Friday, 17 March 2017


The Garrick Charitable Trust aims to encourage theatre, music, literature and dance across the UK.
The Trust has a specific focus on:
o Helping professional organisations in need of financial support; and
o Helping actors, directors, writers, musicians, composers and choreographers in the early stages of their careers.
Grants are normally be in the range of £2,500-£5,000 (the majority of grants are for £2,500) and may be made for more than one year.
Organisations that are successful in securing a grant are asked to wait three years before reapplying.
Grants are not awarded for:
o Drama training;
o Academic studies;
o Amateur productions;
o Capital appeals; or
o Projects outside the UK.
To apply for a grant, applicants should:
1. Write a short letter to the Trust, preferably one but no more than two pages and with a publicity flyer if one is available. The letter should be submitted by email with a hard copy sent to the address below. The information to be included in the letter is detailed on the Trust’s website. The Trust will consider the letter at its earliest meeting and decide whether to invite a formal application.
2. If the Trust invites an application it will issue an application form requesting more detailed information about the applicant and their request for grant support. This will be considered at the following Trustee’s meeting.
The Trust meets quarterly to consider applications, usually in early March, June, September and December.
For further information, visit the Garrick Charitable Trust website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Garrick Charitable Trust
The Garrick Club
15 Garrick Street
London WC2E 9AY
Tel: 020 7395 4136

(Source: GRIN)

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