Thursday, 28 September 2017

Cwrdd gyda’r Cyllidwyr / Meet the Funders – Big Lottery follow-up – 18th October 2017

Cwrdd gyda’r Cyllidwyr / Meet the Funders – Big Lottery follow-up – 18th October 2017
PAVO, in collaboration with the Big Lottery, are offering your organisation the opportunity to discuss your funding application:
·         Speak directly to Lottery officers responsible for assessing applications – with your colleagues – for up to twenty minutes
·         Find out how you can improve your bid
·         Cymraeg neu Seasneg ar gael / Welsh and English available
·         No waiting – you will be given an appointment time
·         Slots available in Newtown (morning) and Llandrindod Wells (afternoon)

For more information, or to book a slot, contact George Stroud – or 01597 822191

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Baily Thomas Charitable Fund

The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund provides a main grant and a small grant programmes to assist with the care and relief of those affected by learning disability.
The Charity will fund projects concerning children and adults with the conditions generally referred to as 'severe learning difficulties' or autism. Its funding is focused on community projects and research.
The Charity has the following grant-making priorities:
1. Providing grants to projects that seek to benefit the learning disabled by funding capital projects and core costs, including staff costs, general running and office costs at charitable organisations, schools and centres;
2. Funding research into learning disabilities and the salaries of Professors where their role includes research activity that will further the objects of the charity; and
3. Financing scholarships to individuals undertaking postgraduate research, normally at PhD level, where the student's area of interest furthers the objects of the charity.
Applications may be made by charities registered with the Charity Commission or community groups associated with a registered charity. Schools, Parent Teacher Associations and Industrial & Provident Societies may also apply.
The following grant programmes are available:
o General Grants from £250 upwards;
o Small Grants of up to £5,000; and
o Research Grants from £250 upwards (with no upper limit).
A limited fund is available for research projects.
Funding is normally considered for capital or revenue costs and for both specific projects and general running and core costs. Normally one-off grants are awarded but exceptionally a new project may be funded over two or three years, subject to satisfactory progress reports. 
Research grants are directed towards the initiation of research into learning disability with the intention that the research can progress to a point where it becomes eligible for support from other major funding bodies.
During the year ending 30 June 2016 the Charity awarded 338 grants totalling £2,983,665 (2015: £2,729,332).
Previously funded projects have included:
o Capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools;
o Employment schemes, including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture;
o Play schemes and play therapy schemes;
o Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs;
o Support for families, including respite schemes;
o Independent living schemes;
o Support in the community schemes; and
o Snoezelen rooms (or controlled multi-sensory environments).
The Charity does not usually fund the following:
o Community Interest Companies;
o Individuals;
o Hospices;
o Minibuses, except those for residential and/or day care services for the learning disabled;
o Advocacy Projects;
o Conductive Education projects;
o Arts and theatre projects;
o Swimming and hydro-therapy pools;
o Physical disabilities, unless accompanied by significant learning disabilities;
o Research into or care of those with mental illness or dyslexia;
o Acquired brain injury, unless the resulting learning disabilities occur early in the developmental period (ie birth, infancy or childhood), impacting on brain maturation and development and learning in childhood;
o Qualitative studies;
o University overheads;
o University Full Economic Costs;
o Open access publishing costs;
o Conference attendance; or
o Anything considered to be statutory.
A second application from a funded organisation will not normally be considered for a period of at least two years after completion of an initial grant. If the previous application was unsuccessful, this period is one year. This does not apply to recipients of funding through the Research Grants Programme.
Applications for grants under £10,000 may be made at any time.
Deadlines for submitting a request for funding over £10,000 are:
o 1 December for consideration at the March meeting;
o 1 March for consideration at the June meeting;
o 1 August for consideration at the November meeting.
Further information and an application form is available to complete online at the Fund's website.
Contact details for the Baily Thomas Charitable Fund are:
Ann Cooper
Secretary to the Trustees
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
c/o TMF Management UK Limited
400 Capability Green
Tel: 01582 439225
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 25 September 2017


The Rix-Thompson-Rothenburg Foundation dedicates its work to supporting projects connected with the care, education, training, development and leisure activities of people with a learning disability.
The Foundation awards grants to charities registered with the Charity Commission which benefit people with a learning disability, their family and/or carers.
The Foundation places a particular emphasis on initiatives that enhance opportunity and lifestyle.
Previous awards indicate a strong preference for arts based projects  
Registered charities working in England and/or Wales may apply for a grant of between £2,000 and £6,000.
There is no requirement for match funding.
During the year ending 31 December 2015 the Foundation made 32 (2015: 25) grants totalling £149,282 (2015: £95,610).
Awards included:
o The Otterhayes Trust, Ottery St Mary, Devon (£5,000);
o Polka Theatre for Children, London (£3,000);
o Wiltshire Music (£4,000); and
o Yorkshire Dance (£2,500).
A full list of grants awarded durng the year is available on the Foundation's annual accounts, available on the Charity Commission website.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Applications for specific learning difficulties; and
o Applications that have not gone through the correct application process. 
Applications may be made at any time in writing and are considered twice a year, normally in June and December.
All applicants must complete an application form and provide a copy of their latest audited accounts.
In the first instance the applicant should discuss the proposed work either by telephone, email or letter to the Administrator, a minimum of four months in advance of a board meeting.
An application form will be provided by the Foundation following the discussion with the Administrator and providing the project in question is eligible.
PLEASE NOTE: the Foundation does not maintain a website.
Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Mrs Lesley Gray
The Rix-Thompson-Rothenburg Foundation
c/o PAMIS University of Dundee
15/16 Springfield
Tel: 07532 320138
(Source: GRIN)

Friday, 22 September 2017

BBC Children in Need Main Grants Programme - First 2018 Deadline

The BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme is accepting applications for large grants of over £10,000 to support projects for up to three years.
Not-for-profit organisations in the UK can apply if they are supporting children and young people of 18 years and under who are experiencing disadvantage through:
  • Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.
  • Any kind of disability.
  • Behavioural or psychological difficulties.
  • Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Organisations must be working to combat this disadvantage and make a real difference to children and young people’s lives.
Organisations that already hold a grant from Children in Need can apply for further funding providing the current grant is coming to an end within the next 12 months. Applicants will need to be able to provide convincing evidence of the differences the grant has made to the lives of the disadvantaged children and young people the organisation has worked with.
The closing date for applications is 16 January 2018 (midnight).

(Source:  Powys 4 Community)


The Margaret Coote Animal Charity Trust is a registered charity (no. 208493) whose main purpose is the protection of horses, dogs or other animals or birds.
The policy of the Trust is to focus on research into animal health and on the protection of species, while continuing to support general animal welfare, including sanctuaries, in the United Kingdom and overseas.
Registered charities and charitable organisations may apply.
Awards made during the year ending 5 April 2016 ranged from £500 to £20,000. There is no requirement for match funding.
During the year, the Trustees provided ongoing financial support totalling £67,750 to 15 organisations and made 24 one-off grants totalling £60,750. Grant awards in full totalled £128,500 (2015: £92,950).
Regular grants were made to:
o Animal Health Trust;
o Devon Wildlife Trust;
o Dog Lost;
o The Barn Owl Trust;
o The Donkey Sanctuary; and
o The Moorland Mousie Trust.
One-off grants were awarded to:
o British Horse Society;
o Cats in Need
o Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust
o International Otter Survival Fund;
o Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust;
o Rarebreeds Survival Trust (RBST); and the
o Red Squirrel Survival Trust.
A full list of all awards made during the year is provided in the Trust’s annual accounts, which are available on the Charity Commission website.
Applications are not accepted from individuals.
PLEASE NOTE: the Trust does not maintain a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
Applications should be made in writing to the address below.
Ideally, applications should reach the Trust by Saturday 30 September 2017 to be considered during October or November of the current year.
A decision on applications that arrive after the end of September is normally deferred until the following autumn.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Mrs. Jill Holah
End Cottage
YO60 6PU
(The Trust does not advertise a phone number.)  

(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 21 September 2017


The Yapp Charitable Trust is one of a handful of grant-making trusts that prioritises making awards to small charities to help them continue their existing work.
The Trust defines a ‘small charity’ as an organisation registered with the Charity Commission that has a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000.
Grants up to £3,000 per year for a period of up to 3 years are available for work that focuses on one of the following priority groups:
o Elderly people;
o Children and young people aged 5 to 25 years;
o People with physical impairments, learning difficulties or mental health challenges;
o Social welfare - people trying to overcome life-limiting problems of a social, rather than medical, origin such as addiction, relationship difficulties, abuse and a history of offending; and/or
o Education and learning, with a particular interest in people who are educationally disadvantaged, whether adults or children.
During the year ending 30 September 2016 the Trust awarded 42 grants totalling £208,600 from 145 eligible applications, representing a 30% success rate.
Grants were made within all priority categories. The largest proportion of grants was awarded in the Yorkshire & Humber region (19% of grants totalling £40,500 respectively) and most grants were made to support work under the Disability category (18 charities received funding totalling £92,100).  5 of the awards (12% of all awards made) were to South West based small charities.
A list of all grant awards made during the year can be found towards the end of its annual accounts, which are available on the Charity Commission website.
The Trust prioritises the following areas. Applicants that fail to address at least two of the below are unlikely to secure funding.
o Work that is unattractive to the general public or unpopular with other funders;
o Services that help to improve the lives of marginalised, disadvantaged or isolated people;
o Applicants that can demonstrate an effective use of volunteers;
o Charities that seek to be preventive and aim to change opinion and behaviour through raising awareness of issues, education and campaigning; and
o Applicants that can demonstrate (where feasible) an element of self sustainability by charging subscriptions/fees to service users.
The Trust has a lengthy list of exclusions. Funding is not available for the following:
o Charities that are not registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales;
o Charities in Scotland and Northern Ireland;
o Charities whose total annual expenditure is more than £40,000;
o Industrial and Provident Societies and Community Interest Companies;
o Branches of National Charities;
o Charities with unrestricted reserves that equate to more than 12 months expenditure;
o New organisations – applicants must have been operating as a fully-constituted charity for at least three years;
o New work - the Trust provides continuation funding to sustain existing work that has been happening for at least a year;
o New paid posts – even if the work is now being done by volunteers;
o Additional activities, expansion or development plans;
o Special events, trips or outings;
o Capital expenditure - equipment, buildings, renovations, furnishings, minibuses;
o Work with under-fives;
o Childcare;
o Holidays and holiday centres;
o Core funding of charities that benefit the wider community such as general advice services and community centres unless a significant element of their work focuses on one of the Trust's priority groups;
o Bereavement support;
o Debt advice;
o Community safety initiatives;
o Charities raising money to give to another organisation, such as schools, hospitals or other voluntary groups;
o Individuals - including charities raising funds to purchase equipment for or make grants to individuals; or
o Organisational budgets with a shortfall in excess of £10,000 in the first year.
Eligible charities must meet all of the following criteria:
o Have their own charity registration number;
o Have been formally established for at least 3 years;
o Have a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000; and
o Be working within one of the priority areas as outlined in the first set of spot point above.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
An application form and guidance notes are available on the Trust's website.
The completed application form should be returned by post or email together with a copy of the charity's most recent annual report and accounts and any other relevant information.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Joanne Anderson
Trust Secretary
The YAPP Charitable Trust
1st Floor
Mile House
Bridge End
Chester le Street
County Durham
Tel: 0191 389 3300
(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

BIG Lottery People and Places: Putting people at the heart of the design, development and delivery of your project

In July 2017 the Big Lottery Fund in Wales relaunched our People and Places grant programme which is open to applications of between £10,001 and £500,000 for community projects lasting up to five years. You can read about the changes here. One of the key changes is that we’re asking all applicants to show us how their project fits into three themes: people-led, strength based, and connect.
To help explain these in more detail, we’re publishing a series of blogs to help outline what we mean by each theme. For this post we asked Communications Manager Rosie Dent to tell us a little more about people-led projects.
In a snapshot, what does ‘people-led’ mean?
We want the projects we fund to have meaningfully involved the people they’re working with in the development, design and delivery of the project. When we say people, we mean the people that take part in projects, their networks (such as family, friends, carers) and the wider community that your organisation works within.
Involvement could be through a variety of ways and is likely to be vary depending on who you’re working with. The key is that people are involved and we will ask you to show how involving people has influenced the plans for your project, as well as their continued involvement in the delivery if the project is funded.
What are the benefits of involving people?
We believe people should be leading on projects that aim to improve their lives and their community. This ensures that projects are shaped accordingly to the community’s requirements and views and gives the projects a higher chance of success. Involving people also gives them the opportunity to learn new skills and build confidence.
What if people don’t want to get involved?
People are busy. They have lives, families and jobs and might not have the time to get involved with new projects. Others may not feel comfortable sharing their views in front of others of may have been involved in a project before where they didn’t feel their views were listened to. Naturally you can’t force people to get involved. However it may be worth thinking about different ways to engage with them which won’t take up too much of their time or make them feel uncomfortable. For example, some people may prefer having a chance to share their views on a social media group in their own time more than attending a community meeting.
What if we can’t adapt the project to meet everyone’s views?
Tokenistic involvement can do more harm that not involving people at all. Therefore it is important to show people that they have been listened to and let them know what changes have been made to your plans as a result. If changes can’t be made, you should take the time to explain why.
What does involving people look like?
There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to involving people in the design, development and delivery of projects. This will look different for different projects and communities. However, it is important to provide an environment where people feel comfortable and safe to get involved.
  • Involving people could include building relationships with people who take part in current projects you’re providing, knocking on doors in the community, undertaking surveys, taking part in focus groups/committees – these are just a few examples.
  • Think beyond the usual group of people who are happy to be involved. Try and think of different ways to engage with people who don’t usually take part in projects or give their views and opinions.
  • Flexibility and creativity is the key – think beyond surveys and feedback forms.
  • Be prepared to challenge your assumptions on people’s skills, capabilities and experience.
Do you have any advice on what to consider when working with specific groups of people?
  • Think about whether you need to provide materials in alternative formats and languages. For example, when engaging with young people, you might want to be creative and use alternative media (e.g. video, social media, arts)
  • Cultural differences should be considered, for example some groups practice gender segregation in the delivery of projects. You may need to be aware of special holidays when engaging with people from ethnic minority communities and religious groups.
  • Challenge your assumptions regarding someone’s capability and interest in being involved.
  • Be creative and transparent – people will appreciate it.
If you would like to find out more about People and Places – visit for medium grants (£10,001 to £100,000) or for large grants (£100,001 to £500,000), call 0300 123 0735 or email

(Source: BIG Lottery)


 We have been made aware of an email scam being sent to charities, asking to receive payment for the Fundraising Preference Service or implying that an invoice is due. We would like to clarify that we DO NOT send out invoices for the Fundraising Preference Service, as the cost of this service is covered by the fundraising levy. 
We would also like to ensure that those organisations who fall within the scope of the fundraising levy do not assume the invoices we are currently sending for Year 2 are in any way associated with this fraudulent scheme. 
If you know or you believe you have received one of these fraudulent FPS emails and have concerns, or if you have any questions, please get in contact with us on 0300 999 3407 or at 
The Fundraising Regulator Levy Year 2 invoices are only sent using the Levy and Registration Team email, or via a staff members direct email addresses. Please see confirmation of staff details and email addresses. 
Caroline Trabasas, Levy and Registration Officer,
Maria Hayward, Levy and Registration Administrator, 

We also ask that you forward on this email alert to any other organisations you think might be susceptible to this email scam. We have reported this incident to Action Fraud. 
Levy and Registration Team
T: 0300 999 3420 - option 2
T: 0300 999 3407

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Comic Relief Core Strength Programme

This programme is responding to the growing need of small locally led groups to cover their day to day costs. The aim is to provide funding for groups’ core costs - meaning expenditure that is not connected to delivering projects but focusing on investing in the organisation as a whole, such as basic running costs. We know securing core funding can be tough and want to use this programme to help support those doing much needed work in their local communities.,5675S,J4CEJA,JVIT4,1

(Source: Community Foundation in Wales)

Friday, 15 September 2017


The Aviva Community Fund is back, offering support and funding to causes that make a real difference where you live. Put forward an idea that will benefit your community and it could get funding, ranging from up to £1,000 to up to £25,000.

(Source: UK Fundraising)


The Gannett Foundation provides funding to support local registered charities in the areas where Newsquest operates in the UK.
Grants are available within its circulation area only, although its wide range of titles ensures that most areas in the UK are covered.
The Foundation supports projects which take a creative approach to fundamental issues such as:
o Education and neighbourhood improvements;
o Economic development;
o Youth development;
o Community problem solving;
o Assistance to disadvantaged people;
o Environmental conservation; and
o Cultural enrichment.
Typically grants are for between £5,000 and £10,000. Smaller amounts are sometimes considered but the Foundation actively encourages imaginative and ambitious projects on a larger scale.
Applicants must be registered charities that have not received a Gannett Foundation grant in either 2015 or 2016.
The Foundation particularly invites clearly well presented applications asking for specific items of equipment or materials.
The Foundation will favour projects that demonstrate good planning, oversight and financial responsibility.
The Foundation is also willing to join with other contributors to support elements of more ambitious projects.
While preference will be given to ideas which create a durable legacy for the community, single events or projects of limited duration that otherwise meet the Foundation’s criteria will be considered.
Previous awards have included:
o £4,730 for greenhouses and tools at a community garden in Bradford;
o £4,000 to refurbish the kitchen at Chideock Village Hall in Dorset;
o £4,410 for community sports in Hampshire; and
o £6,600 paid for theatrical equipment for a community hall in South Wales.
Grants are not available for:
o Salaries, professional fees or day-to-day running or maintenance costs;
o General appeals as opposed to specific projects;
o Projects that do not bring benefits to local communities;
o Political or religious objectives;
o State or privately run schools (other than special needs);
o Hospitals (other than hospices);
o Individuals;
o Private Foundations;
o Organisations which are not registered charities;
o National or regional organisations, unless their programmes address specific local community needs;
o Programmes or initiatives where the primary purpose is the promotion of religious doctrine or tenets;
o Political action or legislative advocacy groups;
o Endowment funds;
o Multiple-year pledge campaigns;
o Medical or research organisations, including organisations funding single disease research; or
o Fraternal groups, athletic teams, bands, volunteer fire-fighters or similar groups.
The closing date for 2017 applications is 5pm on Monday 9 October 2017, although applicants are advised to check with their local Newsquest publication(s) as deadlines can vary.
A list of all Newsquest publications can be found HERE.
The Foundation will look at all applications towards the end of November 2017.
Applicants must supply copies of their most recent accounts (where required by the Charities Commission) or other appropriate financial information, together with any supporting materials and details of their organisation’s managing committee.
Applications must be made locally by downloading an application form from the relevant newspaper website.
Alternatively, if you're having trouble finding an application form, you can email for a copy of the form and a link to the guidance notes.
Completed application forms should be sent either by email or by post to the editor of the applicant's local paper.
For further information visit the Gannett Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Gannett Foundation
Newsquest Media Group Ltd
58 Church Street
KT13 8DP
Tel: 01932 821212
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 14 September 2017


This years Gwirvol Youth Led Grant is open for applications, 

Funding is now available for youth led grants projects running up to end of March 2018. Grants of up to £600 are available for projects that provide volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 to help their communities in Powys. 

The applications have to be written by young people.
A panel of young people from Powys will assess the applications. 
Closing date: 31st October 2017.

Please follow the link below for more information and the application pack.


The Children’s Health Fund awards grant funding for projects that provide good food for young people as part of holiday learning, play and activity programmes.
Eligible applicants should:
o Provide meals that align with the food and drink requirements (ie, School Food Standards England 2015) and other term time regulations (eg, food hygiene, food labelling);
o Include enrichment activities such as sports, art and crafts, growing etc;
o Provide holiday food provision for a minimum of three days a week over four weeks;
o Implement relevant policies (e.g. health and safety, safeguarding, pastoral); and
o Demonstrate a local partnership is in place which includes a representative from the Local Authority and/or health board.
Grant awards of between £1,000 and £5,000 are available.
Awards of around £5,000 are likely to be made to projects seeking to expand their work.
Match funding is welcomed. This can be ‘in kind’.
The following organisations are eligible to apply:
o UK registered charities that operate within the UK;
o Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs);
o Schools;
o Hospitals;
o Housing associations;
o Community groups;
o Local authorities;
o Churches; and
o Youth groups.
Applicants must have:
o A bank account in the name of the organisation with two unrelated signatories;
o At least three members on its governing board or board of directors;
o Be able to complete their project within 12 months of receiving a grant;
o Permission for the work being proposed;
o The correct insurance;
o A health and safety policy;
o A child protection policy; and
o Evidence of food handling safety policy and certificate.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Individuals;
o Commercial enterprises;
o Projects outside of the UK even if the organisation is a registered charity within the UK;
o One-off events or galas;
o Sponsorship;
o Travel bursaries;
o Educational courses; or
o Capital building works.
Applicants are required to initially complete an application checklist which then provides access to an application form.
Guidance notes and an online application checklist can be found on the Children’s Health Fund website.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 6 October 2017.
Contact details for the Children’s Health Fund are:
The Grants Team
Development House
56 - 64 Leonard Street
Tel: 020 7065 0902
(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Comic Relief’s Core Strength Grants programme is designed to support the core running costs or organisational development costs for communities that are suffering from economic and social deprivation and where current economic climate may be making this situation worse.
The programme aims to empower local people, enabling them to create lasting change in their communities.
The work and main focus of the applicant organisation must fit one of the Comic Relief priorities, which are:
Connected communities - seeking to improve inclusion and cohesion in communities;
Productive communities - investing in local residents to help them solve the issues they are facing using local people and resources;  and
Empowered communities - working to empower marginalised and disadvantaged communities.
Priority will be given to:
o Those that are new to Comic Relief and/or Community Foundation funding;
o Those in areas of high deprivation;
o Those in geographically underfunded areas;
o Those with lived experience, where people directly affected by the issues are involved in all levels of the organisation;
o Those with innovative approaches, to respond to clearly defined need; and
o Those demonstrating effective practice, with evidence that the methodology being used will be successful.
Constituted voluntary and community groups, registered charities, social enterprises, co-operatives and Community Interest Companies (CICs) can apply for a grant of between £1,000 and £5,000.
To be eligible, applicants must:
o Have an annual income of £100,000 or under for the last full financial year;
o Have been running activities for at least 12 months;
o Be working in a disadvantaged or deprived area;
o Have limited access to other sources of income;
o Clearly define the need they are addressing;
o Clearly demonstrate the benefit of their activities to local people;
o Illustrate how they aim to deliver social outcomes;
o Provide clear evidence that the services they provide are inclusive to all.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Individuals;
o Statutory organisations, including schools;
o National organisations, unless the application is submitted by a local office with a separate management committee, bank account and governing documents;
o Limited Companies possessing Capital Shares;
o Trips abroad;
o Buses, mini buses or other community transport schemes (not including transport costs forming part of a project);
o Building costs, including access adaptations to buildings; or
o Organisations that are in receipt of a grant directly from Comic Relief (excluding the Community Cash programme).
The programme is managed by Community Foundation’s across the UK. Some are open to applications, others are closed.
The status of Community Foundation’s across the South West for this programme is:
Devon – application deadline: Thursday 28 September;
Cornwall - application deadline Monday 16 October;
Dorset - due to open Wednesday 20 September with a closing date of Thursday 26 October;
Wiltshire and Swindon – application deadline Thursday 2 November;
Somerset - application deadline: Monday 13 November;
Gloucestershire – not currently available (as far as we can see!), but contact the Foundation for further information.
Quartet (Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire) - not currently open. Contact the Foundation for further information.
Application details are available on each of the websites of the Foundation’s that are currently offering Core Strength grants.
For contact details for all the Community Foundations across the UK visit the UK Community Foundation website.  
(Source: GRIN)

Help Knighton Community Centre 'Keep the Lights On'

There is still time to vote for Knighton Community Centre's 'Keeping the lights on ' project in the M&S Energy Grants competition. If successful the funding will be used by the Centre to install photo voltaic panels on the Centre's roof to reduce it's carbon footprint and make savings with the centre's running costs. The Community Centre is the only Powys based project in the competition. Vote for them online at:

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Thriving Not Surviving is a new £1.75 million fund designed to provide large grants to support vulnerable and disadvantaged young men aged 11-20 with mental health problems.
Comic Relief is seeking proposals to deliver specialised mental health provision which puts the needs of young men at the heart of their work.
There is special interest in funding organisations that test out different approaches to engagement and support to establish what works.
Priority will be given to applications which:
o Have consulted and plan to co-design activities with young men to ensure their needs and interests are met effectively;
o Are working with young men from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities or those with co-occurring learning disabilities and mental health problems;
o Use activity based interventions as a tool of engagement and/or that are psychologically informed. PLEASE NOTE: applications using the arts and sports as well as social and cultural activities will be considered;
o Promote and recognise the power of peer support and positive role models and incorporate these into their interventions;  and
o Ensure activities are carried out in non-stigmatising locations.
Grants of between £100,000 and £150,000 are available for up to 3 years’ work in the UK.
It is expected that approximately 20 grants will be awarded across the UK. Match funding is welcomed.
Comic Relief expects to fund a minimum of 25% of the total costs of the proposed activities in order to ensure that they have contributed to the work in a meaningful way.
Applications will be accepted from specialist mental health and/or youth organisations with particular interest in organisations that are based in the community in which they work. Partnership bids are encouraged.
Only one proposal per applicant may be submitted.
Proposals will be accepted until 12 noon on Friday 13 October 2017 with shortlisted proposals progressing to a final assessment.
Notification of decisions will be made in March 2018.
Applicants are required to use the online application and grant management system which is available on the Comic Relief website (see link below)..
For further information about Thriving Not Surviving, visit the Comic Relief website.
Contact details for the Fund are:
The Grants Team
Comic Relief
89 Albert Embankment
Tel: 020 7820 2000
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 11 September 2017

Dunhill Medical Trust

The Dunhill Medical Trust’s key areas for grant support are:
o The care of older people, including rehabilitation and palliative care; and
o Projects which, if successful, could enable applicants to apply for funding from other sources.
Applications are accepted from charitable organisations or groups as defined by UK charity law. This includes UK registered charities and relevant exempt charities.
Proposals from non-charitable organisations (such as the NHS or social enterprises) may be considered in exceptional circumstances and where the purposes for which the grant is sought are (a) charitable; and (b) for the public benefit..
Eligible activities must fall under one of the following headings:
1.  Projects – Grants are available to support time-limited projects which focus on the development of care and support services for older people which are innovative and/or based on evidence of best practice and which can become self-sustaining within a planned period.
Priority will be given to services which are focused on older people, enhance existing mainstream services and which are not currently funded by statutory organisations elsewhere in the UK. The Trust will expect the beneficiary organisation to have a robust plan to create the ongoing revenue to maintain the service as the charitable funding diminishes and to have processes in place to ensure minimum disruption to the beneficiaries in implementing these plans.
2. Building and physical infrastructure – Grants are available to provide accommodation/developments in the built environment for older people to enhance and maintain their health, well-being and independence and/or specific pieces of equipment or furnishings which can be used for the care and support of individuals (for example, installation of a hearing loop system).
Priority will be given to care facilities which are focused specifically on older people and where it has not been possible to obtain the necessary funding from statutory organisations (e.g. health and social services). The Trust expects beneficiary organisations to give a written commitment to bear the revenue costs of the environment and/or equipment, including its maintenance and staffing.
3. Capability – Grants are available to support the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities in community-based organisations. Examples of what this scheme could pay for include:
o Training to acquire governance, strategic development or other high level skills to assist in the development of the charity;
o The development of protocols or training around risk management or quality assurance (for example, check out NCVO’s PQASSO tool);
o Feasibility studies;
o Community consultations and surveys;
o Business planning;
o Board development and governance;
o Research and evidence gathering in relation to the organisation’s cause and objectives;
o Capacity building for the applicant organisation to deliver a new idea;
o Needs analysis;
o Skills audits of communities;
o Specialist advice;
o Small pilot projects; and/or
o Exchange visits within the UK to see how other projects work.
The Trust offers 3 funding streams:
1. Project grants of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to 36 months;
2. Building and physical infrastructure grants of between £5,000 and £100,000; and
3. Capability development grants of between £100 and £5,000.
Match funding of 50% is required for building and infrastructure grants. Match funding is not required for equipment.
During the year ending 31 March 2016 the Trust allocated £5,215,246 (2015: £4,646,076) towards its charitable objectives.
A list of all grant awards, including a number to organisations working in the South West, is provided towards the end of the Trust's annual accounts. These can be accessed via the Charity Commission website
The Trust does not usually support:
o The provision of clinical services or equipment that, in the opinion of the Trustees, would be more appropriately provided by the National Health Service or other statutory bodies;
o Sponsorship of individuals;
o Organisations based outside the UK, or whose work primarily benefits people outside the UK;
o Hospice revenue or capital costs;
o Charities with an annual income in excess of £10 million, or assets valued in excess of £100 million;
o Continuation/replacement funding where a project or post has been previously supported from statutory sources or similar;
o General building maintenance;
o Items which only benefit an individual;
o Paying for staff time to write applications;
o Political campaigning activity;
o Activities promoting religious beliefs;
o Activities or services that a public organisation must provide by law;
o Loan repayments; or
o Ongoing core costs (general running costs) of an organisation, though the Trust will make a reasonable contribution towards salary costs for staff to carry out the proposed work detailed in the project for which funds are being requested.
Applications are currently being accepted for project grants from community-based organisations with a deadline of 5pm on Friday 29 September 2017.
There is a single stage application process for grants. All applications should be submitted via the Trust’s Grant Management Portal, following completion of an Eligibility Quiz.
Guidance notes and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the Trust's website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Dunhill Medical Trust
6 New Bridge Street
Tel: 0207 403 3299

(Source: GRIN)

Royal British Legion’s External Grants Programme Open to Applications

The Royal British Legion offers grants of up to £50,000, though smaller applications are encouraged, for specialised projects or services for serving and/or ex-Service personnel and/or their families that are not already being provided by the Legion and that are in line with the Legion’s funding priorities.
To be eligible, applicants must be based in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland and be working on a project that will directly benefit ex-Service personnel and/or their families.
Two funding streams are available:
Service Delivery projects must address at least one of the following themes:
  • Employment and training.
  • Support for families.
  • Homelessness and outreach.
  • Supporting the elderly.
The typical grant award is not likely to exceed £50,000. The Legion is not inviting applications for multi-year funding at this time. Applications will only be considered for 'one off' payments however continuation funding may be applied for in following years.
Capacity Building funding is intended for organisations supporting the Armed Forces community. Any costs can be considered providing the applicant can demonstrate how it will enhance capability and/or capability to support Legion beneficiaries.
The typical grant value is £100 - £10,000.
There are two different closing dates for applications:
  • 15 September 2017 for Capacity Building applications.
  • 10 November 2017 for Service Delivery applications.
(Source: Powys 4 Community)

National Churches Trust Relaunches Grant Programmes for 2018

The National Churches Trust offers funding for projects that are in line with its aims which are:
  • To help maintain the UK's heritage of church buildings and to enhance their ability to serve local communities.
  • To promote the benefit to communities of church buildings and to inspire everyone to value and enjoy them.
Applications are currently being accepted to the following grants programme:
  • Community Grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 for projects that have an estimated cost of at least £25,000 (including VAT and fees). The grants are for projects which introduce facilities to enable increased community use of places of worship. All types of community projects will be considered, but should include toilets or catering facilities.
  • Repair Grants of between £5,000 and £40,000 to help with the cost of urgent and essential structural repair projects with estimated costs of at least £100,000 (including VAT and fees).
In addition there are micro grants of £2,000 for churches awarded a National Churches Trust Community Grant to set up a social action project that meets the needs of local people.
Churches, chapels and meeting houses in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland that are open for worship and which are part of a denomination belonging to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland are eligible to apply.  Applications from both listed and unlisted places of worship are welcomed. Priority will be given to Baptist and Presbyterian/Church of Scotland denominations as well as to projects in North East England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
The next deadlines for applications are 30 October 2017, 5 March 2018 and 2 July 2018.

(Source: Powys 4 Community)