Thursday, 15 December 2016

Joseph Rowntree - Sustainable Futures Programme

The overall focus of Joseph Rowtree's Sustainable Futures Programme is on developing and promoting sustainable, low-carbon alternatives to the existing and dominant consumerist and growth-based model.
The Trust is interested in funding work which:
o Is about removing problems through radical solutions, and not simply about making problems easier to live with;
o Has a clear sense of objectives, and of how to achieve them;
o Is innovative and imaginative; and
o Where the grant has a good chance of making a difference.
Organisations and individuals should be undertaking work that can be applied nationally. This refers to projects that seek to make positive change across the UK as a whole, or across one or more of its member countries - England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Funding is available for work in the following areas:
1. Better economics - the Trust will fund work that:
o Explores and promotes ways that well-being and sustainability, rather than traditional forms of economic growth, could be placed at the heart of public policy;
o Explores and promotes mechanisms that could better align business and investor behaviour with environmental sustainability and the long-term public interest;
o Researches and develops innovations and new practical models of enterprise that can be embedded within community practice;
o Challenges future investment in, or subsidies for, fossil fuels.
2. Beyond consumerism - the Trust will fund work that:
o Campaigns, initiatives and mechanisms which encourage radical, large scale shifts in behaviour and culture away from consumerism towards more sustainable ways of living;
o Exploration of initiatives and models which promote positive alternatives to consumerism for a more fulfilled life;
o Work which engages people individually and collectively in holistic and value-led approaches to transformed behaviour and lifestyle, as an alternative to consumerism.
3. New voices - the Trust will fund work that:
o Campaigns and movements that give marginalised or under-represented groups a voice on issues of environmental and economic justice;
o Initiatives that encourage organisations from outside the traditional environmental field to get involved in environmental justice;
o Networks that link and support local environmental justice groups;
o The replication of innovative local projects regionally or nationally.
No minimum or maximum amount of grant is specified by the Trust. 
Under the Sustainable Future Programme, the Trust will not fund:
o Conservation projects;
o Anti-consumerism campaigns which simply exhort people to be less consumerist, rather than encourage behaviour change resulting in sustainable living;
o Measures that are limited to mitigating against the effects of climate change rather than leading to long-term change;
o Academic research and books, except as an integral part of policy, campaigning work or leading to practical change in enterprises or community action;
o Larger, older national charities which have an established constituency of supporters and substantial levels of reserves;
o Statutory bodies;
o For-profit organisations;
o Medical research;
o Academic research, except as an integral part of policy and campaigning work that is central to the Trust's areas of interest;
o Building, buying or repairing buildings;
o Business development or job creation schemes;
o Service provision, including providing care, support or training services, such as for elderly people, children and young people, people with learning difficulties, people with physical disabilities, mental health service users, refugees or asylum seekers;
o Housing and homelessness;
o The arts, except where a project is specifically concerned with issues of interest to the Trust;
o Travel or adventure projects;
o Educational bursaries, including graduate and post-graduate studies;
o The personal support of individuals in need;
o General appeals;
o Work which the Trust believes should be funded from statutory sources, or which has been in the recent past;
o Work which has already been undertaken;
o Local or national work anywhere outside the UK.
Grants are made to a range of organisations. It is not necessary to be a registered charity to apply to the Trust, however, the Trust can only support work which is legally charitable as defined in UK law.
The 2017 application deadlines are:
o Monday 27 March 2017 at midday; and
o Monday 21 August 2017 at midday.
After reading the guidelines, applicants are advised to contact the Trust office by email or telephone to discuss their application. This should be done well before the application deadline.
Application forms are available to complete online at the Trust's website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
The Garden House
Water End
York YO30 6WQ
Tel: 01904 627 810
(Source: GRIN)

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