Friday, 18 February 2011


PAVO is very keen to get a funding picture of Powys, and we need your help. We’d like to know if you’ve been successful in getting funding, how much you have had, and where it came from.

The survey will take minutes to complete, so please go to:

The information you give us will enable us to see which funders support groups in Powys, and which ones don’t. It will also show us how best we can support your needs.

Thank you in advance of your co-operation.



Ever wonder what funders are looking for?

Come and step into the mind of the funder, to learn and share the pitfalls and successes of funding applications.

There will be a session to look at your own funding applications, if you wish to bring them along.


Tuesday 22nd March North Powys Newtown Area TBC 10-3pm

Thursday 24th March Westenders Hall, Brecon 10-3pm


£25 PAVO member

£40 PAVO non members

£60 statutory agencies

(to include refreshments, lunch and course materials)

For more information please contact: Ruth Middleton on 01597 822191

This course has been designed in response to information sent to us via the PAVO funding blog


The Powys Funders Fair will take place on:

Friday 6th May 2011 at Llandewi Village Hall

More details will be made available on the blog, as they are ready.
Please put the date in your diaries.


Always ensure that you include the additional information, i.e. accounts, policies etc., with your application. Don't send it in seperately, or by e-mail. This leads to additional work for the funder, and could reflect badly on your organisation. Some funders will refuse to assess an application that hasn't included the necessary application. We could see more of this happening as budgets tighten, so make sure you put your application in the best position it can be.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Tidy Towns Wales Funding extended to 2014

Tidy Towns offers grants to community-led projects improving the appearance of local communities across Wales.

Grants of £1000 to £30,000 are available to community-led projects, including third sector groups and environmental groups, to:

  • Improve neglected wasteland.
  • Develop community gardens and allotments.
  • Conduct awareness campaigns and projects to control invasive species.

Additionally local authorities will be eligible to receive £50,000 to support Tidy Towns services and large projects, and Keep Wales Tidy will be allocated funding to employ a community engagement officer in each local authority.

For more information go to:

Friday, 11 February 2011


Don't leave your application to the last minute - it is easy to spot when an application has been rushed.
Give yourselves plenty of time to fill in the application if possible, to give your project the best chance when it comes to assessment.

Keep your eye on the blog and the PAVO e-briefing for future deadlines.

Cash Handling Code Consultation: Proposal to Include other Financial Donations

Draft Code update to reflect increased diversification of income sources for charities

The Institute’s Handling of Cash Donations Code of Fundraising Practice is going out to public consultation. The draft Code has been updated to, and renamed, the Handing of Cash and Other Financial Donations Code of Fundraising Practice.

The draft Code is being updated to reflect the increased diversification of income sources for charities. It contains sections on cheque donations, the use of debit cards, tax-effective giving and electronic transactions and guidance when using tills.

Specification within the draft Code includes that where children are involved in handling donations, procedures should be in place to safeguard both the child and the donations. There is also detail about how to facilitate a donor’s direct transfer of funds to a charity’s bank account, since this method has recently grown in popularity.

Sarah Tirrell, Policy and Codes of Practice Manager at the Institute of Fundraising, comments:

'Whilst cash donations are widely used by charities, the draft Code reflects the continued importance of donation methods such as cheques.

'Its update means that our guidance keeps in step with other practicalities of contemporary fundraising, including technological advances which have impacted on our sector in the past few years.'

Feed into the consultation before the closing date of 3rd May 2011.

(Source: Institute of Fundraising)

Charities Aid Foundation Charity Awards

Now in their twelfth year, the Charities Aid Foundation Charity Awards are inviting nominations from dynamic and innovative third sector organisations from around the country to be awarded for their excellence in a range of areas.

Nominations can be made under a variety of categories, covering areas of impact across the voluntary sector. The awards aim to showcase a charity's management initiative which has improved the delivery of its charitable objectives.

There are 10 categories for the 2011 awards, which are as follows:

  • Environment and Conservation.
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage.
  • Children and Youth.
  • Disability.
  • Education and Training.
  • Grantmaking and Funding.
  • Healthcare and Medical Research.
  • International Aid and Development.
  • Advice, Support and Advocacy.
  • Social Care and Welfare.

One category winner will also be selected to receive the Overall Excellence Award.

Registered or recognised charities within the UK are eligible to enter this award scheme. Winning an award can propel a charity's work into the spotlight, influence policy makers and funders and boost the morale of staff and stakeholders.

The deadline for entries is 11 March 2011.

(Source: Grantfinder)