Wednesday, 31 July 2019

We're moving..................

We're changing the way in which we provide funding information!

All funding news will now be on the PAVO website:

Or go directly to:

The news is regularly up dated, so make sure you check back regularly!

See you there...................

Wednesday, 10 July 2019


For our 20th birthday we are offering an additional 20 grants of £1,000 each from our Fund for Wales to small, volunteer-driven community organisations across Wales.

As we mark our 20th year we want to celebrate the vital work that happens in communities across Wales thanks to the dedication and endeavour of volunteer-driven organisations.

The recipients of the special 20 grants will be announced at our birthday event in Cardiff on Monday 16th September.

We welcome applications from projects that aim to deliver the following outcomes:
  • Improving people’s chances in life
  • Building stronger communities
  • Improving rural and urban environments
  • Encouraging healthier and more active people and communities
  • Preserving heritage and culture

Grants can support full or partial costs of, for example: projects costs, small capital items & equipment, core costs, activities (e.g. room hire, transport costs, volunteer expenses, insurance, tutor fees, community events).

This Fund is open to constituted community-based charities and not for profit organisations (e.g. associations, social enterprises and clubs):
  • whose beneficiaries are all in Wales
  • with an income of less than £100,000 in the latest reported financial year
  • which are volunteer-driven and have no more than one full-time equivalent member of staff throughout the year

The deadline for Fund for Wales in 31st July so, if you have a project that is helping to improve lives and build stronger communities in Wales, apply now!
Please get in touch with our Grants Team to find out more or to discuss a project idea: 

02920 379580

Tuesday, 11 June 2019


Grants up to £15,000 UK registered charities working to provide relief from poverty, sickness or projects that benefit local communities.
Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time.
Funder: The British Humane Association (founded 1922. Charity number: 207120. Total grants allocated during the year ending 31 December 2018: £153,000).
The British Humane Association provides grants to UK registered charities for projects that benefit people in need, with a particular emphasis on:
o The relief of inhumane activities.
o The relief of sickness or poverty.
o Providing benefit to local communities.
Charities that distribute grants to individuals are also eligible to apply for grant support.
During the year ending 31 December 2018 the Association awarded 30 grants totalling £153,000. Awards ranged from £2,000 to £15,000.
A list of all grant recipients can be viewed on pages 10 and 11 of the Association’s annual accounts.
Applicants are advised to contact the funder for details of match funding requirements.
Please note: the Association does not maintain a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
The charity's board of directors meet twice annually to consider applications. Grants are normally awarded in May and October.
Applications must be made in writing, addressed to:
Mrs S Fox
British Humane Association
Suite 1
Bessemer Road
CF11 8BA
(The Association does not advertise an email address or a phone number.)
(Source: GRIN)


Grants usually between £4,000 and £6,000 for small, locally based voluntary and community groups in the UK for projects which benefit local communities close to Co-op food stores and funeral homes across the UK and the Isle of Man.
Application deadline:  Sunday 16 June 2019.
Funder: The Co-operative Group.
The Co-op Local Community Fund provides small grants for projects which benefit local communities centred around Co-op food stores and Co-op funeral care services.
A Co-op food store locator can be found at this LINK, while a Co-op funeral care locator is available HERE.
Eligible projects must address at least one of the following:
o Help a local community come together to save, build, fix or improve indoor or outdoor local spaces.
o Support the mental or physical health of a community through wellbeing activities, and/or
o Help people reach their full potential by developing their skills.
Projects or events must also:
o Take place in the UK or Isle of Man.
o Not have religious or political aims. However, religious organisations can apply.
o Benefit the local community.
o Take place or will still be running after November 2020, and
o Meet the Co-operatives values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. (In the tradition of their founders, Co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.)
Although there is no stated minimum or maximum award, most communities receive between £4,000 and £6,000.  Preference will be given to organisations with an annual income of less than £1 million a year.
A wide range of organisations may apply for a grant, including:
o UK registered charities.
o Scout, Guide or Woodcraft folk groups.
o Registered community amateur sports clubs (CASCs).
o Churches or chapels that are ‘excepted’ charities.
o Co-operative societies.
o Credit unions.
o Community benefit societies.
o Community interest companies, and
o Any other organisation that can prove they are not run for profit.
Funding is not available for:
o Solely for the purpose of paying for salaries or the running costs of an organisation.
o Projects that should legally be carried out by a public authority, or
o Donations to other organisations.
The next application deadline for applications is Sunday 16 June 2019.
Further information, together with an online application form, can be found on the Co-op website.
Contact details for the grant programme are:
The Community Team
Co-operative Group
1 Angel Square
M60 0AG

Monday, 13 May 2019

ACCESS SPORT PLAYING FIELDS GRANTS - Grants up to £5,000 for UK projects that will increase opportunities for young people in disadvantaged areas of the UK to play outdoor sport.

Access Sport’s Playing Fields Grants (also known as the Angus Irvine Playing Field Fund) aims to provide grants to support local community groups, sports clubs and charities across the UK with projects that will increase opportunities for young people in disadvantaged areas to play outdoor sport.
Local community groups, charities and sport clubs may apply for a grant of between £2,500 and £5,000. Applications in which an Access Sport grant will encourage other funders to make a donation are particularly encouraged.
Applications can be made for grants towards some or all of the following types of projects with the intention of growing outdoor sports capacity to reach more young people (please note this is not an exclusive list):
o The development and improvement of playing fields and other facilities;
o The development and training of volunteers including the provision of qualifications;
o The purchase of specialist disability equipment; and/or
o The development of long-term sustainability, for example marketing and finance expertise.
The application deadline is Wednesday 31 July 2019.
An application form, which should be submitted by email, can be downloaded from the Access Sport website.  Further useful background information about the work of Access Sport can be found in its annual report
Contact details for the Fund are:
The Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund
Access Sport
3 Durham Yard
Teesdale Street
E2 6QF
 020 7993 9883
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 9 May 2019


The Canoe Foundation provides grants to clubs and community organisations in the UK for the following:
o New or improved launching points in urban or rural locations or as part of a water trail, such as steps or pontoons. Linked promotion of access points including signage or maps to increase participation and use;
Incorporating better accessibility or facilities at waterside locations which might improve the parking or changing aspects of a site; and/or
o Improving the quality of the waterways and oceans through support, for example practical kits, for a clean-up or an improved natural habitat.
The Foundation’s current funding priority is on smaller tactical level projects. These can be new facilities or repairs to existing installations that have deteriorated over time or by an “act of god”. There is also an emphasis on enabling enhanced participation in paddle sports for all people.
Grants of between £2,000 and £20,000 are available, with applications towards the lower grant level more likely to be successful. Larger awards are occasionally made, although these are subject to a greater level of scrutiny
While the Foundation will fund 100% of the total project cost, match funding or community/club contribution is recommended.
The Foundation considers applications every three months. The next deadline is Saturday 31 August 2019.
Further information, together with an online application form, is available from the Canoe Foundation's website.

Contact details for the Foundation are:

The Canoe Foundation
National Water Sport Centre
Adbolton Lane
Holme Pierrepont
NG12 2LU

Wednesday, 8 May 2019


Oes gennych chi syniad am brosiect a fydd yn hybu’r amgylchedd yn eich cymuned?
Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi bod rownd gyntaf 2019-20 Cynllun Cymunedau y Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi bellach ar agor i geisiadau.
Mae’r gronfa ar gael i ymgeiswyr sy’n cynnal gweithgaredd o fewn 5 milltir i safle tirlenwi neu drosglwyddo gwastraff cymwys – gweler y map yma i weld a ydych yn gymwys i ymgeisio. O’r dudalen hon gallwch hefyd weld tudalennau eraill y cynllun i gael rhagor o wybodaeth a darllen arweiniad y cynllun.
Mae’r cynllun yn ariannu prosiectau sy’n canolbwyntio ar Fioamrywiaeth, Lleihau Gwastraff a Dargyfeirio Gwastraff o Safleoedd Tirlenwi a Gwelliannau Amgylcheddol Ehangach.
Rydym wedi cynnal dwy rownd o’r gronfa hyd yma ac wedi ariannu prosiectau ardderchog sy’n gwella ac yn hybu’r amgylchedd yn eu hardal leol gyda chymorth y gymuned. O fele’r coed i ailddefnyddio hen ddeunyddiau plastig, mae gweithgareddau lu ar waith ledled Cymru.
Gallwch ddarllen mwy am y prosiectau sydd eisoes ar waith yng Nghymru yma.
Mae’r ffenestr ymgeisio ar agor am 12 wythnos, a’r dyddiad cau yw Gorffennaf 21 2019 (23:59).
Rydym yn cael llawer iawn o geisiadau sy’n gwneud y broses ariannu’n un gystadleuol iawn. Os hoffech gymorth ac arweiniad i ddatblygu prosiect gallwch gysylltu â’ch Cyngor Gwirfoddol Sirol lleol yn rhwydwaith Cefnogi Trydydd Sector Cymru yma.
Os oes gennych gwestiwn am Gynllun Cymunedau y Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi cysylltwch â Thîm Cronfeydd Grant WCVA drwy ebostio

Have you got a project idea which will enhance the environment in your community?
We are pleased to announce that the first round of 2019-20 Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme (LDTCS) is now open for applications.
The fund is open to applicants carrying out activity within 5miles of an eligible landfill or waste transfer site – view the map here to check if you’re eligible to apply. From this page you can also view the scheme’s other webpages for further information and the scheme guidance.
The scheme funds projects with focusses on Biodiversity, Waste Minimisation and the reduction of Waste to Landfill and Wider Environmental Enhancements.
We’ve run two rounds of the fund so far and have funded some great projects making positive environmental enhancements in their locality with the support of the community. From pine martens to reuse of discarded plastics, there is a variety of activity happening across Wales.
You can read more about the projects already running in Wales from here.
There is a 12-week application window, the closing date is 21 July 2019 (23:59).
We receive a high number of applications which makes the funding process very competitive. If you would like support and guidance in the development of a project you can contact your local Third Sector Support Wales CVC here.
If you have any questions about LDTCS please get in touch with the WCVA Grant Funds Team at

(Source: WCVA)

Tuesday, 7 May 2019


Application deadline: Friday 28 June 2019 at 12 noon for stage 1 applications (stage 2 application deadline: Friday 13 September 2019 at 12 noon).
Funder: Comic Relief (founded 1984. Charity number: 326568. Total value of grants awarded during the year ending 31 July 2017: £74.4 million).
Not to be confused with Comic Relief’s new “Ahead of the Game: Sport and Mental Health” featured in last Wednesday’s GRIN bulletin, ‘Bridging the Gaps: Strengthening Mental Health Support for Children and Young People” is seeking proposals from organisations providing mental health support to vulnerable and underserved children and young people at an early stage so that they are aware of their mental health and can build resilience as they grow and develop.  Grants are available for initiatives in the United Kingdom working with children and young people aged 5-24, and Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nigeria, or Zambia for projects working with children and young people aged 5-30.
Proposals should be working on two or more of the following areas:
o Tackling stigma and discrimination;
o Increasing access to quality service provision; and/or
o Strategic / systemic changes at local and/or national level.
The funding is for proposals that are particularly focusing on vulnerable children and young people from groups underserved by current services.
Comic Relief defines under-served groups as a group that is (or can) be marginalised and unable to access mental health services. This is not a definitive list but some examples of the groups Comic Relief is seeking to support can include:
o Socio-economically disadvantaged people of any ethnicity;
o Marginalised ethnic groups (in the UK referred to as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME));
o Children and young people who have a parent with mental health problems;
o Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ+);
o Children and young people living with HIV or other long term and life limiting illnesses;
o Children and young people with disabilities, including learning disabilities;
o Refugees and asylum-seeking children and young people;
o Children and young people affected by traumatic experiences such as violence, abuse and neglect; and/or
o Young offenders and young people who are not in education, employment or training.
Grants of between £150,000 and £700,000 are available for between 3 and 5 years.
Applications will be considered from a range of organisations working on mental health including:
o Community based organisations;
o User-led organisations. They should consider working in partnership with others to submit a bid, as Comic Relief will be prioritising applications from these user-led groups;
o Faith-based organisations; and
o Non-governmental organisations working on issues like education, HIV/AIDS, in health settings and in the criminal justice system.
Where appropriate, schools, universities, criminal justice services, local authorities and other local service providers should be included and involved in the work.
Applications will be considered from organisations with a maximum annual income of £10 million, and a minimum annual income of £250,000 in the UK or £75,000 in other countries, as shown in the last annual accounts submitted to the relevant authority.
Funding can be used to cover specific project activities, or a combination of activities and organisational core costs or overheads. Organisations can include full cost recovery.
Both existing work and piloting new approaches and partnerships will be considered.
The application process has two stages, as follows:
o Stage 1: the deadline for stage 1 applications is 12 noon on Friday 28 June 2019.
Stage 2: the deadline for second stage applications is 12 noon on Friday 13 September 2019.
Successful applications are expected to be announced by Friday 31 January 2020.
Further information about the programme, together with details about how to apply can be found on theComic Relief website.
Contact details for Comic Relief are:
The Grants Team
Comic Relief
89 Albert Embankment
Tel: 020 7820 2000

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Co-op Foundation announces £1m fund for Welsh community groups

The Co-op Foundation launches a new £1 million fund for community groups in Wales today (1 May).
The fund is aimed at helping those with a community and environmental focus to safeguard spaces and become more sustainable, and has been generated by proceeds from the 5p single-use carrier bag charge in Co-op’s Welsh food stores.

(Source: UK Fundraising)


Wednesday, 3 April 2019


 Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time.
The Percy Bilton Charity directs its funding towards enabling capital projects that are in the final stages of completion. Minibuses, building and refurbishment works are therefore only considered once the fundraising appeal has a shortfall of £15,000 or less.
The Charity will consider capital funding for the following projects and schemes:
1. Disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (persons under 25)
o Supported housing schemes and educational and training projects to encourage disadvantaged young people who may be homeless and/or unemployed away from crime, substance/alcohol misuse and homelessness; and
o Facilities for recreational activities and outdoor pursuits specifically for young people who are educationally or socially underprivileged or disadvantaged.
2. People with disabilities (physical or learning disabilities or mental health problems)
o Residential, respite care, occupational and recreational establishments for children, young people and adults with physical or learning disabilities, or enduring mental health problems.
3. Older people (aged over 60)
o Day centres, nursing and residential homes, sheltered accommodation and respite care for the frail or sufferers from dementia or age-related disorders; and
o Projects to encourage older people to maintain their independence.
Preference is given to funding specific items of furniture and equipment (excluding office items) which the Charity can fund in their entirety.
The following grants are available:
o LARGE GRANTS - one off payments for capital expenditure of approximately £2,000 and over. The majority of grants fall within the range of £2,000 to £5,000. Only UK registered charities may apply for a large grant; and
o SMALL GRANTS  - donations of up to £500.  Organisations do not need to be registered charities to apply for a small grant, but will need to supply a reference from a registered charity or from the Voluntary Service Council.
The Charity does not fund:
o Running expenses for the organisation or individual projects;
o Salaries, training costs or office equipment/furniture;
o Projects for general community use, eg community centre and church halls;
o Disabled access to community buildings;
o Publication costs, eg printing/distributing promotional and information leaflets;
o Projects that have been completed;
o Items that have already been purchased;
o Provision of disabled facilities in schemes mainly for the able-bodied;
o General funding/circularised appeals;
o Pre-schools or playgroups (other than predominantly for disabled children);
o Play schemes/summer schemes;
o Holidays or expeditions for individuals or groups;
o Trips, activities or events;
o Community sports/play area facilities;
o Exterior works such as paving, roofing and garden landscaping;
o Consumables (eg stationery, arts and crafts materials);
o Refurbishment or repair of places of worship/church halls;
o Research projects;
o Mainstream pre-schools, schools, colleges and universities (other than special schools);
o Welfare funds for individuals;
o Hospital/medical equipment; or
o Works to premises not used primarily by the eligible groups.
Applications may be made at any time in writing. Further information is available on the Percy Bilton Charity website.
Contact details for the Charity are:
The Percy Bilton Charity
Bilton House
7 Culmington Road
W13 9NB
020 8579 2829


Application deadline: Sunday 30 June 2019.
The Greggs Foundation Local Community Project Grants scheme provides small grants for local projects that improve resilience within a community of interest. This can include sessional activities/respite support, equipment for sessional activities, trips and residential breaks. The Foundation is also interested in new approaches and innovative ideas as well as sustainable approaches to supporting the community of interest. Priority will be given to organisations that have Greggs shops or premises nearby. A store locator can be found at this LINK.
A community of interest could be, for example:
o Disabled or suffering chronic illness;
o Living in poverty;
o Voluntary carers;
o Homeless;
o Isolated older people; and
o Other demonstrable significant need.
Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate improvements against at least one of the following Key Performance Targets:
o Beneficiaries have decreased social isolation;
o Beneficiaries report improved health and well-being;
o Beneficiaries report improved resilience/coping mechanisms;
o Beneficiaries have improved life skills; and/or
o Beneficiaries have improved opportunities.
Not-for-profit organisations in England, Wales and Scotland may apply for a grant of up to £2,000. Approximately 1 in 4 applications are successful. Larger organisations with an annual turnover of £300,000 or over are unlikely to be supported.
The next application deadline is Sunday 30 June, with decisions expected to be announced towards the end of August.
Further information, together with an application form, is available on the Greggs Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Greggs Foundation
Greggs House
Quorum Business Park
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE12 8BU
0191 212 7626


Application deadline: Tuesday 30 April 2019.
The Concertina Charitable Trust awards a limited number of micro-grants to charitable organisations that provide cultural activities and related facilities for the elderly, particularly in care homes, in order to improve the quality of life of elderly people. The Trust is especially keen to see its donations used as match funding by smaller organisations in England and Wales.
Grants up to £250 are available. There is no match funding requirement. Please note that the Trust’s total annual charitable expenditure is normally around £3,000. There is no match funding requirement.
The Trust operates two annual deadlines. In 2019 these fall on:
o Tuesday 30 April; and
o Thursday 31 October.
Further information, together with an application form, can be found on the Trust’s website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Simon Baynes
The Concertina Charitable Trust
Bodfach Hall
SY22 5HS

(The Trust prefers not to enter into email correspondence or phone conversations about its grant-giving.)
(Source: GRIN)


Application deadline: Tuesday 30 April 2019.
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust operates a three-year rotation system, with different fields of interests being funded each year:
o 2019: Children and Young People aged 0-11 years;
o 2020: Music and the arts; the elderly;
o 2021: Homelessness; refugees and asylum seekers.
In the 2019 Children and Young People round, the funders are interested in projects that focus on:
o Child exploitation;
o Mentoring and support;
o Clubs and activities.
The Trust is particularly interested in supporting projects that address the mental health needs of children and young people.
In the current round, which opened on 1 April and closes on 30 April, UK registered charities with an annual income of a least £1 million may apply for a grant of up to £5,000. All applications must relate to children aged 0-11 years.
The Trust’s next grant application round (check the Trust’s website for details of the application deadline) will offer grants up to £1,000 for children and young people projects. Registered charities with an annual income of between £100,000 and £1 million may apply.
Grants are rarely awarded to local charities that are not known by any of the Trustees, so a letter of introduction may be the most pragmatic way to introduce your charity to the Trust.
Further information, together with an application form, is available on the Trust’s website. Applications must be completed online.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Karen Frank
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust
The Rathbone Trust Company
Port of Liverpool Building
Pier Head
L3 1NW
(The Trust does not advertise an email address.)
(Source: GRIN)