Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Grants up to £3,000 for organisations in th UK and Republic of Ireland that are taking action to challenge the abuse of power and work towards  a just, equitable and sustainable world (application deadline 24 June 2018)
The Edge Fund awards grants to projects that are helping to achieve social, economic and environmental justice and to end imbalances in wealth and power.
The Edge Fund supports initiatives in the United Kingdom and Ireland that contribute towards the aspiration of a just, equitable and sustainable world.  Projects should challenge abuses of power and aim to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice. This could be the economic system, political system, or any system that discriminates against people based on their identity or background (for example: class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, age or other factors), especially:
o  Work that creates long-term change in society by addressing the causes of injustice and inequality.
o  Work addressing issues facing a particular community that is led by that community.
o Groups based in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
o Small groups that struggle to get funding elsewhere, particularly if other funders might consider them to be too radical. The average income of groups funded is approximately £2500.
o All types of non-profit organisations, including groups that are not formally registered.
o Groups who have a religious purpose are welcome to apply (but financial support for any activity, initiative or project where the primary aim is to promote religion cannot be funded).
Communities and campaign groups based in the UK and Republic of Ireland that are working for social, economic and environmental justice are eligible to apply for a grant of up to £3,000. PLEASE NOTE: applicants must have an annual income of less than £25,000.
Applicants should be:

o A not-for-profit organisation;
o Addressing issues facing a particular community (eg racism) to be led by that community (eg people of African and Asian heritage); and
o Small groups with a small annual income that struggle to get funding elsewhere. (To date, funding has not been awarded to any group with an annual income of more than £25,000; the average income of groups is around £2,500.)
Previous awards have included:

o Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment, Hertfordshire;
o Hands Off Our Homes, Leeds;
o Manchester Migrant Solidarity;
o Rebel Arts, Cambridge; and
o Sisters Uncut National Movement.
Funding is not available for:
o Traditional charity work that only aims to, for example, improve health and well-being, relieve financial hardship and unemployment, improve social inclusion and harmony, conserve the environment, advance education and training;
o Commercial or business activity;
o Political parties;
o Any activity, initiative or project where the primary aim is to promote religion;
o Groups or individuals outside of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland;
o International groups or issues; however, groups that are targeting the UK for its role in an injustice outside the UK can apply, eg a campaign against a UK-based corporation for their operations overseas;
o Applications from individuals;
o Work that is in partnership with, or promotes, the military or police;
o Organisations with an income exceeding £25,000; or
o Registered charities.
The closing date for applications midnight on Sunday 24 June 2018.
Further information, eligibility criteria together with an application form, is available to download from the Edge Fund's website.
Contact details for the Edge Fund are:
The Edge Fund 
Tel: 0776 7126915 or 0300123 1965 
(Source: GRIN)

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