A new round of Volunteering Wales Grants launched on 12 September, with opportunities for project funding of up to £20,000 for activity from 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2020.
Volunteering Wales Grantsis a scheme funded by the Welsh Government to promote and improve volunteering in Wales. The scheme is administered by Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) and is designed to deliver the government's commitment to identifying opportunities for more people to volunteer.
Prosperity for All
Grants will be allocated to projects that can demonstrate that they are able to make a contribution to delivering the Welsh Government's strategy, Prosperity for All, which describes a long-term aim to build a Wales that is prosperous and secure, healthy and active, ambitious and learning, and united and connected.
The strategy identifiesfive priority areaswhich have the potential to make the greatest contribution to long-term prosperity and well-being. These are early years, better mental health,housing,skills and employabilityandsocial care. They are areas where it has been shown that earlier intervention and more seamless services can make a real difference to people's lives.
The Volunteering Wales Grants for 2019/20 will support volunteering projects that contribute towards achieving outcomes in one or more of the priority areas.
Volunteering byyoung peopleis encouraged and supported through this grant scheme and a percentage of the funding available has been ring fenced to support projects that exclusively recruit young volunteers aged 14 - 25.
How can I find out more information?
Information sessions will be taking place around Wales during October and November 2018 to promote the Volunteering Wales Grants. Further information will be made available shortly.
The code to apply for this grant on e-tender Wales it is: Itt_69636 or if you would like to complete the application through welsh please use code: Itt_69637.
Local County Voluntary Councils can also help you with general advice and support in developing your volunteering project.
The deadline for applications is 5 December 2018.
Please contact WCVA's Volunteering Team or visit our webpage for further guidance: volwalesgrants@wcva.org.ukor call the team on 0300 111 0124.
(Source: WCVA)
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