In order to be eligible for Environment Wales support, projects must meet one or more of the following
• Environmental Improvement: Achieving sustainable improvements to the Welsh environment through
practical projects;
• Education and Awareness: Increasing understanding of sustainable development and the environment
through information, education and advisory services;
• Environmental Enterprise: Helping create new environmental initiatives which also allow communities
and voluntary organisations to contribute to their social and economic needs;
• Training and Volunteers: Supporting and training staff and volunteers engaged in the above activities.
Projects must also complete the Environment Wales REGISTRATION process.
What is registration?
Registration is an opportunity for Development Officers to assess a project’s sustainability and address any issues
that might be a potential barrier to Environment Wales funding. The process can also help groups to think
through their projects and fine-tune their objectives.
Environment Wales offer 5 grant schemes:
Start-up Grants: These help to cover the costs involved with establishing new voluntary or community groups such as hiring venues, publicity or printing, training, insurance, affiliation etc. The maximum grant is £1,000.
Pre-Project Grants: These help cover the costs of any studies or surveys that need to be undertaken before aproject can begin; for example feasibility studies, business plans, ecological surveys or community appraisals.
The studies must be undertaken by a third party. The maximum grant is £4,000.
In both these instances, grants will only be awarded if the proposed project activities meet with Environment
Wales’ objectives and it is hoped that any projects benefiting from these grants will later come forward for
Environment Wales registration.
There are 3 other Environment Wales grant streams, open to registered projects only.
Training Support Grants: These grants are available to help cover the costs of training courses and
conferences. Eligible costs include travel expenses, subsistence and course fees. The maximum grant available
is £400. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Project Grants: These grants help cover project materials and equipment. The maximum grant available is
£10,000. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Management Grant: These grants help fund new posts within registered projects. The posts must be project specific and not part of an organisation’s core activities. Grants range from £1,000 to £12,000. Applications need to be received by the 15 October for awards starting on 1 April, the following year. Funding can be provided for up to a maximum of six years.
Environment Wales, Baltic House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF10 5FH
Tel: 029 2043 1727
(Source: Environment Wales Information Pack)
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