Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Tudor Trust

The Tudor Trust is keen to work with organisations that have a real understanding of the challenges facing the communities they support, and a clear sense of the difference they seek to make through their work.
The Trust particularly seeks to support charitable organisations working with people who are on the edges of mainstream society in ways which encourage inclusion, integration and independence, and particularly work that develops and promotes the social connections and relationships that make such an important contribution to the well-being and quality of life of individuals, and which strengthens communities. Applications from smaller, under-resourced  groups with an annual turnover of less than £1 million that can demonstrate an ability to adapt to the new reality of funding cuts while also imagining new ways of doing things are especially welcome.
The Trust is looking to fund organisations that:
1. Display the following positive organisational characteristics:
o  Encourage and develop positive social connections and relationships;
o  Are embedded in their community and can identify and channel the potential within that community;
o  Have vision, energy and commitment and are reflective and open to change;
o  Want to make a step change in the way they work, but need support to do this;
o  Listen to and are responsive to their users and give users a voice;
o  Offer longer-term engagement and support; and
o  Make good use of the resources they have.
2. Address marginalisation by:
o  Engaging with a marginalised community or engage with a particularly marginalised group of people or ‘community of interest’;
o Providing direct support to individuals who are in real need;
o Being rooted in overlooked and neglected areas where funding is hard to come by; and
o Positively influencing the lives of marginalised people and communities.
3 Make a difference by:
o  Generating a ripple effect – a wider impact beyond the immediate beneficiaries of the work;
o  Displaying new thinking or demonstrate best practice: offer an exemplar others can learn from; and
o  Reflecting on their work and are generous in sharing their findings with others.
Grant awards are usually over £10,000, although The Trust doesn’t state a minimum or maximum award level. Grants can be for up to 3 years. Around 10% of applications are successful.
Applications are invited from charitable organisations, including registered charities, unincorporated associations, community interest companies and industrial and provident societies, working directly with people in the UK who are on the edges of mainstream society and have limited access to resources and opportunities.
Grants can be used for:
o Core organisational costs, such as salaries, overheads and day-to-day running costs;
o Project costs;
o Capital grants for buildings or equipment; and/or
o Grants to help strengthen the organisation.
Funding is not available for:
o Individuals, or organisations applying on behalf of individuals;
o Larger charities (both national and local) enjoying widespread support;
o Statutory bodies;
o Hospitals, health authorities or hospices;
o Medical care, medical equipment or medical research;
o Universities, colleges or schools;
o Academic research, scholarships or bursaries;
o Nurseries, playgroups or crèches;
o Uniformed youth groups;
o One-off holidays, residentials, trips, exhibitions, conferences, events etc;
o Animal charities;
o The promotion of religion;
o Routine repairs and minor improvements to community buildings (community centres, church halls, village halls etc);
o Landscaping or equipment for playgrounds, parks or recreation areas;
o Sports and leisure (where there isn’t a strong social welfare focus);
o The restoration or conservation of buildings or habitats (where there isn’t a strong social welfare focus);
o Work outside the UK;
o The promotion of philanthropy and endowment appeals; or
o Retrospective funding.
Applications may be made at any time.
The Trust operates a two-stage application process.  Applicants must initially submit a first-stage proposal, which will go through an initial assessment process. First-stage proposals should be submitted by post or as a single email to applications@tudortrust.org.uk (full email submission instructions are available on the Trust's website).
Applications should include:
1. An introductory letter on the organisation's letterhead;
2. A completed organisation details sheet, which is available to download from the Trust's website;
3. The organisation's most recent annual accounts and annual report, or a photocopy of a recent bank statement if the organisation is too new to have accounts;

4. Answers to the following questions:
     (i)   What work does the organisation do?
     (ii)  What practical difference does it want to make?
     (iii) Who is the community it works with and what challenges is that community currently facing?
     (iv) What strengths and opportunities are shown in this community? and
     (v)  How can the Tudor Trust best help?
Organisations successful at stage one will be contacted by the Information Team to discuss the second-stage application process.
Further information is available on the Tudor Trust website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Tudor Trust 
7 Ladbroke Grove 
W11 3BD 
Tel: 020 7727 8522
(Source: GRIN)

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