Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Rosa Justice and Equality Fund

Rosa's Justice and Equality Fund (the JEF) aims to make workplaces and other contexts just, safe and equitable for all and ensure that anyone who has been subjected to harassment and abuse, including sexual violence at work, is better able to access support and justice.
Rosa's Justice and Equality Fund is making up to £1 million available in total for work in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Within the Justice and Equality Fund there are 3 programmes (click on each heading for further details of the respective programme):
To be eligible, applicants must:
o Be a charitable organisation. (Although it is not required to be a registered charity, the activities must be charitable and legal.);
o Have relevant experience in the approach they want to pursue with JEF funding;
o Have a strong track-record in actively addressing issues of equality in their work and reaching out to those groups and individuals who face the greatest barriers;
o Be well-connected and demonstrably collaborative in their approach;
o Have the ability and ambition to mobilise other organisations / be effective influencers; and
o Be willing and able to take part in communication activity about their JEF-funded work.
Applications to support partnership working are welcome. Partnerships can be with other charitable organisations, unions, businesses, local councils, schools, universities, arts and sports organisations or any other organisation or institution which will help change happen.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o The purchase or upgrade of physical assets such as buildings or equipment;
o Work that substitutes or overlaps with statutory service provision;
o Work that should be provided by statutory organisations;
o Party Political activities;
o Activities promoting religious beliefs;
o Overseas travel or work outside the UK;
o Interest payment on loans;
o One-off conferences or events unless they are part of a longer-term strategy;
o Fundraising events;
o Work that has already taken place;or
o Specialist organisations providing emotional support to victims/survivors of harassment and abuse across one or more of the four countries.
Go to ROSA’s website for further details and application deadlines for each of the 3 programmes.
PLEASE NOTE: applicants are 'strongly encouraged' to send an email to Rosa to start an initial conversation before they commence the application process.
Contact details for Rosa are:
United House 
4th Floor 
North Road 
N7 9DP 
Tel: 020 7697 3466 

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