Thursday, 13 September 2018


THE TAMPON TAX COMMUNITY FUND - Grants up to £10,000 for not-for-profit organisations working at grassroots level to deliver projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls in the UK (grant programme opens on 17 September with a deadline of 26 October)
The purpose of the Tampon Tax Fund is to allocate the funds generated from the VAT on sanitary products to local projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls across the UK. The Fund is managed by the UK Community Foundations network.
The Tampon Tax Fund aims to support women and girls who are most marginalised to overcome barriers that prevent them from fulfilling their potential.
Priority will be given to:
o Women and girl organisations which are defined by this programme as:
> An organisation that has been established by women or girls and/or is led and staffed by women and girls;
> An organisation that has been established with the key aim of working with women and girls only; and/or
> The majority of beneficiaries served by the organisation are, and will continue to be, women and girls, and the majority of the services will reflect this.
o Grassroots organisations offering localised support;
o Organisations working with beneficiaries with multiple disadvantages;
o User led organisations that have a clear understanding of the needs they are supporting; and
o Sustainable projects that provide long-term solutions to the people they are helping.
Projects must meet one or more of the following objectives:
1. Building skills and confidence, for example, supporting women and girls to learn new skills, giving them the ability to apply for new jobs and/or return to the workplace;
2. Improving health and well-being, for example, teaching women how to look after and improve their own mental or physical health and live in good health for longer; 
3. Building social networks, for example, connecting women to others they can share similar experiences with, supporting them to feel less lonely, more valued, more able to pass on that support.
Grants can be used for:
o Volunteer expenses - budget for training, travel, telephone calls, travel and meals;
o Activity costs - budget for resources to facilitate a project/activity; costs that fall outside capital, volunteer or staffing costs, event catering or volunteer costs; and/or
o Project staff / sessional staff costs - budget for external consultants and staff that are employed for the specific project/activity that is being funded, including the cost of permanent staff to deliver specific projects.
One-year grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 are available.
A wide range of organisational types may apply, including:
o Registered UK charities;
o Constituted Community groups;
o Companies Limited by Guarantee with charitable aims;
o Community Interest Companies;
o Co-operatives - registered Community Benefit Societies and registered Industrial and Provident Societies;
o Credit Unions; 
o Social Enterprises.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Groups in receipt of Tampon Tax funding from another funder for the same project, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this programme is funding different activity;
o Statutory organisations, including schools;
o Individuals or individual sponsorship;
o Use for activities of a party political or exclusively religious nature;
o Paid for marketing and advertising;
o Purchases of capital equipment;
o Costs reimbursed or to be reimbursed by funding from other public authorities or from the private sector;
o Interest payments (including service charge payments for finance leases);
o Statutory fines, criminal fines, or penalties; or
o Trips abroad.
Applications will be accepted from between Monday 17 September  and 12 noon on Friday 26 October 2018.
Applications will be assessed by the relevant local Community Foundation. Eligible projects will be taken to a local panel, where a decision will be made on which projects have been successful. Applicants will be notified shortly after the panel meeting.
The list of local Community Foundations can be found on the UK Community Foundations website.
Contact details for the UK Community Foundations Network is:
UK Community Foundations 
Unit 1.04 Piano House 
9 Brighton Terrace 
SW9 8DJ 
Tel: 020 7713 9326 
(Source: GRIN)

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