Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Henry Moore Foundation

THE HENRY MOORE FOUNDATION – Grants up to £20,000 for a wide range of projects and activities in the UK involving visual arts (particularly sculpture), including student bursaries, fellowships for artists and grants to art institutions, galleries and museums. Typical projects include exhibitions, publications, commissions, conferences, workshops and lecture series (next application deadline 13 September 2018)
The Henry Moore Foundation offers grants to art galleries, museums and institutions concerned with art and art history (including UK universities) in the following categories:
1.  New Projects and commissions - to encourage new thinking about sculpture or sculpture history, or contributes to public awareness and appreciation of sculpture;
2. Acquisitions and collections - for museums and galleries who wish to acquire or conserve sculpture for their collections as well as for cataloging and display costs;
3. Research and Development:
o    Long-term Research - for projects that require funding for more than one year, such as a permanent collection catalogue;
o    Small Research Grants - for research on the history and interpretation of sculpture. Academics, curators and independent scholars may apply for research costs, eg travel, photographs, archival access.
4. Fellowships:
o    Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships - Fellowships are available in the field of sculpture studies. The awards are primarily to help scholars recently awarded PhDs to prepare a substantial publication or similar research output. Applicants must show that they have an affiliation with a British university department. Fellows who fail to fulfil their university obligations during the first year may have the second year of funding withdrawn;
o    Artist Residencies - the artist must be supported by a host institution for residencies that can last from two to six months. The host institution should apply for the grant.
5. Conferences, Lectures and Publications - this category supports books and journals, but not exhibition cataloges, as these are eligible under New Projects.
Support is available for international sculpture in Britain as well as British sculpture abroad.
The following grants are available:
1. New Projects - the maximum grant is £20,000 but most grants are for less.
2. Acquisitions and Collections - the maximum grant is £20,000 but most grants are for less.
3. Research and Development:
o    Long-term Research 
- (organisations only) the maximum grant is £20,000 but most grants are for less;
o    Small Research Grants - (individual academics, curators and sculptors) the maximum grant is £2,500.
4. Fellowships:
o    Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships - 
the Foundation awards a grant of up to £21,000 per annum towards the fellowship;
o    Artist Residencies - the maximum grant is £6,000.
5. Conferences, Lectures and Publications - the maximum grant is £5,000.
UK higher education institutions may receive bursaries for post-graduate students.
During the year ending 31 March 2017 the Foundation allocated £467,821 in grants.
Applications are assessed in terms of their:
o Development of the study of sculpture;
o Contribution to the public awareness and understanding of sculpture;
o Encouragement of new thinking in sculpture, including the history of sculpture;
o Artistic quality; and
o Careful financial management.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Revenue expenditure;
o Retrospective costs;
o Projects dedicated to painting;
o Individual applicants (except for the Small Research Grant).
The final two application deadlines for 2018 are:
o Thursday 13 September; and
o Tuesday 11 December.
Application forms are available to complete online at the Foundation's website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Ms Lesley Wake
Henry Moore Foundation 
Dane Tree House 
Perry Green 
Much Hadham 
SG10 6EE 
Tel: 01279 843333 
(Source: GRIN)

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