Thursday, 30 April 2015


We haven’t run an item on Awards for All for a while, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to remind subscribers that this is an excellent - and quite probably the UK’s leading, -small grants scheme with an astonishing track record for a national scheme. It continues to fund 6 out of 10 applications.
Applications can be made by:
o Registered Charities
o Voluntary groups,
o Schools,
o Town and Parish Councils,
o Health bodies, including NHS Hospital Trusts and Foundation Hospitals
o Social enterprises, including CIC’s, Co-operatives and Friendly Societies and other companies that are not-for-profit.
Grants between £300 and £10,000 are available with no match funding requirement.
Organisations can apply for up to £10,000 in any 12 month period and repeat applications are welcomed from organisations with an annual turnover of less than £30,000 in their last financial year.
Awards for All particularly encourages applications from new groups, which is quite distinct from many grant providers, who prefer applicants to have established a track record of delivering successful projects.
The programme will fund projects that meet one or more of the following outcomes:
•People have better chances in life - with better access to training and development to improve their life skills.
•Stronger communities - with more active citizens working together to tackle issues within the community.
•Improved rural and urban environments - which communities are better able to access and enjoy.
•Healthier and more active people and communities.
One of the best things about Awards for All is that it encourages applications to be made online and doesn’t ask for any supporting information until an application has been assessed and a grant offer is on the table.
A few years ago, Awards for All would accept applications for arts, heritage and sports projects, but these all have their own small grant programmes which, in our view, are significantly more difficult to access than Awards for All. For details of these small grant schemes, click on the following links:
Applications to Awards for All can be submitted at any time and normally take up to 4 months to assess.
If you've got a project that fits into any of the Awards for All outcomes we strongly urge you to consider applying to this exemplary grant scheme - and if you need any advice on how to present a case for funding, we're happy to help (just email us
For further information, visit the Awards for All website.
Contact details for Awards for All are:
Awards for All Enquiries
BIG Lottery Fund
Head Office
1 Plough Place
London EC4A 1DE
Tel: 08454 10 20 30

(Source: GRIN)

Pink Ribbon Foundation

Each year, the Pink Ribbon Foundation invites charities registered in the UK who are concerned with breast cancer to apply for funding from monies it has raised throughout the year.
Grants up to £5,000 are available and can be used to help with revenue, capital, or project costs.
The funding is offered to charities, both small and large, whose objects are to:
o Relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or have been affected by, breast cancer by providing, or assisting in the provision of, information, care or emotional, practical and financial support; and to
o Advance public education in the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment, in particular but not exclusively by commissioning, or conducting, research into the causes, detection and treatment of breast cancer and by disseminating the results of such research.
The Foundation is keen to support initiatives which promote a positive view of living with breast cancer.
It welcomes applications from all ethnic and minority groups.
The 2015 deadline for applications is Friday 29 May.
Grants will be awarded in mid to late July 2015.
An application form and further information can be found on The Pink Ribbon Foundation website.
(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 27 April 2015


The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation has a long-standing interest in food and in its impact on people, communities and the wider environment.
Its Food Grants are available to charities and not-for-profit organisations in the UK for projects promoting the important role food plays in community well-being (this includes people and livestock). Charities do not need to be registered charities to apply, but the Foundation can only fund work that is legally charitable.
Grants are normally for £5,000 or more. Applicants are advised to apply for the amount they need. There is no maximum grant amount. However, the Foundation makes only a small number of grants in excess of £500,000 and it is unusual for the Foundation to give a grant of this size or larger to an organisation with which it does not already have a relationship.
Grants are available to support organisations’ core or project costs, including staff salaries and overheads.
Funding priorities are as follows:
o Food and wellbeing - funding is available for exemplary and high impact work that improves people’s understanding of the role of food in their lives and the impact it can have on personal and community wellbeing. In particular, the Fund seeks to influence changes in public preferences, attitudes and behaviours. This can be simple but should be on a scale that influences and drives how food is produced, transported, marketed and consumed and can influence significant numbers of people. Approaches that are engaging, participatory and educational without 'preaching' to people are sought.
o Local innovation in alternative approaches - funding is available for inventive local projects that demonstrate alternative approaches to mainstream corporate food production and consumption. These exemplify viable food production methods that do less harm to the natural environment than conventional food production practices, while enhancing the lives of people and livestock. Suitable projects will involve local communities and should have the ability to be widely replicable if successful. Applicants should articulate how their project might help to influence policy and practice.
o Working towards a more coherent food sector - Food Grants aim to foster closer links between those who can influence changes in food production, distribution and consumption, such as third sector community food groups and retailers. This will include work that links advocates of change in the food system with academics and sources of research and evidence. Support is also available for work that aims to persuade mainstream food businesses of all sizes to engage with the food sustainability agenda and to seek sustainable sources of supply.
Funding is also available for organisations that have the capacity and skills to engage policy makers at national regional and local level. For this, applications are sought from organisations with a track record of gathering and presenting persuasive, evidence-based arguments.
Through this funding, the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation hopes to see:
o High quality, innovative local food projects, particularly those that can become financially sustainable and are replicable.
o Closer links between non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community groups, producers, retailers and industry in order to create a more coherent food sector.
o A demonstrable improvement in people’s understanding of the place that food plays in our lives and that delivers behaviour changes.
o Greater demand for food that is produced more sustainably and approaches with the capacity to influence a large number of consumers.
o A prioritisation of sustainable food production and consumption in local and national policy, practice and decision-making.
Applications may be submitted at any time. Applicants are, however, first advised to take the online eligibility quiz.
The Foundation has a two-stage application process. Applicants should first make an online first stage application to allow the Foundation to make an initial assessment and decide whether to take the application to the second stage. Applicants that are successful at this stage will be invited to make a second stage application.
Visit the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation website for further information.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
Kings Place
90 York Way
London N1 9AG
Tel: 020 7812 3700
(Source: GRIN)

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Foyle Foundation Main Grants Programme

The Foyle Foundation Main Grants Programme is available for UK charities and schools.
The majority of grants are generally in the range of £10,000 to £50,000, although nominally they can be for up to £500,000. Applications for less than £10,000 per annum are not normally accepted. (The Foundation's Small Grants Scheme, featured in yesterday's bulletin, considers applications between £1,000 and £10,000.)
Of the grants awarded by the Foundation in the financial year ending 31 December 2013,  68 were Arts related totalling £2,522,400; 44 were Learning related totalling £1,726,750, and 120 were School Library grants totalling £624, 150  
There are two strands under the Main Grant Programme: Arts andLearning:
The Arts Programme seeks applications that make a strong artistic case for support in either the performing or visual arts.
Funding is available to help sustain the arts and to support projects that particularly help to deliver artistic vision. Typical areas of support include:
• Helping to make the arts more accessible by developing new audiences, supporting tours, festivals and arts educational projects.
• Encouraging new work and supporting young and emerging artists.
• Building and infrastructure projects to construct new arts facilities or improve or re-equip existing arts venues.
• Projects that reduce overheads or which help generate additional revenue.
Generally grants are made for specific projects/activities. Consideration will also be given to applications for core funding but generally only from smaller organisations or from those not receiving recurrent revenue funding from the Arts Council or local authorities.
The Learning Programme will support projects which facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and which have a long-term strategic impact.
Key areas for support are:
• Libraries, museums and archives.
• Special educational needs and learning difficulties.
• Projects that reduce overheads or which help generate additional revenue will also be considered.
Applications are accepted from UK registered charities. State funded secondary and primary schools are eligible to apply for projects with direct educational benefit, but must explain why their project cannot be funded from statutory or other projects funding.
An organisation may only apply for one grant per year. Capital and revenue projects are supported.
Applicants should state what other sources of funding have been sought and secured.
Application forms are available to download from theFoundation's website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Foyle Foundation
Rugby Chambers
2 Rugby Street
London WC1N 3QU
Tel: 020 7430 9119

(Source: GRIN)

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Foyle Foundation Small Grants Scheme

The Foyle Foundation Small Grants Scheme provides grants between £1,000 and £10,000 to small, grassroots UK charities for projects that will make a significant impact to their work.
UK charities with an annual turnover of less than £100,000 are eligible to apply.
During the financial year ending 31 December 2013, the Foundation received 776 small grant applications, of which 128 (16.5%) were successful. In total, £604,000 was awarded from the Small Grants Scheme.
The Foundation also runs an Arts, Learning and a School Libraries scheme and awarded grants totalling £6.5 million in the last financial year. Theser Foyle Foundation grant schemes will be featured in tomorrow's GRIN bulletin.
Funding is not available for the following:
o Organisations which hold operational surpluses or reserves up to the value of three months' turnover.
o Applications from individuals.
o Charities with an annual turnover of more than £100,000.
o Larger or national charities.
o Requests for multi-year funding awards.
Applications can be submitted at any time. Completed application forms should be accompanied by a signed copy of the organisation's latest accounts.
Eligible organisations should evidence how a grant will positively impact their work.
Applicants are advised if they have not received a decision within four months they have been unsuccessful in their bid.
For further information visit the Foyle Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Foyle Foundation
Rugby Chambers
2 Rugby Street
London WC1N 3QU
Tel: 020 7430 9119

(Source: GRIN)

Friday, 17 April 2015


Macmillan's Supporting You to Help Others Grants Programme can fund cancer self help and support groups, their activities and user involvement projects, together with associated activities.
Applications are welcomed from groups and individuals that contribute to achieving Macmillan’s Inclusion Strategy andMacmillan’s nine outcomes for people affected by cancer.
The aim of the Supporting You to Help Others Grant Programme is to provide people affected by cancer with opportunities to use their experiences to support others, while also receiving support themselves.
The following grants are available:
•A maximum of £500 for projects that have been running for less than 12 months.
•A maximum of £3,000 for projects that have been in existence for more than 12 months.
•Individual development - the actual cost of the activity (or the requested level of contribution to it), plus associated costs such as travel, accommodation, for a maximum of two people per group (if applicable).
Funding is available for the following:
•Start-up costs for new self help and support and user groups.
•Development funds to support the ongoing activities and development of self help and support projects for people affected by cancer.
•User Involvement Grants to encourage the involvement of people affected by cancer in the design and improvement of cancer services.
•Individual Development Grants to enable people affected by cancer to develop their skills and use their cancer experience to help support others affected by cancer.
The following are examples of eligible projects: 
•Start up funding for a new self help and support group, to cover costs such as room hire, refreshments, equipment, and other general running costs.
•IT equipment and computer/website software to fund a project to develop and extend its reach through publicity.
•An annual social activity or event for an established group of regular support group attendees (with or without transport).
•An activity based support programme for an established group formed around a shared interest or hobby, eg art, gardening or a sport.
•Events that aim to engage members of the community that are hard to reach.
•Conference attendance and overnight accommodation (up to two people per application) to increase awareness, understanding and skills relating to self help and support.
•Production of a monthly newsletter for members who cannot travel to face to face meetings.
•A meeting between local health professionals and people affected by cancer, to raise awareness of their particular needs and barriers to accessing support.
The following groups are eligible to apply: 
•Individuals or groups of people affected by cancer.
•Organisations and professionals working in partnership with people affected by cancer.
Organisations must:
•Have a bank or building society account in the name of the organisation with at least two authorised signatories.
•Have proper safeguards in place to protect the welfare of children, young people or vulnerable adults (if applicable).
•Assess the risks associated with each funded project or activity and ensure that all activities are appropriate for the intended participants.
•Ensure that effective health and safety procedures are in place to safeguard participants.
•Ensure that public liability and personal accident insurance cover is in place to mitigate the impact of claims arising from the funded project or activity.
Applicants are asked to contact their local Macmillan Involvement Coordinator (MIC) at the earliest opportunity to discuss an application.
Application forms are available to download from the Macmillan website.
The remaining 2015 application deadlines are:
o Friday 15 May
o Friday 24 July, and
o Friday 16 October
Contact details for the fund are:
The Inclusion Team Administrator
Macmillan Cancer Support
89 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7UQ
Tel:020 7840 4936

(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust Regional Round Open to Applications in Wales

Grants of up to £7,500 are available for not-for-profit organisations in Wales that have a remit to serve a region or local authority-wide area.

Funding is available for projects in the following four areas:

   - Sport - The Trust is keen to support volunteer-based projects, particularly from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.  In addition, the Trust recognises the difference that coaching can make to the development of a sport and is keen to fund equipment and coaching costs if the need has been clearly identified.
   - The Arts - The Trust aims to give more people the opportunity to enjoy the diversity of performing and visual arts in Wales.  The Trust particularly favours proposals which expand and improve arts provision in parts of the country less well served than others and will give priority to organisations which strive to work together to share experiences, practices and ideas.
   - The Environment - The Trust encourages applications relating to recycling, developing green spaces, the development and promotion of green practices and the promotion of public transport schemes.  Projects that improve the quality of Wales' environment, protect and create a vibrant countryside, and develop and promote sustainable land use planning will be a priority for support. The Trust aims to fund programmes that protect and enhance Wales' natural heritage and promote its sustainable use and enjoyment in a way which contributes to local economic prosperity and social inclusion.
   - The Community - The Trust will give priority to organisations that are looking to tackle social, personal, economic or cultural barriers within their own communities.  In particular, projects that lead to greater independence and give people more control over their lives will be given priority.  The Trust welcomes applications that give people a voice to express their needs and hopes. The Trust is keen to help disabled people to challenge barriers and to be active and visible in their local communities.

The deadline for applications is 29 July 2015 (12 noon).

(Source: Grantfinder)

BUPA UK Foundation to Open in May

The BUPA UK Foundation is expected to provide up to £1 million in grants in 2015 to support health and social care projects across the UK.

The funding will be offered through clearly defined funding programmes, each of which will be focused on a different theme. The theme of the first funding round will be announced in mid-May when the Foundation opens to applications, with funding decisions expected in the summer.

The Foundation expects to fund a small number of practical projects and initiatives that aim to tackle critical challenges in health and social care, deliver public benefit and make a direct impact on people's health and wellbeing.

The Foundation has a strong interest in tackling health conditions that can affect everyone, including heart health, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and dementia. It will also focus on important factors that underpin good health, such as mental health, ageing and wellness, the prevention of long-term conditions, and behaviour change to improve health and wellbeing.

The Foundation is currently inviting interested groups to comment and provide their ideas on:

   - Themes or challenges they would like to see the Foundation tackle through its funding programmes.
   - Its approach to grant-making and the kinds of projects and initiatives it plans to fund.

This can be done by taking a short survey on the Bupa UK Foundation website.

Full details of the fund will be provided when it opens in mid-May 2015.

(Source: Grant finder)

G C Gibson Charitable Trust

West Country based the GC Gibson Charitable Trust was established in 1968 by George Gibson by a grant of shares in his shipping business, based in Cardiff, called Atlantic Shipping.
The fund today is worth £12 million and invests in quoted equities aiming to grow its capital and yet provide a income which is paid out annually in small grants to around 200 charities.
The GC Gibson Charity offers grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 to a wide range of small and medium sized charities operating in the UK.
Funding is often provided for many years and the trustees put no restrictions on expenditure.
During the financial year ending 31 March 2014 the Trust allocated £566,844, a slight decrease on the previous year’s allocation of £619,600.
Priority is given to charities that the trustees have previously worked with.
However, a number of charities are added to the Trust’s grant funding portfolio each year. For these new applications, The Trust focuses on a particular theme and this changes from year to year.
The Trust’s current theme is:
o Supporting innovative education or training projects that benefit disadvantaged young people.
Applications are accepted from:
o Charities that are UK registered (although they can operate anywhere in the world);
o Smaller charities where the impact of the Trust’s funding has a greater impact and is less likely to become lost.
Applications for 2015 will be accepted from Saturday 1st August and must be made via the Trust’s online application form.
For further details, visit the GC Gibson Charitable Trust website.

(source: GRIN)

Monday, 13 April 2015

Heritage groups offered free coaching to hone fundraising skills

Wales’s museums, libraries and other heritage and environmental organisations are being offered the chance to give their fundraising a major boost.

Eligible organisations have a month left to apply to Catalyst Cymru - Heritage fundraising’s one-off free executive coaching programme, in which fundraising experts will show senior staff and board members how to improve their fundraising skills and help their groups thrive over the long term.

Delivered by leading Welsh heritage fundraising consultancy The Funding Centre, the coaching – which needs to be applied for by May 1 - would normally cost thousands of pounds.

‘The impact of austerity spending cuts is perhaps being felt most keenly in the heritage sector, where funding for museums, libraries and environmental organisations is currently very tight,’ said Catalyst Cymru - Heritage Fundraising Project Officer Richard Roberts.

‘We know that as well as finding this funding climate very challenging, many heritage organisations don’t have the resources or expertise to develop their fundraising in the way that they would like.

‘The executive coaching package will help staff increase their skills, confidence and knowledge to fundraise from private and other income sources to sustain their organisation's future and be more resilient and capable of securing appropriate and diverse funding sources,’ Richard added.

Applicants must be a heritage organisation as described by the Heritage Lottery Fund ( looking-funding/what-we-fund):

·         Buildings and Monuments
·         Community Heritage
·         Cultures and Memories
·         Land and natural heritage
·         Industrial, maritime and transport
·         Museums, libraries and archives
Coaching is open to organisations irrespective of their size or fundraising experience.  The package is flexible but could include problem solving sessions and training delivered in face-to-face meetings, phone/skype calls and emails.

Priority will be given to projects which show an organisational commitment to fundraising, which have the potential to demonstrate a step-change in fundraising, and which are willing to share the results of their training.

Catalyst Cymru - Heritage Fundraising is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and run by a partnership of third sector umbrella body Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA), the Welsh Government’s CyMAL: Museums Archives and Libraries Wales, and The Funding Centre.
The programme is part of a broader partnership initiative between HLF, DCMS and Arts Council England, which aims to encourage private giving to culture and heritage, and to build the capacity and skills of cultural and heritage organisations to fundraise from private donors, corporate sources, trusts and foundations.
WCVA Chief Executive Ruth Marks said: ‘The Catalyst Cymru programme is an innovative collaboration that provides real benefits for the sector – this is an opportunity not to be missed.’
For further information about the Executive Coaching, please contact Richard Roberts on 01970-631148 or

(Source: WCVA)

Powys Environmental Partnership Small Grant Scheme 2015-16

Powys Environmental Partnership Small Grant Scheme aims to help communities enhance their environment or surroundings.

  • Community groups are invited to apply for up to £750 to deliver their project. 
  • All funds must be match funded pound for pound by the group
  • Funded projects must be completed by 31st March 2016 

Projects must be within Powys.

Application windows 2015: 

  • Spring – closing date 12th June 2015 
  • Late summer – closing date 11th September 2015 

For further information, including an application form and full terms and conditions

Powys Environmental Partnership Small Grant Scheme is supported by Natural Resources Wales and the Welsh Government.

Heritage Lottery Fund Environmental Projects

Heritage Lottery Fund are delivering a presentation for environmental projects on Wednesday 29 April 2015 in Plas Dolerw Conference Centre, Newtown.
During the presentation, we will cover:
What HLF mean by natural heritage?
What funding programmes are available?

How can environmental projects meet our outcomes?
                         The HLF application process

The session will be held between 1205 – 1250pm
The workshop is for any not for profit group.

Booking is not required, but places may be limited and will be given on a first come first served basis.

For more information, please contact

We hope you can attend.

Heritage Lottery Fund 1-2-1 Funding meetings - Newtown, Wednesday 29th April 2015

At the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) we know that some community and voluntary groups are nervous of filling in grant application forms. This is why we offer a one-to-one advice service where you can meet officer’s and talk through your project and the process of applying for a grant. 

We fund heritage projects but that doesn’t just mean old buildings.  It can also include history and heritage reflected through communities, people’s memories and stories and working with young people to explore ideas of identity and place.

Julie Hughes, Development Officer at HLF, will be at Plas Dolerw in Newtown on Wednesday 29th April 2015.

If you would like to book a meeting, please contact Emmelia Booth on 029 2034 3413 or by Wednesday 22nd April.
You will need to provide us with some basic information before the meeting itself and ask that is done via our website by Wednesday 22nd April.

Cyfarfodydd Ariannu Un-i-Un Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri
Dydd Mercher 29 Ebrill 2015

Yng Nghronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri (CDL) rydym yn ymwybodol fod rhai grwpiau cymunedol a gwirfoddol yn nerfus am lenwi ffurflenni a gwneud ceisiadau am arian. Dyna pam yr ydym yn cynnig gwasanaeth cynghori un-i-un lle y gallwch gyfarfod swyddogion a thrafod eich prosiect.

Mae gennym ffocws dreftadaeth clir ond nid yw hyn yn golygu dim ond adeiladau a chadwraeth, gall hefyd gynnwys hanes a threftadaeth a adlewyrchir drwy gymunedau, straeon ac atgofion pobl a gweithio gyda phobl ifanc i archwilio syniadau o hunaniaeth a lle.

Bydd Julie Hughes, Swyddog Datblygu CDL, yn Plas Dolerw yn Y Drenewydd ar ddydd Mercher  29 Ebrill 2015.

Mae Casnewydd yn Ardal Datblygu Blaenoriaethol ar gyfer y CDL. Mae hyn yn golygu ein bod yn awyddus i dderbyn mwy o geisiadau grant o'r ardal a helpu i greu cyfleoedd ar gyfer prosiectau treftadaeth newydd.

Os hoffech fynychu cyflwyniad am raglenni grantiau CDL a / neu archebu cyfarfod un-i-un, cysylltwch â Emmelia Booth ar 029 2034 3413 neu cyn dydd Mercher 22 Ebrill 2015.

Bydd rhaid i chi ein darparu gyda ychydig o wybodaeth sylfaenol cyn y cyfarfod ei hun, a dylech wneud hyn drwy ein gwefan erbyn dydd Mercher 22 Ebrill 2015.


The Souter Charitable Trust’s stated policy is to assist, projects engaged in the relief of human suffering in the UK or overseas, particularly those that:
(i) have a Christian emphasis and
(ii) promote spiritual welfare.
Grants are normally awarded to charitable organisations but not to individuals or in support of requests on behalf of individuals.
No maximum or minimum grant levels are specified.
Each application is assessed individually and assessed on its own merits.
The Trust prefers to provide a contribution towards the revenue costs of a project, but does not tend to fund capital projects or research.
Applications for building projects, personal educational requirements and expeditions are specifically excluded.
Applications may be submitted at any time and should be made in writing to the Trust administrator.
An application should be no more than two sides of A4.
Applicants may also send audited accounts, but are requested not to send brochures, business plans, videos etc. Further information may be requested if the Trustees consider it to be necessary.
Visit the Souter Charitable Trust website for further information.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Trust Administrator
The Souter Charitable Trust
PO Box 7412
Tel: 01738 450 408 


Active Communities grant fund

The People’s Health Trust (PHT) have recently launched Active Communities grant fund in North Wales (Powys, Gwynedd, Anglesey, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham), and they are looking to invest in local projects that ‘bring people together’.  (Their launch press release can be found here)

Grants of between £5,000 and £50,000 (over a two year period) are available to eligible groups in eligible areas!

In order to establish if you are an eligible group in an eligible area, you will need to go to the application webpage here and use the map.

PHT require the projects to:
·         Be designed and led by local people
·         Create stronger connections between people
·         Be seeking funding of between £5,000 and £25,000 a year
·         Last for between twelve months and two years
·         Be small and local, for example, a few streets, a small village or be a community of interest, experiencing social and economic disadvantage
·         Be in one or more of our fundable neighbourhoods
For example:
·         A women’s volunteering group run by and for Bengali women
·         Computer skills support group run for and by older people
·         Support for local people to become community organisers

However, time is of the essence. The application process has two stages:

Stage 1 involves completing a short application form, explaining what your project will do, highlighting how your project will bring people together and how local people will lead on the activity. PHT will assess the Stage 1 applications within five working days and if successful you will be invited to complete Stage 2.

Stage 2 looks at the finer details – break down of the costs, your governing document and audited accounts (or evidence of cash flow if you are a new group).


AVOW is hosting two information sessions on Friday 10th April:

10am -  Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre, Hampden Way, LL14 3US  map
2pm – Caia Park Partnership, Prince Charles Road, Wrexham, LL13 8TH map

Please pass on this email to anyone you think might be interested.

Please email or call 01978 312556 (and ask for Kate Harcus) for further details.

Kind regards,


Thursday, 2 April 2015

People's Postcode Trust - Small Grants Programme Open to Applications (South of England, Scotland and Wales)

Funding is available for projects that advance citizenship or community development in South of England, Scotland, and Wales.

Registered charities, SCIOs, constituted voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, community interest companies (CIC), not-for-profit organisations and sports clubs are eligible to apply. Grants range from £500 to £20,000 for organisations in Scotland and South of England and up to £10,000 for those in Wales. 
For this round, applicants from England must be based in one of the following regions:
  • South West England - Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire, Devon, Cornwall.
  • South East England - Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and West Sussex.
  • East of England - Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, East Anglia.
Funding is available for projects that advance citizenship or community development. Advancing community development involves creating opportunities for the community to learn new skills and, by enabling people to act together, helps further social inclusion and equality.
The Trust is looking for projects that engage local communities and leaves a positive long term impact beyond the duration of funding. Priority will be given to projects that are focused on improving life for disadvantaged groups and encouraging their inclusion within society.
Projects that have a focus on sport, health, reducing poverty, environmental improvement or the advancement of human rights are still eligible for funding as long as they are strong in meeting the above community development criterion.
The deadline for applications is 30 April 2015.
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • East of England
  • South East
  • South West