The February Foundation makes grants for both capital projects and core costs to a range of charities and will consider supporting any charitable activities but is particularly interested in supporting UK registered charities working with the following beneficiary groups: youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, the advancement of education, the advancement of the arts, culture, and heritage. However, the Foundation has broad charitable objects and is on record as stating that it evaluates each application on its merits and on a case-by-case basis.
The Foundation will consider grants for:
o Charities that are for the benefit of persons who are making an effort to improve their lives;
o Charities that are for the benefit of persons no longer physically or mentally able to help themselves;
o Charities that have a long-term beneficial impact on the future of individuals, groups of individuals, or organisations;
o Charities that protect the environment;
o Small or minority charities where small grants will have a significant impact; and
o Companies where the acquisition of equity would be in line with the Trust's charitable objectives.
o Charities that are for the benefit of persons no longer physically or mentally able to help themselves;
o Charities that have a long-term beneficial impact on the future of individuals, groups of individuals, or organisations;
o Charities that protect the environment;
o Small or minority charities where small grants will have a significant impact; and
o Companies where the acquisition of equity would be in line with the Trust's charitable objectives.
The maximum grant is usually up to £5,000, but larger awards can be made in exceptional circumstances. A match funding contribution is welcomed. Potential applicants are advised to check with the Foundation for details.
During the year ending, appropriately, 28 February 2017, the Foundation received 462 applications, of which 122 grant awards were made totalling £803,177.
The Foundation will not accept applications for a range of purposes, including village halls/community centres, youth clubs and youth centres, and minibuses. A list of all exclusions can be found on the Foundation’s webpage.
Applications may be made in writing at any time following the guidelines below. There is no formal application form.
The following information is required with all applications:
o Details and budget of the proposed project;
o How many people would benefit, and how those benefits might be measured (not just financially);
o What the estimated cost of raising funds for the project is; and
o Full accounts for the most recent completed financial year and, if not contained in the accounts, the full cost of raising voluntary income.
o How many people would benefit, and how those benefits might be measured (not just financially);
o What the estimated cost of raising funds for the project is; and
o Full accounts for the most recent completed financial year and, if not contained in the accounts, the full cost of raising voluntary income.
For hospice applications, the following additional information is required:
o Total fundraising cost, inc trading, as a percentage of total cost;
o Admin (non-clinical, non-fundraising) costs as percentage of entire costs;
o Percentage on-patient bed occupancy;
o Percentage day hospice capacity utilisation;
o Home care hours delivered; and the
o Latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating.
o Admin (non-clinical, non-fundraising) costs as percentage of entire costs;
o Percentage on-patient bed occupancy;
o Percentage day hospice capacity utilisation;
o Home care hours delivered; and the
o Latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating.
The Foundation prefers to be contacted electronically, and emailed applications will be given priority over hard copy applications. Applicants are not advised to send DVDs, CDs, glossy brochures or other additional information.
Further information is available on the Foundation’s webpage.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Richard Pierce-Saunderson
The February Foundation
Spring Cottage
Church Street
IP21 5HT
Email: rps@
(The Foundation does not advertise a phone number.)
The February Foundation
Spring Cottage
Church Street
IP21 5HT
Email: rps@
(The Foundation does not advertise a phone number.)
(Source: GRIN)
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