Wednesday, 23 May 2018


THE CAVE FOUNDATION - Grants up to £7,000 for local and national charities in England and Wales working in the fields of health, welfare, conservation and animal welfare (applications may be made in writing at any time)
The Cave Foundation (also known as the Wilfrid and Constance Cave Foundation) makes grants to local and national charities in England and Wales delivering projects in the following fields:
o Health.
o Welfare.
o Conservation; and
o Animal Welfare.
Eligible expenditure can include:
o Buildings;
o Core costs;
o Research;
o Running costs.
o One-off projects.
Grant awards are usually between £1,000 and £7,000.
During the year ending 5 April 2017 the Foundation awarded 35 grants totalling £144,000 (2016: 36 grants totalling £176,000). The average award was slightly over £4,000.
There is no requirement for match funding.
Awards over the last two years have included quite a number of grants to South West based organisations, some of which are:
o Children’s Hospital South West (£3,000);
o Chulmleigh College (£2,000);
o Dulverton Congregational Church (£2,000);
o Exmoor Search and Rescue (£3,000);
o Minehead School Pastors (£1,000);
o Moorland Mousie Trust (£3,000);
o Simonsbath Festival (£2,000);
o Two Moors Fesrival (£4,000);
o West Countries Rivers Trust (£2,000); and
o Wiltshire Air Ambulance (£2,000)
A list of all awards made during the year can be found on page 10 of the Foundation’s annual accounts.
Individuals are not eligible to apply.
The Foundation does not maintain a website.  Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
Applications should be made in writing and are considered by the Foundation every 6 months.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Cave Foundation 
New Lodge Farm 
Drift Road 
SL4 4QQ 
(The Foundation does not advertise a phone number.)
(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Grants up to £3,000 for organisations in th UK and Republic of Ireland that are taking action to challenge the abuse of power and work towards  a just, equitable and sustainable world (application deadline 24 June 2018)
The Edge Fund awards grants to projects that are helping to achieve social, economic and environmental justice and to end imbalances in wealth and power.
The Edge Fund supports initiatives in the United Kingdom and Ireland that contribute towards the aspiration of a just, equitable and sustainable world.  Projects should challenge abuses of power and aim to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice. This could be the economic system, political system, or any system that discriminates against people based on their identity or background (for example: class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, age or other factors), especially:
o  Work that creates long-term change in society by addressing the causes of injustice and inequality.
o  Work addressing issues facing a particular community that is led by that community.
o Groups based in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
o Small groups that struggle to get funding elsewhere, particularly if other funders might consider them to be too radical. The average income of groups funded is approximately £2500.
o All types of non-profit organisations, including groups that are not formally registered.
o Groups who have a religious purpose are welcome to apply (but financial support for any activity, initiative or project where the primary aim is to promote religion cannot be funded).
Communities and campaign groups based in the UK and Republic of Ireland that are working for social, economic and environmental justice are eligible to apply for a grant of up to £3,000. PLEASE NOTE: applicants must have an annual income of less than £25,000.
Applicants should be:

o A not-for-profit organisation;
o Addressing issues facing a particular community (eg racism) to be led by that community (eg people of African and Asian heritage); and
o Small groups with a small annual income that struggle to get funding elsewhere. (To date, funding has not been awarded to any group with an annual income of more than £25,000; the average income of groups is around £2,500.)
Previous awards have included:

o Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment, Hertfordshire;
o Hands Off Our Homes, Leeds;
o Manchester Migrant Solidarity;
o Rebel Arts, Cambridge; and
o Sisters Uncut National Movement.
Funding is not available for:
o Traditional charity work that only aims to, for example, improve health and well-being, relieve financial hardship and unemployment, improve social inclusion and harmony, conserve the environment, advance education and training;
o Commercial or business activity;
o Political parties;
o Any activity, initiative or project where the primary aim is to promote religion;
o Groups or individuals outside of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland;
o International groups or issues; however, groups that are targeting the UK for its role in an injustice outside the UK can apply, eg a campaign against a UK-based corporation for their operations overseas;
o Applications from individuals;
o Work that is in partnership with, or promotes, the military or police;
o Organisations with an income exceeding £25,000; or
o Registered charities.
The closing date for applications midnight on Sunday 24 June 2018.
Further information, eligibility criteria together with an application form, is available to download from the Edge Fund's website.
Contact details for the Edge Fund are:
The Edge Fund 
Tel: 0776 7126915 or 0300123 1965 
(Source: GRIN)

Friday, 18 May 2018


Localgiving has just announced that they will be providing grants of £500 to small charities and community groups, with over 400 grants available (funded by Postcode Community Trust). They are inviting applications from now to 31st October 2018.

The Magic Little Grants Fund provides local charities and community groups with the opportunity to access funding to deliver engaging physical activities, which help to overcome barriers to participation. 

As part of the grant, non Localgiving members will also be awarded 12 months membership to support them with fundraising online throughout the year. This means groups with an income of below £50,000 a year can sign up to Localgiving for free! Priority is given to groups with an annual income of below £20,000. It is a very short and simple grant application. 

To benefit from funding, projects need to either overcome 'barriers to participation in physical activities in creative ways' or 'increase social cohesion through developing access to sports and other recreational activities'. You can find full information about signing up to Localgiving and applying for the grant here:

For those groups who have a higher income, Localgiving is offering 25% off membership, £200 match funding, gift aid for all groups and free training. This offer is only available for a limited time and you just need to sign up here and enter the promo code WALES72 at the payment section. A e-flyer is attached but please contact if you would like more information. 

For more information go to:

(Source: Localgiving)

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

LNB FUND Gwynedd, Meirionnydd, and Montgomeryshire (including cross-border projects in Shropshire)

The LNB Fund

 The LNB Fund supports organisations working to protect and preserve the environment and heritage across Gwynedd, Meirionnydd, and Montgomeryshire (including cross-border projects in Shropshire).
Projects should support work involving the many different things from the past that we value and want to pass on to future generations.
For example:
•             Collections of objects, books or documents in museums, libraries or archives
•             Cultural traditions such as stories, festivals, crafts, language, music, dance and costumes
•             People’s memories and experiences (often recorded as ‘oral history’)
•             Natural and designed landscapes and gardens
•             Natural heritage including habitats, species and geology

Who can apply
•             Charities, constituted not for profit groups and organisations running projects which meet the Fund’s aims as stated above.
 Preference will be given to applicants who best show how they meet the Fund’s objectives and priorities, and, subject to that, to first time applicants so that a wide range of projects is supported.
 Grants available
•             Organisations can apply for grants of between £1,000 - 3,000?
Please note:
•             Grants will not be awarded retrospectively i.e. for costs already incurred prior to receipt of the grant offer letter and signed terms and conditions
•         Projects that fall within statutory sector responsibility eg. Anything that falls within the school curriculum will not be supported
 This fund is now OPEN
To apply in Welsh could you please fill in the bilingual forms for groups below.
 Apologies for any inconvenience caused and we are working to solve the problem with the Welsh online form.
Remember to always read the criteria in full before applying to any grant scheme to make sure your organisation and project is eligible.
For more information, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Foundation on 02920 379 580 or email
(Source: Community Foundation in Wales)


Formerly called the Constance Green Foundation, the Green Hall Foundation has the overarching ambition of sustainably improving the lives of the sick, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged in the UK.
Funding is available to support special projects or for the purchase of specific equipment that will make a tangible difference to the relevant charity (for example, where the Foundation can meet a significant proportion of the funding required), and which will make a lasting difference (e.g. where permanent equipment is needed or building required).
The Foundation has some preference towards supporting national charities working in the fields of social welfare and medicine with a special emphasis on the support of young people in need, and also both mentally and physically disabled people.
Applicants whose project will benefit a number of beneficiaries rather than just a few will be prioritised by the Foundation.
UK registered charities may apply for a grant of between £1,000 and £10,000.
Over the past 27 years, the Foundation has distributed grants worth £9.7 million to 1,187 charities. The average grant during this period has been around £8,000.
In the year ending 5 April 2017, 213 eligible applications for grants were considered. Of these, 124 grants (58%) totalling £634,403 were awarded.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Individuals;
o General running costs; and
o Salaries.
The Trustees meet twice annually to consider applications, in May and November.
Application rounds usually open on 1 May and 1 September each year at 9am.
PLEASE NOTE: only the first 100 applications  go forward to the Trustees for consideration at each meeting.
Once the limit has been reached, the application cycle will be closed, which is normally within 48 hours.
Applicants must register at the Foundation's website to access the online application form, where further details about the Foundation's grants programme can also be found,
Only online applications are accepted.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Mrs S Hall
FCM Limited
3rd Floor
International House
41 The Parade
St Helier
Channel Islands
Tel: 01534 487757
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 14 May 2018

Baily Thomas Charitable Trust

The Baily Thomas Charitable Trust’s Main Grants and Small Grants programme provide funding for projects supporting children and adults with the conditions generally referred to as severe learning difficulties or autism.
Registered charities or voluntary organisations associated with a registered charity may apply for a grant. Exempt charities such as schools, Parent Teacher Associations and Industrial & Provident Societies may also apply.
The Trust operates the following grant schemes:
1. Small Grants from £250 up to £10,000 (applications may be made at any time);
2. General Grants over £10,000 (next application deadline 1 August 2018);
3. Research Grants - these are directed towards the initiation of research into learning disability. The Trust's aim isthat the research can progress to a point where it becomes eligible for dupport from other major funding bodies (applications may be made at any time).
Funding is normally considered for capital or revenue costs and for both specific projects as well as general running and core costs.
Normally one-off grants are awarded but - in exceptional circumstances - a new project may be funded over two or three years, subject to satisfactory reports of progress.
Appeals received with funding requests of £10,000 and below will initially be considered under the small grants programme and will be referred to the next Main Grant Board Meeting.
Examples of the type of project that the Trust might fund are:
o Capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools;
o Employment schemes, including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture;
o Play schemes and play therapy schemes;
o Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs;
o Support for families, including respite schemes;
o Independent living schemes;
o Support in the community schemes;
o Snoezelen rooms.
Matched funding is welcomed. 
The Trust will not usually fund:
o Community Interest Companies;
o Individuals;
o Hospices;
o Minibuses, except those for residential and/or day care services for the learning disabled;
o Advocacy Projects;
o Conductive Education projects;
o Arts and theatre projects;
o Swimming and hydro-therapy pools;
o Physical disabilities, unless accompanied by significant learning disabilities;
o Research into or care of people with mental illness, dyslexia, dyspraxia nor ADHD, if they do not also have learning disabilities (intellectual disabilities);
o Acquired brain injury, unless the resulting learning disabilities occur early in the developmental period (ie birth, infancy or childhood), impacting on brain maturation and development and learning in childhood;
o Qualitative studies;
o University overheads;
o University Full Economic Costs;
o Open access publishing costs;
o Conference attendance;
o Anything considered by the Trust to be statutory.
PLEASE NOTE: a second application from an organisation will not normally be considered for a period of at least two years after completion of an initial grant. If the previous application was unsuccessful, this period is reduced to one year. This does not apply to recipients of funding through the Research Grants programme.
Small grant applications are accepted at any time.
The remaining 2018 deadlines for submitting a General grant application for over £10,000 are:
o Wednesday 1 August for consideration at the Trust’s November meeting; and
Saturday 1 December for consideration in March 2019.
Application forms are available to complete online at the Trust's website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Ann Cooper
Secretary to the Trustees
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
c/o TMF Management UK Limited
400 Capability Green
Tel: 01582 439225
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Scott Bader Commonwealth Global Charity

The Scott Bader Commonwealth Global Charity Fund aims to provide grants to UK charitable organisations for projects that are trying to achieve the objectives listed below. Projects may be based anywhere and those projects based near to the Scott Bader operations worldwide are particularly welcomed. The Fund prefers not to support larger, well-established charities.
A list of Scott Bader's global offices can be found at this LINK.
o Respond to the needs of people who are most underprivileged disadvantaged poor and on the fringes of society;
o Help people to help themselves and give them a sense of dignity and self respect;
o Are based on local communities and spring from their own expressed needs and wishes; and
o Are start-up organisations with innovative ideas to solve old problems in new ways.
Projects should be trying to help the following:
o Support those who are especially vulnerable such as children, young and elderly people women seeking refuge and members of minority ethnic communities;
o Help people who are homeless, unemployed and living in poverty;
o Enable the Fund to offer support to local communities to whom it has a special responsibility as neighbour and employer.
If the project is in the developing world, the Fund is especially interested in supporting projects which:
o Provide support for poor rural people and their communities to enable them to become self sufficient;
o Provide emergency aid to people in times of natural disasters;
o Involve communities in meeting their own needs.
UK registered charities may apply to the following grant strands:
1. Large Project Fund - this fund annually supports two large, community-based, environmental or educational projects to the value of £25,000 each. These can be located anywhere in the world where a Scott Bader company is operating; 
2. Small International Fund - Small grants of £500 to £2,000 to support international projects located anywhere in the world;
3. Local Fund - Charity funding for smaller local charities is divided between all the companies within the Scott Bader Group around the world, shared out in proportion to the number of people employed at each of the organisation's locations. Each Scott Bader organisation locally decides which charities to support, in line with its Commonwealth guidelines.
PLEASE NOTE: applications for funding overseas projects will only be considered from charities which are registered in the UK or from charities that are already known to the Fund.
Funding is not available for:
o Animal charities;
o Individual sponsorships;
o Travel or adventure schemes;
o Arts projects;
o Construction/renovation/maintenance of buildings in the UK;
o Any form of advertising;
o Medical research and equipment;
o Sports clubs;
o General charitable appeals;
o Charities not based in the countries where Scott Bader has a presence; or
o Projects or large capital appeals where a significant amount of money still needs to be raised.
Applications for the Small International Fund and the Local Funds may be submitted at any time.
Application forms are available on request from the Fund.
Further information is available on the Scott Bader website.
Contact details for the Scott Bader Commonwealth Global Fund are:
Hayley Sutherland
The Scott Bader Commonwealth Limited
Wollaston Hall
NN29 7RL
Tel: 01933 666755
(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 9 May 2018


The National Churches Trust Community Grants programme offers grants for facilities that will lead to an increased community use of places of worship. This includes capital works such as additions and extensions, and the introduction of facilities, such as accessible toilets and catering facilities.

To be eligible, the building must:
o Be a Christian place of worship (but not a Cathedral) in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands;
o Be owned by the applicant or the applicant must have the right to carry out the work; and
o Have been originally built as a place of worship and is open for regular public worship.
The principle denomination that worships in the building must be a member of (or belong to an umbrella body that is a member of) Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
The project must be led by a qualified professional - ideally an architect or chartered building surveyor.
Projects must be able to demonstrate local consultation, evidence the need for the project and its benefit to the local community.
Grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 are available for projects that have an estimated cost of at least £25,000 including VAT and fees.
Applicants must have raised at least 50% of the total project cost.
The Trust will consider both listed and unlisted churches, chapels and meeting houses of any age, as long as they are open for public worship.
In the case of buildings that have been closed to the public, there must be plans to reopen the building for public worship and a congregation waiting to use the building.
Congregations can be of any denomination that is a member or associated member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. Unitarian buildings may also be considered. Priority will be given to Baptist and Presbyterian/Church of Scotland denominations.
All permissions must be in place at the time that projects apply and work must be able to start within two years of the application.
Funding is not available for:
o Buildings that have been converted into places of worship, such as shops, offices or houses;
o Chapels within hospitals, hospices, schools or prisons or other such institutions;
o Retrospective costs projects that have started before the application was submitted;
o Construction of new places of worship;
o Works to cathedral buildings;
o Works to buildings that were not originally constructed as a place of worship;
o Works to an existing building that is separate from the existing place of worship (even if it is on the same site, a church hall, or owned by the church);
o Construction of new structures separate from the place of worship (even if it is on the same site, a church hall, or owned by the church) – there may be exceptions for highly listed buildings;
o Stained glass restoration (consideration may be given to urgent repairs to window structure);
o Heating, lighting or electrical work;
o General reordering;
o Solar panels;
o Clocks, organs, wall paintings, bells, monuments, fittings and fixtures;
o Works to boundary walls, paths, churchyards or car parks; or o Surveys.
The next deadline for applications is Monday 2 July 2018.
Successful applicants will be notified in November 2018.
Further information about the Community Grants programme and the Trust's other grant schemes, together with an application form, is available to complete online at the Trust's website.
Contact details for the National Churches Trust are:
The National Churches Trust
7 Tufton Street
Tel: 020 7222 0605

(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


The Marc Fitch Fund provides small grants  towards the costs of publishing scholarly work in the following fields:
o British and Irish national, regional and local history;
o Archaeology;
o Antiquarian studies;
o Historical geography;
o The history of art and architecture;
o Heraldry, genealogy and surname studies;
o Archival research;
o Artefact conservation and
o The heritage and conservation of the historic environment.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that the work being funded will make a new and significant contribution to knowledge.
Charitable organisations and individuals in the UK may apply for the following grants:
1. Publication Grants are intended to help with production costs, including the costs of illustrative material; 
2. Research Grants are intended to cover incidental expenses, such as the cost of travel and accommodation within the UK/Ireland to visit archives. They are not intended to cover time spent in research and writing. To qualify, the work must already have been provisionally accepted for publication; 
3. Special Project Grants will be considered from time to time for special projects that do not fit easily into one of the above categories, such as the conservation, cataloguing, scanning, transcription and study of significant primary sources, or the conservation and study of significant artefacts. To qualify, original research and the publication of the results has to be part of the project; and 
4. Journal Digitisation Grants will be considered for applications from local and national archaeological and historical societies towards the costs of publishing their journal backlists online, on condition that the results are made available to all, without charge and in perpetuity. To be eligible for such funding, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they already have 50% of the costs in the bank.
Grants should be the last resort for projects that are at risk of failing without a grant, and where other sources of funds have been exhausted.  Applicants are asked to explain why a grant is necessary and to demonstrate that they have made an effort to secure funding from other sources. 
During the year ending 5 April 2017 the Fund awarded 64 grants totalling £221,899 (£190,605 to organisations and £43,947 to individuals).
The average grants award was £3,467.
A full list of awards made during the year can be found on pages 13 and 14 of the Fund’s annual accounts.
Funding is not available for:
o Works principally concerned with the most recent past (post 1945);
o New or revised editions of works already published;
o Scientific and technical research;
o Fieldwork;
o The costs of getting to the UK/Ireland from overseas;
o Foreign travel nor for research outside the UK/Ireland unless the circumstances are very exceptional;
o Vocational or educational courses of any kind, including postgraduate and doctoral research;
o Building works;
o Mounting or attending conferences;
o Mounting exhibitions; or
o General appeals.
The annual deadlines for applications are 1 March and 1 August.
Applicants should submit a brief outline of their project by email.
If the proposal meets the Fund’s criteria, the relevant application forms are provided.
Further information is available on the Fund’s single-page website.
Contact details for the Fund are:
Christopher Catling
The Marc Fitch Fund
Flat 9
13 Tavistock Place
Tel: 0207 387 6580
(Source: GRIN)

Wales for Africa Grant Scheme

WCVA are pleased to announce the first round of the Welsh Government Wales for Africa Grant Scheme is now open for applications. Grant funding will enable organisations throughout Wales to access funding for small-scale Wales-Africa projects.

To find out more information about project eligibility and to apply, please visit WCVA’s webpages on the WFA grant scheme here.

If you have any queries please contact

(Source: WCVA)

Woodward Charitable Trust

The Woodward Charitable Trust focuses its grant-making on raising awareness and reducing social exclusion' particularly in the following areas:
Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour;
Prisoners and ex-offenders. Projects that help the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders are supported as well as requests to help prisoners’ families;
Disadvantaged women, covering refuges, domestic violence and parenting;
Disability projects, which can include rehabilitation and training for people who are either physically disabled or learning disabled;
Arts outreach work by local groups involving disadvantaged people;
Projects that promote integration and community cohesion amongst minority groups, including refugees and travellers.
The Trust favours small-scale, locally based initiatives delivered by charities that:
o Are providing direct services;
o Make good use of volunteers; and
o Encourage past and current users to participate.
UK registered charities with an annual turnover of £300,000 or less may apply for either:
1. A Small Grant of between £100 and £5,000 (around 100 grants are made per year);
2. A Large Grant of over £5,000.  PLEASE NOTE: large grants are usually awarded to charities already known to the Trustees. Before submitting an application for a large grant, applicants must contact the Trust's administrator, Karin Hooper (details below). Applications that have not been discussed with the Administrator will automatically be rejected.
Grant awards are primarily for one-off projects, though the Trustees are willing to consider funding running costs, including core cost and salaries. 
Match funding is encouraged, although not essential.
Around 1 in 5 applications are successfully awarded a grant.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Unsolicited applications from charities whose annual turnover exceeds £300,000;
o Construction projects such as playgrounds, village halls, and disabled access;
o General school appeals including out of hours provision;
o Hospices;
o Medical research;
o Parish facilities;
o Playgroups and pre-school groups;
o Requests for vehicles:
o Individuals in any capacity; and
o Educational fees.
Applicants must clearly state the following:
o Who the target users are, what the projected outcomes of the work are and how many people will benefit from the grant;
o If this is a continuation of existing work, what the outcomes to date are; and
o If the request is for a one-off project, what its legacy will be.
All applications must be supported by a detailed project budget.
Applicants are asked not to send their annual report and accounts, unless these are unavailable on the Charity Commission website.
The application deadline is Tuesday 31 July 2018.
Further details and an application form are available on the Trust's website and can be submitted by post or by email.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Karin Hooper
Woodward Charitable Trust
The Peak
5 Wilton Road
Tel: 020 7410 0330
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Arts-based Learning Fund

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation believes that the arts play an important role in enriching young people’s learning and educational experiences.
Its Arts-based Learning Fund aims to encourage the development, use and sustainability of effective arts-based activities in education, supporting arts organisations to work with schools, colleges and teachers.
Grants will be awarded to pilot schemes and projects that evaluate and improve approaches, and explore innovation. Applicants must be working in partnership with schools or other formal education settings.
Applications will be considered for projects that meet the following criteria:
o Takes place on or off school premises and in or out of school hours;
o Involves any of the following: crafts, creative writing (including poetry), dance, design, film, music, opera, photography, digital arts and media, theatre and drama, the visual arts, and cross-arts practices;
o Is about learning in arts subjects or uses arts-based approaches to achieve one or more of the following:
> teaches other subjects (eg teaching science through drama-based techniques, or maths by using music, or history through the study of paintings);
> supports other positive whole school outcomes; and
> supports students’ life skills and readiness to learn.
The Foundation is particularly interested in funding:
o Work designed to achieve significant benefit for children and young people experiencing disadvantage, while adopting an inclusive/whole school approach;
o Work for the benefit of primary-age children;
o Work taking place in areas of social and economic deprivation outside of London.
Two levels of funding are available:
1. "Explore and Test" grants of up to £60,000 for up to 2 years. Funding is designed to help explore and test both new approaches and ways of addressing new issues. Up to 20% of the grant may be allocated as a contribution to organisational running costs.
2. "More and Better" grants of up to £400,000 for up to 4 years. Funding is intended to help organisations, or the sector more broadly, to deliver more effective arts-based learning.
Charities, community organisations, social enterprises and not-for-profit companies active in the arts may apply.
There is no specific requirement for match funding.
Funding is not available for:
o Individuals;
o Schools or other formal education settings;
o Local authorities and other statutory authorities;
o Proposals that are only for the benefit of one individual;
o Websites, publications or seminars, unless part of a wider proposal;
o Retrospective funding;
o General appeals;
o Property proposals for equipment or other capital items, including the restoration or conservation of buildings or habitats;
o Overseas travel, expeditions, adventure and residential courses;
o Promotion of religious beliefs;
o Animal welfare;
o Medical/health/residential or day care;
o Proposals that benefit people living outside the UK;
o Organisations that do not have a formal constitution;
o Activity that is not legally charitable;
o More than one proposal from an individual, team or organisation at any one time;
o Academic research, scholarships, bursaries, or any kind of student fees;
o Loan and/or debt repayments.
"Explore and Test" and "More and Better" have different application processes:
1. "Explore and Test" - there is a one-stage application process for this stream, and applications can be filled in online on the PHF website. Applicants will receive an acknowledgement by email.
2. "More and Better" -  there is a two-stage application process for this stream. Application forms for stage one are available to complete online.
Applications may be made at any time to either funding stream.
Applicants will be informed if they have been successful in reaching the second stage within four weeks of the closing date, at which point further questions will be asked and a visit may be arranged.
The stage two process usually takes between 15 and 24 weeks from the closing date.
Further information is available on the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, where details of its other grant programmes can also be found.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Ms Lucy Palfreyman
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation
5-11 Leeke Street
Tel: 020 7812 3300

(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

UnLtd Grow It Award (£15,000 Cash Award & Support)

Expression of Interest deadline: 1 Aug 2018
You’re a social entrepreneur creating compelling impact and you want to scale.

The Grow It Award is for social entrepreneurs looking to scale their venture providing tailored support, access to workshops and networks, and up to £15,000 cash.

About you:

  • You have identified a social issue and developed a business model that works to solve it
  • You have already achieved a compelling performance in your venture
  • You are committed to delivering local, regional or national social impact at scale and have a track record of creating social impact
  • You are experienced, ambitious and capable of growing your venture
  • You have a realistic growth plan to scale nationally or internationally
  • You are committed to working full time in your social venture

About your venture:

  • Your venture is ideally less than 5 years old
  • Your venture is dynamic and has been running for at least one year
  • Your venture is ready to grow to local, regional or national scale and has a logical and appropriate plan to deliver this
  • You have a compelling performance to date and/or a logical and appropriate plan for rapid growth to reach local, regional or national scale
  • Your principle objective for the year ahead is not to secure (significant) investment
  • Your venture targets beneficiaries predominantly based in the UK

Next Steps:

To apply for a Grow It Award please go to and complete an Expression of Interest.

(Source: UnLtd)

UnLtd Do It Award (up to £5,000 Cash Award & Support)

Expression of Interest deadline: 1 Aug 2018
Do you have an idea to address a social issue?
We may be able to help with an UnLtd Do It Award:

What we look for in you:

  • You have an idea that will create social impact
  • You’re passionate about making this happen
  • You’d like some help getting started

What we look for in your idea:

  • It can deliver a social impact
  • It meets a clear social need
  • It has the potential to become financially sustainable

Our UnLtd Do It Award can offer you:

  • A package of support and funding tailored to suit you
  • One-to-one guidance from your UnLtd Award Manager
  • Specialist advice from relevant experts
  • Access to resources to help get you up and running

Next Steps:

To apply for a Do It Award please go to and complete an Expression of Interest (EOI).  EOI’s can be submitted all year round.

(Source: UnLtd)