Thursday, 26 May 2016


The Hilden Charitable Fund provides grants to charities in the UK and non-governmental organisations in the developing world.
The average grant award is £5,000 and can include capital and revenue costs.
During the year ending 5 April 2015 the Fund received 819 requests for grant aid and awarded 102 grants totalling £472,300(2013/14: 836 applications resulting in 97 awards totalling £430,920.)  Grants are directed largely at supporting work at a local community level. 
The scheme particularly aims to fund projects that are concerned with:
o Asylum seekers;
o Community initiatives for young people aged 16-25;
o Homelessness;
o Penal issues; and
o Overseas projects.
Grants are available in developing countries for the following types of project: 
o Community development;
o Education; and/or
o Health.
The Fund particularly welcomes projects that address the needs and potential of girls and women.
For applications to the overseas category, applications will only be considered from UK charities working overseas which have:
o A history of working overseas for at least five years;
o An income of over £100,000 in their last two financial years, but not more than £500,000; and
o If they are working with partners overseas they should show that their partners have been in existence for at least three years and have an income of over £10,000.
Charities that are based overseas must have:
o A history of working for at least five years; and
o An income of over £25,000 in their last two financial years, but no more than £100,000.
PLEASE NOTE: grants are not made to individuals and are rarely given to well-funded national charities. 
Application forms are available to complete on the Fund’s website. However, the application form should then be printed out and returned to the Fund by post. 
The next application deadline is Monday 27 June 2016.
Contact details for the Hilden Charitable Fund are:
Mr R Hedley
The Hilden Charitable Fund
34 North End Road
London W14 OSH
Tel: 0207 603 1525
(Source: GRIN)

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