1. Community and Social Welfare - supporting positive change in the community
Fostering long-term positive change in the lives of disadvantaged people and their communities, the Trust welcomes funding requests from charities working with:
o Young people leaving care;
o People with physical and learning disabilities;
o Homeless people;
o Ex-servicemen and women; and
o Victims of slavery and human trafficking.
2. Education and Training - nurturing potential Helping children and adults from all backgrounds to fulfil their potential and make the most of their talents
The Trust funds charities that are:
o Working to narrow the attainment gap for disadvantaged and marginalised children;
o Targeting improvements in essential skills such as literacy and numeracy; and
o Empowering young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs), or marginalised adults, to engage with education or training.
3. Heritage - regeneration through restoration
Restoring neglected buildings and monuments which can contribute to community regeneration, particularly in areas of deprivation. The Swire Charitable Trust would especially like to hear from smaller heritage charities that focus on providing employment or volunteering opportunities for the local community – and contribute to the regeneration of the area.
There is no maximum or minimum grant size. Grant awards are normally for one-year only and based on the amount requested and the size of organisation. Multi-year grants are considered where there is a proven need.
During the year ending 31 December 2015, the Trust made donations and grants to 192 organisations totalling £3,772,490 (2014 - £2,696,893). Awards ranged from £1,000 to £350,000.
There’s a reasonably long list of things the Trust won't fund which are clearly listed on its website (see link below).
The Trust has a single form for all three programmes.
There are no deadlines or closing dates – applications are welcomed at any time.
Applications must be made via the Swire Charitable Trust’s website and will not be accepted by post or email. PLEASE NOTE that only registered charities may apply.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Sarah Irving
The Swire Charitable Trust
Swire House
59 Buckingham Gate
London SW1E 6AJ
Tel: 0207 834 7717
Email: sarah.Irving@jssldn.co.uk
(Source: GRIN)