Formerly called the Constance Green Foundation, the Green Hall Foundation has the overarching ambition of sustainably improving the lives of the sick, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged in the UK.
Funding is available to support special projects or for the purchase of specific equipment that will make a tangible difference to the relevant charity (for example, where the Foundation can meet a significant proportion of the funding required), and which will make a lasting difference (e.g. where permanent equipment is needed or building required).
The Foundation has some preference towards supporting national charities working in the fields of social welfare and medicine with a special emphasis on the support of young people in need, and also both mentally and physically disabled people.
Applicants whose project will benefit a number of beneficiaries rather than just a few will be prioritised by the Foundation.
UK registered charities may apply for a grant of between £1,000 and £10,000.
Over the past 27 years, the Foundation has distributed grants worth £9.7 million to 1,187 charities. The average grant during this period has been around £8,000.
In the year ending 5 April 2017, 213 eligible applications for grants were considered. Of these, 124 grants (58%) totalling £634,403 were awarded.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Individuals;
o General running costs; and
o Salaries.
o General running costs; and
o Salaries.
The Trustees meet twice annually to consider applications, in May and November.
Application rounds usually open on 1 May and 1 September each year at 9am.
PLEASE NOTE: only the first 100 applications go forward to the Trustees for consideration at each meeting.
Once the limit has been reached, the application cycle will be closed, which is normally within 48 hours.
Applicants must register at the Foundation's website to access the online application form, where further details about the Foundation's grants programme can also be found,
Only online applications are accepted.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Mrs S Hall
FCM Limited
3rd Floor
International House
41 The Parade
St Helier
Channel Islands
Tel: 01534 487757
Email: greenhallfoundation@fcmtrust. com
FCM Limited
3rd Floor
International House
41 The Parade
St Helier
Channel Islands
Tel: 01534 487757
Email: greenhallfoundation@fcmtrust.
(Source: GRIN)
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