Thursday, 31 March 2011

Where do your donations go?

I came across an interesting article yesterday, written by the Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB). They commissioned a survey that asks donors what their concerns were about charity fundraising. The overwhelming response from those asked, was that they were concerned how their donations were spent.

It made me think that no matter what size the fundraising group involved is, or the amount raised is, it is still important to explain where the money goes, and how it makes a difference. How the message is relayed is really important, as a relationship between the fundraising group and the donor needs to be built on trust. One only has to look at Red Nose Day to see how effective this relationship can be in bringing forth donations. The same principle applies to small, grass roots community groups. The recent Community Renewal Grant Scheme administered by PAVO, showed communities and donors in a very visible way how their donations had helped.

To access the FRSB report go to:

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