Thursday, 27 September 2018

Webinar - Code of Fundraising Practice

Would you like to contribute to the new consultation on the Code of Fundraising Practice? Then this free webinar from the WCVA is for you!

Date and Time: 8 October 2018, 2pm - 3pm

Webinar aim: To explain the changes in the latest consultation on the Code of Fundraising Practice, why these changes have been proposed and how to respond with your feedback.

Content:  Do you fundraise or work for a fundraising charity in the UK? Have you struggled to find out what fundraising standards apply to you or the organisation you fundraise for?

Stephen Service from the Fundraising Regulator will talk through the changes, all of which focus on the style, presentation, clarity and accessibility of the Code. The topics for discussion will include a 'plain English' review of the language in the Code and a new introduction.

Visit the Fundraising Regulator website to respond to the consultation online by 16 November.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the webinar participants will:
  • Be aware the proposed changes to the Code of Fundraising Practice and why the changes have been proposed
  • Understand the consultation process
Who the session is for: For fundraisers or those who work for fundraising charities.
Book: Spaces are limited, so book your place here now

(Source: Institute of Fundraising)

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation Fund

The Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation Fund supports young musicians aged 13-25, particularly those at the beginning of a professional career. The Foundation helps fund workshops given by professional musicians in secondary schools. The Foundation also helps young people aged 7-21 take part in sailing, canoeing and kayaking activities.
UK registered charities operating in England, Wales or Scotland may apply for a grant of between £500 and £3,000.  There is no requirement for match funding.
Funding is not available for projects whose principal purposes are therapeutic or social outcomes.
PLEASE NOTE: the Foundation does not maintain a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
Interested applicants are invited to apply at any time in writing.  Applicants are advised to submit a proposal, or give notice that they intend to do so, at least six months in advance.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Mrs D Briggs
Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation
The Down House
90 Harestock Road
SO22 6NX

(The Foundation does not advertise an email address or a phone number.)
(Source: GRIN)

Grow Wild Community Porjects

The Grow Wild Community Projects grant programme aims to support groups or projects in the UK working towards the following objectives:
o Focus on UK native wild flowers, plants and/or fungi, through planting or as inspiration, and will help people understand the importance of these native species for the environment and our lives;
o Work with one or more of these target groups:
> Young people aged 12-25;
> Communities in urban areas;
> Communities experiencing some disadvantage or reduced access to services; and/or
> Adults that are less engaged with their community and environmental activities
o Have the potential to reach at least 300 people;
o Has a space/s to deliver the project that is accessible to the general public;
o Enable people to connect with, learn something new and give to help each other and nature; and
o Have an idea that is introducing something new, such as a new, unlikely location, new group of people or creative way to engage the targeted audience.
Youth groups, secondary schools, parish, town and community councils, health authorities, health boards and prisons may apply for a grant of either £2,000 or £4,000.
There is no requirement for match funding.
PLEASE NOTE: the application process is expected to be extremely competitive and Grow Wild is seeking exceptional applications that stand out from the crowd. Applications that best demonstrate how they will meet Grow Wild's community project aims and objectives are most likely to be selected for funding.
Grant awards can cover 100% of all project-specific costs such as seeds, plants, soil, materials, events, workshop charges, specialist experts and contractor costs.
Applicants can allocate up to 25% of the Grow Wild funding value towards staff costs related to direct delivery of project activities (this can include workshop preparation and delivery, volunteer support, practical sessions).
Grants can pay for individuals not employed by the applicant organisation and partner organisations to deliver project activities.
The following groups are not able to apply, but are invited to partner with an eligible group to deliver their project:
o Local authorities;
o Primary schools or nursery schools;
o Projects where Grow Wild funds are to be used for commercial benefit;       
o Sole traders or individuals;
o Organisations based outside the UK;
o Groups without a bank account or with a bank account name that does not match the official name of the group; and
o Groups previously funded by Grow Wild.
Core organisational or staff costs that are not related to the direct delivery of the project are also not eligible for funding.
Projects should begin delivery in March 2019 and must finish by 30 September 2019.
The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Monday 10 December 2018.
In the first instance, potential applicants must contact the Grow Wild Engagement Manager in their area to discuss the project idea and request the online application form.
Further information is available on the Grow Wild website.
Contact details for Grow Wild are:
Tim Owen
Grow Wild
Tel: 020 8332 3759
(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Alec Dickson Trust

The Alec Dickson Trust supports individuals and groups of young people in the UK who are able to demonstrate that through volunteering or community service they can enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society.
Projects should:
o be run by a young volunteer, or team of young volunteers, the majority of whom are younger than 30 years old;
o take place in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales;
o have a clear benefit to others in the wider community; and
o encourage volunteering. The more volunteers involved, the better.
Small groups of young people aged 30 and under are invited to apply for a grant of up to £500.  Preference will be given to supporting innovative projects. There is no match funding requirement.
Funding is not available for:
o overseas trips or gap year projects;
o uniforms, equipment or training for personal benefit (for example, university course fees or a laptop for an individual);
o direct expenditure for a fundraising event, such as venue hire; or
o projects run by groups aged over 30 years.
Applications may be submitted at any time via the application form available on the Trust's website and are considered on a quarterly basis. The Trust is scheduled to meet on the following dates to discuss requests for grant support:
Wednesday 24 October 2018;
o Wednesday 23 January 2019;
o Wednesday 17 April  2019;
o Wednesday 24 July 2019; and
o Wednesday 23 October  2019
Applications received less than three weeks before a meeting will roll over to the next one.
The completed application form should be submitted by email to the Trust.
Further information about how to apply is available on the Trust’s website.
Contact details for the Trust are:

The Alec Dickson Trust 
18-24 Lower Clapton Road 
E5 0PD 
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 24 September 2018

National Churches Trust

The National Churches Trust’s new Cornerstone Grants Programme is for projects which can demonstrate how they meet the outcomes in line with its new strategy for 2019-2023, the main elements of which are:
o Preserving heritage;
o Promoting sustainability; and
o Inspiring support.
The Cornerstone Grants programme  offers grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 for urgent structural repairs costed at more than £100,000 including VAT.
Projects that introduce kitchens and accessible toilets to enable increased community use, costed at more than £30,000 including VAT, will also be considered.
There is a match funding requirement as awards will only cover up to 50% of the project cost.  Applicants will be expected to have their 50% contribution already in place when they apply.
Places of worship of any denomination and age can make an application to the scheme.
Applications will be considered from listed and unlisted Christian places of worship across the UK. Please note that applications from North East England, Northern Ireland and Wales will be prioritised, but that this should not deter applications from other parts of the UK.
To be eligible, applicants must demonstrate that:
o the building is a Christian place of worship (but not a cathedral) within the UK, and open for at least six services of public worship each year;
o they own the building or have the right to carry out the work. If the church is not part of a major denomination, then the denomination must be registered with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or have charitable status;
o the place of worship was built as a place of worship originally and is more than 30 years old;
o the works must be to the main church building either directly part of the building or attached to it;
o the building is open to the public for a minimum of 100 days a year beyond worship use or it will be following project completion;
o the total project cost is estimated at more than £100,000 (including VAT and fees) if the project is for repair work, or over £30,000 if it is for the installation of kitchen and accessible toilet facilities;
o have already raised at least 50% of the total project cost;
o the project is being led by a qualified professional, with conservation accreditation from a recognised institution if it is a listed building; and
o have all the necessary permissions approved and in place before applying, including permissions from their governing body and local planning authority if planning permission and/or listed building consent is also required.
Funding is not available for:
o buildings that have been converted into places of worship, such as shops, offices or houses;
o chapels within hospitals, hospices, schools or prisons or other such institutions;
o projects that have started before the application was submitted;
o construction of new places of worship or separate structures;
o works to cathedral buildings;
o works to buildings that were not originally constructed as a place of worship;
o works to an existing building that is separate from the existing place of worship (even if it is on the same site, a church hall, or owned by the church);
o works required due to negligence;
o repairs to, or scheduled maintenance of boilers, clocks, organs, wall paintings, bells, monuments, fittings and fixtures and solar panels;
o reordering, lighting, electricity, and AV;
o works to boundary walls, paths, churchyards, churchyard monuments or car parks;
o stained glass restoration (unless urgent repairs to window structure, or the building is no longer watertight); or
o construction of new places of worship or church halls.
Applications can be made at any time and are considered three times a year.
Forthcoming application deadlines are:
Monday 5 November 201for a decision in March 2019;
o Monday 4 March 2019 for a decision in July 2019; and
o Monday 1 July 2019 for a decision in November 2019.
Further information, together with an online application form is available on the Trust's website.
Contact details for the Cornerstone Grants Programme are:
The National Churches Trust 
7 Tufton Street 
Tel: 020 7222 0605 
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Finnis Scott Foundation

The Finnis Scott Foundation’s current funding priorities are:  
o Horticulture and plant sciences;
o Fine art; and
o Art history.
Capital and revenue grants of between £500 and £10,000 are available. Larger grants are occasionally awarded.
Preference is given to making grants to smaller charities where the grant would have a significant impact.
UK registered charities and individuals may apply. There is no requirement for match funding.
PLEASE NOTE: for applications on behalf of individuals, the Foundation  normally requires applications to be made by a registered charity or a university.
The next application deadline is Friday 14 December 2018 for the Grants Panel meeting scheduled for Tuesday 15 January 2019.
Application forms are available to download from the Foundation's website. The following documents must also be submitted:
o The organisation's governing document;
o If available, a business plan, project plan or similar document setting out the purpose of the grant;
o The organisation's most recent accounts and annual report;
o The organisation's current budget and any separate project budget; and
o Any further documents that are requested.
Completed applications may be submitted by email or post and are normally acknowledged within two weeks of receipt.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Angela Moon 
The Finnis Scott Foundation 
c/o Hewitsons 
Elgin House 
Billing Road 
NN1 5AU 
Tel: 01604 233233 
(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 19 September 2018


The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust’s grant-making priority for 2018 is community projects. The Trust is particularly looking for projects that focus on:
o Homelessness;
o Domestic abuse;
o Prisoners and offenders;
o Training and education;
o Counselling and support;
o Better access to the arts for those with limited opportunities; and
o Refugees and asylum seekers.
The Trust has a particular interest in applications that address rehabilitation and mental health needs. Priority is given to projects with a national rather than projects with a local remit.
The Trust’s categories for 2019 and 2020 are:
o 2019: Children and young people; and
o 2020: Music and the Arts, and the elderly.
Organisations registered with the Charity Commission (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or OSCR in Scotland may apply for the following grants:
1. Grants of £1,000 for charities with an operating income of between £100,000 and £1 million; or
2. Grants of £5,000 for charities with a minimum operating income of £1 million. There is no maximum level.
PLEASE NOTE: grants are very rarely awarded to local charities that are not known by any of the Trustees, so a letter or email of introduction may be advisable in the first instance for charities that are not on the Trust's radar.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Charities with an income of less than £100,000;
o Overseas projects;
o Capital appeals, including equipment;
o Capital projects. This includes churches, schools, hospitals, hospices, museums, galleries and theatres;
o Schools, including activities;
o Village halls;
o Minibuses or other vehicles;
o Shopmobility;
o Charities involved with religion (including repair of church fabric);
o Charities involved with animals (welfare and conservation);
o Individuals, including individuals embarking on a trip overseas with a charitable organisation;
o Students;
o Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies;
o Sea Cadets;
o Holidays, including respite holidays; or
o Individual hospices (although national organisations may apply).
The deadline for applications is Sunday 30 September 2018.
Application forms are available to complete online at the Trust's website. Please note that the Trust does not accept applications submitted by post.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Karen Frank 
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust 


Music for All’s Music in the Community Grants programme is aimed at community groups, schools, charitable organisations and individuals in the UK that require financial support  to fulfil their potential in developing truly sustainable music programmes. Priority will be given to applicants who are most in need of help.
Funding is available for musical instrument costs, using music to break down barriers, providing a variety of educational opportunities as well as helping to find ways to integrate many diverse and minority groups positively into society.
Grants are typically around £2,500. There is no requirement for match funding.
Music for All awards has a budget of approximately £50,000 to allocate each year.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Retrospective costs; or
o Applicants based outside of the UK and Ireland.
Forthcoming  application deadlines are:
1. For projects scheduled to take place in Spring 2019: Thursday 1st November 2018;
2. For projects scheduled to take place in Summer 2019: 
Friday 1st February 2019; and
3. For projects scheduled to take place in the Autumn 2019: 
Monday 1st July 2019.
Further information about the Music for All programme, together with an application form, is available on the Music for All website.
PLEASE NOTE: completed application forms must be posted to the Music for All office. All applications will be acknowledged in writing.
Contact details for Music for All are:
Music for All 
Bailey House 
4 – 10 Barttelot Road 
West Sussex 
RH12 1DQ 
Tel: 01403 800500 
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 13 September 2018


THE TAMPON TAX COMMUNITY FUND - Grants up to £10,000 for not-for-profit organisations working at grassroots level to deliver projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls in the UK (grant programme opens on 17 September with a deadline of 26 October)
The purpose of the Tampon Tax Fund is to allocate the funds generated from the VAT on sanitary products to local projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls across the UK. The Fund is managed by the UK Community Foundations network.
The Tampon Tax Fund aims to support women and girls who are most marginalised to overcome barriers that prevent them from fulfilling their potential.
Priority will be given to:
o Women and girl organisations which are defined by this programme as:
> An organisation that has been established by women or girls and/or is led and staffed by women and girls;
> An organisation that has been established with the key aim of working with women and girls only; and/or
> The majority of beneficiaries served by the organisation are, and will continue to be, women and girls, and the majority of the services will reflect this.
o Grassroots organisations offering localised support;
o Organisations working with beneficiaries with multiple disadvantages;
o User led organisations that have a clear understanding of the needs they are supporting; and
o Sustainable projects that provide long-term solutions to the people they are helping.
Projects must meet one or more of the following objectives:
1. Building skills and confidence, for example, supporting women and girls to learn new skills, giving them the ability to apply for new jobs and/or return to the workplace;
2. Improving health and well-being, for example, teaching women how to look after and improve their own mental or physical health and live in good health for longer; 
3. Building social networks, for example, connecting women to others they can share similar experiences with, supporting them to feel less lonely, more valued, more able to pass on that support.
Grants can be used for:
o Volunteer expenses - budget for training, travel, telephone calls, travel and meals;
o Activity costs - budget for resources to facilitate a project/activity; costs that fall outside capital, volunteer or staffing costs, event catering or volunteer costs; and/or
o Project staff / sessional staff costs - budget for external consultants and staff that are employed for the specific project/activity that is being funded, including the cost of permanent staff to deliver specific projects.
One-year grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 are available.
A wide range of organisational types may apply, including:
o Registered UK charities;
o Constituted Community groups;
o Companies Limited by Guarantee with charitable aims;
o Community Interest Companies;
o Co-operatives - registered Community Benefit Societies and registered Industrial and Provident Societies;
o Credit Unions; 
o Social Enterprises.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Groups in receipt of Tampon Tax funding from another funder for the same project, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this programme is funding different activity;
o Statutory organisations, including schools;
o Individuals or individual sponsorship;
o Use for activities of a party political or exclusively religious nature;
o Paid for marketing and advertising;
o Purchases of capital equipment;
o Costs reimbursed or to be reimbursed by funding from other public authorities or from the private sector;
o Interest payments (including service charge payments for finance leases);
o Statutory fines, criminal fines, or penalties; or
o Trips abroad.
Applications will be accepted from between Monday 17 September  and 12 noon on Friday 26 October 2018.
Applications will be assessed by the relevant local Community Foundation. Eligible projects will be taken to a local panel, where a decision will be made on which projects have been successful. Applicants will be notified shortly after the panel meeting.
The list of local Community Foundations can be found on the UK Community Foundations website.
Contact details for the UK Community Foundations Network is:
UK Community Foundations 
Unit 1.04 Piano House 
9 Brighton Terrace 
SW9 8DJ 
Tel: 020 7713 9326 
(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

THE TRIANGLE TRUST 1949 DEVELOPMENT GRANTS - Core funding up to £80,000 for UK organisations working to support the rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders (application deadline 23 October 2018)
The Triangle Trust 1949 Development Grants Programme is designed to support the development of a solid foundation for the future for agencies working with the rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders, and - in its next funding round - unpaid carers; for example by diversifying income streams or setting up a social enterprise to become more sustainable in the long term.
The Development Grant Scheme provides core funding to support organisations to implement a step change in their development and therefore build increased sustainability for the future. The Trust is ‘open minded’ on the type of initiatives applicants may wish to develop in order to increase their sustainability.
The following two areas are supported:
1. The rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders (currently open to applications)
The Trust’s aim is to help with the reduction of re-offending rates in the UK and therefore offers dedicated funding to organisations working with offenders whilst in prison and after they are released to bring this about. Unfortunately, the Trust can only offer funding to specialist offender organisations rather than those with a broader remit which run offender projects.
2. Carers (scheduled to reopen to applications in March 2019)
The Trust offers dedicated funding for carer organisations where they will not have to compete with applications from other sectors. Unfortunately the Trust can only offer funding to specialist carer organisations rather than those with a broader remit which run carer projects.

Registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and Community Interest Companies working within the UK and have a UK office are eligible to apply for a grant of up to £80,000 over 3 years.
The amount requested each year is expected to taper down as applicants develop other sustainable income streams, for example: a maximum of £35,000 in year one; £25,000 in year two and £15,000 in year 3.
The Trust particularly welcomes applications from organisations working in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Organisations involved in research, policy and campaign work relevant to unpaid carers and the rehabilitation of offenders may also apply for a Development Grant.
Applicants must:
o Have a constitution whose sole purpose is to support unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders;
o Be involved in providing direct practical support work, research projects or policy or campaigning work relevant to unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders;
o Demonstrate in their application how they have expertise and a history of working with unpaid carers or offenders;
o Have some volunteer input;
o Have a gross annual income (including contract income) for the most recent financial year of less than £1 million, although priority will be given to smaller organisations;
o Make a commitment to develop sustainable income streams during the grant period; and
o Have evaluation systems for their work in place, and if not then part of the grant should be used to put a system in place.
PLEASE NOTE: all previous unsuccessful applicants to The Triangle Trust must wait two years before reapplying. Applicants already in receipt of a Development Grant cannot apply for further funding until the final year of their current grant.
The following are not eligible for grant support:
o Organisations with a broader remit that are running a project to support unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders;
o Organisations running crime prevention or restorative justice initiatives;
o Organisations providing support to the “cared for” as well as their carers;
o Appointment of a Trust or Community Fundraiser;
o Expanding the coverage of a particular service, unless there is a tangible increase in sustainability as a result;
o Match funding, unless associated with a sustainability development;
o Covering the loss of a statutory contract or grant income; or
o General running costs.
The application rounds are:
1. For organisations working with the rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders:programme opens on Thursday 6 September 2018 with a deadline of midday on Tuesday 23 October 2018;
2. For organisations working with unpaid carers: the next round is scheduled to open in March 2019 with an April/May deadline (check the Trust's website for updates).
There is a two-stage application process. Shortlisted applicants will be required to host a visit from the Triangle Trust and present their strategic plan for the next few years.
Further information is available on the Triangle Trust website. The Trust is happy to discuss potential applications by email ( or by phone (01707 707078).
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund 
Foundation House 
2-4 Forum Place 
Fiddlebridge Lane 
AL10 0RN 
Tel: 01707 707078
(Source: GRIN)


THE MASONIC CHARITABLE FOUNDATION LATER LIFE INCLUSION GRANT PROGRAMME - Grants up to £150,000 for local and national charities in England and Wales that are working to reduce loneliness and isolation in later life (application deadlines: 5 October 2018 for Large Grants and 26 October for Small Grants)
The Masonic Charitable Trust’s Reducing Isolation in Later Life Grants Programme offers both small and large grants to registered charities that support disadvantaged and vulnerable older people over 50 years of age in England and Wales. Over the next five years, the Foundation will be supporting charities that help people to overcome barriers to actively participate in society in their later years.
To be eligible, applicants must provide:
o Mental and physical health support;
o Gateway and access to service, for example transport and technology;
o Community-based approaches, for example volunteering, positive ageing and neighbourhood support;
o Advocacy, social and welfare support.
The funding is intended to help people who face social isolation or loneliness due to reasons such as financial hardship, care responsibilities, a decline in physical or mental health, or life transitions including retirement or bereavement. The support will help to provide a range of services to support the physical and emotional needs of people as they age, including community-based programmes and access to healthcare, transport and technology.
Funding is for charities that provide activities such as:
o Support for emotional and psychological planning for later life;
o Digital inclusion sessions to enable older people to access services;
o Activities and clubs enabling older people to remain active and make friends;
o Providing companionship and befriending schemes for periods of transition;
o Advice and information on options for those with health conditions; and/or
o Carers and respite support.
Examples of the Foundation's desired outcomes are:
1. Short Term:
o    Older people adapting to key transitions in their lives;
o    Older people well supported, better informed and receiving essential advice;
o    Existing services better supporting the physical, psychological and emotional needs of people as they age;
o    More therapeutic support available to people at key points in their lives;
o    Greater knowledge of options and rights leading to greater confidence in choices;
o    Increased cultural and social participation choices for people as they age; and
o    Greater awareness of the issue within the Masonic community.
2. Long Term
o    Reduced feelings of loneliness or social isolation for people in later life;
o    Improved health and sense of well-being for people as they age;
o    More active social lives for people in later life;
o    The older population living as they choose in a healthy and safe environment; and
o    The Foundation's profile raised within the Masonic community, public and third sector.
There are two funding levels:
1. Large grants starting from £10,000 are available to charities with an annual income exceeding £500,000. Large grants are for projects and  can be used for salary costs, activities, materials etc. The average large grant will range from £20,000 to £80,000. Occasionally, large grants of up to £200,000 are made for outstanding projects; and 
2. Small grants of between £500 and £15,000 are available to charities with an income of under £500,000. Small grants can be used for core funding (i.e. general running and/or overhead costs of the charity).
o All grants can be over 1, 2 or 3 years;
o Grant amounts should not exceed 15% of the total income of the applicant charity; and
o Charities can only apply for one grant programme at a time.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Arts and heritage projects, although arts and heritage charities will be considered if the service the charity provides is for beneficiaries from the priority groups;
o Environmental projects;
o Animal welfare;
o Political or lobbying activities;
o Civil liberties and human rights;
o Routine delivery of the National Curriculum in schools;
o Contributions towards new build and/or large scale capital projects, for example, building a new hospice wing;
o Capital repairs and/or maintenance of existing buildings;
o Hospital equipment, such as MRI scanners;
o Current active grant holders;
o Umbrella organisations coordinating fundraising on behalf of others;
o Social Enterprises or Community Interest Companies;
o Community interest groups;
o Organisations that are not registered charities;
o Schools (for routine delivery activities to non-priority groups);
o Nurseries (for routine delivery activities to non-priority groups);
o Hospitals (for routine delivery activities to non-priority groups);
o Individuals;
o Those who have had a small grant or second stage large grant application within the last 12 months; or
o Those whose previous grant from the MCF ended less than two years ago.
The Large Grants and Small Grants programmes have separate deadlines:
1. Large Grants: Friday 5 October 2018 for first stage applications. Applicants successful at this stage will be invited to apply to a second and final round; and
2. Small Grants: Friday 26 October 2018.
Further information, including an Eligibility Checker, guidance notes and application form is available on the Foundation’s website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Masonic Charitable Foundation 
60 Great Queen Street 
WC2 5AZ 
Tel: 020 3146 3337 
(Source: GRIN)