Monday, 10 December 2018


The National Churches Trust's Foundation Grants Programme is intended to support urgent maintenance works and small repairs identified as high priority within a recent Quinquennial Inspection or Survey Report as well as small investigative works and surveys.
Grants of between £500 and £3,000 are available. Projects should cost up to £10,000.
Applicants should have already raised the 50% match funding required as a stipulation of grant funding.
Places of worship of any Christian denomination and age can apply.
Applications will be considered from listed and unlisted Christian places of worship across the UK.
Eligible applicants  must provide meet the following criteria:
o The building is a Christian place of worship (but not a cathedral) within the UK, and open for at least six services of public worship each year;
o They own the building or have the right to carry out the work. If the church is not part of a major denomination, then the denomination must be registered with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or have charitable status;
o The place of worship was built as a place of worship originally and is more than 30 years old;
o The works must be to the main church building either directly part of the building or attached to it;
o The building is open to the public for a minimum of 100 days a year beyond worship use;
o Have already raised at least 50% of the total project cost;
o The project has not yet started;
o The project is being led by a qualified professional, with conservation accreditation from a recognised institution if it is a listed building;
o Have two quotes in place for each element of the work in the application; and
o Have any necessary permissions in place.
Funding is not available for:
o Buildings that have been converted into places of worship, such as shops, offices or houses;
o Chapels within hospitals, hospices, schools or prisons or other such institutions;
o Projects that have started before the application was submitted;
o Construction of new places of worship or separate structures;
o Works to cathedral buildings;
o Works to buildings that were not originally constructed as a place of worship;
o Works to an existing building that is separate from the existing place of worship (even if it is on the same site, a church hall, or owned by the church);
o Works required due to negligence;
o Repairs to, or scheduled maintenance of boilers, clocks, organs, wall paintings, bells, monuments, fittings and fixtures and solar panels;
o Reordering, lighting, electricity, and AV;
o Works to boundary walls, paths, churchyards, churchyard monuments or car parks;
o Stained glass restoration (unless urgent repairs to window structure, or the building is no longer watertight); or
o Construction of new places of worship or church halls.
 The 2019 application deadlines are:
o Thursday 24 January;
o Thursday 23 May; and
o Thursday 26 September.
Further information, together with an application form, is available on the National Churches Trust website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The National Churches Trust 
7 Tufton Street 
Tel: 020 7222 0605 
(Source: GRIN)

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