Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants

The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants are intended to provide core funding to support organisations to implement a step change in their development and therefore build increased sustainability for the future.
Grants are available for:
1. Carers - the Triangle Trust states that around 10% of the population are unpaid carers supporting a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. The Trust offers dedicated funding for carer organisations where they will not have to compete with applications from other sectors. Unfortunately the Trust can only offer funding to specialist carer organisations rather than those with a broader remit which run carer projects. Grants for the Trust's Caring measure are available each Spring.
2. The rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders - The Trust asserts that, across the prison population, including men, women and youth at least 1 in 2 prisoners released will re-offend within a year. Offenders need information to make the right decisions about their lives in the community: where they will live; how they will gain a legitimate income; how they will rebuild their family ties, or form new ones. They should also be helped to find support for mental health needs and substance misuse. For the benefit of the individual offenders and society, the Trust would like to see the re-offending rates in the UK reduce and offer dedicated funding to organisations working with offenders whilst in prison and after they are released to bring this about. The Trust can only offer funding to specialist offender organisations rather than those with a broader remit which run offender projects. Grants for the Trust's rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders are available every autumn.
Registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies in the UK can apply for a grant of up to £80,000 over 3 years with a maximum of £35,000 in year one.
The amount requested each year is expected to taper down as applicants develop other sustainable income streams, for example: £35,000 in year one; £25,000 in year two and £15,000 in year three.
PLEASE NOTE: the funder advises that this is a highly competitive fund with a success rate of broadly 7% (i.e. 1 in 14) for rehabilitation applicants and just 5% (1 in 20) for carers applicants.
Applicants must:
o Have a constitution whose sole purpose is to support unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders;
o Be involved in providing direct practical support work, research projects or policy or campaigning work relevant to unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders;
o Demonstrate in their application how they have expertise and a history of working with unpaid carers or offenders;
o Have some volunteer input;
o Have a gross annual income (including contract income) for the most recent financial year of less than £1 million, although priority will be given to smaller organisations;
o Make a commitment to develop sustainable income streams during the grant period; and
o Have evaluation systems for their work in place, and if not then part of the grant should be used to put a system in place.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Organisations with a broader remit that are running a project to support unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders;
o Organisations running crime prevention or restorative justice initiatives;
o Organisations providing support to the “cared for” as well as their carers;
o Appointment of a Trust or Community Fundraiser;
o Expanding the coverage of a particular service, unless there is a tangible increase in sustainability as a result;
o Match funding, unless associated with a sustainability development;
o Covering the loss of a statutory contract or grant income; or
o General running costs.
The 2017 application rounds are:
o For organisations working with unpaid carers: applications opened on 9 March 2017 and closed on 4 May 2017;
o For organisations working with the rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders:  applications will open on Thursday 7 September 2017 with a deadline of Thursday 2 November 2017.
Applications should be submitted on the online application form, which is available on the Trust's website
There is a two-stage application process. Shortlisted applicants folowing stage 1 will be required to host a visit from the Triangle Trust and present their strategic plan for the next few years. The Trust is happy to discuss potential applications by email or by phone.
Contact details for the Fund are:
The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund
Foundation House
2-4 Forum Place
Fiddlebridge Lane
AL10 0RN
Tel: 01707 707078
(Source: GRIN)

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