Wednesday, 29 February 2012


PAVO in partnership with Communities First Ystradgynlais will be holding a roadshow on:

Tuesday 13th March
at the Welfare Hall, Ystradgynlais
2pm - 5pm

Free support is available from specialist staff who can advise you on:
  • running your organisation, including trustee, governance and group structures
  • finding funding
  • making funding applications
  • sustainable funding
  • thinking about social enterprise
  • updates on the planning services for children and young people across the County
  • plus much more
So, come along and see what's on offer - we look forward to seeing you.
Further dates will be announced through out the year in other locations around Powys.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Village SOS Funding Survey - Take part today

Here's an opportunity to influence future funding:

Now that the 2 February deadline has passed for full application to the Village SOS Competition we are exploring what users of the online community thought of the Competition, and what your needs are for further funding. 
Your feedback will help us develop any future funding in this area. 
Therefore we would be grateful if you would answer the following short questionnaire. 
Many thanks, 

The Village SOS Team 
Big Lottery Fund


The Prince's Countryside Fund was established to help rural areas in the United Kingdom to become more sustainable.  The focus areas for the Fund are:
  • projects to improve the sustainability of British farming in areas of deprivation;
  • projects to improve the sustainability of rural communities; and
  • projects to reconnect people with the countryside.
The total amount of funding available in each round is approximately £250,000. The maximum level of funding for individual projects will be £50,000. The Fund can pay for a portion or the entirety of the costs of a project and applications for capital, project and resource funding will be considered.
Applications will be accepted from organisations that can demonstrate the support of the community which will benefit from the project and show evidence of consulting the community.
Those wishing to apply this year are advised to commence planning their proposals in advance of the next funding round. The programme will reopen to applications on 12 March for one month only.
The deadline for receipt of applications will be Friday 13 April 2012.

Friday, 24 February 2012

The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust

To honour and acknowledge the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, a Diamond Jubilee Trust has been set up.

For more details go to:


8 Powys groups have been successful with their Awards for All bids.  A total of £33718.00 has been shared between them.  Congratulations to all those groups - get in-touch, and let us know how the funding helps to make a difference - we'd love to hear from you.

Other groups across Wales have had success with projects and community events to mark the Diamond Jubilee.

Available in English and Welsh, the application form for the programme can be downloaded, completed and emailed direct to the Big Lottery Fund as well as being available in hard copy.
Application forms are available from or by phone on 0845 4 10 20 30.
Contact the PAVO help desk on 0845 0093288 or email if you require any free funding support.
(Source:  Big Lottery)


Wales Council for Volunteering Action flagship volunteering support grant scheme , the Volunteering in Wales fund ,which aims to help the third sector to recruit new volunteers from  under represented groups has  been awarded additional funding for 2012/13. The grant sum now available has been increased to £1million and the fund is now open for applications  .

The fund offers support of up to £25,000 towards the costs of recruiting, training and supporting new volunteers. The volunteers are drawn from under represented groups such as the disabled, 50 years plus, unemployed /economically inactive, BEM members or those aged 16-25 years. The scheme is particularly interested in supporting organisations whose volunteering activities are not popular or based in areas where volunteering opportunities are limited.   Inevitably demand for support under the scheme is always high and regrettably a high number of applicants are not successful.  

In 2012/13 total funds available for Volunteering in Wales’s grants and administration is £1,000,000 -  the highest ever awarded .   

Applications are now invited for the  2012/13 grant round. For a third sector organisation to register its interest in the Volunteering in Wales grant scheme on 0800 2888 329   or contact application packs  are now available. Close date  for completed applications  is 23 March 2012.

(Source WCVA)

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Western Power Distribution - Community Chest

A total of £50,000 is available for communities in the Midlands, the South West and South Wales to help reduce their energy use. Grants are available to voluntary and community organisations located within the Western Power Distribution network area to provide simple but effective energy efficiency measures to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions.
Grants are available for up to £1,000 for the installation of energy saving measures, including:
  • Insulating loft spaces.
  • Installing energy monitors.
  • Draught proofing windows and doors.
  • Fitting effective heating controls.
  • Installing low energy lighting.
  • Minor repairs (for example to door and window frames).
Applications will be assessed as they are received.
Applications will be accepted until the end of April 2012, or until the grant fund has all been awarded, whichever occurs first.
(Source:  Grantfinder)

Friday, 10 February 2012


The 2012 Awards to celebrate the UK's favourite Lottery-funded projects are now open to applications.
The Awards are open to authorised representatives of projects that have received Lottery funding at any time since 1994. The main beneficiaries of the project must be based in the UK.
Entries can be made in the following Award categories:
  • Best Arts Project.
  • Best Education Project.
  • Best Environment Project.
  • Best Health Project.
  • Best Heritage Project.
  • Best Sport Project.
  • Best Voluntary/Charity Project.
The winner in each category will receive a cash prize of £2,000, which can be put towards their project.
Winners will be determined by a public vote featuring on a special BBC1 television show in the autumn.
The deadline for entries is 12 March 2012 (noon).

(Source: Grant Finder)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

People Fund - fundraising with a difference

Are you looking for a new way to raise funds for a new project?  Do you use social media to engage your supporters?  Well check out People Fund.  This is a new crowd sourcing website, which brings together community projects and supporters, to help them find the finance, skills and volunteers to get projects off the ground.

It is a really interesting concept.

Go to:

Monday, 6 February 2012

Food Festival Grant Funding Programme - Notice of Imminent Deadline

Food festivals contribute millions of pounds annually to the Welsh economy by attracting visitors from across Wales and beyond, providing a platform for producers looking to increase sales in an ever more competitive marketplace.
Building a positive external reputation and brand image for Wales is an important challenge recognised by the Welsh Government. This scheme will support food producers wishing to take part in food festivals throughout Wales in 2012.
Costs associated with attending food festivals may be covered. These activities provide capacity building opportunities for food and drink producers from Wales as well as contributing to a broadened and strengthened rural economy.
There are no minimum or maximum levels of funding stipulated. Applications will be judged on their individual merits.
Food producers in Wales may apply for support through this scheme. All events supported must have food activity as their core.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 17 February 2012.

(Source: Grantfinder)

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Creme of nature Community Action awards 2012 - NOW OPEN

A cash prize of £10,000 is on offer to voluntary, community or faith-based groups in the UK that work with women and need the money to make a positive impact in their local community.
Now in its fifth year, the Creme of Nature Community Action Award is about giving something back to the communities across the UK that have helped make Creme of Nature one of the most well known brands in the hair and beauty market for the past 30 years.
The award is about making a real difference, and it is dedicated to community cohesion and social inclusion.
Small groups that have a dream of making a difference to their community but lack funding are encouraged to apply for this award. The prize is £10,000. The first runner up will receive a cash award of £5,000. The second, third and fourth runner ups will receive £500 worth of Creme of Nature products.
Applications can be submitted online via the Creme of Nature website or by downloading an application form and posting it to Creme of Nature.
The closing date is 31 March 2012.
Each finalist must promote their cause and the one that gets the most online votes from 1 May to the 18 May 2012 wins. Votes can come from anywhere in the UK
The presentation will take place in Manchester at Victory Outreach in late May or early June 2012 as the previous year’s winner hosts the presentation event.
Visit the Crème of Nature website for further information, an application form and to read about the previous winners.


Environment Wales can support voluntary or community groups, charities, co-operatives, and other bodies with a not-for-profit status.  They offer support to projects rather than groups, which must be specific activities rather than general core work.

In order to be eligible for Environment Wales support, projects must meet one or more of the following

• Environmental Improvement: Achieving sustainable improvements to the Welsh environment through
practical projects;
• Education and Awareness: Increasing understanding of sustainable development and the environment
through information, education and advisory services;
• Environmental Enterprise: Helping create new environmental initiatives which also allow communities
and voluntary organisations to contribute to their social and economic needs;
• Training and Volunteers: Supporting and training staff and volunteers engaged in the above activities.

Projects must also complete the Environment Wales REGISTRATION process.

What is registration?
Registration is an opportunity for Development Officers to assess a project’s sustainability and address any issues
that might be a potential barrier to Environment Wales funding.  The process can also help groups to think
through their projects and fine-tune their objectives.

Environment Wales offer 5 grant schemes:

Start-up Grants:  These help to cover the costs involved with establishing new voluntary or community groups such as hiring venues, publicity or printing, training, insurance, affiliation etc.  The maximum grant is £1,000.

Pre-Project Grants:  These help cover the costs of any studies or surveys that need to be undertaken before aproject can begin; for example feasibility studies, business plans, ecological surveys or community appraisals.
The studies must be undertaken by a third party.  The maximum grant is £4,000.

In both these instances, grants will only be awarded if the proposed project activities meet with Environment
Wales’ objectives and it is hoped that any projects benefiting from these grants will later come forward for
Environment Wales registration.

There are 3 other Environment Wales grant streams, open to registered projects only.

Training Support Grants:  These grants are available to help cover the costs of training courses and
conferences.  Eligible costs include travel expenses, subsistence and course fees.  The maximum grant available
is £400.  Applications may be submitted at any time.

Project Grants:  These grants help cover project materials and equipment.  The maximum grant available is
£10,000.  Applications may be submitted at any time.

Management Grant:  These grants help fund new posts within registered projects.  The posts must be project specific and not part of an organisation’s core activities.  Grants range from £1,000 to £12,000.  Applications need to be received by the 15 October for awards starting on 1 April, the following year.  Funding can be provided for up to a maximum of six years.

Environment Wales, Baltic House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF10 5FH 
Tel: 029 2043 1727 

 (Source:  Environment Wales Information Pack)