191 to book a placeWe will be working our way round Powys, so watch this space for details of further events.  We hope to see as many of you as possible.  Don’t delay, book today!

People and Places Guidance Updated

The Big Lottery People and Places Programme has updated its 'Before You Apply' guidance.

Go to:  http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/prog_people_places

People's Postcode Trust - Opens Today to Applications from Scotland, Wales and East & West Midlands of England

Funding is available for projects that advance citizenship or community development in England, Scotland and Wales.

The Small Grants Programme is now open to applications from Scotland, Wales and the East and West Midlands of England. Registered charities, SCIOs, constituted voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, community interest companies (CIC), not-for-profit organisations and sports clubs are eligible to apply.
Due to increasing demand for funding, the Trust has decided that it will only accept applications that meet the following funding theme: Advancement of citizenship or community development. Advancing community development involves creating opportunities for the community to learn new skills and, by enabling people to act together, helps further social inclusion and equality.
Grants range from £500 to £20,000 for organisations in Scotland and England and up to £5,000 for those in Wales. 
The Trust is looking for projects that engage local communities and leaves a positive long term impact beyond the duration of funding. Priority will be given to projects that are focused on improving life for disadvantaged groups and encouraging their inclusion within society.
Projects that have a focus on sport, health, reducing poverty, environmental improvement or the advancement of human rights are still eligible for funding as long as they are strong in meeting the above community development criterion.
The deadline for applications is 22 August 2014.


(Source: Grantfinder)

Big Energy Saving Network - Grant Offer Fund Now Open

The Department of Energy and Climate Change has launched its £1 million energy advice grants programme for 2014/15.

The Big Energy Saving Network is a £1 million programme of training, support and grant funding for legally constituted third sector organisations and community groups to deliver an extensive programme of outreach to vulnerable consumers, focused on helping them reduce their energy costs through assisted action on tariffs, switching and the take up of energy efficiency offers.
The programme's primary objectives are to:
  • Provide assisted action for the maximum number of vulnerable consumers possible with the funding available, to help them save money on their energy costs through attendance at Big Energy Saving Network volunteer-run outreach sessions.
  • Deliver a focused training programme to frontline workers who come into regular contact with vulnerable consumers, in order to help them save money on their energy costs, where practicable.
The programme of outreach will be led by 160 specially trained Network ‘Champions’, voluntary workers that will co-ordinate the training of further volunteers and frontline workers. These volunteers and frontline workers will in turn deliver proactive advice to consumers on energy issues via an assisted action approach.
Each grant award is for a total of £5,000 per Champion, which is made up of an initial £4,000 grant to be followed by a further payment of up to £1,000 if the agreed objectives of the grant are met in full.
The funding can be used for venue hire, publicity, printing, IT, travel and other associated expenses to run events and/or make home visits.
The outreach programme will run through autumn/winter 2014/15, with outreach activity concluding on 13 March 2015.
The deadline for applications is 8 August 2014 (5pm).

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Jeans for Genes Day/Genetic Disorders UK Grant Programme Open for Applications

The 2015 grant programme opened to applications today. Grants of between £500 and £25,000 are available for UK charities and support groups that support children and families with genetic disorders.

Funding is available for projects that can satisfy the following criteria:

   - The project must benefit children (18 years or under) affected by genetic disorders.
   - The proposed project is of one year’s duration or less.
   - The proposed project will take place in the UK and/or will benefit UK families. 
   - The project’s activities are tangible and identifiable.
   - The size of the Jeans for Genes grant can make an acknowledgeable impact on the project.
   - The charity or support group has a child protection policy in place (if applicable).

The 2014 deadline for the 2015 Grant Programme is 30 September 2014 (midnight).

Panel presentations will be held in London in November 2014 for shortlisted applicants requesting grants of £5,000 or more.

The Big Lottery Fund in Wales needs your views on its future funding strategy.

Outside Welsh Government, the Big Lottery Fund in Wales is the sector's biggest funder. Until the end of July, the Fund is seeking input from the sector about its funding strategy between 2015 and 2021. 
So we're hosting a lunchtime webinar - an online meeting - with BIG where you can find out more and have your say.
In Wales, the Fund is thinking about specific areas that it could invest in alongside its demand led funding streams. They are:
·         Future proofing the third sector
·         Financial resilience
·         Environment with a focus on building social capital
·         Rural poverty
·         Employment as a route out of poverty
·         Supporting disabled people and those with life limiting illness 
What are you views on these six areas? What actions could be taken to address each theme?
Are they the right areas to focus on, or do you think that the Fund should be considering other areas and themes?
If you've got thoughts on this, you need to sign up to attend our webinar.
The webinar is to take place on Thursday 3rd July between 12.30pm - 1.30pm.
Sign up today to make sure your views are heard.  Register your interest by completing the booking form and returning it to eventsadmin@wcva.org.uk

(Source: WCVA)