The principal activity of the Bet 365 Foundation is to distribute funds in support of local, national and international charitable activities.
Its primary objective is to work through UK registered charities to provide front-line funding that is used to make a positive difference to people's lives.
Charities are invited to present proposals to the Foundation's Trustees detailing how a donation would be used and the benefits it would deliver.
The Trustees assess how the proposal aligns to the objective to provide front-line funding that makes a "positive difference" in order to determine whether or not to grant a donation.
The Financial Year 2013/14 was the Foundation's first full year of activity. During the year it provided £1.45 million of donations to20 charitable organisations, 14 of which each received donations totalling more than £20,000. The average grant award was for £72,500.
Awards were made in the following categories:
o Health and Wellbeing (£525,018)
The Foundation gifted significant funds to provide care and life enriching support to individuals, and their families, living with progressive terminal illness, non-curable illness and disability.
o Education and Training (£824,527)
The Foundation take the view that education is the key to an individual achieving their full potential, therefore access to education is of paramount importance. Through no fault of their own some people face greater barriers than most. The Foundation is committed to trying to make a difference, giving people an opportunity to realise their potential by helping to "level the playing field".
o Disaster Recovery (£25,000)
Large scale natural disasters have a devastating effect on people's lives. In the immediate aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan the Foundation provided a donation to a UK registered charity running an on-the-ground, front line emergency relief programme helping individuals/communities in the Philippines.
o Community Development (£50,000)
The Foundation’s intention is to provide young people with access to facilities and equipment that they may not ordinarily have access to. Its desire is for individuals to develop skills and positive interests that could help with their future careers. Areas of focus include; web design, application development and graphic design.
o Arts and Culture (£27,500)
The Arts, for many, are a life enriching source of pleasure with a theatre providing a focus for the local community. During the year the Foundation made a donation to a local theatre; the donation resulted in it increasing its show investment, enabling it to enhance the scale and size of its productions. As a consequence of the Foundation's donation the theatre was also able to apply for matched funding from the Arts Council, which it received.
PLEASE NOTE: the Foundation does not have a website. Further information about its work is, however, available on the
Charity Commission website.
Applications should be made in writing to:
Mr. Simon Galletley
Bet 365 Foundation
C/o Baker Tilley
Festival Way
Festival Park
(Source: GRIN)