Monday, 11 September 2017

Dunhill Medical Trust

The Dunhill Medical Trust’s key areas for grant support are:
o The care of older people, including rehabilitation and palliative care; and
o Projects which, if successful, could enable applicants to apply for funding from other sources.
Applications are accepted from charitable organisations or groups as defined by UK charity law. This includes UK registered charities and relevant exempt charities.
Proposals from non-charitable organisations (such as the NHS or social enterprises) may be considered in exceptional circumstances and where the purposes for which the grant is sought are (a) charitable; and (b) for the public benefit..
Eligible activities must fall under one of the following headings:
1.  Projects – Grants are available to support time-limited projects which focus on the development of care and support services for older people which are innovative and/or based on evidence of best practice and which can become self-sustaining within a planned period.
Priority will be given to services which are focused on older people, enhance existing mainstream services and which are not currently funded by statutory organisations elsewhere in the UK. The Trust will expect the beneficiary organisation to have a robust plan to create the ongoing revenue to maintain the service as the charitable funding diminishes and to have processes in place to ensure minimum disruption to the beneficiaries in implementing these plans.
2. Building and physical infrastructure – Grants are available to provide accommodation/developments in the built environment for older people to enhance and maintain their health, well-being and independence and/or specific pieces of equipment or furnishings which can be used for the care and support of individuals (for example, installation of a hearing loop system).
Priority will be given to care facilities which are focused specifically on older people and where it has not been possible to obtain the necessary funding from statutory organisations (e.g. health and social services). The Trust expects beneficiary organisations to give a written commitment to bear the revenue costs of the environment and/or equipment, including its maintenance and staffing.
3. Capability – Grants are available to support the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities in community-based organisations. Examples of what this scheme could pay for include:
o Training to acquire governance, strategic development or other high level skills to assist in the development of the charity;
o The development of protocols or training around risk management or quality assurance (for example, check out NCVO’s PQASSO tool);
o Feasibility studies;
o Community consultations and surveys;
o Business planning;
o Board development and governance;
o Research and evidence gathering in relation to the organisation’s cause and objectives;
o Capacity building for the applicant organisation to deliver a new idea;
o Needs analysis;
o Skills audits of communities;
o Specialist advice;
o Small pilot projects; and/or
o Exchange visits within the UK to see how other projects work.
The Trust offers 3 funding streams:
1. Project grants of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to 36 months;
2. Building and physical infrastructure grants of between £5,000 and £100,000; and
3. Capability development grants of between £100 and £5,000.
Match funding of 50% is required for building and infrastructure grants. Match funding is not required for equipment.
During the year ending 31 March 2016 the Trust allocated £5,215,246 (2015: £4,646,076) towards its charitable objectives.
A list of all grant awards, including a number to organisations working in the South West, is provided towards the end of the Trust's annual accounts. These can be accessed via the Charity Commission website
The Trust does not usually support:
o The provision of clinical services or equipment that, in the opinion of the Trustees, would be more appropriately provided by the National Health Service or other statutory bodies;
o Sponsorship of individuals;
o Organisations based outside the UK, or whose work primarily benefits people outside the UK;
o Hospice revenue or capital costs;
o Charities with an annual income in excess of £10 million, or assets valued in excess of £100 million;
o Continuation/replacement funding where a project or post has been previously supported from statutory sources or similar;
o General building maintenance;
o Items which only benefit an individual;
o Paying for staff time to write applications;
o Political campaigning activity;
o Activities promoting religious beliefs;
o Activities or services that a public organisation must provide by law;
o Loan repayments; or
o Ongoing core costs (general running costs) of an organisation, though the Trust will make a reasonable contribution towards salary costs for staff to carry out the proposed work detailed in the project for which funds are being requested.
Applications are currently being accepted for project grants from community-based organisations with a deadline of 5pm on Friday 29 September 2017.
There is a single stage application process for grants. All applications should be submitted via the Trust’s Grant Management Portal, following completion of an Eligibility Quiz.
Guidance notes and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the Trust's website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Dunhill Medical Trust
6 New Bridge Street
Tel: 0207 403 3299

(Source: GRIN)

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