Friday, 26 September 2014


Do you need some funding support?  Have you got an issue around governance?  Would you like to discuss potential project ideas?  Would your organisation like a health check?

We will be in Brecon on:
Thursday 2nd October 2014
Brecon Library 10am - 2pm
Ring 01597 822191 to make an appointment 

Thursday, 25 September 2014

The Prince's Countryside Fund - Accepting Applications for Autumn Round

The budget for the autumn round is £600,000 with grants of up to £50,000 available to not-for-profit organisations, charities, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies, Companies limited by guarantee, and unincorporated associations.

The Prince's Countryside Fund has been established to support the sustainability and protection of farms and rural communities throughout the UK. The aim of the funding is to have a long-term positive impact on rural communities, helping those that live and work there to sustain the countryside by tackling key rural issues. Grants must result in outcomes that directly relate to the Fund's objectives to:

   - Improve the viability of British farming targeting the areas of greatest need.
   - Improve the sustainability of rural communities targeting the areas of greatest need.

Based on a recent review of its funding criteria, the Fund is now asking that projects focus on at least one of the following three key countryside issues:

   - Developing Thriving Rural Communities by improving service provision in rural areas. Projects should provide innovative solutions to deliver assets and services that keep rural communities together and develop a more sustainable rural economy, such as empowering communities to provide village services or create business hubs and employment for local people.
   - Transforming Rural Livelihoods by supporting rural enterprise and farming businesses. Projects should focus on developing stronger, more sustainable farm and rural enterprises with the aim of halting the decline of the rural economy, for example by providing rural businesses with support and advice or supporting farmer led initiatives.
   - Creating the Farmers of the Future by providing training opportunities for young people and the unemployed. Projects should help improve skills and increase opportunities of taking up rural careers, in particular in farming, with the aim of helping people to remain within and contribute to the rural economy, for example, training opportunities and apprenticeship schemes that inspire and enable new entrants to consider a career in farming.

The deadline for applications is 23 October 2014.

(Source: Grantfinder)

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

eProcurement Workshop – Electronic Tendering for 3rd Sector Organisations

Tuesday, 30 September 2014 – 10.00am - 1.00pm
Media Resource Centre, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6AH

This workshop is aimed at developing skills and understanding in the use of e-tendering portals such as etenderwales.bravosolutions. The workshop will be an interactive session and will provide delegates with information and guidance on using e-tendering platforms. The workshop will also cover using the Sell2Wales website and how to update and check you profile, and identify tendering opportunities. The workshop will also cover practical help in preparing to tender for public sector contracts.

To register your place on the workshop please e-mail or call 01970 636283

PAVO Conference & AGM - Monday 10th November 2014 9.30am - 2.30pm

Dear Colleague
PAVO Conference & AGM – Monday 10th November 2014  9.30am – 2.30pm
“A Third Sector Scheme for Powys”

I am very pleased to invite you to PAVO’s Annual Conference and General Meeting, which will be held this year on Monday 10th November 2014.  Please find the programme attached or click here.

The focus of the conference is the development of a Third Sector Scheme for Powys. Such a scheme will be an agreement between the Council, Health Board and Third Sector relating to how the sector is funded and how statutory agencies engage with the sector. It will also address issues such as commissioning and the role of volunteering.
 There will be an opportunity to participate in one of the themed workshops taking place at 11.50am that will give you the opportunity to consider the potential content of a third sector scheme in Powys.
 I very much hope you can join us for the event. Coffee will be available from 9.30am before the commencement of our AGM at 10.00am. A light lunch will be available at 1.30pm to enable networking and talking with stall holders before your departure.
 PAVO’s AGM and Annual Conference provides a great opportunity to meet other colleagues in the sector, as well as partners in other sectors to share information and good practice.
 To let us know if you are able to attend please complete attached form or click here to use the online form, telephone: 01597 822191 or

I look forward to seeing you on 10th November.

Yours sincerely

Martin Nosworthy

Annwyl Gydweithydd

Cynhadledd a CCB PAVO- Dydd Llun 10 Tachwedd 2014  9.30am–2.30pm
Hafod a Hendre, Maes Sioe Frenhinol Cymru, Llanelwedd

Mae’n bleser gennyf eich gwahodd i Gynhadledd Flynyddol a Chyfarfod Cyffredinol PAVO a gynhelir eleni ar ddydd Llun 10fed Tachwedd 2014.  Fe welwch copi o’r rhaglen wedi ei atodi, neu gliciwch yma.

Thema'r gynhadledd yw datblygu Cynllun Trydydd Sector i Bowys. Bydd cynllun o'r fath yn gytundeb rhwng y Cyngor, y Bwrdd Iechyd a'r Trydydd Sector a bydd yn ymwneud â sut mae'r sector yn cael ei ariannu a sut mae asiantaethau statudol yn ymgysylltu â'r sector. Bydd hefyd yn rhoi sylw i faterion fel comisiynu a rôl gwirfoddoli.

Bydd cyfle i gymryd rhan yn un o'r gweithdai thematig rhyngweithiol sy’n digwydd am 11.50am a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i ystyried potensial cynnwys Cynllun Trydydd Sector i Bowys.

Gobeithiaf yn fawr y gallwch chi ymuno â ni ar gyfer y digwyddiad: Bydd coffi ar gael o 9.30am cyn dechrau ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol am 10.00am. Bydd cinio ysgafn o ar gael am 1.30pm i alluogi rhwydweithio a siarad gyda deiliaid stondin cyn eich ymadael.

Mae CCB a Chynhadledd Flynyddol PAVO yn gyfle gwych i gwrdd â chydweithwyr eraill yn y sector, yn ogystal â phartneriaid mewn sectorau eraill i rannu gwybodaeth ac arfer da.

I roi gwybod i ni os ydych yn gallu mynychu, cwblhewch y ffurflen atodedig neugliciwch yma i ddefnyddio'r ffurflen ar-lein, neu ffoniwch: 01597 822191 neu e-bostiwch:
Edrychaf ymlaen at eich gweld ar 5 Tachwedd.

Yr eiddoch yn gywir

Martin Nosworthy

Wales for Africa Grant Scheme Accepting Applications

Voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations in Wales can apply now for funding to deliver key Wales for Africa projects for a three-year period starting from April 2015.

The Welsh Government’s Wales for Africa programme exists to encourage people in Wales to be active in international development and to improve the effectiveness of Wales for Africa interventions, ensuring the mutual benefits to both Wales and Africa.
The Welsh Government is seeking applications from third sector organisations (either individually or preferably in collaboration) to deliver key Wales for Africa projects for a three-year period from April 2015. The Government has made available £602,000 per year (2015-2018) to fund this grant programme.
Voluntary and community organisations, charities, social enterprises, cooperatives, community mutuals, faith organisations, community interest companies and companies limited by guarantee established for public and community benefit can apply as long as they are financially viable and have their own bank account.
Preference will be given to awarding one grant for the entire programme of work - either to one third sector organisation or a group collaborating together.
The grant will deliver a programme of work based on the following principles:
§  Building effective links between Wales and developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa by facilitating the transfer and exchange of knowledge and skills.
§  Ensuring that any actions undertaken are mutually beneficial to both Wales and the country in Sub-Saharan Africa.
§  Ensuring that sustainable development is at the core of all work undertaken, complementing UK government international sustainable development policy and the work of the major agencies.
§  Reflecting the concerns and connections of the people and communities of Wales in international development.
§  Using public procurement and support to business as a proactive tool for alleviating poverty.
§  Delivering the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aligning with the Post 2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.
Projects must contribute to delivery of the MDGs in sub-Saharan Africa, or support a Welsh response to international disasters/emergencies and to demonstrate a clear benefit to Wales.
Funding can be used for revenue costs, direct project costs, and costs necessary for the organisation to operate but which are not related specifically to one project.
Applications should be submitted by email by 18 November 2014 (12noon) with a signed hard copy received by 21 November 2014 (12noon).
Full details can be found on the Welsh Government website

Source: Welsh Government, 17/09/2014

Vote for a Good Cause - Lloyds Bank Community Fund 2014

The public has until 10 October to vote for their favourite good cause from among the 1400 organisations that have been shortlisted from 350 communities across England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Channel Islands.
The Community Fund is part of Lloyds Bank’s ‘Helping Britain Prosper Plan’ which aims to bring communities closer together and to help them thrive. The grants are awarded once a year to projects and services that make a positive difference to their local community.
Earlier this year, members of the public were able to nominate local community groups whose work fit into the 12 different awards categories which includes the arts; community spaces, development, regeneration; disability; diversity and inclusion; education and training; employability; environment, health and wellbeing; homelessness; mental health; organised community groups; and sports.
The nominees were then invited to apply to the Community Fund. More than 8,300 groups were nominated, with nearly 5,200 applications. From these, Lloyd Banking Group employees drew up their shortlist of 1400 groups. That is four good causes for each community.
All shortlisted groups will receive a financial award. The number of votes cast in each community will determine how Community Fund awards are allocated. In each community the good cause that receives the most votes will receive a £3,000 award, with the second placed group receiving an award of £2,000, those in third and fourth place receiving £1,000 and £500 respectively.
In 2013, 2.3 million votes were cast for the Community Fund and more than 380,000 people benefited from the fund. This year it is expected that even more votes will be cast with the inclusion of Twitter voting for the first time. In addition to Twitter, customers and members of the public can vote for their favourite community group online, by SMS, or by visiting their Lloyds Bank branch.
Voting closes at 11:59pm on 10 October 2014.
Full details of all the good causes and their locations can be found on the Lloyds Bank Community Fund website
Source: Lloyds Bank, 18/09/2014

Friday, 19 September 2014

COMIC RELIEF – (UK Grants) Welsh language

Organisations are welcome to make applications to Comic Relief in Welsh. Copies of the UK Themes document*, application forms and guidelines are available in Welsh. If you wish to make your application in Welsh, or require any of these documents in Welsh, please send an email to:

Tidy Wales Awards - Now Open

The annual Keep Wales Tidy Awards recognise the efforts of Welsh groups that work to restore their local environment and improve life in their communities.

Awards of £250 (with £50 of vouchers for each shortlisted entry) are available in each of the following categories:

   - River Improvement Award.
   - Coastal Enhancement Award.
   - Recycling Innovation Award.
   - Community Transformation Award.
   - Biodiversity Improvement Award.
   - Cleaner Communities Awards.
   - Eco-schools in the Community Award.
   - Keep Wales Tidy Environmental Volunteer of the Year Award.

All entries should be subject to activities that took place during 2014. The three finalists in each category will be invited to attend the award ceremony in Cardiff in January 2015.

The deadline for entries is 31 October 2014 (5pm).

Monday, 15 September 2014

Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust 'Local Scheme' Open to Applications in Wales

Grants of up to £2,500 are available for not-for-profit organisations in Wales that have a remit to serve their local community or town.

Funding is available for projects in the following four areas:

   - Sport - The Trust is keen to support volunteer-based projects, particularly from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.  In addition, the Trust recognises the difference that coaching can make to the development of a sport and is keen to fund equipment and coaching costs if the need has been clearly identified.
   - The Arts - The Trust aims to give more people the opportunity to enjoy the diversity of performing and visual arts in Wales.  The Trust particularly favours proposals which expand and improve arts provision in parts of the country less well served than others and will give priority to organisations which strive to work together to share experiences, practices and ideas.
   - The Environment - The Trust encourages applications relating to recycling, developing green spaces, the development and promotion of green practices and the promotion of public transport schemes.  Projects that improve the quality of Wales' environment, protect and create a vibrant countryside, and develop and promote sustainable land use planning will be a priority for support. The Trust aims to fund programmes that protect and enhance Wales' natural heritage and promote its sustainable use and enjoyment in a way which contributes to local economic prosperity and social inclusion.
   - The Community - The Trust will give priority to organisations that are looking to tackle social, personal, economic or cultural barriers within their own communities.  In particular, projects that lead to greater independence and give people more control over their lives will be given priority.  The Trust welcomes applications that give people a voice to express their needs and hopes. The Trust is keen to help disabled people to challenge barriers and to be active and visible in their local communities.

The deadline for applications is 21 November 2014.

Triangle Trust 1949 Fund

Applications for organisations working with the rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders are being accepted.
Development Grants provide funds towards any costs incurred by the applicant in undertaking its core business so that sustainable income sources can be developed and the organisation’s income will not be reduced when the grant comes to an end.
Grants are available for up to £40,000 or 50% current annual income, whichever is lowest, per year for three years. The amount requested each year is expected to taper down as applicants develop other sustainable income streams.
Registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies that are working within the UK and have a UK office are eligible to apply. Organisations must have a constitution whose primary purpose is to support unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders.
Applications for organisations working with the rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders are being accepted with a deadline of 6 November 2014 (noon).
For organisations working with carers, the online application form will be available for submissions from early March 2015.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)

Cash 4 Clubs funding available

Sports clubs can apply now for grants of £250, £500, £750 and £1,000 which can be used for anything that will add to the sustainability and effectiveness of their club. This includes buying new equipment, improving facilities or helping members to gain coaching qualifications.
No preference is given to the type of sport involved or the ages of people who will benefit from the project, but priority will be given to clubs that play an active role in their local community.
Previous funding has gone for a range wide of activities, including:
§  Training for coaches to ensure they are all level 1 standard.
§  Junior paddles and safety equipment.
§  An underwater camera for monitoring swimmers' technique.
§  Equipment for a golf club team.
§  Racing wheelchair and other athletics equipment.
§  New rugby kit, tackle bags, balls and corner flags.
§  Kit for a junior netball team.
§  Tennis court resurfacing.
§  Tennis ball machine and new balls and nets.
§  Floor mats and low balance beams.
§  First aid training for coaches and new first aid equipment.
§  Lifejackets, radios and paddles.
§  Developing links with local disability schools to get more disabled kids to play cricket.
§  Funds for a new floor.
§  Purchase of Dojang matting.
This highly competitive scheme, which has been running since 2008, offers two rounds of funding each year. Out of the 800 applications submitted from across the UK in February, only 33 clubs were awarded grants totalling up to £20,000. In the last six years, more than £261,000 has been given in grants to 327 community sports clubs across the UK.

The Cash 4 Clubs scheme is funded by Betfair and is supported by SportsAid, the charity for sports people. 
The deadline for applications is 30 September 2014.
Full details and an online application form can be found on the Cash 4 Clubs website

Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner’s Fund - Round Three Open to Applications

The Commissioner’s Fund is provided by Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, Christopher Salmon, to help improve the lives of the people across the region. The scheme is funded by the proceeds of crime awarded to the police and from the sale of unclaimed found property.

A total of £75,000 is available in Round Three, with grants of up to £5,000 available to charities, voluntary organisations and community groups to develop ideas that have a positive impact on the area they serve. Grants can be used for essentials such as educational toys, sports gear, publicity material, training, transport costs, venue hire, volunteer expenses or running costs.

Community projects are nominated by frontline police officers and Dyfed-Powys Police staff, and approved by a chief inspector who assesses applications against criteria such as the numbers who will benefit. Nominations are not accepted from the public or directly from organisations looking for funding.

All projects should in some way reflect the 2013-18 Police and Crime Plan for Dyfed-Powys.

The deadline for applications is 22 October 2014.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

People's Postcode Trust - Dream Fund Open to Application (Great Britain)

Funding is available to give organisations in Scotland, England and Wales the chance to deliver the project they have always dreamed of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life.
Charities in England, Scotland and Wales are eligible to apply for funding to deliver the project they have always dreamed of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life. All applications must come from at least two organisations that have joined forces to deliver an innovative project. The lead organisation must be a registered charity. The other organisations can be another charity, a voluntary group or a community interest company.
Two funding awards are available:
·         £750,000 for larger charities that have an income in their last financial year of above £1.5 million, as evidenced in the last audited annual accounts.
·         £250,000 for smaller charities that have an income in their last financial year of below or equal to £1.5 million as evidenced in the last audited annual accounts.
Funding is available for projects that meet one of the following funding criteria:
·         Advancement of community development.
·         Advancement of environmental protection.
·         Advancement of health.
·         Advancement of human rights.
·         Advancement of participation in sports.
·         Prevention of poverty, distress and sickness.
Applications must be innovative, creative and original, and present projects that are a genuine ‘dream'.
The Fund is open to applications with a deadline of 30 September (5.30pm).

(source: Grantfinder)

Comic Relief - International Grants Programme Open to Applications (UK)

Grants are available to UK-registered organisations working in sub-Saharan Africa. Grants are available for work under the following themes: better futures; healthier finances; safer lives; stronger communities; and fairer society.

UK-registered organisations including charitable incorporated organisations, community interest companies limited by guarantee, industrial and provident societies and housing associations are eligible to apply for funding to carry out work in sub-Saharan Africa.
Implementing and Adapting Grants are likely to be for between three and five years and range from £250,000 to £800,000. Grants can be used to test out new approaches or adapt existing approaches. This could include proven approaches being applied in new contexts, or implementing entirely new approaches. Or, it may be about work that has been adapted to changing contexts, or applying what has been learnt from a previous phase of work.
Applicants can select up to three of the following goals for each application submitted:
·         Women aged 15 to 49 years and children under five have improved health.
·         Disadvantaged children and adults gain access to, and attain, a good quality of education.
·         Women and girls are equal and respected members of society.
·         Slum dwellers have an improved quality of life.
·         Children and young people at risk are safer, with greater opportunities to increase their skills and life prospects.
·         People affected by HIV have an improved quality of life.
·         Poor people can improve their income through trade, enterprises and employment.
Funding is available for work that will contribute to the following outcomes:
·         Better Futures - enabling some of the world’s poorest people to gain access to vital services such as health and education.
·         Healthier finances - tackling financial poverty and enabling economic resilience in families and communities, as well as supporting enterprise and employment.
·         Safer lives - reducing violence, abuse and exploitation.
·         Stronger communities - empowering people, organisations and networks to play an effective role in their communities and society, as well as nurturing talent and leadership.
·         Fairer society - helping people overcome inequality and have a say in decisions that affect their lives, whoever and wherever they are.
Proposals for Implementing and Adapting Grants are now being accepted with a deadline of 14 October 2014 (noon).

(Source: Grantfinder)

Money Saving Expert (MSE) Charity Open to Applications (UK)

Grants are awarded to organisations in the United Kingdom for projects that tackle financial and consumer illiteracy.
Grants of up to £5,000 are available for self help groups and other innovative projects that will help educate people about money/debt/consumer issues. Projects must assist people to improve their quality of life through knowledge and understanding of how to manage and take control of their own financial situation. Projects must also provide outcomes that will benefit their wider communities.
Not-for-profit constituted groups/organisations within the UK that have an annual income of less than £500,000 and whose unrestricted reserves are less than six months of their running costs are eligible to apply.
Applications are now being accepted until 30 September 2014. Only the first 40 complete applications that meet the criteria will be considered by the Panel.
The 'Grant Approval Panel' will meet on 5 November 2014.

(Source: Grantfinder)

Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards Open to Applications (UK)

Grants of between £500 and £2,500 are available to registered charities and not for profit organisations that are based in areas in the UK where Tesco has stores.

Funding is available to provide practical benefits, such as equipment and resources for projects that directly benefit health, sustainability or opportunities for young people. Projects that may receive support include the following:

   - Improving diets and encouraging healthy eating.
   - Involvement in sport and physical activity.
   - Education and training programmes.
   - Support to vulnerable and disengaged groups.
   - Learning programmes for young people with disabilities.
   - Reducing food waste.
   - Local eco initiatives that contribute to global environmental impact, such as energy reduction, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, water conservation.
   - Projects that encourage sustainable living, such as reducing environmental impact and promoting social benefits.

The deadline for applications is 21 September 2014 (midnight).

(Source: Grantfinder)