The Department of Energy and Climate Change has launched its £1 million energy advice grants programme for 2014/15.
The Big Energy Saving Network is a £1 million programme of training, support and grant funding for legally constituted third sector organisations and community groups to deliver an extensive programme of outreach to vulnerable consumers, focused on helping them reduce their energy costs through assisted action on tariffs, switching and the take up of energy efficiency offers.
The programme's primary objectives are to:
- Provide assisted action for the maximum number of vulnerable consumers possible with the funding available, to help them save money on their energy costs through attendance at Big Energy Saving Network volunteer-run outreach sessions.
- Deliver a focused training programme to frontline workers who come into regular contact with vulnerable consumers, in order to help them save money on their energy costs, where practicable.
The programme of outreach will be led by 160 specially trained Network ‘Champions’, voluntary workers that will co-ordinate the training of further volunteers and frontline workers. These volunteers and frontline workers will in turn deliver proactive advice to consumers on energy issues via an assisted action approach.
Each grant award is for a total of £5,000 per Champion, which is made up of an initial £4,000 grant to be followed by a further payment of up to £1,000 if the agreed objectives of the grant are met in full.
The funding can be used for venue hire, publicity, printing, IT, travel and other associated expenses to run events and/or make home visits.
The outreach programme will run through autumn/winter 2014/15, with outreach activity concluding on 13 March 2015.
The deadline for applications is 8 August 2014 (5pm).
Link to guidelines:
(Source: Grantfinder)
(Source: Grantfinder)
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