Tuesday, 24 February 2015


A course is being delivered in Llandrindod Wells at the Metropole Hotel on the 23rd March from 6-9pm by the Welsh Sports Association regarding how to Pass a Tax Inspection in 2015.  

Whether you are a coach, volunteer, committee member, or administrator, it is important to know what you and your organisation need to do to satisfy the many statutory and legal obligations/requirements a sports organisation/business has to adhere to, particularly when you could potentially be personally liable for any issues arising.

To book on or if you have any queries please contact Nick Green at the Welsh Sports Association on 02920 334974 or by email onnick.geen@welshsports.org.uk


Builders’ merchant, Jewson, is asking trades-people up and down the country to put forward local community projects that are in need of a transformation.
As part of its Building Better Communities project, Jewson is offering communities across the country the chance to win a share of a £100,000 prize which can be spent on anything from a new roof for their village hall, a sensory garden, a community festival or simply a much needed coat of paint for a neglected public facility.
Jewson will be giving away a top prize of £50,000 to help pay for both materials and labour, plus other prizes of between £1,000 and £5,000 to cover the cost of building materials.
As part of the launch of Jewson Building Better Communities, Jewson commissioned a survey to highlight the importance of community in the UK and gain a better understanding of what makes a great place to live.
The results revealed that 70% of UK residents feel there is average to little or no community spirit where they live, and that one in five respondents (20%) think having an annual street party or festival would be the best way to improve a community, closely followed by a well-equipped community centre at 14%.
David Fenton, marketing director at Jewson, said:
“With only a third of Brits reporting to live somewhere with good community spirit, it’s clear that measures can be taken to improve communal areas and activities around the UK.
Our research also shows that while seven in 10 Brits would like to do more for their local areas, nearly 10% cite a lack of budget as a reason not to do so.
That’s why we’re asking the public to nominate local causes close to their hearts so we can help them achieve the community they dream of.
The competition is open for entry from any member of the public, but we’d especially like tradespeople to get involved by putting their local projects forward, as we know that community development is integral to the building industry.”
A number of suppliers have committed to supporting Building Better Communities, including British Gypsum, Marshalls, Mastercrete, Norbord, SAM and Velux Windows.
The competition will close for entries on 12 April 2015. Please note this is a vote based competition, similar in some respects to the (now closed)People's Millions scheme.
For more information, terms and conditions, or to nominate a community project for a £50,000 Jewson transformation, visit Building Better Communities or visit the Jewson Facebook page.

(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Armed Forces Day

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is providing funding to help organisations in the UK host an Armed Forces Day event this summer.  The aim of the funding is to show support for servicemen and women, past and present.
The following may apply for a grant up to £10,000, (providing the MoD contribution is no more than 50% of the total project cost):
o Local councils,
o Community organisations,
o Schools,
o Ex-service organisations, and
o Individuals.
In 2014 events took place in all parts of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. They included: 
o Armed Forces Day tea parties,
o Parades,
o Big band concerts,
o Civil war military re-enactments and
o Live and static demonstrations.
Events must occur a week either side of the National Armed Forces Day.
This year the celebrations will fall on Saturday 27 June 2015.
For further information, visit the Armed Forces Day website.

(Source:  GRIN)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Austin Hope and Pilkington Trust

Charitable organisations can apply for funding from South West charity Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust for projects that directly support the theme selected by the Trustees for the respective year.
Grant awards are intended to support organisations undertaking projects in a variety of fields and work on a three-year rotation system, with different areas of interests prioritised for funding each year:
  • 2015: Community and Medical (research and non-research). For Medical research, consideration will only be given to projects relating to mental health. For Medical non- research, priority will be given to projects relating to mental health, but other areas of medical work will be considered.
  • 2016: Children and Youth.
  • 2017: Music and the Arts; the Elderly.
Grant awards are normally between £1,000 and £3,000 for one year only. Occasionally awards up to £10,000 are made for medical research projects.
In 2013 the Trust made 191 awards totalling just under £300,000.Grants included:
Family Centres: £1,000 to Ipswich Community Playbus towards their playbus, and grants to various Home Start centres across the country;
Arts activities: £3,000 to Childhood First towards theatre trips, and £1,000 to Spitalfields Music toward its 'Takeover' project; and
Counselling and Support: £1,000 to After Adoption for its TALK Adoption project; £1,000 to Family Matters toward specialist counselling and therapy; and £3,000 to the "Who Cares?" Trust toward 'A Young Person's Guide to Leaving Care'.
PLEASE NOTE: only UK registered charities with projects taking place within the UK are eligible to apply.  Priority tends to be given to projects with a national remit rather than those with a local focus.
There are two deadlines for 2015: Monday 1 June and Sunday 1 November.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Overseas projects.
o Capital appeals.
o Schools.
o Village halls.
o Minibuses.
o Shopmobility.
o Charities involved with religion (including repair of Church fabric).
o Charities involved with animals (welfare and conservation).
o Individuals, including individuals embarking on a trip overseas with a charitable organisation.
o Students.
o Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies.
o Sea Cadets.
o Holidays.
o Individual hospices (national organisations can apply).
Grants are not awarded to charities in consecutive years, even for different projects. Charities that apply in June cannot apply in November of the same year, whether or not they are successful.
Application forms are available to complete online at the Trust's website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Karen Frank
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust
PO Box 124

Monday, 16 February 2015

The Eranda Foundation

The Eranda Foundation was created by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild in February 1967 to support the advancement of learning in the arts and sciences and in particular for the promotion and development of medical and scientific research.
Funding is available for the following:
o Promotion of original research and supporting the continuation of existing research into medicine and education, primarily medical and scientific education.
o Encouraging the arts, primarily education and outreach work.
o Supporting social welfare.
No minimum or maximum level of support is specified. During the financial year ending 5 April 2014 the Foundation made 130 awards totalling just over £4 million The average award was £30,000.
Applicants must be a registered charity. For social welfare projects, priority will be given to national activities, or if local, the priority will be Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire. Individuals are not eligible to apply.
Annual grant application deadlines are:
o 30 April;
o 31 August; and
o 31 December.
Applicants should apply in writing to the Secretary and enclose the following information:
• Evidence of registered charity status.
• Brief description of the activities of the charity.
• Purpose for which new funding is sought.
• Project costs (broken down as much as possible).
• Information on funds raised and pledged. • Most recent accounts.
• Most recent annual report. Charities should make only one application per year.
PLEASE NOTE: the Foundation does not have a website. Further information is however available on the Open Charities andCharity Commission websites.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Evelyn de Rothschild
The Eranda Foundation
PO Box 6226
Leighton Buzzard
Bedfordshire LU7 0XF
Tel: 01296 689157

(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Skinner's Company - Lady Neville Charity

The objective of the Lady Neville Charity is to provide grants that will make a clear and significant contribution to grassroots charitable organisations offering a diverse range of activities and interests.
One-off grants between £500 and £1,000 are available for non-recurring expenditure such as:
o equipment,
o an event, or
o a particular element of capital building works.
Registered charities and not-for-profit organisations based in the United Kingdom whose total annual income is less than £100,000 per annum are eligible to apply.
Grants will only be awarded to projects that fall under one of the Charity's priority areas:
• Local Heritage – for projects anywhere in the UK which help local groups to conserve and restore their landmarks, landscape, traditions and culture.
• Performing and Visual Arts - for groups anywhere in the UK that are involved in undertaking a particular activity in any field in this area.
The Company also has a stated preference for any charitable activity which takes place in communities where the Skinners' Company has a presence, either through its own existing work in social housing and education, or where there are historical links. Unfortunately none of these are in the South West! (The areas are o The City of London. o Camden (particularly Kings Cross). o Enfield. o Hackney. o Hounslow. o West Kent, particularly Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells.)
Completed application forms should be returned by post enclosing a copy of the applicant's most recent audited accounts and annual report.
2015 deadlines are Friday 6 March and Friday 4 September.
For further information, visit the Skinners’ Company website.
Contact details for the Company are:
The Skinners’ Company
Skinners’ Hall
8 Dowgate Hill
London EC4R 2SP

(Source:  GRIN)

Friday, 6 February 2015

THE NUFFIELD FOUNDATION OPEN DOOR GRANT PROGRAMME – Grants up to £150,000 for innovative projects that advance social well-being (first stage application deadline 5 March 2015)

The Nuffield Foundation’s Open Door Grant programme, featured in a GRIN bulletin last November, has re-opened to applications with a first stage application deadline of Thursday 5 March 2015. .
The scheme is aimed at offering financial assistance to projects of exceptional merit which do not fall under one of the Foundation'sareas of special interest (but which are based on the idea of the advancement of social well-being), or which span more than one area of interest, as listed by the Nuffield Foundation.
Grants are mainly for research but are also made for practical developments or innovation. Grants range in size from £5,000 to £150,000. The Foundation also considers larger grants but makes only a handful each year. Capital projects are not supported.
Non-profit organisations and other charitable groups based in the UK are eligible for funding from the Open Door Programme..
Projects should meet the following criteria:
• Be innovative.
• Aim to have an impact beyond its immediate beneficiaries and should be more than local or regional interest.
• Have outcomes which will be of interest and use to policy makers.
• Include follow-up plans to assess the success of the project and whether the desired impacts were achieved.
Projects focused on the following subjects are eligible for funding:
• Poverty.
• Disadvantage.
• Social welfare.
• Disability.
Work covering more than one of these subjects is also of interest to the Foundation.
Eligible costs include travel, consultancy fees, essential equipment and office expenses.
The deadline dates for 2015 are as follows:
• Outline applications: 5 March 2015
• Full applications: 7 May 2015
An outline proposal of no more than three sides of A4 must be submitted to the Foundation for consideration by the Trustees who will decide whether the project is suitable for a full application.
The outline application should describe:
• The issue or problem you wish to address.
• The expected outcome(s).
• How the aims will be achieved.
• (For research projects) an outline of the methods involved.
• An outline of the budget and timeline for the project.
For further information, visit the Nuffield Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Sharon Witherspoon
The Nuffield Foundation
28 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3JS
Tel: 020 7631 0566
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Powys Community Endowment Fund

The Fund makes contributions to projects of up to 50% of costs and grants of up to £1500 are available for groups and up to £500 for individuals.

The Powys Fund currently comprises 4 grant programmes, offering support to individuals and groups based in Powys for the purposes of education and recreation/leisure. Please see the criteria for further information on these programmes.
The closing date for this grants round is the:
This programme has two annual deadlines of 28th February and 31st August. Applications are invited within the six weeks prior to a deadline. 

THE FOYLE FOUNDATION SMALL GRANTS SCHEME – Grants up to £10,000 for small charities working at grassroots level in the UK

The Foyle Foundation’s Small Grants programme is designed to support smaller charities in the UK – particularly those working at grass roots and local community level - in any field and across a wide range of activities.
Applications are welcomed from charities that have an annual turnover of less than £100,000 per annum.
Larger or national charities will normally not be considered under this scheme. Nor will the scheme generally support charities that are able consistently to generate operational surpluses or which have been able to build up unrestricted reserves to a level equivalent to three months turnover.
The Foundation awards one year grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 to charities which can demonstrate that such a grant will make a significant difference to their work.
Demonstrating ongoing sustainability is also important, particularly if the organisation has recently lost local authority or other regular funding. No multi-year funding awards are made. 
In the year ending 31 December 2013 the Foundation awarded 128 small grants totalling £610,200. A number of South West based charities have received grants.
Funded projects typically include:
o Core costs
o Hydrotherapy pools
o Education and support for parents
o Theatres and Arts activities
o Building costs, including village halls
o Youth workers
A list of most recent awards up to June 2014 can be found HERE.
There are no deadlines for submission. Applications will be received at all times but it may take up to four months to reach a decision. All applications are acknowledged, usually by email and all declined applications are also notified by email.
Applicants should complete the Small Grants Scheme Application Form.
A signed copy of your latest audited or independently examined annual accounts must be included with applications.
For further information, visit the Foyle Foundation website.
Applications should be sent to:
The Foyle Foundation
Rugby Chambers
2 Rugby Street
(Source: GRIN)

HERITAGE ENTERPRISE FUND – Grants from £100,000 to help rescue neglected historic buildings and sites and return them to viable productive use

Heritage Lottery funding is available for projects that have the potential to unlock a heritage asset in need of investment and use it as a stimulus for economic growth.
In most instances this will involve the repair and adaptation of a historic building or a coherent group of historic buildings for an end-use that generates a sustainable commercial income.
Projects are not required to provide open public access once the capital project is completed, but the project should look for opportunities for people to develop skills and learn about heritage during the lifetime of the project.
Grants of between £100,000 and £5 million are available. (Grant requests of over £100,000 and under £2 million will be considered every three months. Grant requests of over £2 million and up to £5 million will be considered every two months.)
Not-for-profit organisations and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations in the UK are eligible to apply. Not-for-profit organisations can include the following:
• Community or voluntary groups.
• Community Interest Companies.
• Charities and trusts.
• Social enterprises.
• Community/parish councils.
• Local authorities.
• Other public sector organisations.
Partnerships are required to nominate a lead applicant which will be a not-for-profit organisation that will provide a signed partnership agreement showing the involvement of each partner and how the project will be managed.
Funding is not available for the cost of existing staff time or existing organisational costs.
The following are unlikely to receive funding:
• Projects with a focus on residential rather than commercial development.
• Projects where the main focus is an urban park or an active place of worship.
Applicants should submit an online project enquiry form. Heritage Lottery Fund staff will then get in touch within 10 working days to say whether the project fits with the programme and to provide support with an application.
Applications go through a two-round process. First-round application forms should be submitted with a delivery-grant request (for doing the project) and, if needed, a development-grant request (for getting ready to do the project). Successful applicants will then develop a more detailed second-round application.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
Visit the Heritage Enterprise Fund website for further information.
Contact details for Heritage Enterprise are:
Heritage Lottery Fund
7 Holbein Place
London SW1W 8NR
Tel: 020 7591 6042/44

(Source: GRIN)

Red Nose Day Community Cash Fund Opens Across Wales

Comic Relief, Media Wales and the Community Foundation in Wales are working together to distribute a £100,000 Red Nose Day Community Cash fund to Wales.
Constituted voluntary and community groups, charities, social enterprises, co-operatives, faith organisations and community interest companies that are working locally in Wales are eligible to apply.
Grants of between £500 and £1,000 are available for projects that help people of all ages feel more included in their community, builds their skills and increases their sense of achievement.
Applications must address at least one of the following themes:
  • Improve people's life skills, education, employability and enterprise.
  • Maximise people's ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity.
  • Provide people with opportunities to access local services, achieve greater social justice and to reduce inequality, exclusion and disadvantage.
  • Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety.
  • Connect people with the arts, culture and heritage.
  • Transform people's access to, and engagement with, their environment and public spaces.
Examples of the type of activities that will be funded are as follows:
  • Parent and toddler groups.
  • Equipment and material for sports groups.
  • Cross generational work eg young people volunteering at older people’s groups.
  • Lunch clubs for isolated individuals.
  • Running costs for self-help groups.
  • Committee and volunteer/staff training.
  • Disability sports clubs/activities.
  • Training and volunteering projects.
  • Day events that help to build strong relationships within the community.
  • Community groups and set up costs for new groups.
  • Bereavement support groups.
  • Social groups for people with mental health problems.
  • Carer support groups.
  • Advice services to help people resolve money worries.
The deadline for applications is 25 February 2015 (5pm).
Full details can be found on the Community Foundation in Wales website
Source: Community Foundation in Wales, 26/01/2015

Home Office Launches Child and Adult Victim Sexual Abuse Support Fund

The Home Office has launched two new one-off funds worth nearly £5 million to support victims of child and sexual abuse in England and Wales. Both funds will be managed by Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Stephen Bett.

The £2.85 million Sexual Abuse Support Fund is aimed at non-statutory organisations in England and Wales providing support to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on their services since the Child Abuse Inquiry was launched on 7 July 2014 by Home Secretary Theresa May. Organisations can provide local services or national services.

Applicants should be supporting one of the following eight areas of victim need as set out in the Ministry of Justice Commissioning Framework:

   - Mental and physical health
   - Shelter and accommodation
   - Family, friends and children
   - Education, skills and employment
   - Drugs and alcohol
   - Finance and benefits
   - Outlook and attitudes
   - Social interaction

Eligible projects will need to provide a detailed description of how the types of support provided will lead to improvements for the victim against some or all of the following five areas:

   - Improved health and wellbeing.
   - Re-integration.
   - Increased safety and perceptions of safety.
   - Feeling informed.
   - Improved experience of the criminal justice system.

Although there is neither a minimum nor a maximum grant, applicants must state whether their bid is scalable as a large number of applications are anticipated.

The deadline for applications is 2 March 2015 (5pm).

Link to guidelines:  http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund

(Source: Grantfinder)

Comic Relief - Safer Lives

Comic Relief would welcome good quality bids from Wales which meet the criteria of our “Safer Lives” theme. The theme focuses on reducing violence, abuse and exploitation and will therefore result in people:
avoiding entering harmful or risky situations,
experiencing less harm from past or present violence, abuse and exploitation,
leaving violent, abusive or exploitative situations.
Please see our website www.comicrelief.com for full details and an electronic application form.
Domestic violence and sexual abuse are more commonly the issues tackled under this theme, though the above criteria also have the potential to be met when addressing issues such as homelessness, drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems, refugees and asylum seekers, elder abuse, bullying and gangs.
As Comic Relief's Wales Advisor, I will be holding surgeries, with the support of CVC's across Wales, over the next few months. Also, if you have a question, my email address follows, but please understand that I am unable to comment on the bid itself.
Alan Whittick, Wales Advisor, Comic Relief, alanwhittick@tiscali.co.uk
(Source: Comic Relief)

Monday, 2 February 2015

An Introduction to Tendering

An Introduction to Tendering

Wednesday 18th February 2015- full day 
Venue: Oriel Davies Gallery, the Park, Newtown, Powys SY16 2NZ
The course will:
  • Improve understanding of the differences between grants and contracts
  • Increase knowledge in the area of tendering
  • Provide guidance about the tendering process
  • Explore the potential of joint working when considering public service delivery. 
To book: click here
The course start and end times are 10am - 4pm, lunch isn't provided for the training.