Thursday, 28 April 2016
Fundraising Regulator launches new website and branding
Fundraising Regulator launches new website and branding: The Fundraising Regulator has today launched its new website as well as new logo and branding, as part of its move towards being fully operational by early summer.
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Invest Programme Open
The Invest Programme is open to Round 3 applications from charities and CIOS in England and Wales.
The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales provides funding to enable charities and CIOS in England or Wales to break or prevent the cycle of disadvantage.
The Invest Programme’s funding is intended for longer term core or direct delivery funding for charities which are delivering clear outcomes as a result of their work with people experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life.
Funding is available for core organisational costs which are related to the day to day running of the charity. Consideration will only be given to requests for core costs where over 50% of the charity's work and expenditure meets the Foundation's criteria. Funding is also available for costs associated with the direct delivery of the charity's work.
Grants are available for between £10,000 and £25,000 per year for two or three years, with the opportunity for continuation funding for a further period of up to six years in total.
Round 3 is open to applications with a deadline of 27 May 2016 (5pm).
(Source: Grantfinder)
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable Programme Open
The Enable Programme is open to applications on a rolling basis.
The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales provides funding to enable charities to break or prevent the cycle of disadvantage.
Grants of up to a total of £15,000 over two years are available to strengthen charities and CIOs in England and Wales which work with people experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life.
Funding can be used for a wide range of activity related to the development and improvement of the capability of the organisation, including:
- Business and service developments and plans.
- Development of monitoring systems.
- Investigation of mergers, partnerships, shared services, contract diversification.
- Consultancy support.
- Quality standards.
- Development of new income streams and enterprise.
Applicants must have identified specific organisational development, have a clear plan of activities and an idea of what they hope to achieve. They must also meet one or more of the following outcomes:
- Improved activities and services.
- Improved leadership/governance.
- Improved strategic planning/policy.
- Improved structures/systems.
- Improved communications.
Applications may now be submitted at any time.
(Source: Grantfinder)
The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales provides funding to enable charities to break or prevent the cycle of disadvantage.
Grants of up to a total of £15,000 over two years are available to strengthen charities and CIOs in England and Wales which work with people experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life.
Funding can be used for a wide range of activity related to the development and improvement of the capability of the organisation, including:
- Business and service developments and plans.
- Development of monitoring systems.
- Investigation of mergers, partnerships, shared services, contract diversification.
- Consultancy support.
- Quality standards.
- Development of new income streams and enterprise.
Applicants must have identified specific organisational development, have a clear plan of activities and an idea of what they hope to achieve. They must also meet one or more of the following outcomes:
- Improved activities and services.
- Improved leadership/governance.
- Improved strategic planning/policy.
- Improved structures/systems.
- Improved communications.
Applications may now be submitted at any time.
(Source: Grantfinder)
Monday, 25 April 2016
Looking for an idea to raise funds?
After yesterday's epic fundraising by thousands running the London Marathon, the Guardian Voluntary Sector Network has some interesting ideas of how to raise funds for your organisation:
What's been your most successful fundraising event? Let us know, we'd love to hear about it!
What's been your most successful fundraising event? Let us know, we'd love to hear about it!
Number of charities to benefit from legacies increases by 10 per cent
Number of charities to benefit from legacies increases by 10 per cent: The number of charities being left a legacy has risen by 10 per cent in the last year, according to data released this week.
Has your organisation considered legacies as a form of fundraising? Have a look at our information sheet to find out more:
Has your organisation considered legacies as a form of fundraising? Have a look at our information sheet to find out more:
Monday, 18 April 2016
Tesco Bags of Help Programme has opened for Round 2 applications from local groups in England, Scotland and Wales.
Tesco offers grants through its Bags of Help Programme which is funded by Tesco customers from the proceeds of the 5p charge for plastic carrier bags as a result of a government carrier bag levy.
Grants of £8,000, £10,000 and £12,000 are available for capital improvements to local community greenspaces that have free and open access to all members of the community for a minimum of six days a week, during daylight hours.
Projects that would typically receive funding include:
- Parks, pocket parks and urban green spaces.
- Green corridors, such as river and canals, cycle ways.
- Formal and informal play areas.
- Open access sports facilities within public parks and recreation grounds, such as football pitches, tennis courts and cricket pitches.
- Informal outdoor recreation facilities, such as gym equipment, trim trails and woodland walks.
- Nature reserves, community woodland, ponds and village greens.
- Churchyards.
- Seafront improvements.
- Community allotments, community gardens, orchards and city farms.
- Spaces in the grounds of hospices and day centres.
- Allotments.
- School grounds.
- Community spaces on housing estates or residential.
Voluntary/community organisations, registered charities, health bodies, Parish/Town councils, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies, community councils, local authorities and housing organisations in England, Scotland and Wales can apply. Other not-for-profit organisations might also be eligible.
The deadline for applications is 3 June 2016 (noon).
(Source: Grantfinder)
Charity Commission News
The latest edition of Charity Commission news is available. This useful publication contains guidance that can relate to organisation that aren't charities, and refers to good practice in the sector.
Take a look at it here:
Take a look at it here:
Help the Homeless Accepting Applications for Summer Round
Help the Homeless, a registered charity, is currently accepting applications from small and medium-sized UK registered charities with a turnover of less than £1 million per year.
Help the Homeless provides a grant scheme to support small and medium-sized UK charities that work to help homeless people rebuild their lives, re-enter society and live a normal life.
Funding is targeted at projects to find practical ways to help disadvantaged individuals return to the community through training or residential facility provision, rather than merely providing short term shelter.
Small and medium-sized registered charities with a turnover of under £1 million per annum can apply for grants of up to £5,000.
The scheme will principally fund capital costs, but may consider revenue costs if necessary to the project.
Projects must assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offering shelter or other forms of sustenance.
Applications are considered four times a year.
The next deadline for applications is 15 June 2016.
(Source: Grantfinder)
Pink Ribbon Foundation
The Pink Ribbon Foundation is currently accepting applications from charities in the UK that are working in the field of breast cancer.
The Pink Ribbon Foundation's mission is to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or who have been affected by breast cancer or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment.
Grants of up to £5,000 are available for revenue, capital or project costs.
The Foundation provides financial support to charities in the UK whose objects are:
- To relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or have been affected by, breast cancer by providing, or assisting in the provision of, information, care or emotional, practical and financial support.
- To advance public education in the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment, in particular but not exclusively by commissioning, or conducting, research into the causes, detection and treatment of breast cancer and by disseminating the results of such research.
The Foundation is keen to support initiatives which promote a positive view of living with breast cancer.
The Foundation will consider applications from general cancer charities if any grant made will be used to benefit those suffering from, or affected by, 50% of patients that suffer from Breast Cancer or for research into, or the dissemination of information about, breast cancer.
The Foundation welcomes applications from all ethnic and minority groups.
The deadline for applications is 27 May 2016.
(Source: Grantfinder)
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust Regional Round Open (Wales)
The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust is currently accepting applications to its regional round from not-for-profit organisations in Wales.
The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust was established through an agreement between the Millennium Stadium plc and the Millennium Commission when the Stadium was built and it aims to improve the quality of life of people who live and work in Wales.
Grants of up to £7,500 are available for not-for-profit organisations in Wales that have a remit to serve a region or local authority-wide area.
Funding is available for projects in the following four areas:
- Sport - The Trust is keen to support volunteer-based projects, particularly from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities. In addition, the Trust recognises the difference that coaching can make to the development of a sport and is keen to fund equipment and coaching costs if the need has been clearly identified.
- The Arts - The Trust aims to give more people the opportunity to enjoy the diversity of performing and visual arts in Wales. The Trust particularly favours proposals which expand and improve arts provision in parts of the country less well served than others and will give priority to organisations which strive to work together to share experiences, practices and ideas.
- The Environment - The Trust encourages applications relating to recycling, developing green spaces, the development and promotion of green practices and the promotion of public transport schemes. Projects that improve the quality of Wales' environment, protect and create a vibrant countryside, and develop and promote sustainable land use planning will be a priority for support. The Trust aims to fund programmes that protect and enhance Wales' natural heritage and promote its sustainable use and enjoyment in a way which contributes to local economic prosperity and social inclusion.
- The Community - The Trust will give priority to organisations that are looking to tackle social, personal, economic or cultural barriers within their own communities. In particular, projects that lead to greater independence and give people more control over their lives will be given priority. The Trust welcomes applications that give people a voice to express their needs and hopes. The Trust is keen to help disabled people to challenge barriers and to be active and visible in their local communities.
The deadline for applications is 29 July 2016 (12 noon).
(Source: Grantfinder)
Tudor Trust Publishes 2016/17 Guidelines
The Tudor Trust has published its funding guidelines for 2016-17.
The Trust offers grants to voluntary and community organisations for work in the UK that meets the needs of people at the margins of society.
The Trust supports smaller groups, embedded in their communities, which work directly with people who are on the edges of mainstream society in ways which encourage inclusion, integration and independence.
The Trust is particularly interested in supporting work that develops and promotes the social connections and relationships which make an important contribution to the well-being and quality of life of individuals, and which strengthens communities.
Grants can be used for the following:
- Core organisational costs, such as salaries and day-to-day running costs.
- Project grants.
- Capital grants for buildings or equipment.
- Grants to help strengthen the organisation.
Charitable organisations working in any part of the UK are eligible to apply. There is no maximum or minimum level of grant, although it is unusual for a grant of less than £10,000 to be made.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
(Source: Grantfinder)
Friday, 8 April 2016
A chance to bag a place in a new Academy for social enterprises
through its financing arm Social Investment Cymru has today announced a new partnership
with Asda and Social Investment Scotland to bring the newly launched Asda
Social Enterprise Supplier Development Academy to Wales.
This ground
breaking opportunity will provide support for product-based social enterprises
in Wales to apply for a place within a new Academy set up to increase the
availability of products for ethically-minded consumers in Asda supermarkets.
The new
Academy will support at least two Welsh social enterprises in this cohort to
strengthen their understanding of supermarket retail and refine their
commercial and marketing skills.
From 4
April until 22 April, any social enterprise in Wales that thinks it has a
product that could be sold in Asda stores will be able to apply for a place
within the Academy. Following a short listing process a number of social
enterprises will be invited for interview by a panel in a Dragon’s Den style
pitch format for the final places.
Social Enterprises will receive:
- Access
to a range of specially developed training modules delivered over 3 days
at Asda House in Leeds to include everything from understanding consumer
purchasing to branding and packaging design
- Support
to pitch your product to Asda
- Mentoring
and insight from Asda experts and specialist support from Social
Investment Cymru
- A
tailored grant to cover participation in the Academy
- Access
to bespoke investment to help develop and expand operations should Asda
decide to list products within its stores
While there
are no guarantees that Academy participants will receive a listing with Asda,
the skills and support offered throughout the programme will significantly
improve their prospects and, more importantly, provide them with all the skills
necessary to access the large retail market.
Brown, Head of Social Investment Cymru said: ‘We are delighted to bring this
innovative Academy to Wales to give our social enterprises the ability to
access expert retail knowledge within Asda as well as financial support to make
the most of the doors being opened by this Academy.’
Richard Mason, Senior Director Corporate Responsibility at Asda said: ‘At Asda we take great pride in
supporting the communities we serve. Our partnership with Social Investment
Cymru represents an exciting move beyond traditional grant-making programmes,
providing tangible benefits for people across Wales.
‘We provide a lot of support to local suppliers in Wales to grow their business, many of whom have introduced their products to our stores across the UK. By harnessing the power of our retail experience and expertise, along with our 616-strong store estate and online shopping division, we can help social enterprises to access the large retail market. The potential benefits are multiple - customers get more choice and social enterprises get the support they need to move from small to medium to large business, which in turn could create more jobs, increase investment in local producers and build positive social impact.
‘Investing in social entrepreneurs is an innovative way for Asda to ensure that our customers’ money, raised through the carrier bag charge, is continually reinvested in communities and delivers long-term positive benefits for Wales.’
‘We provide a lot of support to local suppliers in Wales to grow their business, many of whom have introduced their products to our stores across the UK. By harnessing the power of our retail experience and expertise, along with our 616-strong store estate and online shopping division, we can help social enterprises to access the large retail market. The potential benefits are multiple - customers get more choice and social enterprises get the support they need to move from small to medium to large business, which in turn could create more jobs, increase investment in local producers and build positive social impact.
‘Investing in social entrepreneurs is an innovative way for Asda to ensure that our customers’ money, raised through the carrier bag charge, is continually reinvested in communities and delivers long-term positive benefits for Wales.’
details of the Academy can be found at or by emailing us at
more information please contact Simon Dowling
on 0800 2888 329. WCVA website
on 0800 2888 329. WCVA website
to editors:
supports and represents the third sector in Wales, with more than 3,000
members including a wide range of organisations working on issues such as
housing, economic regeneration, childcare, community development,
transport, the environment and health.
operates Social Investment Cymru (SIC) which is a Community Development
Finance Institution (CDFI) that is providing social investment finance to
third sector organisations across Wales
- Social Investment
Scotland (SIS) is the largest not for profit provider of business loans to
the third sector in Scotland as well as being a social enterprise and
registered charity. SIS is also Scotland's, and one of the UK's, largest
Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFI). A CDFI makes loans and
other repayable investments to charities, community organisations and
social enterprises that may find it difficult to access finance from other

Swyddfa Gofrestredig –
Prif Swyddfa
![]() |
Registered Office – Head Office
Elusen gofrestredig 218093 l Cwmni cyfyngedig drwy warant 425299 l Wedi ei gofrestru yng
Rhif cofrestru TAW 736 645 09
Registered charity 218093 l Company limited by
guarantee 425299 l Registered in Wales
VAT registration number 736
645 09
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Spring-clean your charity finances and strategy: blog
The Charity Commission blogs about the new financial year.
It’s time to spring-clean your finances and strategy, Nick Mott, Head of Policy Development Guidance and Review at the Charity Commission, says.
Nick Mott writes:
"Charities can turn all the number crunching that goes with preparing accounts for the past year into an inspiring strategy for the year ahead. And why wouldn’t you? Your supporters and beneficiaries will thank you.
Many charities will already have done this but if yours hasn’t, grab this chance and use our recently refreshed financial guidance to help you."
(Source: Charity Commission)
The 2016 Powys Volunteer of the Year Awards is now open for nominations!
Do you know someone who gives the time willingly and goes above and beyond the call of duty?
Last year's competition gave just a snapshot of the voluntary work that is undertaken by volunteers all over the county.
Colin Davies wont the New Volunteer 2 years and under category , and also received the Calon Award for embodying the true ethos of volunteering:
So don't delay nominate today. Nomination papers can be found here, and you can nominate an individual or an organisation.
Do you know someone who gives the time willingly and goes above and beyond the call of duty?
Last year's competition gave just a snapshot of the voluntary work that is undertaken by volunteers all over the county.
Colin Davies wont the New Volunteer 2 years and under category , and also received the Calon Award for embodying the true ethos of volunteering:
Colin has been volunteering with the Royal Voluntary Service
for the past 2 years in Llandrindod Wells.
The Royal Voluntary Service helps older people stay active, independent and able to
continue to contribute to society. They do this by providing practical and
emotional help where and when it’s needed.
Colin assists service users in the local community by:
Taking them shopping
Taking dogs for walks
Befriending them
Driving the assisted shopping bus on a Tuesday
Calling in on service users he previously
delivered meals on wheels to
He volunteers every day, and undertakes a t least 10 hours
of voluntary activity a week.
His Nominator said:
“He is a truly special person. Nothing is ever too much for him and his
caring attitude makes us very lucky to have him as a volunteer. He is
outstanding and thoughtful and much loved by our service users.”
Colin receiving his award from the High Sheriff of Powys
So don't delay nominate today. Nomination papers can be found here, and you can nominate an individual or an organisation.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Does your organisation need funding support or a Funding Health Check? Have you got an issue around governance? Would your trustees like support to understand what their role is? Would you like to discuss potential project ideas?
Come along for a chat to a PAVO development officer to find out how we can support you.
Here are the outreach dates for April 2016– we hope to see you there:
Wednesday 13th April 2016 PAVO Offices Llandrindod 10.15am – 4.15pm
Friday 15th April 2016 PAVO Offices Newtown 1.30pm – 4.30pm
To avoid disappointment and make an appointment please contact PAVO on 01597 822191 to book a place.
Report: 98 per cent of households now use a charitable service
Here's an article, not strictly funding related, but interesting nonetheless.
Report: 98 per cent of households now use a charitable service
Report: 98 per cent of households now use a charitable service
Monday, 4 April 2016
National Vegetarian Week 2016 Event Grants - Launches for UK Groups
The Vegetarian Society is providing small grants of up to £200 for events and activities taking place from 16 to 22 May 2016 that attract those beginning their vegetarian journey, meat-reducers and the veggie-curious, but are inclusive of the wider vegetarian community.
The grants are to be used for events and activities that:
- Take place during National Vegetarian Week (16-22 May 2016).
- Celebrate and promote vegetarianism.
- Are exclusively vegetarian. (Events cannot have non-vegetarian food or drink).
- Promote National Vegetarian Week exclusively as the primary purpose of the funded activity and tie in with the theme: 'Celebrate your food, stories and traditions'.
Examples of events and activities, could include, but are not limited to:
- Cookery demonstrations.
- Communal meals.
- Recipe exchanges.
- Tasting.
The grants could be used for:
- Room hire.
- Equipment hire.
- Transport costs.
- Veggie promotions at luncheon clubs and community cafés.
- Cookery demonstration materials.
- Direct costs in delivering the activity.
Applications will be accepted from:
- Vegetarian groups, local network groups and student vegetarian and vegan societies (whether they are formally part of the Vegetarian Society network or not).
- Not for profit organisations in the UK (eg community groups, schools, social housing schemes, youth clubs, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Guides).
- Informal groups of friends, parents or students.
The deadline for applications is 9 May 2016 (9am).
(Source: Grantfinder)
The grants are to be used for events and activities that:
- Take place during National Vegetarian Week (16-22 May 2016).
- Celebrate and promote vegetarianism.
- Are exclusively vegetarian. (Events cannot have non-vegetarian food or drink).
- Promote National Vegetarian Week exclusively as the primary purpose of the funded activity and tie in with the theme: 'Celebrate your food, stories and traditions'.
Examples of events and activities, could include, but are not limited to:
- Cookery demonstrations.
- Communal meals.
- Recipe exchanges.
- Tasting.
The grants could be used for:
- Room hire.
- Equipment hire.
- Transport costs.
- Veggie promotions at luncheon clubs and community cafés.
- Cookery demonstration materials.
- Direct costs in delivering the activity.
Applications will be accepted from:
- Vegetarian groups, local network groups and student vegetarian and vegan societies (whether they are formally part of the Vegetarian Society network or not).
- Not for profit organisations in the UK (eg community groups, schools, social housing schemes, youth clubs, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Guides).
- Informal groups of friends, parents or students.
The deadline for applications is 9 May 2016 (9am).
(Source: Grantfinder)
BBC Children in Need Grants Programme is Open to Applications (UK)
Small grants and Large grants are available to not-for-profit organisations in the UK that are supporting children and young people of 18 years and under who are experiencing disadvantage through:
- Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.
- Any kind of disability.
- Behavioural or psychological difficulties.
- Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Organisations must be working to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives.
To be eligible, projects should:
- Take the initiative and show clearly how they will make a difference in children and young people's lives.
- Address the challenges the children and young people face, build their skills and resilience, empower them and extend their choices in life.
- Involve children and young people in the design, delivery and evaluation of their work.
- Be keen to keep learning about their work so that their ability to make a difference in children and young people's lives can keep on improving.
Applications can be made for either of the following:
- Main Grants of over £10,000 can support projects for up to three years. There is no upper limit but very few grants over £100,000 are made and most grants are for much less.
- Small Grants of up to £10,000 can support projects for one year.
The grants are to be used for direct project costs that relate clearly and directly to a project. These can include salaries, volunteer expenses, building hire costs and travel costs. In many cases project costs also include less delivery-focused aspects such as line management, administration, insurance and utilities. Match funding is not required.
The deadlines for Small Grant applications are 1 June, 1 September, and 1 December 2016.
(Source: Grantfinder)
- Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.
- Any kind of disability.
- Behavioural or psychological difficulties.
- Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Organisations must be working to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives.
To be eligible, projects should:
- Take the initiative and show clearly how they will make a difference in children and young people's lives.
- Address the challenges the children and young people face, build their skills and resilience, empower them and extend their choices in life.
- Involve children and young people in the design, delivery and evaluation of their work.
- Be keen to keep learning about their work so that their ability to make a difference in children and young people's lives can keep on improving.
Applications can be made for either of the following:
- Main Grants of over £10,000 can support projects for up to three years. There is no upper limit but very few grants over £100,000 are made and most grants are for much less.
- Small Grants of up to £10,000 can support projects for one year.
The grants are to be used for direct project costs that relate clearly and directly to a project. These can include salaries, volunteer expenses, building hire costs and travel costs. In many cases project costs also include less delivery-focused aspects such as line management, administration, insurance and utilities. Match funding is not required.
The deadlines for Small Grant applications are 1 June, 1 September, and 1 December 2016.
(Source: Grantfinder)
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