Monday, 14 May 2018

Baily Thomas Charitable Trust

The Baily Thomas Charitable Trust’s Main Grants and Small Grants programme provide funding for projects supporting children and adults with the conditions generally referred to as severe learning difficulties or autism.
Registered charities or voluntary organisations associated with a registered charity may apply for a grant. Exempt charities such as schools, Parent Teacher Associations and Industrial & Provident Societies may also apply.
The Trust operates the following grant schemes:
1. Small Grants from £250 up to £10,000 (applications may be made at any time);
2. General Grants over £10,000 (next application deadline 1 August 2018);
3. Research Grants - these are directed towards the initiation of research into learning disability. The Trust's aim isthat the research can progress to a point where it becomes eligible for dupport from other major funding bodies (applications may be made at any time).
Funding is normally considered for capital or revenue costs and for both specific projects as well as general running and core costs.
Normally one-off grants are awarded but - in exceptional circumstances - a new project may be funded over two or three years, subject to satisfactory reports of progress.
Appeals received with funding requests of £10,000 and below will initially be considered under the small grants programme and will be referred to the next Main Grant Board Meeting.
Examples of the type of project that the Trust might fund are:
o Capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools;
o Employment schemes, including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture;
o Play schemes and play therapy schemes;
o Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs;
o Support for families, including respite schemes;
o Independent living schemes;
o Support in the community schemes;
o Snoezelen rooms.
Matched funding is welcomed. 
The Trust will not usually fund:
o Community Interest Companies;
o Individuals;
o Hospices;
o Minibuses, except those for residential and/or day care services for the learning disabled;
o Advocacy Projects;
o Conductive Education projects;
o Arts and theatre projects;
o Swimming and hydro-therapy pools;
o Physical disabilities, unless accompanied by significant learning disabilities;
o Research into or care of people with mental illness, dyslexia, dyspraxia nor ADHD, if they do not also have learning disabilities (intellectual disabilities);
o Acquired brain injury, unless the resulting learning disabilities occur early in the developmental period (ie birth, infancy or childhood), impacting on brain maturation and development and learning in childhood;
o Qualitative studies;
o University overheads;
o University Full Economic Costs;
o Open access publishing costs;
o Conference attendance;
o Anything considered by the Trust to be statutory.
PLEASE NOTE: a second application from an organisation will not normally be considered for a period of at least two years after completion of an initial grant. If the previous application was unsuccessful, this period is reduced to one year. This does not apply to recipients of funding through the Research Grants programme.
Small grant applications are accepted at any time.
The remaining 2018 deadlines for submitting a General grant application for over £10,000 are:
o Wednesday 1 August for consideration at the Trust’s November meeting; and
Saturday 1 December for consideration in March 2019.
Application forms are available to complete online at the Trust's website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Ann Cooper
Secretary to the Trustees
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
c/o TMF Management UK Limited
400 Capability Green
Tel: 01582 439225
(Source: GRIN)

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