Friday, 21 December 2018


The Small Grant Scheme to Promote Health and Wellbeing is funded by Powys Local Health Board. The scheme is administered by Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations on behalf of the funders.
The aim of the Small Grant Scheme to Promote Health and Wellbeing is to encourage community groups and communities of interest to undertake activities that support the strategic priorities of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014in relation to: Well-being
Examples of possible activities:
  • Prevention / health promotion
  • Promoting and maintaining independence
The Small Grant Scheme to Promote Health and Wellbeing will provide funds to enable voluntary sector groups, communities and communities of interest to buy equipment and / or to set up / extend or sustain small scale innovative activities that address the specific objectives in relation to health and well-being as identified above.
Awards of £200 up to £1,500 are available for organisations that meet the eligibility and grant criteria.

Organisations applying for the grant must:
  1. Be members of PAVO*
  2. Have a governing document
  3. Have a bank account
  4. Demonstrate an ability to manage a grant
  5. Demonstrate that they have in place the relevant polices and insurances
  6. Enable them to fulfil aims including health and safety,
  7. Address one or more of the funding priorities and have evidence of need

*If your organisation is not currently a member of PAVO, but feel that you are eligible to apply, please follow the link:
or contact the PAVO office on 01597 822191 to receive a membership form.
All organisations applying will be offered the support of a PAVO Development Officer to support them with their application. 

Grant criteria
Funding will be available for two strands of activity.  Organisations may submit separate applications for both priorities but should identify the primary priority (prevention / health promotion or promoting and maintaining independence) on each application form.

Prevention / Health Promotion
Funding is available for activities that address one or more of the following objectives:
1.1      Improve access to leisure and recreation for older people
1.2      Work in partnership with other agencies and communities to increase the options for physical activity in the community
1.3      Promote healthy lifestyles for all ages through activities to address one or more of the following:
  • increase physical activity,
  • raise awareness of risks of smoking and provision of support to stop
  • reduction of excessive use of alcohol
  • promotion of healthy eating   
  • mental health wellbeing
Promoting and Maintaining Independence
Funding is available for activities that address one or more of the following objectives under promoting and maintaining independence:
2.1       Activities to support for carers
2.2       Informal support in communities for people with lower level care needs such as befriending, good neighbour schemes, prescription collection

            Examples of how the funds might be used:
  • To enable existing voluntary groups to extend their range of activities through the purchase of new equipment, funding members to develop new skills to pass on, or to undertake events / activities to extend membership.
  • To provide pump priming money for new groups that aim to meet one or other of these objectives e.g. to purchase equipment, leaflets, Insurance, training.
Priority will be given to applications that meet the above criteria and that demonstrate the following attributes:
  1. Address gaps in service provision
  2. Develop new activities
  3. Include plans for long term sustainability
  4. Develop activities that encourage inclusivity and value diversity
  5. Demonstrate the active involvement  of the people who are part of the community / community of interest who will benefit from the grant in the development of the proposals
To receive a copy of the application form please email: or phone 01597 822191

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Home Office Grant Funding - EU Settlement Scheme

The Home Office is pleased to announce the launch of up to £9 million of grant funding, available to voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to help vulnerable or at-risk EU citizens needing additional support when applying for the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

Ensuring that vulnerable or at-risk EU citizens and their families are supported to obtain a status is a critical objective in the delivery of the EUSS and the grant funding. The Home Office will set out to create a network of funded organisations to ensure that a range of services are mobilised across the UK, so that support and assistance to apply for the EUSS is available to meet those who require the most support.

Extensive engagement with VCS organisations has also helped to shape the development of the grant funding. Following insight gained during the market engagement, there will be two levels of award:

· Level one – to fund grant projects from £5,000 up to £39,999; and
· Level two – to fund grant projects from £40,000 up to £750,000.
Organisations are invited to submit proposals as to how they can support the diversity of needs of a diverse EU citizen population to make their EUSS applications. The application period for bids will close at 12pm on 1 February 2019. 

For more information, and to take part in the grant funding opportunity, please click this:


The Rank Foundation’s Pebbles Grants programme offers grants for small capital projects and holiday grants for UK registered charities and churches working with the seriously ill and disadvantaged in the United Kingdom.  
This Fund is targeted at smaller charities that may not be covered by the Rank Foundation’s other programmes.
Grants up to £7,500 are available, although the vast majority of awards made are for significantly smaller amounts. Most awards are for £1,000.
Grants can be used for:
1. Capital costs – funding for fixed, one-time expenses incurred on the purchase of land, buildings, construction, and equipment; or
2.  Short breaks – funding is targeted towards respite breaks for children or adults, and short-term activities or programmes.
During the year ending 31 December 2017, the Foundation allocated 213 grants totalling £360,000 through the Pebbles Grant programme.
Capital projects should not exceed £1 million and applicants must have an annual income of £500,000 or less.
There is a match funding requirement. Applicants are expected to have raised at least 33% of the total project cost before applying.
Funding is not available for:

o Running costs or salaries;
o Any projects that take place outside the UK;
o Projects for the benefit of visitors to the UK;
o Projects that are for the benefit of only one ethnic or religious group; facilities must be open to the wider community;
o Causes supported elsewhere by the Rank Foundation. This includes hospices, mainstream schools, specific individuals and film-making;
o Areas that are under the provision of state aid, such as medical requirements;
o Agriculture and farming;
o Cathedrals;
o Churches (except where community facilities form an integral part of the appeal);
o Cultural projects;
o Universities and school buildings;
o  Bursary funds;  or
o Medical research.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
There are separate application forms for capital costs and short breaks (scroll down to the bottom of the page to access the forms).
Further information can be found on the Foundation's website.
Contact details for the Rank Foundation are:
The Rank Foundation 
12 Warwick Square 
(The Foundation does not advertise an email address of a phone number.)
(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Youth Led Grant Applications are Open - DEADLINE IMMINENT

The second phase of the 2018 – 19 Grant scheme, which runs from November 18 until March 19 has a number of extra priority areas:
The Welsh Government has identified five priority areas, which have the potential to make the greatest contribution to long-term prosperity and well-being. These are early years, better mental healthhousingskills and employability, and social care. They are areas where it has been shown that earlier intervention and more seamless services can make a real difference to people’s lives. The Welsh Government wants to ensure that support and investment in volunteering is making a positive contribution to action in these priority areas.
  • Early Years (0-7 year olds) – activity which supports children to lead healthy, prosperous and fulfilling lives.
  • Housing – activity which improves living conditions and tackles homelessness
  • Social Care – activity which helps build strong communities and for people to live independent lives for longer.
  • Mental Health – activity, which improves awareness of mental health, conditions or improves the help that people with mental health conditions get. 
  • Skills and Employability – activity which improves skills and readiness for education or employment.
The priorities have been identified from the Welsh Government’s National Strategy, Prosperity for All

The Closing date for applications is Tuesday 1st January 2019.

New Funding Search Platform for the Third Sector in Wales

New funding website launched by Third Sector Support Wales to help third sector organisations find funding.

Funding Wales is the new funding search platform for the third sector in Wales.  Developed by Third Sector Support Wales the site enables third sector organisations to search hundreds of grant and loan finance opportunities from local, national and international sources. 
Sustainable funding is critical to the work of third sector organisations and the ability to search and identify appropriate sources of funding is an important factor in achieving this.  Third Sector Support Wales decided to develop this platform to help the third sector in Wales attain sustainable funding more easily.

Funding Wales can help organisations in Wales find the funding they need more quickly than ever before.  The search facility helps users to quickly and effectively identify relevant sources of funding.  The site is free to use with a simple registration process, and allows organisations to search for funding by purpose, location and amount with further fields available to refine searches.  The site also allows users to save searches and print off reports.

‘We are delighted to be able to offer a user friendly and efficient platform to search for funding opportunities’ said Dewi Smith, WCVA Sustainable Funding Manager. ‘We recognise the importance of accessible information in relation to funding and hope that this site makes it easier for organisations in Wales to find the funding they need.’

In addition to searching for funding opportunities the site includes news items and case studies, as well as links to support, information and guidance which will ensure that organisations are equipped with all the tools needed to make good funding applications.

To start searching hundreds of funding opportunities please visit


The George John and Sheilah Livanos Charitable Trust - a general grant-making trust with interest in some specific areas. Generally grant awards are between £2,000 and £5,000, although a number of higher awards are made annually. The Trust likes to get to know a charitable cause before it decides to support, so a letter of introduction may be a useful option in the first instance.
The George John and Sheilah Livanos Charitable Trust offers grants which are generally between the value of £2,000 and £5,000 to UK registered charities, with a preference for charities working in the following fields:
o Education and training;
o Disability;
o The advancement of health and the saving of lives; and
o Arts, culture, heritage and science; and amateur sport.
The Trust also makes grants for general charitable purposes. The Trust states that, while it accepts unsolicited applications, many are unsuccessful due to the high number of applications. The Trust prefer to make donations to charities whose work they have researched and which is in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Charity for the year.
During the year ending 31 December 2017 the Trust made 35 grants totalling £204,800 (2016: 25 grants totalling £375,300).
Although the vast majority of awards made ranged from £2,000 to £5,000, 7 awards were for £10,000 or more and this included one donation of £50,000.
A full list of grants awarded during the year can be found on page 17 of the Trust’s annual accounts.
There is no requirement for match funding.
Please note that the Trust does not maintain a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
Applications may be made at any time in writing, addressed to:
The George John and Sheilah Livanos Charitable Trust 
Gordon Dadds LLP 
6 Agar Street 
Tel: 020 7759 1682

(The Trust does not advertise an email address.)
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 17 December 2018


The Help the Homeless grant scheme provides funding to support small and medium-sized UK charities that work to help homeless people rebuild their lives. The charity has a limited budget to award for capital items and projects.
Projects must assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offering shelter or other forms of sustenance.
Applicants requiring funding for building work and refurbishment are advised to contact CRASH, the construction industry's charity for homeless people for advice.
Small and medium sized registered UK charities may apply for a grant of up to £5,000. Larger awards are occasionally made.
Small and medium sized charities are those that have an annual turnover of under £1 million and with unrestricted reserves of under six months annual running costs based on their latest published annual accounts.
Funding is not available for:
o Individuals;
o Core and running costs (for example, salaries or rent);
o Computers; or
o IT equipment.
The application deadlines for 2019 are
o Friday 15 March;
o Saturday 15 June;
o Sunday 15 September; and
o Sunday 15 December.
Further information, together with an application form is available on the Help the Homeless website.
Completed application forms should be returned with a copy of the organisation's most recent audited annual accounts.
Applicants are normally notified within 6 weeks of the application deadline.
Contact details for the scheme are:
Help the Homeless 
6th Floor 
248 Tottenham Court Road 
W1T 7QZ 
(Source: GRIN)

Friday, 14 December 2018


The Alec Dickson Trust provides small grants for projects that support and encourage youth volunteering within the UK. The scheme is aimed at individuals and groups of young people who are able to demonstrate that through volunteering or community service they can enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society.
Grants up to £500 are available for projects in the applicant's local area led by young people aged under 30 that can demonstrate that through volunteering or community service they can enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society.
Please note: the Trust only has capacity to allocate a limited number of grants each year as its annual expenditure rarely exceeds £10,000.
Projects should meet the following criteria:
o Be run by a young volunteer, or team of young volunteers, the majority of whom are younger than 30 years old;
o Take place in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales;
o Have a clear benefit to others in the wider community; and
o Encourage volunteering. The more volunteers involved, the better!
Preference is given to supporting innovative projects.
Small groups of young people who are under 30 years of age may apply for a grant of up to £500.
Funding is not available for:
o Overseas trips or gap year projects;
o Uniforms, equipment or training for personal benefit (for example,  university course fees, a laptop for an individual);
o Direct expenditure for a fundraising event, such as venue hire;
o Projects run by groups aged over 30 years.
Meetings are typically held in January, April, July and October each year. The Trust should receive the application at least three weeks before the meeting date in order to be considered.
Applicants should be made using the online application form on the Trust's website.
The Trust is scheduled to meet on the following dates during 2019 to consider applications:
1.  Wednesday 23 January;
2.  Wednesday 17 April;
3.  Wednesday 24 July; and
4.  Wednesday 23 October.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Alec Dickson Trust 
18-24 Lower Clapton Road 
E5 0PD 
(The Trust does not advertise a phone number.)
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 13 December 2018


The Gosling Foundation offers grants to UK charitable organisations working in the following fields:
o The relief of poverty, suffering and distress;
o The advancement of religion;
o The advancement of education; and
o Other purposes beneficial to the community.
The majority of grants are between £1,000 and £10,000, although higher awards can also be made.
During the year ending 31 March 2017 the Foundation awarded 170 grants totalling £5,070,400 (2016: E6,651,890).
A list of all grants awarded during the year can be found on pages 15-18 of the Foundation’s annual accounts.
There is no requirement for match funding.
Please note: the Foundation does not maintain a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website,
Applications may be made in writing at any time addressed to:
Anne Yusof 
The Gosling Foundation Limited 
21 Bryanston Street 
Marble Arch 
W1H 7AB 
Tel: 020 7495 5599 
(Source: GRIN)


Previously known as the Buttle UK Families Programme, the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances.  
The programme provides items for the most basic needs of vulnerable children and young people who may be:
o Living in severe poverty and suffering deprivation as a result; and/or
o Affected by additional social issues such as domestic abuse, substance misuse, estrangement, disability or serious illness, mental health or behavioural difficulties, abuse or neglect.
Support is for:         

o Children aged under 18 years who are experiencing a crisis or emergency;
o UK or EU citizens who are normally resident in the UK;
o Where the child or young person's family do not have access to support and have insufficient resources to meet their needs;
o Where a child or young person's family are experiencing poverty or destitution or are in receipt of a means tested benefits.
Consideration may also be provided where a child or young person, or their family, have an asylum application under assessment or in circumstances where residency criteria is not consistent across the family unit.
Funding is available for critical household items as follows:
o Electric cookers;
o Essential household items, furniture and kitchen equipment;
o Clothing;
o Baby equipment;
o Fridges and freezers;
o Washing machines; and
o Children's beds and bedding, including cots.
Where possible, items will be provided directly rather than awarding a cash grant.
Applications must be made through an organisation that is supporting the family or young person and is capable of assessing their needs, and that can also administer the grant.
Funding is not available for :
o Children whose care is the responsibility of the local authority;
o Adults aged 18 and over;
o Families and young people who are non-EU residents on a student or work visa;
o Families or young people not normally resident in the UK;
o Payment of fuel/utility bills, council tax or rent;
o Payment of loans, debts or bankruptcy fees;
o Rent costs or deposits;
o Household repairs, adaptations or additions;
o Holidays, school trips or play schemes;
o Childcare, childminding or after school clubs;
o Children’s toys or Christmas presents;
o Specialist medical equipment;
o Computers, laptops or mobile phones;
o Televisions, DVDs or other entertainment equipment;
o Musical instruments;
o Driving lessons;
o General subsistence costs;
o Funeral costs (including the cost of a headstone); and
o Items solely for the use of parents, eg beds for parents.
Applications based purely on financial hardship will not normally be considered.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
Applications should be made online at the Family Fund Business Services website or by post in exceptional situations.
Contact details for the Fund are:
Family Fund Business Services 
Unit 4 Alpha Court 
Monks Cross Drive 
North Yorkshire 
YO32 9WN 
Tel: 01904 550011 

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

A B Charitable Trust

The A B Charitable Trust (ABCT) supports small and medium-sized UK charities (i.e. with an income of between £150,000 and £1.5 million) working in the UK to defend human rights and promote respect for vulnerable individuals whatever their circumstances. Grant funding can cover core costs.
To be eligible, projects should address at least one of the following categories:
1. Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers;
2. Criminal justice and penal reform; and/or
3. Human rights, particularly access to justice.
There is particular interest in charities that seek to address the needs of the most marginalised and neglected groups in society.
The Trust only offers revenue grants (capital projects are very rarely made). Most grant awards are for between £10,000 and £20,000.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Individuals;
o Charities with large national or international links; or
o Charities working overseas.
The A B Charitable Trust does not fund charities that are principally concerned with the following:
o Animals;
o Children;
o Environment;
o Formal education;
o Medicine;
o Religion; or
o Research.
The next application deadlines are:
o Friday 1 March 2019; and
o Friday 10 May 2019.
The online application form must be submitted with a funding proposal, no longer than 1,200 words in Microsoft Word format, including background, aims and objectives, activities and achievements.
Applications and funding proposals should be uploaded along with following supporting documents:
o A signed copy of the charity's latest accounts/statements, with a reporting date that is no more than 12 months prior to the application deadline;
o The organisation's latest management accounts and the projected surplus/deficit for the current financial year; 
o Up to two items of publicity material that illustrate the work of the charity, such as annual reviews or leaflets.
Further information about how to apply is available on the A B Charitable Trust website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Sara Harrity MBE 
A B Charitable Trust (ABCT) 
c/o Woodsford 3rd Floor 
8 Bloomsbury Street 
Tel: 020 7313 8070 
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 10 December 2018


MSCT are pleased to announce a one-off Grant Scheme called the:

Arts and Environment Grant Fund

Opening on 03.12.2018 to 01.4.2019.

Grant Round MSCT’s Arts and Environment Fund
Targeting Community Arts and Environmental Projects
Projects Engaging with organisation delivering Arts or Environmental projects in the community. Funding is STRICTLY for capital, equipment, training, you may include some element of project delivery costs. (Salaries and Overheads will not be entertained)
Amount £5,000.00
Dates Open 3.12.2018 and Closes 1.4.2019. Trustees Meet on 13th June 2019

MSCT was established through an agreement between the Millennium Stadium and the Millennium Commission and its income is generated through a levy on every ticket purchased by people attending public events at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

There are no restrictions on applying to this round. If you have been successful in the past three years, the embargo on re-applying for three years does not apply. If you have been unsuccessful in the past year the embargo for not re-applying for a year does not apply.

The Application Form and Grant Handbook are available from the website.

(Source: MSCT)