Monday, 10 April 2017

Ministry of Defence Covenant Fund

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is currently accepting applications to the Families in Stress priority of its £10 million per year Covenant Fund.
Local charities, branches of national charities and/or community interest companies that provide specialist services may apply for a grant of between £20,000 and £300,000 for projects lasting between 2 or 3 years. Beneficiaries should be the families of serving personnel based either in the UK and overseas, or both.
Wickipedia provides what looks like a fairly comprehensive list of British Army bases. The item can be found HERE.
The lead organisation must work in close partnership with one or more armed forces bases, and must be able to provide evidence of real engagement and partnership working.
The funding is for projects that support families of serving personnel who are experiencing a significant stressful life event and would benefit from an intervention from a provider who can offer specialised, localised (or easily accessible) and immediate support. PLEASE NOTE: this priority will not fund capital schemes such as play parks or projects that extend to the families of veterans.
Examples of such life events could include:
o Life-changing injury;
o Bereavement;
o Domestic abuse;
o Substance abuse;
o Relationship break-up;
o Those who are subject to the civil or service justice system; or
o Mental health issues. 
Projects must:
o Either be new or enhance the support that is already available with an emphasis on long-term self-sufficiency;
o Fill gaps in provision and not replicate or replace services already provided, nor create dependency; and
o Demonstrate an understanding of the diverse nature of service families (eg. geographically dispersed, deployment status, accompanied/unaccompanied overseas, single parents, single service personnel (where the family may be a relative such as parent), reservists, foreign and commonwealth personnel and their families, Service children and those with caring responsibilities etc.) and offer immediate and/or easily accessible support. 
Projects must also demonstrate how they support at least one of the principles that underpin the UK Armed Forces Families Strategy:
1. Fairness;
2. Choice;
3. Empowerment; and
4. Resilience.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is midday on Monday 26 June 2017.

(Source: GRIN)
For further information about the Covenant Fund and how to apply, visit the GOV.UK website.  

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