Thursday, 21 July 2016

Wales’ Third Sector – Too Important To Take For Granted!

Volunteering plays a significant part in the lives of individuals and communities. 77% of adults in Wales give their time to help friends or neighbours or help with activities within an organisation. If we had to fund the contribution that volunteers make to public services and to the social fabric of Wales, it would cost the tax payer at least an extra £53 million per year.
Third sector organisations are often offer much better value for money than other sectors because of the added value they bring. This added value is multi faceted e.g. social, cultural, personal, physical. However, it also has an economic dimension. One example among many is transport. There are 17 Community Transport Schemes in Powys. Our very large and deeply rural context means that access to services is notoriously difficult and many people rely on their local dial-a-ride or taxi card scheme to get to surgeries, hospitals or to go shopping. It has been demonstrated that, due to the contribution of volunteers and the funding drawn down from other sources, Powys receives £1.3m worth of service via such schemes. The local authority’s contribution is £112k. This 12:1 return on investment is almost miraculous by anyone’s calculation! To read the full article, click here

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

There will be funding advice too....

Trusty Trustee Roadshow
Future Fit Powys
Everything you need to know if you are a trustee, a director, a board member or management committee member in the third sector  
Come along to our roadshow on:
Wednesday 14th September 2016
Crossgates Village Hall
10am - 4pm
For a fun, informative, interactive day looking at charity accounts, governance workshops, PAVO’s new Trustee Project, BIG Lottery presentation, and much more besides……..

Miss it, miss out!
To book a place go to:

Sioe Deithiol Ymddiriedolwr Dibynadwy
Dyfodol Heini Powys
Popeth rydych angen ei wybod os ydych yn ymddiriedolwr, cyfarwyddwr, aelod o’r bwrdd neu
bwyllgor rheoli yn y trydydd sector
Dewch draw i'n sioe deithiol:
Dydd Mercher 14 Medi, 2016
Canolfan Gymunedol Y Groes (Crossgates)
10:00yb - 4:00yp
Diwrnod rhyngweithiol llawn hwyl a gwybodaeth, yn edrych ar gyfrifon elusennau, gweithdai llywodraethu, Prosiect Ymddiriedolwr newydd PAVO, cyflwyniad gan y Loteri Fawr, a llawer mwy ......

Peidiwch colli allan!
I archebu lle, ewch i:

Thursday, 14 July 2016


We are delighted to let you know that the new Open4Community funding portal is now live, and available exclusively to PAVO members.
Developed exclusively for third sector groups in Powys, PAVO’s new and free-to-use funding information portal aims to help PAVO members’ source funding to support an array of activities and projects. The portal offers:
  •          Free online registration to PAVO members
  •          60-second funding search or category browse for easy and quick access
  •          Search thousands of funding schemes in just a few simple steps
  •          24-hour updates for comprehensive funding information
  •          Full scheme and contact details linking you directly to funding providers
  •          Local information, support and contact details to help your organisation meet its potential
  •          Local news bulletins on relevant issues in your area
PAVO members will receive an e-mail with information about how to log onto the portal.

Not a member, not a problem, click here to join PAVO

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Commonwealth War Grave Commission Living Memory Project

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) are calling on community groups and schools across Wales and the UK to mark the Centenary of the Somme with the Living Memory project.

The project remembers the forgotten front - the 300,000 war graves or commemorations right here in the UK, with most people are no more than three miles from their nearest site. Throughout Wales there are over 7,700 Commonwealth War Graves Commission graves in more than a thousand locations.

These can range from the largest site at Cardiff Cathays with over 600 graves to isolated headstones in small rural churchyards. Each site and grave is an individual story waiting to be explored and remembered. Throughout the 141 days of the battle of the Somme 1st July to 18th November 2016, communities can Discover Explore and Remember their local war graves through the project. Living Memory offers resources to help community groups identify a CWGC site near them, find out more those buried there and stage a commemorative event – in their own way and reflecting their own interests – to mark the 141 days of the Somme. Funding is also available to support groups and schools to take part.

For more information visit or email to request your free resource pack and funding information. @CWGC #LivingMemory The project is funded by the Department of Culture Media and Sport and Commonwealth War Graves Commission with development funding from Department for Communities and Local Government.

 For assistance in finding local war graves close to you in Wales please see links below:

For other sources of funding which could support your Living Memory project please see links below:

For further information on the First World War Centenary Commemoration in Wales please see links below:

(Source: CyMAL)

Have your say on European Funding advice for the third sector

WCVA’s third sector European team (3-SET) is looking for third sector organisations to provide their views around the types of information and support they would like to receive when looking at accessing European funding. 

Any organisation can get involved regardless of their level of previous experience in working with European funding.  If you would like to have your say please complete this survey by 29 July 2016.

Don’t forget to provide an email address if you would like to be added to the 3-SET mailing list to keep up to date with updates on EU funding opportunities, training, events and information of general interest.

(Source: WCVA)

Brexit - Implications for the Voluntary Sector in Wales

In response to Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, WCVA will be hosting a free webinar to examine the implications for the voluntary sector in Wales. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 20th July, 2pm-3pm.

The webinar will be hosted by WCVA’s Director of Operations, Innovation and Business Development, Phil Fiander and Third Sector European Team Officer, Jessica Williams.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions in advance and throughout the session, please email or tweet using #wcvabrexit

To take part, please complete the attached booking form and return to by Monday 18th July. Your booking confirmation will give clear guidance on how to access the session.

WCVA will soon be publishing a list of Referendum FAQs and resources, please check our website regularly for updates.

If you are unable to take part the webinar will be uploaded to WCVA’s website within the following days.

Technical requirements
To access the webinar you will require Flash Player (which you should have as standard on your pc/laptop) and some headphones or speakers.  The session will be delivered using Adobe Connect Pro and will be hosted online, just click on the link that will be sent on 19 July 2016. We suggest you test your connection prior to the session to ensure there are no issues on the day.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016


The Bupa UK Foundation's funding programmes are developed around clearly defined themes and reflect important factors that underpin health and wellbeing. These include:
o Mental health;
o Ageing well;
o Managing long-term conditions;
o Behaviour change and
o Healthy living.
Each round will focus on a different theme. The theme of this funding round is Caring for Carers, and is now open to not-for-profit organisations.
This includes social enterprises and Community Interest Companies based and operating within the UK. Partnership bids are accepted as long as there is one clearly identified lead organisation that will take a central co-ordinating role to ensure the project is delivered as outlined.
Any application from a local or regional charity that is affiliated to a wider network, federation or organisation will only be accepted if the application is submitted through the national office.
The Bupa UK Foundation is looking to fund practical projects that will help unpaid adult carers to support, manage and improve their own health on a day to day basis.
The following grants are available:
Small grants up to £15,000 for organisations to deliver clearly defined projects that will have a direct impact on the health of unpaid carers. These grants will be awarded to a wide range of projects and communities across the UK.
Medium grants of between £15,000 and £50,000 for projects which might include pilots of new models of care or initiatives designed to benefit clearly defined groups.
Larger grants exceeding £50,000 for projects that have a broad reach and the potential to deliver a sustained impact. One or two grants of this size will be awarded.
Projects or initiatives should:
o Focus on the health needs of unpaid carers, rather than on those they care for;
o Support adult carers aged over 25 years and above;
o Address the day to day needs of carers; and/or
o Engage and support unpaid carers directly.
Projects which address the needs of the following groups are particularly welcome:
o Carers that are juggling work and caring responsibilities;
o 'Sandwich carers' looking after both young and old;
o The increasing number of elderly people who are caring for other elderly people. 
To be eligible, all projects must:
o Have a direct impact on people's health and wellbeing;
o Be clearly for public benefit;
o Take place within the UK; and
o Be delivered within one to two years.
There is a two-stage application process. The first stage is to submit an online first stage application form, which can be found on the Bupa UK Foundation website via an Eligibility Checker.
Stage two requires a more detailed application which will be available to groups that are successful at stage one.
The deadline for first stage applications is midnight on Friday 12 August 2016.
For further details, visit the Bupa UK Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Bupa UK Foundation
Bupa House
15-19 Bloomsbury Way
London WC1A 2BA

(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 11 July 2016

Celebrate Wales

Big Lottery are offering grants of between £250 and £2,000 for groups to hold one off events or activities which celebrate their local community.
You could also celebrate something from your community’s history or a local hero. Or maybe it’s a chance to bring people together to get to know their neighbours better.
We have £325,000 for projects in Wales
What would will you celebrate in your local area?

(Source: BIG Lottery)


The new Fundraising Regulator has taken over from the Fundraising Standards Board:

(Source: UK Fundraising)


The Society Foundation is a new Charitable Trust, registered with the Charity Commission in November 2015 with the following aims:
“To offer grants to programmes or organisations seeking to help people from the following groups move towards paid employment:
o The recently homeless or vulnerably house;
o Ex-offenders; and
o 16-24 year olds not in employment, education or training (NEETs)”.
Typically, micro-grants up to £1,000 for small or growing organisations are available.
The Foundation states that it is particularly interested in providing funding for “capacity building activities that will help increase an organisation’s sustainability and effectiveness, such as:
o IT infrastructure;
o Staff training and development;
o Monitoring and evaluation; and
o External consultancy support.”
The Foundation aims to work in partnership with the organisations it supports, setting mutually agreed goals with clear timescales.
The following are not supported:
o Individuals;
o General overheads or non-specific staff costs;
o Political causes, lobbying, campaigns or policy work;
o The promotion of religion, or projects that only provide benefit to a specific religious group;
o Animal welfare;
o Umbrella or grant making organisations;
o Projects based outside the UK;
o Projects that have already taken place;
o Generic circular appeals.
Applications may be made at any time via the Foundation’s website.
The application process is deliberately light-touch and accessible. However, potential applicants should bear in mind that the Foundation has made relatively few awards to date.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Simon Lucas
12 Standhill Close
SG4 9B
Tel: 07912487132
(Source: GRIN)


The Fund for Wales is a unique national community endowment fund which supports small inspiring charities and community groups across the country.

Grants of £500 to £1,000 are available for small, volunteer-driven community groups whose projects aim to deliver some of the following outcomes:

• Improving people’s chances in life
• Building stronger communities
• Improving rural and urban environments

To apply and read more about the Fund's criteria, please visit the website by clicking here.

(Source: Community Foundation in Wales)


The Jerwood Charitable Foundation works with individual professional artists and organisations across all art forms, offering project and programme funding.
The Foundation's support prioritises the development of talented and dedicated individuals at transitional stages of their careers, and is delivered primarily through partnerships with outstanding arts organisations throughout the UK. Opportunities to influence sector and art form development and policy making are also sought by the Foundation,
The majority of the Foundation's partnerships and initiatives are proactively sought and developed. However, unsolicited proposals are accepted, although projects put forward in this way tend to be occasionally funded. The Foundation seeks specific, targeted, tangible professional development opportunities in the work that it takes on.  
Organisations do not need to be registered charities providing the project has charitable aims. The Foundation aims to monitor chosen projects closely and sympathetically, and is keen to seek visible recognition of support.
The Foundation offers:
Large Grants - these refer to recurring relationships over a period of years, or to awards of more than £10,000; and
Small Grants -  for one-off projects, generally under £10,000.
*PLEASE NOTE: The Foundation's has limited capacity to help with activities taking place in 2016. Applicants should therefore be looking for support during 2017 and beyond.
o Large Grants - these partnerships tend to be developed proactively or through ongoing conversation with potential applicants, responding to key needs and issues within arts sectors. This fund allows the Foundation to develop strategic approaches to supporting artists through nurturing or professional development programmes founded and run by established arts organisations. Support is also available for the following: (a) Research and development initiatives supporting experimentation or to generate new work or new collaborations; (b) investigation into sectoral or policy provision; and (c) commissioning initiatives.
o Small Grants - this fund allows the Foundation to explore new relationships, work directly with individual artists, take risks and support research or development of future ideas. At the heart of every small grant is a targeted or particular professional or sectoral development opportunity to be explored.
During the financial year ending 31 December 2015, the Foundation awarded grants totalling £1.83 million under the following categories:
Strategic Projects (Jerwood Visual Arts and Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries): £945,481 (2014: £552,313);
Large Grants: £798,289 (2014: £859,621); and
Small Grants: £90,492 (2014: £136,172). 
Funding is not available for:
o Study or tuition fees, or course fees for individuals, or associated living expenses, travel or accommodation costs;
o Building or capital costs, including purchase of equipment;
o General rehearsal, touring, production or staging costs for performances or exhibitions;
o The purchase of musical instruments. Informal education or community participation projects.
o Education or participation projects for those who have not yet left formal education;
o Projects which will take place outside  the United Kingdom;
o Projects which support artists who are not resident in the United Kingdom;
o Projects in the fields of religion or sport;
o Animal rights or welfare appeals;
o General fundraising appeals;
o Appeals to establish endowment funds for other charities:
o Medical research:
o Social welfare;
o Retrospective awards or funding for retrospective activity:
o Environmental or conservation projects; or
o Medical or mental health projects.
Applications may be aubmitted at any time. As the Foundation has very limited remaining capacity for 2016, applicants should be contacting the Foundation about the possibility of making an application in 2017 or beyond.  
Applicants are therefore advised to contact the Foundation in the first instance to discuss their proposal.
Further information is available on the Jerwood Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Jerwood Charitable Foundation
171 Union Street
London SE1 OLN
Tel: 020 7261 0279

(Source: GRIN)

W H SMITH COMMUNITY GRANTS - Bracnhes in Welshpool, Newtown and Brecon

The WHSmith Trust is an independent registered charity that aims (a) to support good causes in the local communities where WHSmith has stores, and (b) to promote literacy and a love of reading.

There are 96 WHSmith stores in the South West alone, covering the vast majority of towns with a population of over 10,000.
To find out if there’s a WHSmith store near you, visit the company's Store Finder.
The WHSmith Community Grants scheme is another example of how the 5p plastic carrier bag levy is benefiting local communities up and down the country.
The scheme offers grants of up to £500 to voluntary organisations and schools from the proceeds of the compulsory carrier bag levies across the UK.
Grants are awarded every six months to charities, schools and community groups of any size, provided they support UK communities.
The following community groups may apply for a WHSmith Community Grant:
o Registered or Exempt Charities;
o Constituted voluntary and community groups; and
o Schools and pre-school playgroups.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Party political organisations;
o Religious organisation;
o Military organisations;
o Individuals; or
o Expeditions or overseas travel.
There are two annual application rounds:
o 1st April to 30th September, and
o 1st October to 31st March.
At the end of each six month period grant applications are reviewed and grants issued.
If a grant application is successful, a cheque made payable to the nominated charity or school will be sent to the applicant at their given postal address.
Cheques will be dispatched within a month of the end of each application round.
Any funds left unallocated at the end of each six month application round will be donated to UK charities as part of theWHSmith Trust’s wider grant making activity.
The application form, which is very short, can be completed on theWHSmith Community Grants webpage.  

(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The Big Give Christmas Challenge - deadline extended

The Christmas Challenge, founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist Sir Alec Reed CBE, is the UK’s biggest online match funding campaign which helps UK-registered charities raise funds for their cause.
Since the Big Give launched the campaign in 2008, the Christmas Challenge has raised over £71 million for more than 2,500 charity projects.
Find out more here:

(Source: The Big Give)

Monday, 4 July 2016

Edge Fund - extension of deadline

Here's a message from the Edge Fund:

In light of recent events, we have decided to extend the application deadline to midnight Sunday 10 July to give people more time to apply. 
We've also decided to increase the amount of funding we're giving out this round to £60,000 (£20,000 more than usual) which means more groups will receive funds and more groups will receive the larger grants. If you were thinking about applying but ran out of time, or if you meant to mention it to a group you know and forgot - now is the time, details for applications can be found here:  

If you know someone who should apply and needs support with filling out the application, remember that they can get help from the Regional Organiser in their region, contact details available here:

(Source: Edge Fund)

Friday, 1 July 2016

Lloyds Bank Foundation survey - Poor Commissioning gathering evidence to improve practice

More information is available by following the link:


The Comino Foundation offers funding to educational and charitable organisations in England and Wales for activities that are:
o Small scale;
o Innovative; and
o Enterprising,
and which have the chance of changing national policy and practice, once their effectiveness has been demonstrated over a period of time.
Any proposed activity should be:
o Reliably of high quality;
o Complement existing activity;
o Be successful; and
o Have the potential to be of influence on a national scale.
The Foundation encourages and supports innovative ventures designed to enable people to function effectively and to thrive. It looks for better ways of developing individuals' capabilities, their capacity and desire to make things happen — their zest and appetite to learn, to create, to change things for the better, for themselves and others.
The current priorities of the Foundation are:
Social opportunity – finding approaches/initiatives which help young people, whatever their background, to live fulfilling and productive lives in whatever ways have meaning and value for them;
Personal capabilities – developing approaches which enhance young people’s personal capacity to cope with the demands of growing up and with adult life;
Improving practical, technical, vocational capability – especially that which relates to designing and making, to innovation and to manufacturing.
During the financial year ending 5 April 2015 the Foundation awarded grants totalling £452,361 (2014: £568,710).
The Foundation does not advertise a minimum or maximum award level.
Successful applicants have often adopted the Foundation’sGRASP (Getting Results and Solving Problems) methodology.
The elements of the GRASP process are: 
o Define your purpose in terms of what you want to achieve, not what you want to do (these are often very different);
o When defining purpose, keep asking the question ‘Why?’ each time you think you know what your purpose is. Ask “What do I really want to achieve?”;
o Imagine in detail how it will be when you have succeeded and use this picture of success to establish the criteria by which you will know if you have succeeded;
o Examine alternative means by which the desired result might be achieved and never allow yourself to think that there is only one way to succeed;
o Choose what seems to be the best option and make a plan;
o Carry through your chosen plan;
o Repeat the process to see if you can do better or have redefined your purpose, which often happens; and
o Review the process at each stage.
Funding is not available for the following:
o Retrospective applications;
o Individuals;
o Research projects;
o Projects that involve mainstream education; or
o Research or activities outside the UK.
Applications may be made at any time.
Outline funding applications should be submitted to the Foundation's Administrator, Anthony Derbyshire. who will advise on whether it is likely to be worthwhile making a full application.
Guidelines for compiling a grant application letter are available on the Foundation's website
Contact details for the Foundation are:
J. Anthony C. Darbyshire
The Comino Foundation
First House
Nottinghamshire DN22 8JB
Tel: 01777 711141

(Source: GRIN)