Friday, 30 November 2018

Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm Community Fund

Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm provides a community fund which will see funding available to support local community projects every year during the lifetime of the wind farm. The fund is managed by a Community Fund Panel made up of representatives of the local community councils administered by Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO).

The community fund is open to applications from groups and projects which benefit the communities living in the following community council areas:
o      Beguildy
o      Bettws y Crwyn
o      Kerry
o      Llanbister
o      Llanbadarn Fynydd

Consideration may be given to an application from outside the Area of Benefit at the discretion of the fund panel but only if it can be shown that such an application provides a demonstrable benefit to those communities within the area of benefit.

Applications for grants up to £500, and grants over £500 are available through an application process.  Projects must benefit the wider community.

The application window will be open from 9am on Monday 15th October to 5pm on Monday 17th December 2018.

For more information and to receive the community fund guidelines please contact PAVO:
Tel:  01597 822191

(Source: PAVO) 

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Localgiving Webinar

Message from Lauren Swain - Localgiving Officer:

Across year 3 of Localgiving's Wales Development Programme I plan to deliver webinars, specifically for Wales groups. These will typically take place over lunch times, so they are accessible for everyone. This is following feedback from our recent survey - I really want to take onboard everyone's ideas! This is the perfect opportunity for groups who want to build up their skills or invite volunteers and new staff to help them raise money online.

The first webinar took place in September and was a 30 minute introduction to online fundraising. It covered all of the opportunities through Localgiving, as well as practical tips in getting started with online fundraising. For anyone that would like to listen to the training session, it can be accessed freely here.

The next webinar
 will take place on Monday 3rd December at 1pm. It will be a 30 minute introduction to creating an online fundraising strategy and explore how to add online fundraising into a wider fundraising strategy. This is new training content for all groups. I will again be uploading the webinar to YouTube so that it can be accessed retrospectively whenever is convenient for groups. 

The webinar is free but you do need to sign up to have access on the day. You will also be able to ask live questions. Please book your space or encourage your network to book here, giving an indication of numbers.

(Source: Localgiving)

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Tending to your roots: Top tips to help charitable groups succeed at online fundraising

Does your organisation want to become more sustainable and open up new income streams? Do you want to develop an engaged, larger supporter base? Do you need to raise unrestricted funding to help cover core running costs?

Lauren Swain, Localgiving's Wales Development Manager, is here to speak about how small charities and community groups achieve these goals. The workshop will focus on how to optimise online fundraising in an easy and cost effective way to help groups like yours fundraise effectively online.

This session is tailored to the needs of small charities and community groups that want to give their online fundraising a boost. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to hear about Localgiving's development programme in Wales, which offers a year of free help, free training and £200 match funding per group. For more information on what Localgiving giving offers click here: or contact Lauren via



The Armed Forces Covenant Fund is a Ministry of Defence scheme that has £10 million available annually  to fund projects which address specific priorities around supporting the Armed Forces community.
The scheme's priorities for April 2018 through to March 2019 include:
o Armed Forces Covenant: local grants and digital development programme.
o Armistice and Armed Forces Communities: supporting local communities to consider the Armed Forces Covenant and its relevance today in the context of the World War 1 commemorations; and
o Tackling serious stress in veterans, carers and families programme.
The following grants are available. There is no requirement for match funding.
1. Armed Forces Covenant Local Grants - grants of up to £20,000 are available for community integration projects and local delivery of services.
2. Tackling Serious Stress in Veterans, Carers and Families- Five grants, each in the region of £300,000-£700,000, are available for revenue costs of project portfolios.
Funding is available for projects that respond to the local needs of the armed forces community and improve recognition of the Armed Forces Covenant, and that:
o Help integrate armed forces and civilian communities across the UK, and/or
o Deliver valuable local services to the armed forces community.
Community Integration projects should:
o Create strong local links between the Armed Forces community (i.e. current and former members of their armed forces and their families) and civilian communities;
o Be able to clearly demonstrate how they will have impact in overcoming barriers to better integration;
o Improve perceptions, attitudes and understanding;
o Be rooted in their communities and have grown out of a specific local need; and
o Not just be the Armed Forces delivering something for the civilian community or vice-versa but involve shared development, delivery and benefits for both communities.
Delivery of Local Services projects should:
o Be local projects that offer financial advice, housing, mental and physical health, employability or social support for serving armed forces personnel, veterans and their families;
o Be well connected, both to their beneficiaries and to other relevant organisations; and
o Be able to demonstrate how the services they provide will be well-publicised, accessible and joined up.
Applicants will be expected to declare which of the following is the main focus of their application:
o Health and wellbeing;
o Education and employability; or
o Events and commemorations
All Local Grants projects will be assessed using the following criteria:
o How well the project addresses the priority and how it will meet the specific requirements of that priority;
o Evidence of the need for the project;
o Engagement, partnership working and collaboration;
o How well the project is likely to be delivered;
o To what extent the project represents value for money; and
o To what extent the funders can have confidence that the project will have lasting impact, delivering changes that last beyond the funding period.
Grants can be used for most of the things needed for the project, including people’s time, buying or hiring equipment, or minor improvements to land or buildings.
Applicants who are successful with their Local Grant application may also be able to benefit from the Covenant Fund’s Digital Development Programme.
Grants are available to fund revenue and delivery costs of five project portfolios (one each in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and two in England) that will develop new and innovative ways to support veterans with severe mental health needs who do not meet the criteria for hospitalisation, and to support their families and carers. Activities should have the potential to produce outcomes that are more effective than existing services.
The following organisations may apply for a grant:
o Registered charities;
o Local authorities;
o Schools or other statutory organisations;
o Community Interest Companies;
o Armed forces units with a Unit Identification Number (UIN).
Applicants to the Armed Forces Covenant: Local Grants programme are also expected to:
o Have experience and a track record of working with the Armed Forces Community, as well as a real understanding of the issues facing the Armed Forces Community; and
o Be able to provide evidence of real engagement and partnership working - with either an armed forces charity or an armed forces unit.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Individuals;
o Unincorporated organisations that are not registered as charities. (If they have been properly constituted under an adopted governing document and have been operating under that governing document for at least three years then they can be a partner organisation.);
o Partnerships and social enterprises that are not registered charities or Community Interest Companies cannot apply but they can work as a partner with an eligible lead applicant;
o Topping up existing grants and aids from another Government Department;
o Funding that will only benefit one person;
o Repeat or regular projects that require a source of uncommitted funding;
o Investments;
o Paying for ongoing costs of existing partnership activity;
o Organisational fundraising activities;
o Endowments (to provide a source of income);
o Projects, activities or services that the state has a legal obligation to provide;
o Retrospective funding for projects that have already taken place;
o Excessive contingency costs; management or professional fees; or
o Projects that generate a profit.
The Covenant Fund is also unlikely to fund projects with budgets that are dominated by staff costs or capital costs, such as minibuses.
The next deadline for the Armed Forces Covenant Local Grants Programme is 12 midday on Monday 17 December 2018. Decisions are expected to be announced by the beginning of March 2019.
The application deadline for the Tackling Serious Stress in Veterans, Carers and Families Programme is Monday 31 December 2018.
There is a one stage application process for both programmes. Applications must be submitted using the online application form available on the Covenant Fund Trust website
Contact details for the Fund are
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust 
7 Hatherley Street 

Thursday, 22 November 2018


The Bruce Wake Charitable Trust will consider grant applications relating to the provision of leisure activities for people with physical disabilities. Applications that meet one or more of the following priorities are favoured:
o The potential beneficiaries are physically disabled wheelchair users;
o Improved access for wheelchair users is proposed; and/or
o A sporting or leisure activity involving disabled wheelchair users is proposed.
There are no minimum or maximum grant award levels.
During the year ending 5 April 2018 the Trust allocated 209 grants totalling £608,054 to charitable organisations and £71,403 to individuals (applications on behalf of an individual can only be accepted through a charitable organisation or an equivalent recognised body).
A list of all awards over £5,000 can be found on page 13 of the Trust’s annual accounts.
There is no requirement for match funding.
Applications may be submitted at any time and are considered quarterly.
Applications should be submitted online with a copy of the latest financial statements to the address provided.
Further information is available on the Trust’s website. Contact details for the Trust are:
The Bruce Wake Charitable Trust 
PO Box 9335 
LE15 0ET 
Tel: 0844 879 3349
(The Trust does not advertise an email address.)


The Masonic Charitable Foundation’s Reducing Isolation in Later Life Grants programme offers both small and large grants to registered charities that support disadvantaged and vulnerable older people over 50 years of age in England and Wales. Over the next five years, the Foundation will be supporting charities that help people to overcome barriers to actively participate in society in their later years.
To be eligible, applicants must be supporting disadvantaged and vulnerable older people over the age of 50 years and provide:
o Mental and physical health support;
o Gateway and access to service, for example transport and technology;
o Community based approaches, for example volunteering, positive ageing and neighbourhood support; and/or
o Advocacy, social and welfare support.
The funding is designed to help people who face social isolation or loneliness due to reasons such as:
o Financial hardship;
o Care responsibilities;
o A decline in physical or mental health, or
o Life transitions including retirement or bereavement.
The support will help to provide a range of services to support the physical and emotional needs of people as they age, including community-based programmes and access to healthcare, transport and technology.
Funding can be used for such activities as:
o Support for emotional and psychological planning for later life;
o Digital inclusion sessions to enable older people to access services;
o Activities and clubs enabling older people to remain active and make friends;
o Providing companionship and befriending schemes for periods of transition;
o Advice and information on options for those with health conditions; and
o Carers and respite support.
Examples of desired outcomes are:
1. Short Term:
o  Older people adapting to key transitions in their lives;
o  Older people well supported, better informed and receiving essential advice;
o  Existing services better supporting the physical, psychological and emotional needs of people as they age;
o  More therapeutic support available to people at key points in their lives;
o  Greater knowledge of options and rights leading to greater confidence in choices;
o  Increased cultural and social participation choices for people as they age; and/or
o  Greater awareness of the issue within the Masonic community.
2. Long Term:
o  Reduced feelings of loneliness or social isolation for people in later life;
o  Improved health and sense of well-being for people as they age;
o  More active social lives for people in later life;
o  The older population living as they choose in a healthy and safe environment; and/or
o  The Masonic Charitable Foundation's profile raised within the Masonic community, public and third sector.
Registered charities in England and Wales may apply for one of the following two grant strands:
o Large grants starting from £10,000 are available to charities with an annual income exceeding £500,000. The average large grant will range from £20,000 to £80,000. Occasionally, large grants of up to £200,000 are made for outstanding projects. Large grants are for specific projects and can be used for salary costs, activities, materials, etc; 

o Small grants of between £500 and £15,000 are available to charities with an income of under £500,000.Small grants are for core funding.
All grants can be for 1, 2 or 3 years. Grant amounts should not exceed 15% of the total income of the applicant charity.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Arts and heritage projects. (Arts and Heritage charities will be considered if the service the charity provides is for people in the beneficiary group.) 
o Environmental projects;
o Animal welfare;
o Political or lobbying activities;
o Civil liberties and human rights;
o Routine delivery of the National Curriculum in schools;
o Contributions towards new build and/or large scale capital projects, for example building a new hospice wing;
o Capital repairs and/or maintenance of existing buildings;
o Hospital equipment, such as MRI scanners;
o Current active grant holders;         
o Umbrella organisations coordinating fundraising on behalf of others;
o Social Enterprises or Community Interest Companies;
o Community interest groups;
o Organisations that are not registered charities;
o Schools (for routine delivery activities to non-priority groups);
o Nurseries (for routine delivery activities to non-priority groups);         
o Hospitals (for routine delivery activities to non-priority groups);         
o Individuals;
o Those who have had a small grant or second stage large grant application within the last 12 months; and
o Those whose previous grant from the Foundation ended less than two years ago.
The Large and Small Grants schemes have separate deadlines as follows:
1. Large Grants (£10,000-£80,000):  Wednesday 2nd January 2019  for 1st-stage applications;

2. Small Grants (up to £15,000): Friday 25 January 2019
Guidelines, an application checklist and an online eligibility test, which applicants must complete before being able to access an application form,  are available on the Masonic Charitable Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Charity Grants Programmes 
The Masonic Charitable Foundation 
60 Great Queen Street 
WC2 5AZ 
Tel: 020 3146 3337 
(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Tudor Trust

The Tudor Trust is keen to work with organisations that have a real understanding of the challenges facing the communities they support, and a clear sense of the difference they seek to make through their work.
The Trust particularly seeks to support charitable organisations working with people who are on the edges of mainstream society in ways which encourage inclusion, integration and independence, and particularly work that develops and promotes the social connections and relationships that make such an important contribution to the well-being and quality of life of individuals, and which strengthens communities. Applications from smaller, under-resourced  groups with an annual turnover of less than £1 million that can demonstrate an ability to adapt to the new reality of funding cuts while also imagining new ways of doing things are especially welcome.
The Trust is looking to fund organisations that:
1. Display the following positive organisational characteristics:
o  Encourage and develop positive social connections and relationships;
o  Are embedded in their community and can identify and channel the potential within that community;
o  Have vision, energy and commitment and are reflective and open to change;
o  Want to make a step change in the way they work, but need support to do this;
o  Listen to and are responsive to their users and give users a voice;
o  Offer longer-term engagement and support; and
o  Make good use of the resources they have.
2. Address marginalisation by:
o  Engaging with a marginalised community or engage with a particularly marginalised group of people or ‘community of interest’;
o Providing direct support to individuals who are in real need;
o Being rooted in overlooked and neglected areas where funding is hard to come by; and
o Positively influencing the lives of marginalised people and communities.
3 Make a difference by:
o  Generating a ripple effect – a wider impact beyond the immediate beneficiaries of the work;
o  Displaying new thinking or demonstrate best practice: offer an exemplar others can learn from; and
o  Reflecting on their work and are generous in sharing their findings with others.
Grant awards are usually over £10,000, although The Trust doesn’t state a minimum or maximum award level. Grants can be for up to 3 years. Around 10% of applications are successful.
Applications are invited from charitable organisations, including registered charities, unincorporated associations, community interest companies and industrial and provident societies, working directly with people in the UK who are on the edges of mainstream society and have limited access to resources and opportunities.
Grants can be used for:
o Core organisational costs, such as salaries, overheads and day-to-day running costs;
o Project costs;
o Capital grants for buildings or equipment; and/or
o Grants to help strengthen the organisation.
Funding is not available for:
o Individuals, or organisations applying on behalf of individuals;
o Larger charities (both national and local) enjoying widespread support;
o Statutory bodies;
o Hospitals, health authorities or hospices;
o Medical care, medical equipment or medical research;
o Universities, colleges or schools;
o Academic research, scholarships or bursaries;
o Nurseries, playgroups or crèches;
o Uniformed youth groups;
o One-off holidays, residentials, trips, exhibitions, conferences, events etc;
o Animal charities;
o The promotion of religion;
o Routine repairs and minor improvements to community buildings (community centres, church halls, village halls etc);
o Landscaping or equipment for playgrounds, parks or recreation areas;
o Sports and leisure (where there isn’t a strong social welfare focus);
o The restoration or conservation of buildings or habitats (where there isn’t a strong social welfare focus);
o Work outside the UK;
o The promotion of philanthropy and endowment appeals; or
o Retrospective funding.
Applications may be made at any time.
The Trust operates a two-stage application process.  Applicants must initially submit a first-stage proposal, which will go through an initial assessment process. First-stage proposals should be submitted by post or as a single email to (full email submission instructions are available on the Trust's website).
Applications should include:
1. An introductory letter on the organisation's letterhead;
2. A completed organisation details sheet, which is available to download from the Trust's website;
3. The organisation's most recent annual accounts and annual report, or a photocopy of a recent bank statement if the organisation is too new to have accounts;

4. Answers to the following questions:
     (i)   What work does the organisation do?
     (ii)  What practical difference does it want to make?
     (iii) Who is the community it works with and what challenges is that community currently facing?
     (iv) What strengths and opportunities are shown in this community? and
     (v)  How can the Tudor Trust best help?
Organisations successful at stage one will be contacted by the Information Team to discuss the second-stage application process.
Further information is available on the Tudor Trust website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Tudor Trust 
7 Ladbroke Grove 
W11 3BD 
Tel: 020 7727 8522
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 19 November 2018

5 top tips for getting funding for your project from BIG Lottery

1. Find the right funding programme for you
When developing your project, speak to the people you are working with and listen to what they tell you. Ask them about what matters to them and find out what strengths they can bring to the table that would help others. You could also chat to their families, the wider community, local community groups and similar organisations you might work with. Projects tend to be more successful when communities are involved in them from the very start and remain involved during the life of the project.
Once you have an idea for a project Visit our website to find out what funding programmes we have available. Remember that we may not be the best funder to support your project idea so having a look at other funders will help you find the best funding option for you.  You might want to speak to other National Lottery funders or chat to helper organisations like WCVA or your local County Voluntary Council to find out what other options are available.
2. Shape your idea
If you feel that your idea fits with the aims of our funding programmes, give our team a call on 0300 123 0735. We will work with you to explore how your project idea has been developed alongside your community, how it will utilise and build the strengths you have and how you will work with other organisations. If you plan to work in partnership with other organisations we are happy to speak with all of you.
You don’t need to have your project idea finalised before you get in touch with us, but it will help if you have an idea of what you plan to do as this will allow us to have a detailed chat with you. We will let you know if your idea is something we could consider or not. You are welcome to have a chat with us as often as you like. If your idea is something that would not meet the aims of our programme we will do our best to refer to a more suitable source of funding.
3. Develop your project budget
When you have your project idea decided, you’ll start to look at what costs will be involved in bringing it to life. It is always good to do some research into the average costs for items that will help your idea to become a reality. Make sure you include all costs relating to your project i.e. facilitators, equipment, materials, rent, salaries, publicity, merchandise. Chat to the groups you hope to work with – are there any staff, volunteer, equipment or venue resources you could share? This will help you to keep costs down and build on the strengths that people in your community have and are willing to share. Ask someone to have a read through your final budget plan to make sure everything is included and it all adds up correctly. It’s also a good idea to double check the amount requested falls within funding limit of the programme you are applying to.
4. Complete your application form
We have found that it’s always better to complete the form yourself as the passion and drive you have for your project will shine through. You are the best person to tell us how your community and partners will support you in making your project a success and how you plan build on the great things that are already happening in your area. Use your own words to write about your idea – there aren’t extra points for using buzz words or funding jargon. This is your opportunity to tell us all about your project and how people you work with were involved in developing it. It is always a good idea to ask someone who is not involved directly with your project to read your application form to make sure they can understand your idea fully.
5. Send your form to us
When you’re sending us your completed application form, double check that you have included any additional information that is requested. We will send you an email or letter to confirm that we have received your form. If you don’t receive anything from us please call us on 0300 123 0735 to check we have received your application. When we are assessing your application, our team will chat to the person who completes the form if they need any further information. It’s important that this person knows your project plan in detail and how the idea was developed. We want your project to be successful and wish you the very best of luck in your search for making your dream a reality.
We love to hear from you
We hope these tips will help you to get funding for your project and that you found them useful. We love to hear from you so if you have any tips you would like to share with others please get in touch with us and let us know. You can leave a comment below or feel free to drop us an email at You can also contact us on our Facebook page (Big Lottery Fund Wales) or Twitter (@biglotterywales / @loterifawrcymru).

(Source: BIG Lottery)


The Architectural Heritage Fund's Project Development Grants programme is intended to assist an organisation to cover some of the costs of developing and co-ordinating a project and taking it towards the start of work on site.
 Grants are designed to help deliver its four strategic objectives and outcomes for heritage and communities:
Priority 1to support people, communities and organisations to take ownership, to repair and to adapt historic buildings and places for new sustainable uses;
Priority 2to attract more investment for the conservation and sustainable re-use of the UK’s architectural heritage;
Priority 3to inspire the start up and growth of new community enterprises that utilise historic buildings and places for public benefit; and
Priority 4: to demonstrate the value of a well-managed historic built environment by championing and showcasing the impact of the projects AHF have supported.
The Project Development Grant scheme provides grants for project development costs only and not for on-site capital works. Funding is available for any work that is essential for taking the project forward towards the goal of revitalising a historic building. Applicants must explain how a particular piece of work or activity will enable this. Examples of eligible projects include:
o Employment of a project co-ordinator, either someone appointed externally on a consultancy basis or an existing employee(s) working additional hours or on this specific project;
o Fees for consultants needed to help progress the organisation's plans, such as architect, quantity surveyor, structural engineer, mechanical and electrical engineer;
o Property valuation by a Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) registered valuer;
o Fundraising consultants;
o Business planning consultants;
o Costs associated with developing a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund or other capital funders, such as Activity Plan, Training Plan, Conservation Management Plan;
o Costs of community engagement work, such as pop-up events, consultations;
o Legal costs where this is critical in establishing ownership or the viability of proposed uses, such as advice on restrictive covenants, or for advice on governance, such as to develop the organisation's constitutional model to best enable it to take the project forward;
o VAT costs that cannot be reclaimed;
o Organisation's overheads/administration costs;
o Costs associated with converting an existing charity or social enterprise into a Community Benefit Society.
Grants up to £30,000 are available.
There is a match funding requirement. All applicants are required to contribute at least 50% of the project cost.
The following types of organisation can apply for a grant:
o Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO);
o Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee;
o Not-for-private-profit Company Limited by Guarantee;
o Community Interest Company (CIC) Limited by Guarantee;
o Charitable Community Benefit Society;
o Community Benefit Society;
o Parish and Town Councils; Community Councils (in Scotland and Wales).
If the organisation is not a registered charity then it must have an asset lock in place. This is a provision in the governing document to protect its assets. It means that if the organisation is wound up any assets must be transferred to a similar not-for-profit organisation (another asset-locked body) once creditors have been paid.
Applications are welcome from organisations working in partnership, including joint applications from voluntary sector groups with commercial partners. A not-for-profit organisation must be nominated as the lead applicant. Applicants must provide a signed partnership agreement indicating the involvement of each partner and how the project will be managed.
In exceptional cases applications will be accepted from third parties applying on behalf of unincorporated organisations but normally the organisation applying for a grant must be the one intending to carry out the building’s repair and conversion to new use.
The Architectural Heritage Fund will assess whether the grant application is a high, medium or low priority in each of the following categories. Successful applications will usually be assessed as a high priority in at least three of the categories.
1.  Heritage need - priority will be given to projects involving historic buildings that have statutory protection (ie listed or in a Conservation Area and of acknowledged historic significance) and at risk. AHF will consider applications for unlisted buildings if it can be shown that they are highly valued as heritage assets by the local community. This may include local listing or being identified as a heritage asset in a neighbourhood or parish plan. AHF will need to see that there will be a conservation-led approach to development in all cases. If the building is not on a national or local register of heritage at risk then applicants should explain why it is under threat. This may be due to the building's condition, redundancy, change of ownership or a current use that economically unsustainable.
2.  Social impact - priority will be given to projects that have the potential to make a significant positive social impact, particularly (but not exclusively) in disadvantaged areas such as urban communities experiencing structural economic decline or isolated rural areas with poor access to services. AHF wants to help build stronger and more cohesive communities by supporting projects that will create employment, training and/or volunteering opportunities both during the project’s development and in the years following completion. AHF wants to encourage community ownership of heritage assets and support the growth of community businesses, bringing disused or under-used historic buildings back into productive use. High priority projects will show evidence of active community engagement. The building may be listed as an Asset of Community Value or the applicant may be planning a Community Share issue, for example.
3.  Why now? - the work should help the organsiation reach planned milestones in the project’s development and there should be a tangible outcome – for acquisition of a property. Is the work absolutely essential at this time? What difference will it make? What might happen if the project is not progressed now? Applicants must be able to show that the project will move forward as a result of the investment. AHF have identified the key stages of a project’s development on its Theory of Change model. Organisations should be better equipped to deliver the project as a result of AHF funding.
4.  Financial need - AHF will assess the organisation's ability to contribute towards the cost of the work. Priority will be given to applications that can provide at least 50% partnership funding from other sources. This helps to demonstrate a wider commitment to the project and a willingness to share some of the risk. Even small donations from the local community and funds raised through crowdfunding help to show wider community 'buy-in' to what the organsiation is trying to achieve.
Funding is not available for:
o Private individuals;
o Unincorporated trusts or associations;
o Local authorities and other public sector bodies;
o Universities, colleges and other mainstream educational institutions including independent schools;
o For-private-profit companies, unless in a partnership led by a charity or social enterprise;
o Churches or other places of worship, where the building will remain in use primarily as a place of religious worship;
o Organisations established primarily for the benefit of their members (e.g. co-operative societies);
o Organisations with fewer than three Trustees or Directors who are not spouses or partners or otherwise related to each other;
o Limited liability partnerships;
o Projects that simply involve upgrading existing uses within a building and do not involve a change of ownership;
o Capital works (such as building repairs, installation of services, landscaping, access improvements or heritage interpretation displays); or
o Retrospective costs.
Grants of up to £7,500 can be made at any time  and should be submitted by 5pm on the last day of each calendar month. Decisions are usually given within eight weeks.
Grants between £7,500 and £30,000 are considered at quarterly meetings. The next deadline is 9am on Tuesday 11 February 2019 for consideration at the Architectural Heritage Fund’s March meeting.
Please note: applicants are strongly advised to discuss any potential application with the relevant Support Officer in their area before submitting an application. A list of local Support Officers can be found at this LINK.
Further information, guidance notes and an application form can be found on the Architectural Heritage Fund website.
Contact details for the Fund are:
The Architectural Heritage Fund 
3 Spital Yard 
E1 6AQ 
Tel: 020 7925 0199 