Friday, 23 February 2018


Brecon Rotary Community Chest Small Grants Scheme

The scheme is aimed at encouraging funding applications from local charities and other organisations supporting community life in and around Brecon which could benefit from a modest grant of up to £500.
Brecon Rotary intends to be very open-minded about the types of activities it will support so long as the project or programme responds to a community need in or within the catchment area of Brecon Rotary Club and meets its criteria on the giving of grants.
What the club will need to understand is exactly what the money will be used for, who will benefit from it and how much difference it will make.
Community Chest Grant Issue 3 is now open - Closing date for Applications for Issue 3 is Sunday 8th April 2018

Applications can now be found on the Rotary Club 

(Source: Brecon Rotary Club)


Grants up to £5,000 available to repair or restore World War 1 memorials in Powys

The Powys War Memorials Project is a four year project, mainly funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), to commemorate the centenary of World War 1.

The project can provide grants up to £5,000 for World War 1 memorials in Powys to be repaired, restored or maintained. The grants can cover up to 90% of the total cost of the work. The outstanding 10% needs to come from match funding, e.g. from a Town or Community Council.

Any type of World War 1 memorial in Powys is eligible, including stone obelisks or crosses, stained glass windows, wooden boards or plaques, statues or paper rolls of honour.

The application process is quick and easy.

The grants are being allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, it is advisable to apply sooner rather than later.

Please contact Nathan Davies, Powys War Memorials Project Officer, for more information: / 07973 973 687. Alternatively, please visit the project website:

(Source: Powys County Council)

Monday, 19 February 2018

Fundriasing Code Changes - Post GDPR

Please follow the link for more information.

Code of Fundraising Practice

The Code of Fundraising Practice and its associated Rulebooks for Street, Door and Private Site Fundraising outline the standards expected of all charitable fundraising organisations across the UK. The standards were developed by the fundraising community through the work of the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) and Public Fundraising Association (PFRA).
The Code and the rule books were formally transferred  to the Fundraising Regulator at its launch on 7th July 2016. Recommendations on changes to the Code are made by the Fundraising Regulator’s Standards Committee in consultation with fundraising stakeholders. Decisions to change the code are subject to approval by the Fundraising Regulator’s Board.
In October 2017 an ‘Introduction to the Code of Fundraising Practice’ webinar was recorded by the Institute of Fundraising and delivered by the Fundraising Regulator. This can be viewed here.
The Rulebooks for Street and Door to Door Fundraising are here
The Code of Fundraising Practice can be accessed in sections below or as a PDF document here; the Welsh version of the Code can be found here

(Source: Fundraising Regulator) 


Anglican churches cover the Church of England and those churches that are in communion with it and each other and that share essentially its doctrines and order, such as the Church of Ireland, the Episcopal Church of Scotland, the Church of Wales, and the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.
ChurchCare is the Church of England's natural resource in supporting parish churches, and works in partnership with various grant-giving bodies to provide funding for church projects.
ChurchCare supports over 16,000 parish churches and 42 cathedrals throughout England
ChurchCare grants are available to support parishes, dioceses and cathedrals in the conservation and repair of historic Anglican church buildings and their various contents.
During 2016, ChurchCare grants totalling £595,735 were awarded to 134 parish churches, while 63 cathedral grants worth £19.9 million were made.
Further information on ChurchCare's work during the year is available in the ChurchCare annual grants report for 2016.
All of the programmes listed below have a deadline of Monday 14 May 2018.
1. Conservation of Books and Manuscripts
Grants up to £8.000 are currently available for the conservation of books and manuscripts. Historical books and manuscripts, when in the care of the parish, are eligible for grant aid.
Modern printed books are ineligible for funding.
For further information about the Conservation of Books and Manuscripts Programme, follow this LINK.
Contact details for the programme are:
Janet Berry
Head of Conservation
Tel: 020 7898 1889
2. Grants for Church Plate
In partnership with the Goldsmith’s Company, ChurchCare is offering grants for the repair of church plate to ensure its regular use by congregations.
There is no minimum or maximum award level.
Further details about grants available for Church Plate can be found HERE.
Contact details for this scheme are:
John Webster
Conservation Grants Administrator
Tel: 020 7898 1872
3. Grants for Churchyard Structures
Grants up to £8,000 are available for the conservation of churchyard structures.
PLEASE NOTE: if the wall, monuments, railings or gates are in a closed churchyard and the responsibility of the local authority they do not qualify for a grant.
Works of a cosmetic nature or soft landscaping are also ineligible for grant support.
Further details are available on the ChurchCare website.
Contact details for Grants for Churchyard Structures are:
The Librarian
Goldsmiths' Hall
Foster Lane
Tel: 020 7606 7010
4. Grants for Metalwork
Grants up to £8,000 are available for the conservation of decorative metalwork. To be eligible, the object must be of artistic or historical interest.
The conservation and re-mounting of monumental brasses (when the original slab is missing) is eligible but preference is given to the use of stone as mounting material.
Proposals should reflect the historical use of objects.
Additional information can be found at this LINK to the ChurchCare website.
Contact details for Metalwork grants are:
John Webster
Conservation Grants Administrator
Tel: 020 7898 1872
(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

The Hedley Foundation

The Hedley Foundation awards grants to small to medium- sized UK registered charities working with young people in the areas of:
o Recreation;
o Sport;
o Training;
o Health and welfare; and
o Outdoor education.
The Foundation also supports young carers, as well as disabled and terminally ill young people.
The Foundation is particularly keen on open air and adventure-type activities and the funding of appropriate kit and equipment.
The Foundation's primary aim is to support small charities which can demonstrate achievement in persuading and deterring at-risk young people from proceeding further down the pathway to custody.
Much of the Foundation’s grant-making policy is directed towards enabling development and change.
A secondary aim is to assist small charities helping with disabled and terminally ill young people through funding for specialist equipment and organised respite breaks.
The maximum grant available is typically £5,000, The average grant is £3,000.
There is no specific requirement for match funding.
During the year ending 31 March 2017 the Foundation awarded 310 grants (2016 – 320 grants) to charities totalling £821,980 (2016 - £847,705).
Approximately 1 in 3 requests for grant support are approved.
A list of all major awards made during the year are available on pages 15 and 16 of the Foundation’s annual accounts.
Funding is not available for:
o Individuals;
o Churches, cathedrals and museums;
o Exclusive charities which only help people from specific groupings;
o General funding, salaries, running costs, and transport;
o Building works or refurbishment projects.
Applications may be made at any time and will be considered at Trustee meetings, which are held approximately every 2-3 months. During 2018, Trustee meetings are scheduled for:
o Wednesay 21st March;
o Wednesday16th May;
o Wednesday18th July;
o Wednesday19th September; and
o Wednesday 21st November.  
An application form can be downloaded from the Foundation's website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Mrs Pauline Barker
Appeals Manager
The Hedley Foundation
1-3 College Hill
London EC4R 2RA
(The Foundation does not advertise a phone number.)

(Source: GRIN)


The Children in Need Small Grants Programme provides funding for not-for-profit organisations that support children and young people aged 18 and under who are experiencing disadvantage through:
o Illness, distress, abuse or neglect;
o Any kind of disability;
o Behavioural or psychological difficulties; and/or
o Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Organisations must be working in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands, combating disadvantage and making a demonstrable difference to children and young people's lives.
Priority will be given to projects where a relatively small amount of money can make a big difference.
Grants of up to £10,000 per year for up to 3 years are available. There is no requirement for match funding.
During the year ending 30 June 2016, Children in Need allocated Small Grants totalling £6,900,000 to 1,342 projects. £700,000 was awarded to 82 projects in the South West of England (see page 13 of Children in Need's Annual Report for a year-by-year breakdown).
Organisations that are already in receipt of a grant from Children in Need can apply for further funding to keep running the same project or for a different project. Applicants need to be able to provide convincing evidence of the differences the grant has made to the lives of the disadvantaged children and young people the organisation has worked with.
Organisations who currently hold an award from the Children in Need Main Grant Scheme can apply for a Small Grant as long as it is for work with a different group of children and young people.
Funding is not available for:
o Work which statutory bodies (such as schools or local authorities) have a duty to fund;
o Local government or NHS bodies;
o Building project applications of more than £20,000;
o Projects which promote religion;
o Trips or projects abroad;
o Medical treatment or research;
o Pregnancy testing or advice, information or counselling on pregnancy choices;
o Awareness-raising work, except where it is targeted at those children or young people most at risk;
o Bursaries, sponsored places, fees or equivalent;
o Individuals;
o Organisations working on behalf of other not-for-profits;
o General appeals or endowment funds;
o Budget shortfalls or debt repayments;
o Projects where the grant expenditure is due to start before the grant award date (usually referred to as "retrospective funding");
o Organisations which have applied in the last 12 months;
o Projects unable to start within 12 months of the grant award date;
o Unspecified expenditure; or
o Organisational overheads or running costs which the organisation would incur whether the project was running or not. However, consideration will be given to funding support costs incurred as a direct result of running the project.
The 2018 application deadlines are 11.50pm on each of the following dates:
o Thursday 1 March;
o Sunday 13 May;
o Sunday 2 September; and
o Sunday 2 December.
Applicants are required to refer to the A-Z guidance when making an application.
Further information, including an application form, is available on the Children in Need website.
Contact details for Children in Need are:
BBC Children in Need
PO Box 649
M5 0LD
Tel: 0345 609 0015
(Source: GRIN)

Thomas Wall Trust

The Thomas Wall Trust, which has its origins in Wall’s sausages and meat pies and Wall’s ice-cream (introduced to protect workers because sales of meat products declined during the summer), has introduced a new website and online application process.
The Thomas Wall Trust awards grants up to £1,000 to smaller UK charities that are actively responding to the educational and social needs of their communities.
The Trust is particularly keen on supporting projects that are innovative in some way.
Grant awards are specifically for project costs.
The Trust awards grants to approximately 30 organisations each year.
Applicants can apply for a maximum of three grants over three years totalling £3,000.
During the year ending 31 July 2017, the Trust awarded 30 grants (2016: 31) to charitable organisations, totalling £28,987 (2016: £29,169).
PLEASE NOTE: UK registered charities applying to the Trust must have an annual income of less than £100,000.
In addition to its donations to charitable organisations, the Trust made 60 (2016: 47) awards to individuals, totalling £37,632 (2016: £35,899).
Grants to individuals are normally for training and educational purposes.
Grants are not available for:
o Building or redevelopment work;
o Projects which take place within hospital, nursing or residential care settings;
o Medical research;
o Almshouses;
o General running costs;
o Projects outside the UK;
o Organisations that are not registered charities;
o Charities that were established less than two years ago (for Charity Commission auditing purposes);
o Charities with an income of more than £100,000 per annum; or
o Requests from small branches of larger charities, if the small branch does not have its own independent set of accounts.
The Trust meets twice a year, in July and November.
Applications for the July meeting must be received by the end of May and for the November meeting by the end of September.
The next deadline is therefore Thursday 31 May 2018.
Applicants are required to register on the Trust's new website to be able to access the application form.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Sarah Banks
Grants Officer
The Thomas Wall Trust
8 Dowgate Hill

(The Trust does not advertise a phone number.)  

(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Women’s Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme - ‘Celebrating Women in Wales’ Women’s Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme - ‘Celebrating Women in Wales’

Cynllun Grant Canmlwyddiant y Bleidlais i Fenywod – ‘Dathlu Menywod yng Nghymru’

O dan Gynllun Grant Canmlwyddiant y Bleidlais i Fenywod, byddwn yn darparu grantiau o rhwng £500 a £20,000 i sefydliadau trydydd sector, sefydliadau cymunedol a grwpiau cymunedol, ar gyfer prosiectau a/neu ddigwyddiadau a fydd yn nodi’r canmlwyddiant.

Women’s Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme - ‘Celebrating Women in Wales’

Under the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme, we will provide grants of between £500 and £20,000 to third sector organisations, community organisations and community groups, for projects and/or events which will mark the 100th anniversary.

Wrth adael Llywodraeth Cymru sganiwyd y neges yma am bob feirws. Mae’n bosibl y bydd gohebiaeth gyda Llywodraeth Cymru yn cael ei logio, ei monitro ac/neu ei chofnodi yn awtomatig am resymau cyfreithiol. Rydym yn croesawu derbyn gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ateb gohebiaeth a dderbynnir yn Gymraeg yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi. On leaving the Welsh Government this email was scanned for all known viruses. Communications with Welsh Government may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes. We welcome receiving correspondence in Welsh. Any correspondence received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh and corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay in responding.