Friday, 31 March 2017

Grants available to develop grassroots sport throughout Powys

Sports and physical activity groups in Powys are being urged to take advantage of a grant worth up to £1,500 to help contribute to creating new or thriving clubs which will continue to create opportunities for people throughout Powys.
What can be funded? :
·         Projects that deliver increased participation and improve standards
·         Additional equipment to support growth in membership or increasing standards
·         Coach Education and volunteer development
·         Initial facility hire and instructors costs for new sessions – up to 20 weeks or sessions to a maximum of £400

With over £80,000 available for this financial year, Powys County Council are urging organisations to submit applications so they don’t miss out on the grant. 

The next deadline for applications is Thursday 6th April 2017.  For more information and to apply for the grant online please visit the following website: or for further information please contact the council’s Sport Development Team on 01686 614060

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Elise Pilkington Charitable Trust

The Elise Pilkington Charitable Trust is a registered charity (no. 278332) with the following charitable objectives:
1) To prevent cruelty to equine animals, to relieve suffering and distress among such equine animals including live horses being transported country to country for butchery if such animals are in need of care and protection by reason of sickness, maltreatment, poor circumstances or other similar causes;
2) To promote the relief of the elderly; and
3) To further such other exclusively charitable purposes.
Grants are awarded for capital projects only.
On-going running costs such as salaries are not supported.
Successful applicants may not apply for a further three years.
In general, the Trust awards more grants for charities working with the elderly.
Equine welfare grants are normally only considered from charities that are members of the National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC) or charities that are proactively working towards membership of NEWC.
The Trustees generally meet twice a year in the spring and the autumn to consider grant applications.
The next application deadline is Thursday 13 April 2017.
Further details and application forms are available on the Trust’s website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Trust Administrator
The Elise Pilkington Charitable Trust
Lewes Road
Horsted Keynes
West Sussex RH17 7DY
Tel: 01825 790304

(The Trust does not advertise an email address.)  
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 27 March 2017


Please find below English and Welsh links to a survey being run by the Future Generations Commissioner, Sophie Howe on issues and challenges facing Wales in the future. 

Fundraising Regulator and WCVA – Discussion on the Consultation for the Code of Fundraising Practice

Cardiff (with videoconference links in Aberystwyth and Rhyl)

The Fundraising Regulator is responsible for regulating charitable fundraising in England and Wales. They will be joining WCVA in Cardiff on the 7th April to discuss the consultation currently open for proposed changes to the Code of Fundraising Practice. The Code sets out the standards expected of all charitable fundraising practices across the UK; by maintaining the Code to accurately reflect the current issues facing the charity sector, we can ensure that fundraising is respectful, open, honest and accountable to the public. The Regulator is looking to amend the Code in 8 different areas, including Charity Trustees, Third Parties, The Fundraising Ask and Charity Collection Bags.

Gerald Oppenheim, Head of Policy and Communications at the Fundraising Regulator, will discuss all consultation themes in detail before taking questions from attendees during a 30 minute Q&A session. Martin Price, Chair of the Institute of Fundraising Wales will chair the event.

Friday 7th April, 10.30am-12pm

If you would like to attend this event please email

For more information on the consultation visit the Fundraising Regulator website.

(Source: Catalyst Cymru Training)

Thinking about applying to People & Places? Read on!

Here's a useful article from a funding officer at the BIG Lottery:


Comic Relief Community Cash Grants of £500-£1,000 are available to small organisations working with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in local areas, helping them feel more included in their community, build their skills and increase their sense of achievement.
The following types of organisation may apply for a grant:
o Constituted voluntary and community groups;
o Charities;
o Social enterprises;
o Co-operatives; and
o Community Interest Companies.
Groups which have been established for less than 12 months, are eligible to apply. Applicants need to:
o Be working in a disadvantaged or deprived area;
o Be a small local group with an income of less than £100,000 run by local people;
o Have limited access to other sources of income;
o Clearly define the need being addressed;
o Clearly demonstrate the benefit of activities to disadvantaged people;
o Illustrate how social outcomes will be delivered;
o Provide clear evidence that the services provided are inclusive to all; and
o Provide clear evidence that the activities provided will target people who would ordinarily struggle to access those opportunities.
Examples of the type of activities or services Comic Relief Community Cash Grants will fund are:
o Food banks;
o Counselling and advice services;
o Disability sports clubs/activities;
o Training, skill building and volunteering projects; and
o Set up costs for new groups.
Grants cannot be used to:
o Fund trips abroad;
o Fund buses, mini buses or other community transport schemes (this doesn’t include transport costs that form part of a project);
o Fund building costs, including access adaptations to buildings.
Grants will not be awarded to:
o Organisations who are already in receipt of a grant directly from Comic Relief (excluding the Community Cash programme);
o Individuals;
o Statutory organisations, including schools; or
o National organisations, unless the application is submitted by a local office with a separate management committee, bank account and governing document.
The majority of UK Community Foundations are opening the Comic Relief Community Cash Grants to application, with a common deadline of Friday 5 May.
Full details about a specific area, including the application deadline, can be found on the website of each individual Community Foundation.
A list of the Community Foundations across the UK can be found on the UK Community Foundations website. 

(Source: GRIN) 


1. Community and Social Welfare - supporting positive change in the community
Fostering long-term positive change in the lives of disadvantaged people and their communities, the Trust welcomes funding requests from charities working with:
o Young people leaving care;
o People with physical and learning disabilities;
o Homeless people;
o Ex-servicemen and women; and
o Victims of slavery and human trafficking.
2. Education and Training - nurturing potential Helping children and adults from all backgrounds to fulfil their potential and make the most of their talents 
The Trust funds charities that are:
o Working to narrow the attainment gap for disadvantaged and marginalised children;
o Targeting improvements in essential skills such as literacy and numeracy; and
o Empowering young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs), or marginalised adults, to engage with education or training.
3. Heritage - regeneration through restoration
Restoring neglected buildings and monuments which can contribute to community regeneration, particularly in areas of deprivation. The Swire Charitable Trust would especially like to hear from smaller heritage charities that focus on providing employment or volunteering opportunities for the local community – and contribute to the regeneration of the area.
There is no maximum or minimum grant size. Grant awards are normally for one-year only and based on the amount requested and the size of organisation. Multi-year grants are considered where there is a proven need.
During the year ending 31 December 2015, the Trust made donations and grants to 192 organisations totalling £3,772,490 (2014 - £2,696,893). Awards ranged from £1,000 to £350,000.
There’s a reasonably long list of things the Trust won't fund which are clearly listed on its website (see link below).
The Trust has a single form for all three programmes.
There are no deadlines or closing dates – applications are welcomed at any time.
Applications must be made via the Swire Charitable Trust’s website and will not be accepted by post or email. PLEASE NOTE that only registered charities may apply.
For further information, visit the Trust’s website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Sarah Irving
The Swire Charitable Trust
Swire House
59 Buckingham Gate
London SW1E 6AJ
Tel: 0207 834 7717
(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 21 March 2017



Five projects across ITV Wales have been chosen to compete in a public vote for up to £50,000 of National Lottery funding to support their local communities.

The Big Lottery Fund, ITV and The National Lottery have teamed up to give the public the chance to decide how £3 million of National Lottery funding can make a difference in their area.

The People’s Projects is an opportunity to celebrate some of the incredible projects the Big Lottery Fund has supported over the past year. With 95 shortlisted across the UK, the public can now decide which groups should win up to £50,000 to develop their project further.

The three projects with the most public votes in each region will receive grants of up to £50,000. Voting opens at 9am on Monday 20 March at

(Source: BIG Lottery)

Monday, 20 March 2017


The Kenneth and Susan Green Charitable Trust is registered charity (no. 1109933) with a preference for making grants to UK charitable organisations for:
o The relief of poverty;
o The advancement of education;
o The advancement of health and the saving of lives; and
o The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage and science.
Other charitable causes are also supported at the Foundation's discretion.
During the year ending 31 December 2015, the Foundation’s expenditure in support of its charitable objectives totalled £265,273 (2014: £159,928).
The Foundation does not provide a minimum or maximum grant award level.
Applications from individuals are not supported.
The Foundation does not maintain a website.
Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
Applications may be made at any time in writing to:
Mr. Philip Stokes
Kenneth Green Associates
Hill House
Monument Hill
Weybridge KT13 8RX
Tel: 01932 827 060 

(The Foundation does not provide an email address.) 

(Source: GRIN)

Friday, 17 March 2017

Pebbles Small Grant Programme

The Rank Foundation Limited is a registered charity (no. 276976) with the following charitable objectives:
“(1) The advancement and promotion of the Christian religion and Christian religious education of the public, advancing public knowledge of other world faiths with significant communities in the United Kingdom; and
(2) Encouraging and developing leadership amongst young people and supporting disadvantaged young people and those who are frail or lonely through old age and disability”. 
The Foundation generally awards grants in the following categories:
o Encouraging and developing leadership;
o Promoting enterprise and innovation;
o Caring for the disadvantaged and the marginalised; and
o Promoting the understanding of the values, traditions and practices of the Christian faith, from a perspective that respects those of all faiths and those of none.
The Foundation allocated almost £5,000,000 in support of its charitable objectives during the year ending 31 December 2015 through a number of initiatives, one of which was its "Pebbles Small Grant Programme".
The Pebbles Small Grant Programme provides funding to charities and churches for projects that benefit UK residents in UK communities, and in particular:
o Specific projects for which the mainstay is capital costs - building work, refurbishment or the purchase of long-term equipment; and
o A one-off short term activity, such as an annual respite break or holiday for disadvantaged young people.
No minimum of maximum grant levels are available. However, potential applicants should note that this is a small grants programme.
Grants are available for projects which are costed at under £1 million. Organisations must have an annual income of less than £500,000 and are expected to have confirmed funding to the value of 33% of the total project cost.
Funding is not available for:
o Running costs or salaries;
o Any projects that take place outside the UK;
o Projects that benefit visitors to the UK;
o Projects that are for the benefit of only one ethnic or religious group - facilities must be open to the wider community;
o Causes supported elsewhere by the Rank Foundation (this includes hospices, mainstream schools, specific individuals and film-making); and
o Areas that are under the provision of state aid, such as medical requirements.
Applications may be submitted at any time via the application form available on the Foundation’s website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Rank Foundation
12 Warwick Square
(The Foundation does not provide a phone number.) 

(Source: GRIN)


PAVO has received feedback that Children in Need is tightening up significantly around safeguarding and their expectations of organisations who apply for funding. We are aware of an organisation that was turned down for funding because they had not had training (this included the Board) although they had policies and procedures in place for safeguarding.

If your are considering applying to Children in Need for funding, you are advised to check the Fund's guidance for applicants which sets out Children in Need's requirements, see: The guidance includes an expectation that applicants will be able to demonstrate that they: "ensure all staff, volunteers and management committee members receive safeguarding children training which is relevant to their role and updated on a regular basis".

For more information about Children in Need grants, see: 

If you are considering applying to Children in Need and require support to develop your application; need to develop or update your safeguarding procedures; or need to access safeguarding training, you can contact PAVO for support on 01597 822191 or


The Garrick Charitable Trust aims to encourage theatre, music, literature and dance across the UK.
The Trust has a specific focus on:
o Helping professional organisations in need of financial support; and
o Helping actors, directors, writers, musicians, composers and choreographers in the early stages of their careers.
Grants are normally be in the range of £2,500-£5,000 (the majority of grants are for £2,500) and may be made for more than one year.
Organisations that are successful in securing a grant are asked to wait three years before reapplying.
Grants are not awarded for:
o Drama training;
o Academic studies;
o Amateur productions;
o Capital appeals; or
o Projects outside the UK.
To apply for a grant, applicants should:
1. Write a short letter to the Trust, preferably one but no more than two pages and with a publicity flyer if one is available. The letter should be submitted by email with a hard copy sent to the address below. The information to be included in the letter is detailed on the Trust’s website. The Trust will consider the letter at its earliest meeting and decide whether to invite a formal application.
2. If the Trust invites an application it will issue an application form requesting more detailed information about the applicant and their request for grant support. This will be considered at the following Trustee’s meeting.
The Trust meets quarterly to consider applications, usually in early March, June, September and December.
For further information, visit the Garrick Charitable Trust website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Garrick Charitable Trust
The Garrick Club
15 Garrick Street
London WC2E 9AY
Tel: 020 7395 4136

(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Financial management of an EU funded project

The aim of the course is to provide learners with an understanding of the financial processes and procedures associated with delivering a European funded project. The course will help you to navigate the terminology, audit and verification processes and document retention periods associated with managing a European funded project.

The course will take place on 27 April 2017 in Wrexham. 

By the end of the course participants will have learned / be able to:
  • Identify the relevant regulatory framework and where to seek additional guidance
  • Be able to identify the key financial statements and the relevance of these to your project
  • Be able to identify the systems and procedures that can support the claiming and verification process
  • Understand the significance of and how to construct a clear audit trail
  • Understand how to reduce the risk of claw back
  • How to manage the requirements of document retention
Target group: Staff from third sector organisations who will be involved in the financial management of EU Structural Funds projects, either as a direct sponsor or as a sub-contractor.

Cost: It is free to third sector organisations currently delivering or interested in delivering European funded activity.

If you would like to participate in this session please complete the attached booking form and return to

(Source: WCVA 3-SET)



We want to hear from local groups and organisations that can do a lot of good with a little extra money.
The scheme is aimed at encouraging funding applications from local charities and other organisations supporting community life in and around Brecon which could benefit from a modest grant of up to £500.
We intend to be open-minded about the types of activities we will support so long as the project or programme responds to a community need in or within the catchment area of Brecon Rotary Club and meets its criteria on the giving of grants.

Are you please able to share this with your members please.

It’s for the Brecon area only. (Brecon, Talgarth, Hay, Llyswen) 

(Source: Brecon Rotary Club)

Greggs Foundation's Local Community Projects Fund Invites GB Applications

The Greggs Foundation offers grants to not-for-profit organisations based in local communities in England, Scotland and Wales to deliver projects or provide equipment to people in need at the heart of their local communities.
The Local Community Projects Fund helps not-for-profit organisations based in local communities to deliver projects or provide equipment to people in need at the heart of local communities in England, Scotland and Wales. Preference is likely to be given to local organisations based near a Greggs shop.
Grants of up to £2,000 are available for projects or for providing equipment for 'a community of interest'. This refers to people who are:
·         Disabled or suffering chronic illness.
·         Living in poverty.
·         Voluntary carers.
·         Homeless.
·         Isolated older people.
·         Living with other demonstrable significant needs.
The funding is for projects that improve resilience within a community of interest and can include sessional activities/respite support, equipment for sessional activities, trips and residential breaks.
The Foundation is also interested in new approaches and innovative ideas as well as sustainable approaches to supporting the community of interest.
Eligible projects should also be able to demonstrate that they have achieved at least one of the following Key Performance Targets for their beneficiaries:
·         Decreased social isolation.
·         Improved health and wellbeing.
·         Improved resilience/coping mechanisms.
·         Improved life skills.
·         Improved opportunities.
The Local Community Projects Fund is administered by seven charity committees throughout Great Britain.
This is a highly competitive grant scheme with only 30% of eligible applicants receiving funding in 2016.
There are two funding rounds per year.
Please note that the Greggs Foundation is highly over-subscribed and reserves the right to close the application window if it receives more good quality applications than it is able to fund. Groups will be notified if the Foundation is unable to accept applications.
The deadline for round two applications is 24 June 2017.

(Source:  Torfaen Voluntary Alliance)

Dorothy Holmes Charitable Trust

The Dorothy Holmes Charitable Trust offers grants to registered charities in the UK, in particular – but not exclusively – for projects with the following beneficiaries:
o Children and young people;
o Older people;
o People with disabilities; and
o Medical research.
The Trust aims to support smaller charities for whom a donation from the Trust will make a real difference in operating activities.
The average grants tends to be for between £2,000 and £3,000.
Evidence of match funding is sometimes – but not always - required by the Trust.
The Trust has a policy of making one-off awards with no guarantees for ongoing funding.
During the year ending 5 April 2016 the Trust’s charitable expenditure was £ 94,208.
PLEASE NOTE: the Trust does not maintain a website.
Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
The application process is ongoing and interested applicants may apply at any time in writing.
Grants are made on the basis of applications that have been made to the Trust and also charities nominated by Trustees as a result of research undertaken on specific organisations.
Applicants are advised to contact the funding provider directly to confirm eligibility.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Michael Kennedy
Dorothy Holmes Charitable Trust
Moorfield Cody and Co.
5 Harley Place
Harley Street
London W1G 8QD
Tel: 020 7631 4574

(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Webinar: Brexit update

Join us on Wednesday 5 April at 2pm for an informal, interactive session with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

The webinar will touch on:

·         the political environment  
·         funding
·         social issues
·         implications for the voluntary sector in Wales
·         what’s next for WCVA

If you can’t make it but have a question you’d like to ask, please send it by email to or tweet using #brexitwatchcymru

Click here to book your free place.

The webinar will be an interactive session with the opportunity to ask questions throughout. We also welcome questions in advance, please send these via email using
If you are unable to watch the webinar live it will be recorded and available on the WCVA website in the days following.
If you would like to participate in this session please complete the attached booking form and return to by Monday 3 April 2017.

(Source WCVA 3-SET)

Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation Open for Round 2

The Foundation offers grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 per year, for up to three years, for projects that address the Foundation’s main areas of interest which are:
  • Peace and Security - The Foundation supports the development of ways of resolving violent conflicts peacefully, and of addressing their underlying causes.
  • Environmental Sustainability - The Foundation supports work that addresses the pressures and conditions that risk global environmental breakdown.
The funding is only available for practical projects where they are clearly of a pioneering nature, with potential for influencing UK national policy.
Registered charities that are working to influence policy, attitudes and values at a national or international level can apply. These may be single issue groups working to achieve a particular change, or organisations with a broader remit. Particular consideration is given to small pioneering headquarters organisations.
The financial support is intended for UK registered charities for whom the grant would represent between 5% and 50% of their annual income (organisations with an annual income of between £10,000 and £300,000 approximately).
Organisations or projects that are not UK registered charities will be considered if they can indicate a UK registered charity that is able to receive funds on their behalf.
There are normally two funding rounds per year.
The deadline for round two applications is 15 September 2017 (midnight).
(Source: Powys 4Community)

The Prince's Countryside Fund - Spring 2017 Round Open for UK Applications

The Prince's Countryside Fund was established to support the sustainability and protection of farms and rural communities throughout the UK. The aim of the funding is to have a long-term positive impact on rural communities, helping those that live and work there to sustain the countryside by tackling key rural issues.
The objectives for the Spring 2017 are as follows:
  • Improving the prospects of viability for family farm businesses. Projects should focus on developing stronger, more sustainable farm businesses and other rural enterprises with the aim of halting the decline of the rural economy.
  • Sustaining Rural Communities and driving Economic Vibrancy. Projects should provide innovative solutions to deliver assets and services that keep rural communities together and develop a more sustainable rural economy.
  • Supporting Aid Delivery in Emergency and Building Resilience. Projects should support farm businesses, rural businesses and communities to plan for and recover from natural disasters such as flooding or animal disease. Groups that are considering applying under this theme should contact the Fund's Grant Manager to discuss their proposed activity in more detail.
In addition, for the March 2017 round, there are specific funds available to help the rural communities affected by the recent flooding following a series of storms over the winter. The Fund is actively seeking applications from organisations that are supporting farmers, rural businesses and communities to recover following the flooding or projects that are focused on assisting the recovery and future resilience in these rural areas, particularly Cumbria, Lancashire, North Yorkshire, Herefordshire, Northumberland and Scotland.
Not-for-profit organisations, charities, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies, companies limited by guarantee, and unincorporated associations based and working within the UK can apply for grants of up to a maximum of £50,000 (inclusive of VAT) to a maximum period of three years.
The deadline for applications is 13 April 2017 (5pm).
(Source: Powys4 Community)


We are delighted to announce that Big Lottery and Groundwork North Wales will be attending our Drop in at Powis Castle on:

  • Thursday 30th March 2017 
  • 2 - 3.30pm
No need to book, but they will be available to tell you about their current funding streams and what you can access.

Groundworks manage the Tesco's Bags of Help scheme, and they are looking to find projects in Powys that can take part.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, 10 March 2017

Welshpool - We're coming your way!


PAVO will be holding not one, not two, but three events in Welshpool on -

Thursday 30th March
The beautiful setting of POWIS CASTLE!

10 – 1PM : Trusty Trustee Roadshow
Presentations and workshops around:
·        good governance,
·        what trustees need to know and
·        how to reading charity accounts. 
N.B.  This event isn’t just for trustees, staff members of voluntary organisations can attend too, as it’s all really useful information to know.

2 – 3.30pm : Outreach and Drop In
Have you got a burning question you’d like answered?  Would you like the opportunity to have a one to one with PAVO Development Officers?  This is your opportunity.

Come and meet with BIG Lottery too!

4 – 6pm : Meet and Greet
Do you know how PAVO can help your organisation?  Would you like to find out more?  Come to our meet and greet to see how we can support you.



Bydd PAVO yn cynnal nid un, nid dau ond tri digwyddiad yn Trallwng - 

Mewn lleoliad hyfryd sef

10 – 1yh : Sioe Deithiol ‘Trusty Trustee’
Gyflwyniadau a gweithdai ynglŷn â:
·        llywodraethu da,
·        beth sydd angen i ymddiriedolwyr ei wybod a
·        cyfrifon elusennau. 
N.B.  Nid i ymddiriedolwyr yn unig mae'r digwyddiad hwn, gall aelodau staff o sefydliadau gwirfoddol fynychu hefyd, mae’r wybodaeth yn berthnasol iddynt hwy hefyd.
I archebu cliciwch yma - 

2 – 3.30yh : Allgymorth a Galw i Mewn
Oes gennych chi gwestiwn llosg y byddech yn hoffi ateb iddo? Hoffech chi y cyfle i gael siarad un i un gyda Swyddogion Datblygu PAVO? Dyma’ch cyfle.

Dewch i gyfarfod y loteri FAWR hefyd!

 4 – 6yh : Cyfarfod a Chyfarch
Ydych chi'n gwybod sut y gall PAVO helpu eich sefydliad? Hoffech chi wybod mwy? Dewch i'n cwrdd a chyfarch i weld sut y gallwn eich cefnogi.